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2013-04-15 10:01:07 +02:00
*Plugin to implement the MUC extension.
*Previous Author:
Nathan Zorn <nathan.zorn@gmail.com>
*Complete CoffeeScript rewrite:
Andreas Guth <guth@dbis.rwth-aachen.de>
*Cleanup, AMD/global registrations and bugfixes:
JC Brand <jc@opkode.com>
// AMD/global registrations
(function (root, factory) {
if (typeof console === undefined || typeof console.log === undefined) {
console = { log: function () {}, error: function () {} };
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
], function () {
if (console===undefined || console.log===undefined) {
console = { log: function () {}, error: function () {} };
return factory(jQuery, console);
} else {
return factory(jQuery, console);
}(this, function ($, console) {
(function() {
var Occupant, RoomConfig, XmppRoom,
__bind = function(fn, me){ return function(){ return fn.apply(me, arguments); }; };
Strophe.addConnectionPlugin('muc', {
_connection: null,
rooms: [],
init: function(conn) {
/* Initialize the MUC plugin. Sets the correct connection object and
* extends the namesace.
this._connection = conn;
this._muc_handler = null;
Strophe.addNamespace('MUC_OWNER', Strophe.NS.MUC + "#owner");
Strophe.addNamespace('MUC_ADMIN', Strophe.NS.MUC + "#admin");
Strophe.addNamespace('MUC_USER', Strophe.NS.MUC + "#user");
return Strophe.addNamespace('MUC_ROOMCONF', Strophe.NS.MUC + "#roomconfig");
join: function(room, nick, msg_handler_cb, pres_handler_cb, roster_cb, password) {
/* Join a multi-user chat room
* Parameters:
* (String) room - The multi-user chat room to join.
* (String) nick - Optional nickname to use in the chat room.
* (Function) msg_handler_cb - The function call to handle messages from the specified chat room.
* (Function) pres_handler_cb - The function call back to handle presence in the chat room.
* (String) password - The optional password to use. (password protected rooms only)
var msg, room_nick, _this = this;
room_nick = this.test_append_nick(room, nick);
msg = $pres({
from: this._connection.jid,
to: room_nick
}).c("x", {
xmlns: Strophe.NS.MUC
if (password !== null) {
msg.cnode(Strophe.xmlElement("password", [], password));
if (this._muc_handler === null) {
this._muc_handler = this._connection.addHandler(function(stanza) {
var from, handler, handlers, id, roomname, x, xmlns, xquery, _i, _len;
from = stanza.getAttribute('from');
roomname = from.split("/")[0];
if (!_this.rooms[roomname]) { return true; }
room = _this.rooms[roomname];
handlers = {};
if (stanza.nodeName === "message") {
handlers = room._message_handlers;
} else if (stanza.nodeName === "presence") {
xquery = stanza.getElementsByTagName("x");
if (xquery.length > 0) {
for (_i = 0, _len = xquery.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
x = xquery[_i];
xmlns = x.getAttribute("xmlns");
if (xmlns && xmlns.match(Strophe.NS.MUC)) {
handlers = room._presence_handlers;
_.each(handlers, function (handler, id, handlers) {
if (!handler(stanza, room)) { delete handlers[id]; }
return true;
if (!_.has(this.rooms, room)) {
this.rooms[room] = new XmppRoom(this, room, nick, password);
if (pres_handler_cb) {
this.rooms[room].addHandler('presence', pres_handler_cb);
if (msg_handler_cb) {
this.rooms[room].addHandler('message', msg_handler_cb);
if (roster_cb) {
this.rooms[room].addHandler('roster', roster_cb);
return this._connection.send(msg);
leave: function(room, nick, handler_cb, exit_msg) {
/* Leave a multi-user chat room
* Parameters:
* (String) room - The multi-user chat room to leave.
* (String) nick - The nick name used in the room.
* (Function) handler_cb - Optional function to handle the successful leave.
* (String) exit_msg - optional exit message.
