import 'shared/autocomplete/index.js'; import log from '@converse/headless/log'; import tplAdhoc from './templates/ad-hoc.js'; import { CustomElement } from 'shared/components/element.js'; import { __ } from 'i18n'; import { api, converse } from '@converse/headless/core.js'; import { getNameAndValue } from 'utils/html.js'; const { Strophe, sizzle } = converse.env; export default class AdHocCommands extends CustomElement { static get properties () { return { 'alert': { type: String }, 'alert_type': { type: String }, 'commands': { type: Array }, 'fetching': { type: Boolean }, 'showform': { type: String }, 'view': { type: String }, }; } constructor () { super(); this.view = 'choose-service'; this.fetching = false; this.showform = ''; this.commands = []; } render () { return tplAdhoc(this) } async fetchCommands (ev) { ev.preventDefault(); delete this.alert_type; delete this.alert; this.fetching = true; const form_data = new FormData(; const jid = form_data.get('jid').trim(); let supported; try { supported = await api.disco.supports(Strophe.NS.ADHOC, jid); } catch (e) { log.error(e); } finally { this.fetching = false; } if (supported) { try { this.commands = await api.adhoc.getCommands(jid); this.view = 'list-commands'; } catch (e) { log.error(e); this.alert_type = 'danger'; this.alert = __('Sorry, an error occurred while looking for commands on that entity.'); this.commands = []; log.error(e); return; } } else { this.alert_type = 'danger'; this.alert = __("The specified entity doesn't support ad-hoc commands"); } } async toggleCommandForm (ev) { ev.preventDefault(); const node ='data-command-node'); const cmd = this.commands.filter(c => c.node === node)[0]; if (this.showform === node) { this.showform = ''; this.requestUpdate(); } else { const form = await api.adhoc.fetchCommandForm(cmd); cmd.sessionid = form.sessionid; cmd.instructions = form.instructions; cmd.fields = form.fields; cmd.actions = form.actions; this.showform = node; } } executeAction (ev) { ev.preventDefault(); const action ='data-action'); if (['execute', 'next', 'prev', 'complete'].includes(action)) { this.runCommand(, action); } else { log.error(`Unknown action: ${action}`); } } clearCommand (cmd) { delete cmd.alert; delete cmd.instructions; delete cmd.sessionid; delete cmd.alert_type; cmd.fields = []; cmd.acions = []; this.showform = ''; } async runCommand (form, action) { const form_data = new FormData(form); const jid = form_data.get('command_jid').trim(); const node = form_data.get('command_node').trim(); const cmd = this.commands.filter(c => c.node === node)[0]; delete cmd.alert; this.requestUpdate(); const inputs = action === 'prev' ? [] : sizzle(':input:not([type=button]):not([type=submit])', form) .filter(i => !['command_jid', 'command_node'].includes(i.getAttribute('name'))) .map(getNameAndValue) .filter(n => n); const response = await api.adhoc.runCommand(jid, cmd.sessionid, cmd.node, action, inputs); const { fields, status, note, instructions, actions } = response; if (status === 'error') { cmd.alert_type = 'danger'; cmd.alert = __( 'Sorry, an error occurred while trying to execute the command. See the developer console for details' ); return this.requestUpdate(); } if (status === 'executing') { cmd.alert = __('Executing'); cmd.fields = fields; cmd.instructions = instructions; cmd.alert_type = 'primary'; cmd.actions = actions; } else if (status === 'completed') { this.alert_type = 'primary'; this.alert = __('Completed'); this.note = note; this.clearCommand(cmd); } else { log.error(`Unexpected status for ad-hoc command: ${status}`); cmd.alert = __('Completed'); cmd.alert_type = 'primary'; } this.requestUpdate(); } async cancel (ev) { ev.preventDefault(); this.showform = ''; this.requestUpdate(); const form_data = new FormData(; const jid = form_data.get('command_jid').trim(); const node = form_data.get('command_node').trim(); const cmd = this.commands.filter(c => c.node === node)[0]; delete cmd.alert; this.requestUpdate(); const { status } = await api.adhoc.runCommand(jid, cmd.sessionid, cmd.node, 'cancel', []); if (status === 'error') { cmd.alert_type = 'danger'; cmd.alert = __( 'An error occurred while trying to cancel the command. See the developer console for details' ); } else if (status === 'canceled') { this.alert_type = ''; this.alert = ''; this.clearCommand(cmd); } else { log.error(`Unexpected status for ad-hoc command: ${status}`); cmd.alert = __('Error: unexpected result'); cmd.alert_type = 'danger'; } this.requestUpdate(); } } api.elements.define('converse-adhoc-commands', AdHocCommands);