// Converse.js // https://conversejs.org // // Copyright (c) 2013-2019, the Converse.js developers // Licensed under the Mozilla Public License (MPLv2) // // XEP-0045 Multi-User Chat import "./converse-disco"; import "./utils/emoji"; import "./utils/muc"; import converse from "./converse-core"; import u from "./utils/form"; const MUC_ROLE_WEIGHTS = { 'moderator': 1, 'participant': 2, 'visitor': 3, 'none': 2, }; const { Strophe, Backbone, Promise, $iq, $build, $msg, $pres, sizzle, dayjs, _ } = converse.env; // Add Strophe Namespaces Strophe.addNamespace('MUC_ADMIN', Strophe.NS.MUC + "#admin"); Strophe.addNamespace('MUC_OWNER', Strophe.NS.MUC + "#owner"); Strophe.addNamespace('MUC_REGISTER', "jabber:iq:register"); Strophe.addNamespace('MUC_ROOMCONF', Strophe.NS.MUC + "#roomconfig"); Strophe.addNamespace('MUC_USER', Strophe.NS.MUC + "#user"); converse.MUC_NICK_CHANGED_CODE = "303"; converse.ROOM_FEATURES = [ 'passwordprotected', 'unsecured', 'hidden', 'publicroom', 'membersonly', 'open', 'persistent', 'temporary', 'nonanonymous', 'semianonymous', 'moderated', 'unmoderated', 'mam_enabled' ]; // No longer used in code, but useful as reference. // // const ROOM_FEATURES_MAP = { // 'passwordprotected': 'unsecured', // 'unsecured': 'passwordprotected', // 'hidden': 'publicroom', // 'publicroom': 'hidden', // 'membersonly': 'open', // 'open': 'membersonly', // 'persistent': 'temporary', // 'temporary': 'persistent', // 'nonanonymous': 'semianonymous', // 'semianonymous': 'nonanonymous', // 'moderated': 'unmoderated', // 'unmoderated': 'moderated' // }; converse.ROOMSTATUS = { CONNECTED: 0, CONNECTING: 1, NICKNAME_REQUIRED: 2, PASSWORD_REQUIRED: 3, DISCONNECTED: 4, ENTERED: 5 }; converse.plugins.add('converse-muc', { /* Optional dependencies are other plugins which might be * overridden or relied upon, and therefore need to be loaded before * this plugin. They are called "optional" because they might not be * available, in which case any overrides applicable to them will be * ignored. * * It's possible however to make optional dependencies non-optional. * If the setting "strict_plugin_dependencies" is set to true, * an error will be raised if the plugin is not found. * * NB: These plugins need to have already been loaded via require.js. */ dependencies: ["converse-chatboxes", "converse-disco", "converse-controlbox"], overrides: { tearDown () { const { _converse } = this.__super__, groupchats = this.chatboxes.where({'type': _converse.CHATROOMS_TYPE}); groupchats.forEach(gc => u.safeSave(gc, {'connection_status': converse.ROOMSTATUS.DISCONNECTED})); this.__super__.tearDown.call(this, arguments); }, ChatBoxes: { model (attrs, options) { const { _converse } = this.__super__; if (attrs.type == _converse.CHATROOMS_TYPE) { return new _converse.ChatRoom(attrs, options); } else { return this.__super__.model.apply(this, arguments); } }, } }, initialize () { /* The initialize function gets called as soon as the plugin is * loaded by converse.js's plugin machinery. */ const { _converse } = this, { __ } = _converse; // Configuration values for this plugin // ==================================== // Refer to docs/source/configuration.rst for explanations of these // configuration settings. _converse.api.settings.update({ allow_muc: true, allow_muc_invitations: true, auto_join_on_invite: false, auto_join_rooms: [], auto_register_muc_nickname: false, muc_history_max_stanzas: undefined, muc_instant_rooms: true, muc_nickname_from_jid: false }); _converse.api.promises.add(['roomsAutoJoined']); async function openRoom (jid) { if (!u.isValidMUCJID(jid)) { return _converse.log( `Invalid JID "${jid}" provided in URL fragment`, Strophe.LogLevel.WARN ); } await _converse.api.waitUntil('roomsAutoJoined'); if (_converse.allow_bookmarks) { await _converse.api.waitUntil('bookmarksInitialized'); } _converse.api.rooms.open(jid); } _converse.router.route('converse/room?jid=:jid', openRoom); _converse.getDefaultMUCNickname = function () { // XXX: if anything changes here, update the docs for the // locked_muc_nickname setting. if (!