
297 lines
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// Converse.js
// https://conversejs.org
2019-02-18 19:17:06 +01:00
// Copyright (c) 2013-2019, the Converse.js developers
// Licensed under the Mozilla Public License (MPLv2)
import URI from "urijs";
2018-10-23 03:41:38 +02:00
import converse from "@converse/headless/converse-core";
import filesize from "filesize";
import html from "./utils/html";
import tpl_csn from "templates/csn.html";
import tpl_file_progress from "templates/file_progress.html";
import tpl_info from "templates/info.html";
import tpl_message from "templates/message.html";
import tpl_message_versions_modal from "templates/message_versions_modal.html";
2018-11-15 11:29:28 +01:00
import u from "@converse/headless/utils/emoji";
2018-10-23 03:41:38 +02:00
import xss from "xss";
2018-10-23 03:41:38 +02:00
const { Backbone, _, moment } = converse.env;
2018-10-23 03:41:38 +02:00
converse.plugins.add('converse-message-view', {
dependencies: ["converse-modal", "converse-chatboxviews"],
2018-10-23 03:41:38 +02:00
initialize () {
/* The initialize function gets called as soon as the plugin is
* loaded by converse.js's plugin machinery.
const { _converse } = this,
{ __ } = _converse;
function onTagFoundDuringXSSFilter (tag, html, options) {
/* This function gets called by the XSS library whenever it finds
* what it thinks is a new HTML tag.
* It thinks that something like <https://example.com> is an HTML
* tag and then escapes the <> chars.
* We want to avoid this, because it prevents these URLs from being
* shown properly (whithout the trailing &gt;).
* The URI lib correctly trims a trailing >, but not a trailing &gt;
if (options.isClosing) {
// Closing tags don't match our use-case
const uri = new URI(tag);
const protocol = uri.protocol().toLowerCase();
if (!_.includes(["https", "http", "xmpp", "ftp"], protocol)) {
// Not a URL, the tag will get filtered as usual
if (uri.equals(tag) && `<${tag}>` === html.toLocaleLowerCase()) {
// We have something like <https://example.com>, and don't want
// to filter it.
return html;
2018-10-23 03:41:38 +02:00
'show_images_inline': true
2018-10-23 03:41:38 +02:00
_converse.MessageVersionsModal = _converse.BootstrapModal.extend({
toHTML () {
return tpl_message_versions_modal(_.extend(
this.model.toJSON(), {
'__': __
2018-10-23 03:41:38 +02:00
_converse.MessageView = _converse.ViewWithAvatar.extend({
events: {
'click .chat-msg__edit-modal': 'showMessageVersionsModal'
2018-10-23 03:41:38 +02:00
initialize () {
if (this.model.vcard) {
this.model.vcard.on('change', this.render, this);
this.model.on('change', this.onChanged, this);
this.model.on('destroy', this.remove, this);
2018-10-23 03:41:38 +02:00
async render () {
const is_followup = u.hasClass('chat-msg--followup', this.el);
if (this.model.isOnlyChatStateNotification()) {
} else if (this.model.get('file') && !this.model.get('oob_url')) {
if (!this.model.file) {
_converse.log("Attempted to render a file upload message with no file data");
return this.el;
2018-10-23 03:41:38 +02:00
} else if (this.model.get('type') === 'error') {
} else {
await this.renderChatMessage();
if (is_followup) {
u.addClass('chat-msg--followup', this.el);
return this.el;
2018-10-23 03:41:38 +02:00
async onChanged (item) {
// Jot down whether it was edited because the `changed`
// attr gets removed when this.render() gets called further
// down.