* Returns:
* iqid - The unique id for the room leave.
var presence, presenceid, room_nick;
delete this.rooms[room];
if (this.rooms.length === 0) {
this._muc_handler = null;
room_nick = this.test_append_nick(room, nick);
presenceid = this._connection.getUniqueId();
presence = $pres({
type: "unavailable",
id: presenceid,
from: this._connection.jid,
to: room_nick
if (exit_msg !== null) {
presence.c("status", exit_msg);
if (handler_cb !== null) {
this._connection.addHandler(handler_cb, null, "presence", null, presenceid);
return presenceid;
message: function(room, nick, message, html_message, type) {
/* Parameters:
* (String) room - The multi-user chat room name.
* (String) nick - The nick name used in the chat room.
* (String) message - The plaintext message to send to the room.
* (String) html_message - The message to send to the room with html markup.
* (String) type - "groupchat" for group chat messages o
* "chat" for private chat messages
* Returns:
* msgiq - the unique id used to send the message
var msg, msgid, parent, room_nick;
room_nick = this.test_append_nick(room, nick);
type = type || (nick !== null ? "chat" : "groupchat");
msgid = this._connection.getUniqueId();
msg = $msg({
to: room_nick,
from: this._connection.jid,
type: type,
id: msgid
}).c("body", {
xmlns: Strophe.NS.CLIENT
if (html_message !== null) {
msg.c("html", {xmlns: Strophe.NS.XHTML_IM}).c("body", {xmlns: Strophe.NS.XHTML}).h(html_message);
if (msg.node.childNodes.length === 0) {
parent = msg.node.parentNode;
} else {
msg.c("x", {
xmlns: "jabber:x:event"
return msgid;
groupchat: function(room, message, html_message) {
/* Convenience Function to send a Message to all Occupants
* Parameters:
* (String) room - The multi-user chat room name.
* (String) message - The plaintext message to send to the room.
* (String) html_message - The message to send to the room with html markup.
* Returns:
* msgiq - the unique id used to send the message
return this.message(room, null, message, html_message);
invite: function(room, receiver, reason) {
/* Send a mediated invitation.
* Parameters:
* (String) room - The multi-user chat room name.
* (String) receiver - The invitation's receiver.
* (String) reason - Optional reason for joining the room.
* Returns:
* msgiq - the unique id used to send the invitation
var invitation, msgid;
msgid = this._connection.getUniqueId();
invitation = $msg({
from: this._connection.jid,
to: room,
id: msgid
}).c('x', {
xmlns: Strophe.NS.MUC_USER
}).c('invite', {
to: receiver
if (reason !== null) {
invitation.c('reason', reason);
return msgid;
directInvite: function(room, receiver, reason, password) {
/* Send a direct invitation.
* Parameters:
* (String) room - The multi-user chat room name.
* (String) receiver - The invitation's receiver.
* (String) reason - Optional reason for joining the room.
* (String) password - Optional password for the room.
* Returns:
* msgiq - the unique id used to send the invitation
var attrs, invitation, msgid;
msgid = this._connection.getUniqueId();
attrs = {
xmlns: 'jabber:x:conference',
jid: room
if (reason !== null) { attrs.reason = reason; }
if (password !== null) { attrs.password = password; }
invitation = $msg({
from: this._connection.jid,
to: receiver,
id: msgid
}).c('x', attrs);
return msgid;
queryOccupants: function(room, success_cb, error_cb) {
/* Queries a room for a list of occupants
* (String) room - The multi-user chat room name.
* (Function) success_cb - Optional function to handle the info.
* (Function) error_cb - Optional function to handle an error.
* Returns:
* id - the unique id used to send the info request
var attrs, info;
attrs = {
xmlns: Strophe.NS.DISCO_ITEMS
info = $iq({
from: this._connection.jid,
to: room,
type: 'get'
}).c('query', attrs);
return this._connection.sendIQ(info, success_cb, error_cb);
configure: function(room, handler_cb) {
/* Start a room configuration.
