
718 lines
26 KiB
Raw Normal View History

/*global define, escape, locales, Jed */
2015-01-16 22:07:27 +01:00
(function (root, factory) {
2017-06-14 18:41:45 +02:00
2017-07-10 21:14:48 +02:00
2017-06-14 18:41:45 +02:00
], factory);
}(this, function (
2017-07-10 21:14:48 +02:00
$, sizzle,
dummy, _,
2017-06-14 18:41:45 +02:00
) {
"use strict";
locales = locales || {};
const b64_sha1 = Strophe.SHA1.b64_sha1;
2017-06-14 18:41:45 +02:00
Strophe = Strophe.Strophe;
const URL_REGEX = /\b(https?:\/\/|www\.|https?:\/\/www\.)[^\s<>]{2,200}\b/g;
'text-private': 'password',
'text-single': 'text',
'fixed': 'label',
'boolean': 'checkbox',
'hidden': 'hidden',
'jid-multi': 'textarea',
'list-single': 'dropdown',
'list-multi': 'dropdown'
var afterAnimationEnd = function (el, callback) {
if (_.isFunction(callback)) {
var unescapeHTML = function (htmlEscapedText) {
/* Helper method that replace HTML-escaped symbols with equivalent characters
* (e.g. transform occurrences of '&amp;' to '&')
* Parameters:
* (String) htmlEscapedText: a String containing the HTML-escaped symbols.
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = htmlEscapedText;
return div.innerText;
2016-05-28 13:13:49 +02:00
var isImage = function (url) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
var img = new Image();
var timer = window.setTimeout(function () {
reject(new Error("Could not determine whether it's an image"));
img = null;
}, 3000);
img.onerror = img.onabort = function () {
reject(new Error("Could not determine whether it's an image"));
img.onload = function () {
img.src = url;
2016-05-28 13:13:49 +02:00
$.fn.hasScrollBar = function() {
if (!$.contains(document, this.get(0))) {
return false;
if(this.parent().height() < this.get(0).scrollHeight) {
return true;
return false;
function calculateSlideStep (height) {
if (height > 100) {
return 10;
} else if (height > 50) {
return 5;
} else {
return 1;
var utils = {};
// Translation machinery
// ---------------------
utils.__ = function (str) {
if (!utils.isConverseLocale(this.locale) || this.locale === 'en') {
return Jed.sprintf.apply(Jed, arguments);
if (typeof this.jed === "undefined") {
this.jed = new Jed(window.JSON.parse(locales[this.locale]));
var t = this.jed.translate(str);
if (arguments.length>1) {
return t.fetch.apply(t, [].slice.call(arguments,1));
} else {
return t.fetch();
utils.___ = function (str) {
/* XXX: This is part of a hack to get gettext to scan strings to be
* translated. Strings we cannot send to the function above because
* they require variable interpolation and we don't yet have the
* variables at scan time.
* See actionInfoMessages in src/converse-muc.js
return str;
utils.isLocaleAvailable = function (locale, available) {
/* Check whether the locale or sub locale (e.g. en-US, en) is supported.
* Parameters:
* (Function) available - returns a boolean indicating whether the locale is supported
if (available(locale)) {
return locale;
} else {
var sublocale = locale.split("-")[0];
if (sublocale !== locale && available(sublocale)) {
return sublocale;
2016-07-18 13:41:31 +02:00
2016-07-18 13:41:31 +02:00
utils.addHyperlinks = function (text) {
const list = text.match(URL_REGEX) || [];
var links = [];
_.each(list, (match) => {
const prot = match.indexOf('http://') === 0 || match.indexOf('https://') === 0 ? '' : 'http://';
const url = prot + encodeURI(decodeURI(match)).replace(/[!'()]/g, escape).replace(/\*/g, "%2A");
const a = '<a target="_blank" rel="noopener" href="' + url + '">'+ _.escape(match) + '</a>';
// We first insert a hash of the code that will be inserted, and
// then later replace that with the code itself. That way we avoid
// issues when some matches are substrings of others.
