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2021-06-16 19:23:42 +02:00
import { _converse, api, converse } from '@converse/headless/core.js';
import { isServerMessage, } from '@converse/headless/shared/parsers';
import { parseMessage } from './parsers.js';
import log from '@converse/headless/log.js';
const { Strophe, sizzle, u } = converse.env;
export function openChat (jid) {
if (!u.isValidJID(jid)) {
return log.warn(`Invalid JID "${jid}" provided in URL fragment`);
export async function onClearSession () {
if (_converse.shouldClearCache()) {
await Promise.all(
_converse.chatboxes.map(c => c.messages && c.messages.clearStore({ 'silent': true }))
const filter = o => o.get('type') !== _converse.CONTROLBOX_TYPE;
_converse.chatboxes.clearStore({ 'silent': true }, filter);
async function handleErrorMessage (stanza) {
const from_jid = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(stanza.getAttribute('from'));
if (u.isSameBareJID(from_jid, _converse.bare_jid)) {
const chatbox = await api.chatboxes.get(from_jid);
if (chatbox.get('type') === _converse.PRIVATE_CHAT_TYPE) {
2021-06-16 19:23:42 +02:00
export function autoJoinChats () {
// Automatically join private chats, based on the
// "auto_join_private_chats" configuration setting.
api.settings.get('auto_join_private_chats').forEach(jid => {
if (_converse.chatboxes.where({ 'jid': jid }).length) {
if (typeof jid === 'string') {
} else {
log.error('Invalid jid criteria specified for "auto_join_private_chats"');
* Triggered once any private chats have been automatically joined as
* specified by the `auto_join_private_chats` setting.
* See: https://conversejs.org/docs/html/configuration.html#auto-join-private-chats
* @event _converse#privateChatsAutoJoined
* @example _converse.api.listen.on('privateChatsAutoJoined', () => { ... });
* @example _converse.api.waitUntil('privateChatsAutoJoined').then(() => { ... });
export function registerMessageHandlers () {
stanza => {
if (sizzle(`message > result[xmlns="${Strophe.NS.MAM}"]`, stanza).pop()) {
// MAM messages are handled in converse-mam.
// We shouldn't get MAM messages here because
// they shouldn't have a `type` attribute.
log.warn(`Received a MAM message with type "chat".`);
return true;
return true;
stanza => {
// Message receipts are usually without the `type` attribute. See #1353
if (stanza.getAttribute('type') !== null) {
// TODO: currently Strophe has no way to register a handler
// for stanzas without a `type` attribute.
// We could update it to accept null to mean no attribute,
// but that would be a backward-incompatible change
return true; // Gets handled above.
return true;
stanza => {
return true;
* Handler method for all incoming single-user chat "message" stanzas.
* @param { MessageAttributes } attrs - The message attributes
export async function handleMessageStanza (stanza) {
if (isServerMessage(stanza)) {
// Prosody sends headline messages with type `chat`, so we need to filter them out here.
const from = stanza.getAttribute('from');
return log.info(`handleMessageStanza: Ignoring incoming server message from JID: ${from}`);
2021-12-10 22:57:19 +01:00
let attrs;
try {
attrs = await parseMessage(stanza, _converse);
} catch (e) {
return log.error(e);
2021-06-16 19:23:42 +02:00
if (u.isErrorObject(attrs)) {
attrs.stanza && log.error(attrs.stanza);
return log.error(attrs.message);
// XXX: Need to take XEP-428 <fallback> into consideration
const has_body = !!(attrs.body || attrs.plaintext)
2021-06-16 19:23:42 +02:00
const chatbox = await api.chats.get(attrs.contact_jid, { 'nickname': attrs.nick }, has_body);
await chatbox?.queueMessage(attrs);
* @typedef { Object } MessageData
* An object containing the original message stanza, as well as the
* parsed attributes.
* @property { XMLElement } stanza
* @property { MessageAttributes } stanza
* @property { ChatBox } chatbox
const data = { stanza, attrs, chatbox };
* Triggered when a message stanza is been received and processed.
* @event _converse#message
* @type { object }
* @property { module:converse-chat~MessageData } data
api.trigger('message', data);
* Ask the XMPP server to enable Message Carbons
* See [XEP-0280](https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0280.html#enabling)
* @param { Boolean } reconnecting
export async function enableCarbons (reconnecting) {
if (reconnecting && _converse.session.get('carbons_enabled')) {
if (_converse.session.get('smacks_enabled')) {
// No need to re-enable carbons when resuming a XEP-0198 stream
_converse.session.set({'carbons_enabled': false})
if (_converse.session?.get('carbons_enabled')) {
const iq = new Strophe.Builder('iq', {
'from': _converse.connection.jid,
'type': 'set'
}).c('enable', {xmlns: Strophe.NS.CARBONS});
const result = await api.sendIQ(iq, null, false);
if (result === null) {
log.warn(`A timeout occurred while trying to enable carbons`);
} else if (u.isErrorStanza(result)) {
log.warn('An error occurred while trying to enable message carbons.');
} else {
_converse.session.set({'carbons_enabled': true});
log.debug('Message carbons have been enabled.');
_converse.session.save(); // Gather multiple sets into one save