* Parameters:
* (String) room - The multi-user chat room name.
* (Function) handler_cb - Optional function to handle the config form.
* Returns:
* id - the unique id used to send the configuration request
var config, id, stanza;
config = $iq({
to: room,
type: "get"
}).c("query", {
xmlns: Strophe.NS.MUC_OWNER
stanza = config.tree();
id = this._connection.sendIQ(stanza);
if (handler_cb !== null) {
this._connection.addHandler(function(stanza) { handler_cb(stanza);
return false;
}, Strophe.NS.MUC_OWNER, "iq", null, id);
return id;
cancelConfigure: function(room) {
/* Cancel the room configuration
* Parameters:
* (String) room - The multi-user chat room name.
* Returns:
* id - the unique id used to cancel the configuration.
var config, stanza;
config = $iq({
to: room,
type: "set"
}).c("query", {
xmlns: Strophe.NS.MUC_OWNER
}).c("x", {
xmlns: "jabber:x:data",
type: "cancel"
stanza = config.tree();
return this._connection.sendIQ(stanza);
saveConfiguration: function(room, configarray) {
/* Save a room configuration.
* Parameters:
* (String) room - The multi-user chat room name.
* (Array) configarray - an array of form elements used to configure the room.
* Returns:
* id - the unique id used to save the configuration.
var conf, config, stanza, _i, _len;
config = $iq({
to: room,
type: "set"
}).c("query", {
xmlns: Strophe.NS.MUC_OWNER
}).c("x", {
xmlns: "jabber:x:data",
type: "submit"
for (_i = 0, _len = configarray.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
conf = configarray[_i];
stanza = config.tree();
return this._connection.sendIQ(stanza);
createInstantRoom: function(room) {
/* Parameters:
* (String) room - The multi-user chat room name.
* Returns:
* id - the unique id used to create the chat room.
var roomiq;
roomiq = $iq({
to: room,
type: "set"
}).c("query", {
xmlns: Strophe.NS.MUC_OWNER
}).c("x", {
xmlns: "jabber:x:data",
type: "submit"
return this._connection.sendIQ(roomiq.tree());
setTopic: function(room, topic) {
/* Set the topic of the chat room.
* Parameters:
* (String) room - The multi-user chat room name.
* (String) topic - Topic message.
var msg;
msg = $msg({
to: room,
from: this._connection.jid,
type: "groupchat"
}).c("subject", {
xmlns: "jabber:client"
return this._connection.send(msg.tree());
_modifyPrivilege: function(room, item, reason, handler_cb, error_cb) {
/* Internal Function that Changes the role or affiliation of a member
* of a MUC room. This function is used by modifyRole and modifyAffiliation.
* The modification can only be done by a room moderator. An error will be
* returned if the user doesn't have permission.
* Parameters:
* (String) room - The multi-user chat room name.
* (Object) item - Object with nick and role or jid and affiliation attribute
* (String) reason - Optional reason for the change.
* (Function) handler_cb - Optional callback for success
* (Function) errer_cb - Optional callback for error
* Returns:
* iq - the id of the mode change request.
var iq;
iq = $iq({
to: room,
type: "set"
}).c("query", {
xmlns: Strophe.NS.MUC_ADMIN
if (reason !== null) { iq.c("reason", reason); }
return this._connection.sendIQ(iq.tree(), handler_cb, error_cb);
modifyRole: function(room, nick, role, reason, handler_cb, error_cb) {
/* Changes the role of a member of a MUC room.
* The modification can only be done by a room moderator. An error will be
* returned if the user doesn't have permission.
* Parameters:
* (String) room - The multi-user chat room name.
* (String) nick - The nick name of the user to modify.
* (String) role - The new role of the user.
* (String) affiliation - The new affiliation of the user.
* (String) reason - Optional reason for the change.