text = text.replace(match, b64_sha1(a));
while (links.length) {
const a = links.pop();
text = text.replace(b64_sha1(a), a);
return text;
utils.renderImageURLs = function (obj) {
const list = obj.textContent.match(URL_REGEX) || [];
_.forEach(list, function (url) {
isImage(url).then(function (img) {
img.className = 'chat-image';
var anchors = sizzle(`a[href="${url}"]`, obj);
_.each(anchors, (a) => { a.innerHTML = img.outerHTML; });
return obj;
utils.slideInAllElements = function (elements) {
return Promise.all(
_.partial(utils.slideIn, _, 600)
2017-06-16 11:31:57 +02:00
utils.slideToggleElement = function (el) {
if (_.includes(el.classList, 'collapsed')) {
return utils.slideOut(el);
} else {
return utils.slideIn(el);
utils.slideOut = function (el, duration=900) {
/* Shows/expands an element by sliding it out of itself. */
function calculateEndHeight (el) {
return _.reduce(
(result, child) => result + child.offsetHeight, 0
function wrapup (el) {
el.style.overflow = "";
el.style.height = "";
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (_.isNil(el)) {
const err = "Undefined or null element passed into slideOut"
reject(new Error(err));
2017-07-15 15:15:37 +02:00
2017-06-16 11:31:57 +02:00
let interval_marker = el.getAttribute('data-slider-marker');
if (interval_marker) {
2017-07-15 15:15:37 +02:00
const end_height = calculateEndHeight(el);
2017-07-15 15:15:37 +02:00
if ($.fx.off) { // Effects are disabled (for tests)
el.style.height = end_height + 'px';
2017-07-15 15:15:37 +02:00
const step = calculateSlideStep(end_height),
interval = end_height/duration*step;
let h = 0;
interval_marker = window.setInterval(function () {
h += step;
if (h < end_height) {
el.style.height = h + 'px';
} else {
// We recalculate the height to work around an apparent
// browser bug where browsers don't know the correct
// offsetHeight beforehand.
el.style.height = calculateEndHeight(el) + 'px';
}, interval);
el.setAttribute('data-slider-marker', interval_marker);
utils.slideIn = function (el, duration=600) {
/* Hides/collapses an element by sliding it into itself. */
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (_.isNil(el)) {
const err = "Undefined or null element passed into slideIn";
2017-07-15 15:15:37 +02:00
return reject(new Error(err));
} else if (_.includes(el.classList, 'collapsed')) {
2017-07-15 15:15:37 +02:00
return resolve();
} else if ($.fx.off) { // Effects are disabled (for tests)
2017-07-19 09:10:17 +02:00
el.style.height = "";
2017-07-15 15:15:37 +02:00
return resolve();
let interval_marker = el.getAttribute('data-slider-marker');
if (interval_marker) {
2017-07-15 15:15:37 +02:00
let h = el.offsetHeight;
const step = calculateSlideStep(h),
interval = h/duration*step;
el.style.overflow = 'hidden';
interval_marker = window.setInterval(function () {
h -= step;
if (h > 0) {
el.style.height = h + 'px';
} else {
2017-07-19 09:10:17 +02:00
el.style.height = "";
}, interval);
el.setAttribute('data-slider-marker', interval_marker);
utils.fadeIn = function (el, callback) {
if (_.isNil(el)) {
console.warn("Undefined or null element passed into fadeIn");
if ($.fx.off) {
if (_.isFunction(callback)) {
if (_.includes(el.classList, 'hidden')) {
/* XXX: This doesn't appear to be working...
el.addEventListener("webkitAnimationEnd", _.partial(afterAnimationEnd, el, callback), false);
el.addEventListener("animationend", _.partial(afterAnimationEnd, el, callback), false);
setTimeout(_.partial(afterAnimationEnd, el, callback), 351);
} else {
afterAnimationEnd(el, callback);
utils.isSameBareJID = function (jid1, jid2) {
return Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(jid1).toLowerCase() ===
utils.isNewMessage = function (message) {
/* Given a stanza, determine whether it's a new
* message, i.e. not a MAM archived one.
