
133 lines
4.9 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import { _converse, api, converse } from '@converse/headless/core';
import { __ } from 'i18n';
const u = converse.env.utils;
function getChatBoxWidth (view) {
if (view.model.get('id') === 'controlbox') {
// We return the width of the controlbox or its toggle,
// depending on which is visible.
if (u.isVisible(view)) {
return u.getOuterWidth(view, true);
} else {
return u.getOuterWidth(_converse.controlboxtoggle.el, true);
} else if (!view.model.get('minimized') && u.isVisible(view)) {
return u.getOuterWidth(view, true);
return 0;
function getShownChats () {
return _converse.chatboxviews.filter(el =>
// The controlbox can take a while to close,
// so we need to check its state. That's why we checked the 'closed' state.
!el.model.get('minimized') && !el.model.get('closed') && u.isVisible(el)
function getMinimizedWidth () {
const minimized_el = _converse.minimized_chats?.el;
return _converse.chatboxes.pluck('minimized').includes(true) ? u.getOuterWidth(minimized_el, true) : 0;
function getBoxesWidth (newchat) {
const new_id = newchat ? newchat.model.get('id') : null;
const newchat_width = newchat ? u.getOuterWidth(newchat.el, true) : 0;
return Object.values(_converse.chatboxviews.xget(new_id))
.reduce((memo, view) => memo + getChatBoxWidth(view), newchat_width);
* This method is called when a newly created chat box will be shown.
* It checks whether there is enough space on the page to show
* another chat box. Otherwise it minimizes the oldest chat box
* to create space.
* @private
* @method _converse.ChatBoxViews#trimChats
* @param { _converse.ChatBoxView|_converse.ChatRoomView|_converse.ControlBoxView|_converse.HeadlinesBoxView } [newchat]
export async function trimChats (newchat) {
if (_converse.isTestEnv() || api.settings.get('no_trimming') || !api.connection.connected() || api.settings.get("view_mode") !== 'overlayed') {
const shown_chats = getShownChats();
if (shown_chats.length <= 1) {
const body_width = u.getOuterWidth(document.querySelector('body'), true);
if (getChatBoxWidth(shown_chats[0]) === body_width) {
// If the chats shown are the same width as the body,
// then we're in responsive mode and the chats are
// fullscreen. In this case we don't trim.
await api.waitUntil('minimizedChatsInitialized');
const minimized_el = _converse.minimized_chats?.el;
if (minimized_el) {
while ((getMinimizedWidth() + getBoxesWidth(newchat)) > body_width) {
const new_id = newchat ? newchat.model.get('id') : null;
const oldest_chat = getOldestMaximizedChat([new_id]);
if (oldest_chat) {
// We hide the chat immediately, because waiting
// for the event to fire (and letting the
// ChatBoxView hide it then) causes race
// conditions.
const view = _converse.chatboxviews.get(oldest_chat.get('id'));
if (view) {
} else {
function getOldestMaximizedChat (exclude_ids) {
// Get oldest view (if its id is not excluded)
let i = 0;
let model = _converse.chatboxes.sort().at(i);
while (exclude_ids.includes(model.get('id')) || model.get('minimized') === true) {
model = _converse.chatboxes.at(i);
if (!model) {
return null;
return model;
export function addMinimizeButtonToChat (view, buttons) {
const data = {
'a_class': 'toggle-chatbox-button',
'handler': ev => view.model.minimize(ev),
'i18n_text': __('Minimize'),
'i18n_title': __('Minimize this chat'),
'icon_class': "fa-minus",
'name': 'minimize',
'standalone': _converse.api.settings.get("view_mode") === 'overlayed'
const names = buttons.map(t => t.name);
const idx = names.indexOf('close');
return idx > -1 ? [...buttons.slice(0, idx), data, ...buttons.slice(idx)] : [data, ...buttons];
export function addMinimizeButtonToMUC (view, buttons) {
const data = {
'a_class': 'toggle-chatbox-button',
'handler': ev => view.model.minimize(ev),
'i18n_text': __('Minimize'),
'i18n_title': __('Minimize this groupchat'),
'icon_class': "fa-minus",
'name': 'minimize',
'standalone': _converse.api.settings.get("view_mode") === 'overlayed'
const names = buttons.map(t => t.name);
const idx = names.indexOf('signout');
return idx > -1 ? [...buttons.slice(0, idx), data, ...buttons.slice(idx)] : [data, ...buttons];