* (Function) handler_cb - Optional callback for success
* (Function) errer_cb - Optional callback for error
* Returns:
* iq - the id of the mode change request.
var item;
item = $build("item", {
nick: nick,
role: role
return this._modifyPrivilege(room, item, reason, handler_cb, error_cb);
kick: function(room, nick, reason, handler_cb, error_cb) {
return this.modifyRole(room, nick, 'none', reason, handler_cb, error_cb);
voice: function(room, nick, reason, handler_cb, error_cb) {
return this.modifyRole(room, nick, 'participant', reason, handler_cb, error_cb);
mute: function(room, nick, reason, handler_cb, error_cb) {
return this.modifyRole(room, nick, 'visitor', reason, handler_cb, error_cb);
op: function(room, nick, reason, handler_cb, error_cb) {
return this.modifyRole(room, nick, 'moderator', reason, handler_cb, error_cb);
deop: function(room, nick, reason, handler_cb, error_cb) {
return this.modifyRole(room, nick, 'participant', reason, handler_cb, error_cb);
modifyAffiliation: function(room, jid, affiliation, reason, handler_cb, error_cb) {
/* Changes the affiliation of a member of a MUC room.
* The modification can only be done by a room moderator. An error will be
* returned if the user doesn't have permission.
* Parameters:
* (String) room - The multi-user chat room name.
* (String) jid - The jid of the user to modify.
* (String) affiliation - The new affiliation of the user.
* (String) reason - Optional reason for the change.
* (Function) handler_cb - Optional callback for success
* (Function) errer_cb - Optional callback for error
* Returns:
* iq - the id of the mode change request.
var item;
item = $build("item", {
jid: jid,
affiliation: affiliation
return this._modifyPrivilege(room, item, reason, handler_cb, error_cb);
ban: function(room, jid, reason, handler_cb, error_cb) {
return this.modifyAffiliation(room, jid, 'outcast', reason, handler_cb, error_cb);
member: function(room, jid, reason, handler_cb, error_cb) {
return this.modifyAffiliation(room, jid, 'member', reason, handler_cb, error_cb);
revoke: function(room, jid, reason, handler_cb, error_cb) {
return this.modifyAffiliation(room, jid, 'none', reason, handler_cb, error_cb);
owner: function(room, jid, reason, handler_cb, error_cb) {
return this.modifyAffiliation(room, jid, 'owner', reason, handler_cb, error_cb);
admin: function(room, jid, reason, handler_cb, error_cb) {
return this.modifyAffiliation(room, jid, 'admin', reason, handler_cb, error_cb);
changeNick: function(room, user) {
/* Change the current users nick name.
* Parameters:
* (String) room - The multi-user chat room name.
* (String) user - The new nick name.
var presence, room_nick;
room_nick = this.test_append_nick(room, user);
presence = $pres({
from: this._connection.jid,
to: room_nick,
id: this._connection.getUniqueId()
return this._connection.send(presence.tree());
setStatus: function(room, user, show, status) {
/* Change the current users status.
* Parameters:
* (String) room - The multi-user chat room name.
* (String) user - The current nick.
* (String) show - The new show-text.
* (String) status - The new status-text.
var presence, room_nick;
room_nick = this.test_append_nick(room, user);
presence = $pres({
from: this._connection.jid,
to: room_nick
if (show !== null) { presence.c('show', show).up(); }
if (status !== null) { presence.c('status', status); }
return this._connection.send(presence.tree());
2013-05-09 09:22:54 +02:00
listRooms: function(server, callback, errback) {
2013-04-15 10:01:07 +02:00
/* List all chat room available on a server.
* Parameters:
* (String) server - name of chat server.
2013-05-09 09:22:54 +02:00
* (String) callback - Function to call for room list return.