if (message instanceof Element) {
return !(sizzle('result[xmlns="'+Strophe.NS.MAM+'"]', message).length);
} else {
return !message.get('archive_id');
utils.isOTRMessage = function (message) {
var body = message.querySelector('body'),
text = (!_.isNull(body) ? body.textContent: undefined);
return text && !!text.match(/^\?OTR/);
utils.isHeadlineMessage = function (message) {
var from_jid = message.getAttribute('from');
if (message.getAttribute('type') === 'headline') {
return true;
if (message.getAttribute('type') !== 'error' &&
!_.isNil(from_jid) &&
!_.includes(from_jid, '@')) {
// Some servers (I'm looking at you Prosody) don't set the message
// type to "headline" when sending server messages. For now we
// check if an @ signal is included, and if not, we assume it's
// a headline message.
return true;
return false;
utils.merge = function merge (first, second) {
/* Merge the second object into the first one.
for (var k in second) {
if (_.isObject(first[k])) {
merge(first[k], second[k]);
} else {
first[k] = second[k];
2017-02-25 09:33:34 +01:00
utils.applyUserSettings = function applyUserSettings (context, settings, user_settings) {
/* Configuration settings might be nested objects. We only want to
* add settings which are whitelisted.
for (var k in settings) {
if (_.isUndefined(user_settings[k])) {
if (_.isObject(settings[k]) && !_.isArray(settings[k])) {
applyUserSettings(context[k], settings[k], user_settings[k]);
} else {
context[k] = user_settings[k];
utils.refreshWebkit = function () {
/* This works around a webkit bug. Refreshes the browser's viewport,
* otherwise chatboxes are not moved along when one is closed.
if ($.browser.webkit && window.requestAnimationFrame) {
window.requestAnimationFrame(function () {
var conversejs = document.getElementById('conversejs');
conversejs.style.display = 'none';
var tmp = conversejs.offsetHeight; // jshint ignore:line
conversejs.style.display = 'block';
utils.webForm2xForm = function (field) {
/* Takes an HTML DOM and turns it into an XForm field.
* Parameters:
* (DOMElement) field - the field to convert
var $input = $(field), value;
if ($input.is('[type=checkbox]')) {
value = $input.is(':checked') && 1 || 0;
} else if ($input.is('textarea')) {
value = [];
var lines = $input.val().split('\n');
for( var vk=0; vk<lines.length; vk++) {
var val = $.trim(lines[vk]);
if (val === '')
} else {
value = $input.val();
return $(tpl_field({
name: $input.attr('name'),
value: value
utils.contains = function (attr, query) {
return function (item) {
if (typeof attr === 'object') {
var value = false;
_.forEach(attr, function (a) {
value = value || _.includes(item.get(a).toLowerCase(), query.toLowerCase());
return value;
} else if (typeof attr === 'string') {
return _.includes(item.get(attr).toLowerCase(), query.toLowerCase());
} else {
throw new TypeError('contains: wrong attribute type. Must be string or array.');
2014-11-24 20:35:00 +01:00
utils.xForm2webForm = function ($field, $stanza) {
/* Takes a field in XMPP XForm (XEP-004: Data Forms) format
* and turns it into a HTML DOM field.