const edited = item.changed.edited;
if (this.model.changed.progress) {
return this.renderFileUploadProgresBar();
if (_.filter(['correcting', 'message', 'type', 'upload', 'received'],
2018-10-23 03:41:38 +02:00
prop => Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this.model.changed, prop)).length) {
await this.render();
if (edited) {
2018-10-23 03:41:38 +02:00
onMessageEdited () {
if (this.model.get('is_archived')) {
this.el.addEventListener('animationend', () => u.removeClass('onload', this.el));
u.addClass('onload', this.el);
2018-10-23 03:41:38 +02:00
replaceElement (msg) {
if (!_.isNil(this.el.parentElement)) {
this.el.parentElement.replaceChild(msg, this.el);
return this.el;
2018-10-23 03:41:38 +02:00
async renderChatMessage () {
const is_me_message = this.isMeCommand(),
moment_time = moment(this.model.get('time')),
role = this.model.vcard ? this.model.vcard.get('role') : null,
roles = role ? role.split(',') : [];
2018-10-23 03:41:38 +02:00
const msg = u.stringToElement(tpl_message(
this.model.toJSON(), {
'__': __,
'is_me_message': is_me_message,
'roles': roles,
'pretty_time': moment_time.format(_converse.time_format),
'time': moment_time.format(),
'extra_classes': this.getExtraMessageClasses(),
'label_show': __('Show more'),
'username': this.model.getDisplayName()
2018-10-23 03:41:38 +02:00
const url = this.model.get('oob_url');
if (url) {
msg.querySelector('.chat-msg__media').innerHTML = _.flow(
_.partial(u.renderFileURL, _converse),
_.partial(u.renderMovieURL, _converse),
_.partial(u.renderAudioURL, _converse),
_.partial(u.renderImageURL, _converse))(url);
let text = this.getMessageText();
const msg_content = msg.querySelector('.chat-msg__text');
if (text && text !== url) {
if (is_me_message) {
text = text.substring(4);
text = xss.filterXSS(text, {'whiteList': {}, 'onTag': onTagFoundDuringXSSFilter});
2018-10-23 03:41:38 +02:00
msg_content.innerHTML = _.flow(
_.partial(u.geoUriToHttp, _, _converse.geouri_replacement),
_.partial(u.addMentionsMarkup, _, this.model.get('references'), this.model.collection.chatbox),
_.partial(u.addEmoji, _converse, _)
const promise = u.renderImageURLs(_converse, msg_content);
2018-10-23 03:41:38 +02:00
if (this.model.get('type') !== 'headline') {
2018-10-23 03:41:38 +02:00
await promise;
2018-10-23 03:41:38 +02:00
this.model.collection.trigger('rendered', this);
2018-10-23 03:41:38 +02:00
renderErrorMessage () {
const moment_time = moment(this.model.get('time')),
msg = u.stringToElement(
tpl_info(_.extend(this.model.toJSON(), {
'extra_classes': 'chat-error',
'isodate': moment_time.format()
2018-10-23 03:41:38 +02:00
return this.replaceElement(msg);
2018-10-23 03:41:38 +02:00
renderChatStateNotification () {
let text;
const from = this.model.get('from'),
name = this.model.getDisplayName();
2018-10-23 03:41:38 +02:00
if (this.model.get('chat_state') === _converse.COMPOSING) {
if (this.model.get('sender') === 'me') {
text = __('Typing from another device');
} else {
2018-10-23 03:41:38 +02:00
text = __('%1$s is typing', name);
2018-10-23 03:41:38 +02:00
} else if (this.model.get('chat_state') === _converse.PAUSED) {
if (this.model.get('sender') === 'me') {
text = __('Stopped typing on the other device');
} else {
text = __('%1$s has stopped typing', name);
} else if (this.model.get('chat_state') === _converse.GONE) {
text = __('%1$s has gone away', name);
} else {
const isodate = moment().format();
'message': text,
'from': from,
'isodate': isodate
2018-10-23 03:41:38 +02:00
2018-10-23 03:41:38 +02:00
renderFileUploadProgresBar () {
const msg = u.stringToElement(tpl_file_progress(
_.extend(this.model.toJSON(), {
'__': __,
2018-10-26 14:39:04 +02:00
'filename': this.model.file.name,
'filesize': filesize(this.model.file.size)
2018-10-23 03:41:38 +02:00
2018-10-23 03:41:38 +02:00
showMessageVersionsModal (ev) {
if (_.isUndefined(this.model.message_versions_modal)) {
this.model.message_versions_modal = new _converse.MessageVersionsModal({'model': this.model});
2018-10-23 03:41:38 +02:00
getMessageText () {
if (this.model.get('is_encrypted')) {
return this.model.get('plaintext') ||
(_converse.debug ? __('Unencryptable OMEMO message') : null);
return this.model.get('message');
2018-10-23 03:41:38 +02:00
isMeCommand () {
const text = this.getMessageText();
if (!text) {
return false;
return text.startsWith('/me ');
2018-10-23 03:41:38 +02:00
2018-10-23 03:41:38 +02:00
processMessageText () {
var text = this.get('message');
text = u.geoUriToHttp(text, _converse.geouri_replacement);
getExtraMessageClasses () {
let extra_classes = this.model.get('is_delayed') && 'delayed' || '';
if (this.model.get('type') === 'groupchat' && this.model.get('sender') === 'them') {
if (this.model.collection.chatbox.isUserMentioned(this.model)) {
// Add special class to mark groupchat messages
// in which we are mentioned.
extra_classes += ' mentioned';
2018-10-23 03:41:38 +02:00
if (this.model.get('correcting')) {
extra_classes += ' correcting';
return extra_classes;