2013-04-15 10:01:07 +02:00
var iq;
iq = $iq({
to: server,
from: this._connection.jid,
type: "get"
}).c("query", {
xmlns: Strophe.NS.DISCO_ITEMS
2013-05-09 09:22:54 +02:00
return this._connection.sendIQ(iq, callback, errback);
2013-04-15 10:01:07 +02:00
test_append_nick: function(room, nick) {
return room + (nick !== null ? "/" + (Strophe.escapeNode(nick)) : "");
XmppRoom = (function() {
function XmppRoom(client, name, nick, password) {
this.roster = {};
this._message_handlers = {};
this._presence_handlers = {};
this._roster_handlers = {};
this._handler_ids = 0;
this.client = client;
this.name = name;
this.nick = nick;
this.password = password;
this._roomRosterHandler = __bind(this._roomRosterHandler, this);
this._addOccupant = __bind(this._addOccupant, this);
if (client.muc) { this.client = client.muc; }
this.name = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(name);
this.client.rooms[this.name] = this;
this.addHandler('presence', this._roomRosterHandler);
XmppRoom.prototype.join = function(msg_handler_cb, pres_handler_cb) {
if (!this.client.rooms[this.name]) {
return this.client.join(this.name, this.nick, msg_handler_cb, pres_handler_cb, this.password);
XmppRoom.prototype.leave = function(handler_cb, message) {
this.client.leave(this.name, this.nick, handler_cb, message);
return delete this.client.rooms[this.name];
XmppRoom.prototype.message = function(nick, message, html_message, type) {
return this.client.message(this.name, nick, message, html_message, type);
XmppRoom.prototype.groupchat = function(message, html_message) {
return this.client.groupchat(this.name, message, html_message);
XmppRoom.prototype.invite = function(receiver, reason) {
return this.client.invite(this.name, receiver, reason);
XmppRoom.prototype.directInvite = function(receiver, reason) {
return this.client.directInvite(this.name, receiver, reason, this.password);
XmppRoom.prototype.configure = function(handler_cb) {
return this.client.configure(this.name, handler_cb);
XmppRoom.prototype.cancelConfigure = function() {
return this.client.cancelConfigure(this.name);
XmppRoom.prototype.saveConfiguration = function(configarray) {
return this.client.saveConfiguration(this.name, configarray);
XmppRoom.prototype.queryOccupants = function(success_cb, error_cb) {
return this.client.queryOccupants(this.name, success_cb, error_cb);
XmppRoom.prototype.setTopic = function(topic) {
return this.client.setTopic(this.name, topic);
XmppRoom.prototype.modifyRole = function(nick, role, reason, success_cb, error_cb) {
return this.client.modifyRole(this.name, nick, role, reason, success_cb, error_cb);
XmppRoom.prototype.kick = function(nick, reason, handler_cb, error_cb) {
return this.client.kick(this.name, nick, reason, handler_cb, error_cb);
XmppRoom.prototype.voice = function(nick, reason, handler_cb, error_cb) {
return this.client.voice(this.name, nick, reason, handler_cb, error_cb);
XmppRoom.prototype.mute = function(nick, reason, handler_cb, error_cb) {
return this.client.mute(this.name, nick, reason, handler_cb, error_cb);
XmppRoom.prototype.op = function(nick, reason, handler_cb, error_cb) {
return this.client.op(this.name, nick, reason, handler_cb, error_cb);
XmppRoom.prototype.deop = function(nick, reason, handler_cb, error_cb) {
return this.client.deop(this.name, nick, reason, handler_cb, error_cb);
XmppRoom.prototype.modifyAffiliation = function(jid, affiliation, reason, success_cb, error_cb) {
return this.client.modifyAffiliation(this.name, jid, affiliation, reason, success_cb, error_cb);
XmppRoom.prototype.ban = function(jid, reason, handler_cb, error_cb) {
return this.client.ban(this.name, jid, reason, handler_cb, error_cb);
XmppRoom.prototype.member = function(jid, reason, handler_cb, error_cb) {
return this.client.member(this.name, jid, reason, handler_cb, error_cb);
XmppRoom.prototype.revoke = function(jid, reason, handler_cb, error_cb) {
return this.client.revoke(this.name, jid, reason, handler_cb, error_cb);
XmppRoom.prototype.owner = function(jid, reason, handler_cb, error_cb) {
return this.client.owner(this.name, jid, reason, handler_cb, error_cb);
XmppRoom.prototype.admin = function(jid, reason, handler_cb, error_cb) {
return this.client.admin(this.name, jid, reason, handler_cb, error_cb);
XmppRoom.prototype.changeNick = function(nick) {
this.nick = nick;
return this.client.changeNick(this.name, nick);
XmppRoom.prototype.setStatus = function(show, status) {
return this.client.setStatus(this.name, this.nick, show, status);
XmppRoom.prototype.addHandler = function(handler_type, handler) {
/* Adds a handler to the MUC room.
