
185 lines
6.7 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2021-02-11 22:32:55 +01:00
import 'plugins/chatview/heading.js';
import 'plugins/chatview/bottom_panel.js';
import BaseChatView from 'shared/chat/baseview.js';
import tpl_chatbox from 'templates/chatbox.js';
import { __ } from 'i18n';
import { _converse, api, converse } from '@converse/headless/core';
import { render } from 'lit-html';
2018-10-23 03:41:38 +02:00
const u = converse.env.utils;
const { dayjs } = converse.env;
2018-10-23 03:41:38 +02:00
* The View of an open/ongoing chat conversation.
* @class
* @namespace _converse.ChatBoxView
* @memberOf _converse
export default class ChatView extends BaseChatView {
length = 200
className = 'chatbox hidden'
is_chatroom = false // Leaky abstraction from MUC
events = {
'click .chatbox-navback': 'showControlBox',
'click .new-msgs-indicator': 'viewUnreadMessages',
async initialize () {
const jid = this.getAttribute('jid');
_converse.chatboxviews.add(jid, this);
this.model = _converse.chatboxes.get(jid);
this.listenTo(_converse, 'windowStateChanged', this.onWindowStateChanged);
this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:hidden', () => !this.model.get('hidden') && this.afterShown());
this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:status', this.onStatusMessageChanged);
this.listenTo(this.model.messages, 'change:correcting', this.onMessageCorrecting);
this.listenTo(this.model.presence, 'change:show', this.onPresenceChanged);
// Need to be registered after render has been called.
this.listenTo(this.model.messages, 'add', this.onMessageAdded);
this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:show_help_messages', this.renderHelpMessages);
await this.model.messages.fetched;
!this.model.get('hidden') && this.afterShown()
* Triggered once the {@link _converse.ChatBoxView} has been initialized
* @event _converse#chatBoxViewInitialized
* @type { _converse.HeadlinesBoxView }
* @example _converse.api.listen.on('chatBoxViewInitialized', view => { ... });
api.trigger('chatBoxViewInitialized', this);
render () {
const result = tpl_chatbox(Object.assign(
this.model.toJSON(), { 'markScrolled': ev => this.markScrolled(ev) })
render(result, this);
this.content = this.querySelector('.chat-content');
this.help_container = this.querySelector('.chat-content__help');
return this;
getHelpMessages () { // eslint-disable-line class-methods-use-this
return [
`<strong>/clear</strong>: ${__('Remove messages')}`,
`<strong>/close</strong>: ${__('Close this chat')}`,
`<strong>/me</strong>: ${__('Write in the third person')}`,
`<strong>/help</strong>: ${__('Show this menu')}`
showControlBox () {
// Used in mobile view, to navigate back to the controlbox
* Given a message element, determine wether it should be
* marked as a followup message to the previous element.
* Also determine whether the element following it is a
* followup message or not.
* Followup messages are subsequent ones written by the same
* author with no other conversation elements in between and
* which were posted within 10 minutes of one another.
* @private
* @method _converse.ChatBoxView#markFollowups
* @param { HTMLElement } el - The message element
markFollowups (el) { // eslint-disable-line class-methods-use-this
const from = el.getAttribute('data-from');
const previous_el = el.previousElementSibling;
const date = dayjs(el.getAttribute('data-isodate'));
const next_el = el.nextElementSibling;
if (
!u.hasClass('chat-msg--action', el) &&
!u.hasClass('chat-msg--action', previous_el) &&
!u.hasClass('chat-info', el) &&
!u.hasClass('chat-info', previous_el) &&
previous_el.getAttribute('data-from') === from &&
date.isBefore(dayjs(previous_el.getAttribute('data-isodate')).add(10, 'minutes')) &&
el.getAttribute('data-encrypted') === previous_el.getAttribute('data-encrypted')
) {
u.addClass('chat-msg--followup', el);
if (!next_el) {
if (
!u.hasClass('chat-msg--action', el) &&
u.hasClass('chat-info', el) &&
next_el.getAttribute('data-from') === from &&
dayjs(next_el.getAttribute('data-isodate')).isBefore(date.add(10, 'minutes')) &&
el.getAttribute('data-encrypted') === next_el.getAttribute('data-encrypted')
) {
u.addClass('chat-msg--followup', next_el);
} else {
u.removeClass('chat-msg--followup', next_el);
onPresenceChanged (item) {
const show = item.get('show');
const fullname = this.model.getDisplayName();
let text;
if (u.isVisible(this)) {
if (show === 'offline') {
text = __('%1$s has gone offline', fullname);
} else if (show === 'away') {
text = __('%1$s has gone away', fullname);
} else if (show === 'dnd') {
text = __('%1$s is busy', fullname);
} else if (show === 'online') {
text = __('%1$s is online', fullname);
text && this.model.createMessage({ 'message': text, 'type': 'info' });
async close (ev) {
if (_converse.router.history.getFragment() === 'converse/chat?jid=' + this.model.get('jid')) {
if (api.connection.connected()) {
// Immediately sending the chat state, because the
// model is going to be destroyed afterwards.
await this.model.close(ev);
* Triggered once a chatbox has been closed.
* @event _converse#chatBoxClosed
* @type { _converse.ChatBoxView | _converse.ChatRoomView }
* @example _converse.api.listen.on('chatBoxClosed', view => { ... });
api.trigger('chatBoxClosed', this);
return this;
afterShown () {
viewUnreadMessages () {
this.model.save({ 'scrolled': false, 'scrollTop': null });
api.elements.define('converse-chat', ChatView);