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# burry.js
A simple caching layer on the browser's localStorage
## Usage
### Creation
Create a Burry `Store`, optionally passing a namespace. A default store is always available with no namespace:
var burry = new Burry.Store('mystuff');
If you want to also set a default time-to-live on a namespaced store, pass the time-to-live as a second parameter. For instance,
var burrywithttl = new Burry.Store('mystuff', 10);
will create a store where the default time-to-live when you set items is 10 minutes.
You can obtain all available stores, by invoking `stores()`:
var stores = Burry.stores(); // stores is ['', 'mystuff']
### Getting/Setting
`set` and `get` JSON-serializable javascript objects easily to and from the cache.
burry.set('foo', {bar: 'burry'});
var foo = burry.get('foo'); // foo is {bar: 'burry'}
foo = burry.get('unknown'); // foo is undefined
You can specify a time-to-live per key/value. This is expressed in minutes:
burry.set('foo', {bar: 'burry'}, 10);
var foo = burry.get('foo'); // foo is {bar: 'burry'}
// Ten minutes later...
foo = burry.get('foo'); // foo is undefined and also removed from localStorage
Attempting to `set` when the `localStorage` is full, will try again after flushing expired key/values from the cache. If this does not succeed either, your `set` will be ignored.
### Counters
You can increment/decrement persistent counters. If the counter does not exist, it is initialized with the value 0.
var counter = burry.get('counter'); // counter === 2
counter = burry.get('counter'); // counter === 1
### Helpers
The following more esoteric functions are also exposed:
* `burry.add(key, value, ttl)`, same as `set` except it will only add the key if it does not already exist, or it has already expired.
* `burry.replace(key, value, ttl)`, same as `set` except it will only add the key if it does already exist and has not expired.
* `burry.flush()`, removes from `localStorage` all Burry items.
* `burry.flushExpired()`, removes from `localStorage` all expired Burry items of the store.
* `Burry.flushExpired()`, removes from `localStorage` all expired Burry items of all stores.
* `burry.keys()`, returns all stored keys.
* `burry.expirableKeys()` return an dictionary of key/values where the values are the TTL of the keys from Epoch.
* `burry.hasExpired(key)`, returns whether a key has expired.
* `Burry.isSupported()`, returns whether `localStorage` and `JSON` serialization are supported on the browser.
## License
Backbone.xmpp.storage is Copyright (C) 2012 Yiorgis Gozadinos, Riot AS.
It is distributed under the MIT license.