* Parameters:
* (String) handler_type - 'message', 'presence' or 'roster'.
* (Function) handler - The handler function.
* Returns:
* id - the id of handler.
var id;
id = this._handler_ids++;
switch (handler_type) {
case 'presence':
this._presence_handlers[id] = handler;
case 'message':
this._message_handlers[id] = handler;
case 'roster':
this._roster_handlers[id] = handler;
return null;
return id;
XmppRoom.prototype.removeHandler = function(id) {
/* Removes a handler from the MUC room.
* This function takes ONLY ids returned by the addHandler function
* of this room. passing handler ids returned by connection.addHandler
* may brake things!
* Parameters:
* (number) id - the id of the handler
delete this._presence_handlers[id];
delete this._message_handlers[id];
return delete this._roster_handlers[id];
XmppRoom.prototype._addOccupant = function(data) {
/* Creates and adds an Occupant to the Room Roster.
* Parameters:
* (Object) data - the data the Occupant is filled with
* Returns:
* occ - the created Occupant.
var occ;
occ = new Occupant(data, this);
this.roster[occ.nick] = occ;
return occ;
XmppRoom.prototype._roomRosterHandler = function(pres) {
/* The standard handler that managed the Room Roster.
* Parameters:
* (Object) pres - the presence stanza containing user information
var data, handler, id, newnick, nick, _ref;
data = XmppRoom._parsePresence(pres);
nick = data.nick;
newnick = data.newnick || null;
switch (data.type) {
case 'error':
case 'unavailable':
if (newnick) {
data.nick = newnick;
if (this.roster[nick] && this.roster[newnick]) {
this.roster[newnick] = this.roster[nick];
if (this.roster[nick] && !this.roster[newnick]) {
this.roster[newnick] = this.roster[nick].update(data);
delete this.roster[nick];
if (this.roster[nick]) {
} else {
_ref = this._roster_handlers;
for (id in _ref) {
handler = _ref[id];
if (!handler(this.roster, this)) { delete this._roster_handlers[id]; }
return true;
XmppRoom._parsePresence = function(pres) {
/* Parses a presence stanza into a map
* Parameters:
* (Object) pres - the presence stanza
* Returns:
* (Object) data - the data extracted from the presence stanza
var $pres, data, i, j, children, item;
$pres = $(pres);
data = {};
data.nick = Strophe.getResourceFromJid($pres.attr('from'));
data.type = $pres.attr('type');
data.states = [];
for (i=0; i < $pres.children().length; i++) {
child = $pres.children()[0];
switch (child.nodeName) {
case 'status':
data.status = child.textContent || null;
case 'show':
data.show = child.textContent || null;
case 'x':
if ($(child).attr('xmlns') === Strophe.NS.MUC_USER) {
children = $(child).children();
for (j=0; j < children.length; j++) {
item = children[0];
switch (item.nodeName) {
case "item":
a = item.attributes;
data.affiliation = $(item).attr('affiliation') || null;
data.role = $(item).attr('role') || null;
data.jid = $(item).attr('jid') || null;
data.newnick = $(item).attr('nick') || null;
case "status":
if ($(item).attr('code')) {
return data;
return XmppRoom;
RoomConfig = (function() {
function RoomConfig(info) {
this.parse = __bind(this.parse, this);
if (info !== null) { this.parse(info); }
RoomConfig.prototype.parse = function(result) {
var attr, attrs, child, field, identity, query, _i, _j, _k, _len, _len2, _len3, _ref;
query = result.getElementsByTagName("query")[0].childNodes;
this.identities = [];
this.features = [];
