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2018-03-30 14:37:05 +02:00
{"domain":"converse","locale_data":{"converse":{"":{"domain":"converse","plural_forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"eu"},"The connection has dropped, attempting to reconnect.":["Konexioa galdu egin da, birkonektatzen saiatzen."],"An error occurred while connecting to the chat server.":["Akats bat izan da txat zerbitzariarekin konektatzean."],"Your Jabber ID and/or password is incorrect. Please try again.":["Zure Jabber ID-a/edo pasahitza ez dira zuzenak. Mesedez saiatu berriro."],"Sorry, we could not connect to the XMPP host with domain: %1$s":["Barkatu, ezin izan dugu XMPP ostalarira konektatu %1$s domeinuarekin"],"The XMPP server did not offer a supported authentication mechanism":["XMPP zerbitzariak ez du lagunduriko autentikazio mekanismorik eskaintzen"],"Sorry, there was an error while trying to add %1$s as a contact.":["Barkatu, akats bat izan da %1$s kontaktu moduan gehitzean."],"This client does not allow presence subscriptions":["Bezero honek ez du onartzen aurrez aurreko harpidetzarik"],"Click to hide these contacts":["Klikatu kontaktu hauek ezkutatzeko"],"Close this chat box":["Txat leiho hau itxi"],"You have unread messages":["Irakurri gabeko mezuak dituzu"],"Hidden message":["Ezkutuko mezua"],"Personal message":["Mezu pertsonala"],"Send":["Bidali"],"Optional hint":["Aukerako haztarna"],"Click to write as a normal (non-spoiler) message":["Klikatu mezua ohiko moduan idazteko"],"Click to write your message as a spoiler":["Klikatu zure mezua iragarki moduan idazteko"],"Clear all messages":["Mezu guztiak garbitu"],"Insert a smiley":["Smiley bat txertatu"],"Start a call":["Dei bat hasi"],"Show hidden message":["Ezkutuko mezuak erakutsi"],"me":["ni"],"Typing from another device":["Beste gailu batetatik idazten"],"is typing":["idazten ari da"],"Stopped typing on the other device":["Beste gailuan idazteari utzi zaio"],"has stopped typing":["idazteari utzi dio"],"has gone away":["joan egin da"],"Remove messages":["mezuak ezabatu"],"Write in the third person":["Hirugarrengo pertsonan idatzi"],"Show this menu":["Menu hau erakutsi"],"Are you sure you want to clear the messages from this chat box?":["Ziur al zaude leiho honetako mezuak ezabatu nahi dituzula?"],"Hide hidden message":["Ezkutuko mezuak ezkutatu"],"has gone offline":["deskonektatu egin da"],"is busy":["lanpeturik dago"],"Password:":["Pasahitza:"],"password":["pasahitza"],"Submit":["Bidali"],"Click here to log in anonymously":["Klikatu hemen saioa anonimoki hasteko"],"This contact is busy":["Kontaktu hau lanpeturik dago"],"This contact is online":["Kontaktu hau linean dago"],"This contact is offline":["Kontaktu hau lineaz kanpo dago"],"This contact is unavailable":["Kontaktu hau ez dago erabilgarri"],"This contact is away for an extended period":["Kontaktu hau kanpoan dago denbora luzez"],"This contact is away":["Kontaktu hau kanpoan dago"],"Contacts":["Kontaktuak"],"Groups":["Taldeak"],"My contacts":["Nere kontaktuak"],"Pending contacts":["Zain dauden kontaktuak"],"Contact requests":["Kontaktu eskaerak"],"Ungrouped":["Sailkatu gabe"],"Contact name":["Kontaktu izena"],"XMPP Address":[""],"Add":["Gehitu"],"Please enter a valid XMPP address":["Mesedez sar ezazu baleko XMPP helbide bat"],"Filter":["Iragazi"],"Filter by group name":[""],"Filter by status":[""],"Any":["Edozein"],"Unread":["Irakurri gabe"],"Online":["Linean"],"Chatty":["Hitzduna"],"Busy":["Lanpetua"],"Away":["Kanpoan"],"Extended Away":["Denbora luzez at"],"Offline":["Deskonektaturik"],"Click to remove %1$s as a contact":["Klikatu %1$s kontaktuetatik ezabatzeko"],"Click to accept the contact request from %1$s":["Klikatu %1$s -(r)en kontaktu eskaera onartzeko"],"Click to decline the contact request from %1$s":["Klikatu %1$s -(r)en kontaktu eskaera baztertzeko"],"Click to chat with %1$s (JID: %2$s)":["Klikatu %1$s (JID: %2$s) -(r)ekin berriketan egiteko"],"Are you sure you want to remove this contact?":["Ziur al zaude kontaktu hau ezabatu nahi duzula?"],"Sorry, there was an error while trying to remove %1$s as a contact.":["Barkatu, akats bat izan da %1$s kontaktu moduan ezabatzean."],"Are you