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2014-01-25 15:51:51 +01:00
{"":{"project-id-version":"Converse.js 0.7.0","report-msgid-bugs-to":"","pot-creation-date":"2014-01-22 17:07+0200","po-revision-date":"2014-01-25 21:30+0700","last-translator":"Priyadi Iman Nurcahyo <priyadi@priyadi.net>","language-team":"Bahasa Indonesia","mime-version":"1.0","content-type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","content-transfer-encoding":"8bit","language":"id"},"unencrypted":[null,"tak dienkripsi"],"unverified":[null,"tak diverifikasi"],"verified":[null,"diverifikasi"],"finished":[null,"selesai"],"This contact is busy":[null,"Teman ini sedang sibuk"],"This contact is online":[null,"Teman ini terhubung"],"This contact is offline":[null,"Teman ini tidak terhubung"],"This contact is unavailable":[null,"Teman ini tidak tersedia"],"This contact is away for an extended period":[null,"Teman ini tidak di tempat untuk waktu yang lama"],"This contact is away":[null,"Teman ini tidak di tempat"],"Disconnected":[null,"Terputus"],"Error":[null,"Kesalahan"],"Connecting":[null,"Menyambung"],"Connection Failed":[null,"Gagal Menyambung"],"Authenticating":[null,"Melakukan otentikasi"],"Authentication Failed":[null,"Otentikasi gagal"],"Disconnecting":[null,"Memutuskan hubungan"],"Online Contacts":[null,"Teman yang Terhubung"],"Re-establishing encrypted session":[null,"Menyambung kembali sesi terenkripsi"],"Your browser needs to generate a private key, which will be used in your encrypted chat session. This can take up to 30 seconds during which your browser might freeze and become unresponsive.":[null,"Perambah anda perlu membuat kunci privat, yang akan digunakan pada sesi perbincangan anda. Ini akan membutuhkan waktu sampai 30 detik, dan selama itu perambah mungkin akan tidak responsif."],"Private key generated.":[null,"Kunci privat berhasil dibuat."],"Authentication request from %1$s\n\nYour buddy is attempting to verify your identity, by asking you the question below.\n\n%2$s":[null,"Permintaan otentikasi dari %1$s\n\nTeman anda mencoba untuk melakukan verifikasi identitas anda dengan cara menanyakan pertanyaan di bawah ini.\n\n%2$s"],"Could not verify this user's identify.":[null,"Tak dapat melakukan verifikasi identitas pengguna ini."],"Personal message":[null,"Pesan pribadi"],"Start encrypted conversation":[null,"Mulai sesi terenkripsi"],"Refresh encrypted conversation":[null,"Setel ulang percakapan terenkripsi"],"End encrypted conversation":[null,"Sudahi percakapan terenkripsi"],"Verify with SMP":[null,"Verifikasi menggunakan SMP"],"Verify with fingerprints":[null,"Verifikasi menggunakan sidik jari"],"What's this?":[null,"Apakah ini?"],"me":[null,"saya"],"Show this menu":[null,"Tampilkan menu ini"],"Write in the third person":[null,"Tulis ini menggunakan bahasa pihak ketiga"],"Remove messages":[null,"Hapus pesan"],"Your message could not be sent":[null,"Pesan anda tak dapat dikirim"],"We received an unencrypted message":[null,"Kami menerima pesan terenkripsi"],"We received an unreadable encrypted message":[null,"Kami menerima pesan terenkripsi yang gagal dibaca"],"This user has requested an encrypted session.":[null,"Pengguna ini meminta sesi terenkripsi"],"Here are the fingerprints, please confirm them with %1$s, outside of this chat.\n\nFingerprint for you, %2$s: %3$s\n\nFingerprint for %1$s: %4$s\n\nIf you have confirmed that the fingerprints match, click OK, otherwise click Cancel.":[null,"Ini adalah sidik jari anda, konfirmasikan bersama mereka dengan %1$s, di luar percakapan ini.\n\nSidik jari untuk anda, %2$s: %3$s\n\nSidik jari untuk %1$s: %4$s\n\nJika anda bisa mengkonfirmasi sidik jadi cocok, klik Lanjutkan, jika tidak klik Batal."],"You will be prompted to provide a security question and then an answer to that question.\n\nYour buddy will then be prompted the same question and if they type the exact same answer (case sensitive), their identity will have been verified.":[null,"Anda akan ditanyakan pertanyaan untuk keamanan beserta jawaban untuk pertanyaan tersebut.\n\nTeman anda akan ditanyakan pertanyaan yang sama dan jika dia memberikan jawaban yang sama (huruf kapital diperhatikan), identitas mereka diverifika