this.x = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = query.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
child = query[_i];
attrs = child.attributes;
switch (child.nodeName) {
case "identity":
identity = {};
for (_j = 0, _len2 = attrs.length; _j < _len2; _j++) {
attr = attrs[_j];
identity[attr.name] = attr.textContent;
case "feature":
case "x":
attrs = child.childNodes[0].attributes;
if ((!attrs["var"].textContent === 'FORM_TYPE') || (!attrs.type.textContent === 'hidden')) {
_ref = child.childNodes;
for (_k = 0, _len3 = _ref.length; _k < _len3; _k++) {
field = _ref[_k];
if (!(!field.attributes.type)) continue;
attrs = field.attributes;
"var": attrs["var"].textContent,
label: attrs.label.textContent || "",
value: field.firstChild.textContent || ""
return {
"identities": this.identities,
"features": this.features,
"x": this.x
return RoomConfig;
Occupant = (function() {
function Occupant(data, room) {
this.room = room;
this.update = __bind(this.update, this);
this.admin = __bind(this.admin, this);
this.owner = __bind(this.owner, this);
this.revoke = __bind(this.revoke, this);
this.member = __bind(this.member, this);
this.ban = __bind(this.ban, this);
this.modifyAffiliation = __bind(this.modifyAffiliation, this);
this.deop = __bind(this.deop, this);
this.op = __bind(this.op, this);
this.mute = __bind(this.mute, this);
this.voice = __bind(this.voice, this);
this.kick = __bind(this.kick, this);
this.modifyRole = __bind(this.modifyRole, this);
Occupant.prototype.modifyRole = function(role, reason, success_cb, error_cb) {
return this.room.modifyRole(this.nick, role, reason, success_cb, error_cb);
Occupant.prototype.kick = function(reason, handler_cb, error_cb) {
return this.room.kick(this.nick, reason, handler_cb, error_cb);
Occupant.prototype.voice = function(reason, handler_cb, error_cb) {
return this.room.voice(this.nick, reason, handler_cb, error_cb);
Occupant.prototype.mute = function(reason, handler_cb, error_cb) {
return this.room.mute(this.nick, reason, handler_cb, error_cb);
Occupant.prototype.op = function(reason, handler_cb, error_cb) {
return this.room.op(this.nick, reason, handler_cb, error_cb);
Occupant.prototype.deop = function(reason, handler_cb, error_cb) {
return this.room.deop(this.nick, reason, handler_cb, error_cb);
Occupant.prototype.modifyAffiliation = function(affiliation, reason, success_cb, error_cb) {
return this.room.modifyAffiliation(this.jid, affiliation, reason, success_cb, error_cb);
Occupant.prototype.ban = function(reason, handler_cb, error_cb) {
return this.room.ban(this.jid, reason, handler_cb, error_cb);
Occupant.prototype.member = function(reason, handler_cb, error_cb) {
return this.room.member(this.jid, reason, handler_cb, error_cb);
Occupant.prototype.revoke = function(reason, handler_cb, error_cb) {
return this.room.revoke(this.jid, reason, handler_cb, error_cb);
Occupant.prototype.owner = function(reason, handler_cb, error_cb) {
return this.room.owner(this.jid, reason, handler_cb, error_cb);
Occupant.prototype.admin = function(reason, handler_cb, error_cb) {
return this.room.admin(this.jid, reason, handler_cb, error_cb);
Occupant.prototype.update = function(data) {
this.nick = data.nick || null;
this.affiliation = data.affiliation || null;
this.role = data.role || null;
this.jid = data.jid || null;
this.status = data.status || null;
this.show = data.show || null;
return this;
return Occupant;