* Parameters:
* (XMLElement) field - the field to convert
2014-11-24 20:35:00 +01:00
// FIXME: take <required> into consideration
var options = [], j, $options, $values, value, values;
if ($field.attr('type') === 'list-single' || $field.attr('type') === 'list-multi') {
values = [];
$values = $field.children('value');
for (j=0; j<$values.length; j++) {
$options = $field.children('option');
for (j=0; j<$options.length; j++) {
value = $($options[j]).find('value').text();
value: value,
label: $($options[j]).attr('label'),
selected: _.startsWith(values, value),
2014-11-24 20:35:00 +01:00
required: $field.find('required').length
return tpl_form_select({
name: $field.attr('var'),
label: $field.attr('label'),
options: options.join(''),
multiple: ($field.attr('type') === 'list-multi'),
required: $field.find('required').length
} else if ($field.attr('type') === 'fixed') {
return $('<p class="form-help">').text($field.find('value').text());
} else if ($field.attr('type') === 'jid-multi') {
return tpl_form_textarea({
name: $field.attr('var'),
label: $field.attr('label') || '',
value: $field.find('value').text(),
required: $field.find('required').length
} else if ($field.attr('type') === 'boolean') {
return tpl_form_checkbox({
name: $field.attr('var'),
type: XFORM_TYPE_MAP[$field.attr('type')],
label: $field.attr('label') || '',
checked: $field.find('value').text() === "1" && 'checked="1"' || '',
required: $field.find('required').length
} else if ($field.attr('type') && $field.attr('var') === 'username') {
return tpl_form_username({
domain: ' @'+this.domain,
name: $field.attr('var'),
type: XFORM_TYPE_MAP[$field.attr('type')],
label: $field.attr('label') || '',
value: $field.find('value').text(),
required: $field.find('required').length
} else if ($field.attr('type')) {
return tpl_form_input({
name: $field.attr('var'),
type: XFORM_TYPE_MAP[$field.attr('type')],
label: $field.attr('label') || '',
value: $field.find('value').text(),
required: $field.find('required').length
} else {
if ($field.attr('var') === 'ocr') { // Captcha
return _.reduce(_.map($field.find('uri'),
$.proxy(function (uri) {
return tpl_form_captcha({
label: this.$field.attr('label'),
name: this.$field.attr('var'),
data: this.$stanza.find('data[cid="'+uri.textContent.replace(/^cid:/, '')+'"]').text(),
type: uri.getAttribute('type'),
required: this.$field.find('required').length
}, {'$stanza': $stanza, '$field': $field})
function (memo, num) { return memo + num; }, ''
utils.detectLocale = function (library_check) {
/* Determine which locale is supported by the user's system as well
* as by the relevant library (e.g. converse.js or moment.js).
* Parameters:
* (Function) library_check - returns a boolean indicating whether
* the locale is supported.
var locale, i;
if (window.navigator.userLanguage) {
locale = utils.isLocaleAvailable(window.navigator.userLanguage, library_check);
if (window.navigator.languages && !locale) {
for (i=0; i<window.navigator.languages.length && !locale; i++) {
locale = utils.isLocaleAvailable(window.navigator.languages[i], library_check);
if (window.navigator.browserLanguage && !locale) {
locale = utils.isLocaleAvailable(window.navigator.browserLanguage, library_check);
if (window.navigator.language && !locale) {
locale = utils.isLocaleAvailable(window.navigator.language, library_check);
if (window.navigator.systemLanguage && !locale) {
locale = utils.isLocaleAvailable(window.navigator.systemLanguage, library_check);
return locale || 'en';
utils.isConverseLocale = function (locale) {
if (!_.isString(locale)) { return false; }
return _.includes(_.keys(locales || {}), locale);
utils.isMomentLocale = function (locale) {
if (!_.isString(locale)) { return false; }
return moment.locale() !== moment.locale(locale);
utils.getLocale = function (preferred_locale, isSupportedByLibrary) {
2017-04-23 19:18:00 +02:00
if (_.isString(preferred_locale)) {
if (preferred_locale === 'en' || isSupportedByLibrary(preferred_locale)) {
return preferred_locale;
try {
var obj = window.JSON.parse(preferred_locale);
return obj.locale_data.converse[""].lang;
} catch (e) {
return utils.detectLocale(isSupportedByLibrary) || 'en';
utils.isOfType = function (type, item) {
return item.get('type') == type;
utils.isInstance = function (type, item) {
return item instanceof type;
utils.getAttribute = function (key, item) {
return item.get(key);
utils.contains.not = function (attr, query) {
return function (item) {
return !(utils.contains(attr, query)(item));
utils.createFragmentFromText = function (markup) {
/* Returns a DocumentFragment containing DOM nodes based on the
* passed-in markup text.