_converse.xmppstatus) { throw new Error( "Can't call _converse.getDefaultMUCNickname before the statusInitialized has been fired."); } const nick = _converse.nickname || (_converse.vcards ? _converse.xmppstatus.vcard.get('nickname') : undefined); if (nick) { return nick; } else if (_converse.muc_nickname_from_jid) { return Strophe.unescapeNode(Strophe.getNodeFromJid(_converse.bare_jid)); } } function openChatRoom (jid, settings) { /* Opens a groupchat, making sure that certain attributes * are correct, for example that the "type" is set to * "chatroom". */ settings.type = _converse.CHATROOMS_TYPE; settings.id = jid; const chatbox = _converse.chatboxes.getChatBox(jid, settings, true); chatbox.maybeShow(true); return chatbox; } /** * Represents an open/ongoing groupchat conversation. * * @class * @namespace _converse.ChatRoom * @memberOf _converse */ _converse.ChatRoom = _converse.ChatBox.extend({ defaults () { return { // For group chats, we distinguish between generally unread // messages and those ones that specifically mention the // user. // // To keep things simple, we reuse `num_unread` from // _converse.ChatBox to indicate unread messages which // mention the user and `num_unread_general` to indicate // generally unread messages (which *includes* mentions!). 'num_unread_general': 0, 'affiliation': null, 'bookmarked': false, 'chat_state': undefined, 'connection_status': converse.ROOMSTATUS.DISCONNECTED, 'description': '', 'hidden': ['mobile', 'fullscreen'].includes(_converse.view_mode), 'message_type': 'groupchat', 'name': '', 'nick': _converse.xmppstatus.get('nickname') || _converse.nickname, 'num_unread': 0, 'roomconfig': {}, 'time_opened': this.get('time_opened') || (new Date()).getTime(), 'type': _converse.CHATROOMS_TYPE } }, initialize() { if (_converse.vcards) { this.vcard = _converse.vcards.findWhere({'jid': this.get('jid')}) || _converse.vcards.create({'jid': this.get('jid')}); } this.set('box_id', `box-${btoa(this.get('jid'))}`); this.initMessages(); this.on('change:chat_state', this.sendChatState, this); this.on('change:connection_status', this.onConnectionStatusChanged, this); const storage = _converse.config.get('storage'); const id = `converse.muc-features-${_converse.bare_jid}-${this.get('jid')}`; this.features = new Backbone.Model( _.assign({id}, _.zipObject(converse.ROOM_FEATURES, _.map(converse.ROOM_FEATURES, _.stubFalse))) ); this.features.browserStorage = new Backbone.BrowserStorage.session(id); this.features.fetch(); this.occupants = new _converse.ChatRoomOccupants(); this.occupants.browserStorage = new Backbone.BrowserStorage.session( `converse.occupants-${_converse.bare_jid}${this.get('jid')}` ); this.occupants.chatroom = this; this.occupants.fetched = new Promise(resolve => { this.occupants.fetch({ 'add': true, 'silent': true, 'success': resolve, 'error': resolve }); }); this.registerHandlers(); }, async onConnectionStatusChanged () { if (this.get('connection_status') === converse.ROOMSTATUS.ENTERED && _converse.auto_register_muc_nickname && !this.get('reserved_nick')) { if (await _converse.api.disco.supports(Strophe.NS.MUC_REGISTER, this.get('jid'))) { this.registerNickname() } } }, registerHandlers () { /* Register presence and message handlers for this chat * groupchat */ const room_jid = this.get('jid'); this.removeHandlers(); this.presence_handler = _converse.connection.addHandler(stanza => { Object.values(this.handlers.presence).forEach(callback => callback(stanza)); this.onPresence(stanza); return true; }, null, 'presence', null, null, room_jid, {'ignoreNamespaceFragment': true, 'matchBareFromJid': true} ); this.message_handler = _converse.connection.addHandler(stanza => { Object.values(this.handlers.message).forEach(callback => callback(stanza)); this.onMessage(stanza); return true; }, null, 'message', 'groupchat', null, room_jid, {'matchBareFromJid': true} ); }, removeHandlers () { /* Remove the presence and message handlers that were * registered for this groupchat. */ if (this.message_handler) { _converse.connection.deleteHandler(this.message_handler); delete this.message_handler; } if (this.presence_handler) { _converse.connection.deleteHandler(this.presence_handler); delete this.presence_handler; } return this; }, addHandler (type, name, callback) { /* Allows 'presence' and 'message' handlers to be * registered. These will be executed once presence or * message stanzas are received, and *before* this model's * own handlers are executed. */ if (_.isNil(this.handlers)) { this.handlers = {}; } if (_.isNil(this.handlers[type])) { this.handlers[type] = {}; } this.handlers[type][name] = callback; }, getDisplayName () { return this.get('name') || this.get('jid'); }, /** * Join the groupchat. * @private * @method _converse.ChatRoom#join * @param { String } nick - The user's nickname * @param { String } password - Optional password, if required by the groupchat. */ join (nick, password) { nick = nick ? nick : this.get('nick'); if (!nick) { throw new TypeError('join: You need to provide a valid nickname'); } if (this.get('connection_status') === converse.ROOMSTATUS.ENTERED) { // We have restored a groupchat from session storage, // so we don't send out a presence stanza again. return this; } const stanza = $pres({ 'from': _converse.connection.jid, 'to': this.getRoomJIDAndNick(nick) }).c("x", {'xmlns': Strophe.NS.MUC}) .c("history", {'maxstanzas': this.features.get('mam_enabled') ? 0 : _converse.muc_history_max_stanzas}).up(); if (password) { stanza.cnode(Strophe.xmlElement("password", [], password)); } this.save('connection_status', converse.ROOMSTATUS.CONNECTING); _converse.api.send(stanza); return this; }, /* Leave the groupchat. * @private * @method _converse.ChatRoom#leave * @param { string } exit_msg - Optional message to indicate your reason for leaving */ leave (exit_msg) { this.features.destroy(); this.occupants.browserStorage._clear(); this.occupants.reset(); if (_converse.disco_entities) { const disco_entity = _converse.disco_entities.get(this.get('jid')); if (disco_entity) { disco_entity.destroy(); } } if (_converse.connection.connected) { this.sendUnavailablePresence(exit_msg); } u.safeSave(this, {'connection_status': converse.ROOMSTATUS.DISCONNECTED}); this.removeHandlers(); }, sendUnavailablePresence (exit_msg) { const presence = $pres({ type: "unavailable", from: _converse.connection.jid, to: this.getRoomJIDAndNick() }); if (exit_msg !== null) { presence.c("status", exit_msg); } _converse.connection.sendPresence(presence); }, getReferenceForMention (mention, index) { const longest_match = u.getLongestSubstring( mention, this.occupants.map(o => o.getDisplayName()) ); if (!longest_match) { return null; } if ((mention[longest_match.length] || '').match(/[A-Za-zäëïöüâêîôûáéíóúàèìòùÄËÏÖÜÂÊÎÔÛÁÉÍÓÚÀÈÌÒÙ]/i)) { // avoid false positives, i.e. mentions that have // further alphabetical characters than our longest // match. return null; } const occupant = this.occupants.findOccupant({'nick': longest_match}) || this.occupants.findOccupant({'jid': longest_match}); if (!occupant) { return null; } const obj = { 'begin': index, 'end': index + longest_match.length, 'value': longest_match, 'type': 'mention' }; if (occupant.get('jid')) { obj.uri = `xmpp:${occupant.get('jid')}` } return obj; }, extractReference (text, index) { for (let i=index; i is not applicable within MUC context return; } _converse.api.send( $msg({'to':this.get('jid'), 'type': 'groupchat'}) .c(chat_state, {'xmlns': Strophe.NS.CHATSTATES}).up() .c('no-store', {'xmlns': Strophe.NS.HINTS}).up() .c('no-permanent-store', {'xmlns': Strophe.NS.HINTS}) ); }, /** * Send