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9334645/create-node-from-markup-string
var frag = document.createDocumentFragment(),
tmp = document.createElement('body'), child;
tmp.innerHTML = markup;
// Append elements in a loop to a DocumentFragment, so that the
// browser does not re-render the document for each node.
while (child = tmp.firstChild) { // eslint-disable-line no-cond-assign
return frag
utils.addEmoji = function (_converse, emojione, text) {
if (_converse.use_emojione) {
return emojione.toImage(text);
} else {
return emojione.shortnameToUnicode(text);
utils.getEmojisByCategory = function (_converse, emojione) {
2017-06-16 11:31:57 +02:00
/* Return a dict of emojis with the categories as keys and
* lists of emojis in that category as values.
if (_.isUndefined(_converse.emojis_by_category)) {
2017-07-15 07:58:30 +02:00
const emojis = _.values(_.mapValues(emojione.emojioneList, function (value, key, o) {
2017-06-16 11:31:57 +02:00
value._shortname = key;
return value
2017-07-15 07:58:30 +02:00
const tones = [':tone1:', ':tone2:', ':tone3:', ':tone4:', ':tone5:'];
const excluded = [':kiss_ww:', ':kiss_mm:', ':kiss_woman_man:'];
const excluded_substrings = [
':woman', ':man', ':women_', ':men_', '_man_', '_woman_', '_woman:', '_man:'
const excluded_categories = ['modifier', 'regional'];
2017-07-15 07:58:30 +02:00
const categories = _.difference(
_.uniq(_.map(emojis, _.partial(_.get, _, 'category'))),
const emojis_by_category = {};
_.forEach(categories, (cat) => {
let list = _.sortBy(_.filter(emojis, ['category', cat]), ['uc_base']);
list = _.filter(
(item) => !_.includes(_.concat(tones, excluded), item._shortname) &&
!_.some(excluded_substrings, _.partial(_.includes, item._shortname))
2017-06-16 11:31:57 +02:00
if (cat === 'people') {
2017-07-15 07:58:30 +02:00
const idx = _.findIndex(list, ['uc_base', '1f600']);
2017-06-16 11:31:57 +02:00
list = _.union(_.slice(list, idx), _.slice(list, 0, idx+1));
} else if (cat === 'activity') {
list = _.union(_.slice(list, 27-1), _.slice(list, 0, 27));
} else if (cat === 'objects') {
list = _.union(_.slice(list, 24-1), _.slice(list, 0, 24));
} else if (cat === 'travel') {
list = _.union(_.slice(list, 17-1), _.slice(list, 0, 17));
} else if (cat === 'symbols') {
list = _.union(_.slice(list, 60-1), _.slice(list, 0, 60));
2017-06-16 11:31:57 +02:00
emojis_by_category[cat] = list;
_converse.emojis_by_category = emojis_by_category;
2017-06-16 11:31:57 +02:00
return _converse.emojis_by_category;
utils.getTonedEmojis = function (_converse) {
_converse.toned_emojis = _.uniq(
(person) => _.includes(person._shortname, '_tone')
(person) => person._shortname.replace(/_tone[1-5]/, '')
return _converse.toned_emojis;
2017-06-24 11:00:44 +02:00
utils.isPersistableModel = function (model) {
return model.collection && model.collection.browserStorage;
2017-07-10 21:14:48 +02:00
utils.getWrappedPromise = function () {
const wrapper = {};
wrapper.promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
wrapper.resolve = resolve;
wrapper.reject = reject;
return wrapper;
utils.safeSave = function (model, attributes) {
if (utils.isPersistableModel(model)) {
} else {
return utils;
2015-01-16 22:07:27 +01:00