a direct invitation as per XEP-0249 * @private * @method _converse.ChatRoom#directInvite * @param { String } recipient - JID of the person being invited * @param { String } reason - Optional reason for the invitation */ directInvite (recipient, reason) { if (this.features.get('membersonly')) { // When inviting to a members-only groupchat, we first add // the person to the member list by giving them an // affiliation of 'member' (if they're not affiliated // already), otherwise they won't be able to join. const map = {}; map[recipient] = 'member'; const deltaFunc = _.partial(u.computeAffiliationsDelta, true, false); this.updateMemberLists( [{'jid': recipient, 'affiliation': 'member', 'reason': reason}], ['member', 'owner', 'admin'], deltaFunc ); } const attrs = { 'xmlns': 'jabber:x:conference', 'jid': this.get('jid') }; if (reason !== null) { attrs.reason = reason; } if (this.get('password')) { attrs.password = this.get('password'); } const invitation = $msg({ 'from': _converse.connection.jid, 'to': recipient, 'id': _converse.connection.getUniqueId() }).c('x', attrs); _converse.api.send(invitation); /** * After the user has sent out a direct invitation (as per XEP-0249), * to a roster contact, asking them to join a room. * @event _converse#chatBoxMaximized * @type { object } * @property { _converse.ChatRoom } room * @property { string } recipient - The JID of the person being invited * @property { string } reason - The original reason for the invitation * @example _converse.api.listen.on('chatBoxMaximized', view => { ... }); */ _converse.api.trigger('roomInviteSent', { 'room': this, 'recipient': recipient, 'reason': reason }); }, async refreshRoomFeatures () { await _converse.api.disco.refreshFeatures(this.get('jid')); return this.getRoomFeatures(); }, async getRoomFeatures () { let identity; try { identity = await _converse.api.disco.getIdentity('conference', 'text', this.get('jid')); } catch (e) { // Getting the identity probably failed because this room doesn't exist yet. return _converse.log(e, Strophe.LogLevel.ERROR); } const fields = await _converse.api.disco.getFields(this.get('jid')); this.save({ 'name': identity && identity.get('name'), 'description': _.get(fields.findWhere({'var': "muc#roominfo_description"}), 'attributes.value') }); const features = await _converse.api.disco.getFeatures(this.get('jid')); const attrs = Object.assign( _.zipObject(converse.ROOM_FEATURES, _.map(converse.ROOM_FEATURES, _.stubFalse)), {'fetched': (new Date()).toISOString()} ); features.each(feature => { const fieldname = feature.get('var'); if (!fieldname.startsWith('muc_')) { if (fieldname === Strophe.NS.MAM) { attrs.mam_enabled = true; } return; } attrs[fieldname.replace('muc_', '')] = true; }); this.features.save(attrs); }, /* Send an IQ stanza to the server, asking it for the * member-list of this groupchat. * See: https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0045.html#modifymember * @private * @method _converse.ChatRoom#requestMemberList * @param { string } affiliation - The specific member list to * fetch. 'admin', 'owner' or 'member'. * @returns: * A promise which resolves once the list has been retrieved. */ requestMemberList (affiliation) { affiliation = affiliation || 'member'; const iq = $iq({to: this.get('jid'), type: "get"}) .c("query", {xmlns: Strophe.NS.MUC_ADMIN}) .c("item", {'affiliation': affiliation}); return _converse.api.sendIQ(iq); }, /** * Send IQ stanzas to the server to set an affiliation for * the provided JIDs. * See: https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0045.html#modifymember * * Prosody doesn't accept multiple JIDs' affiliations * being set in one IQ stanza, so as a workaround we send * a separate stanza for each JID. * Related ticket: https://issues.prosody.im/345 * * @private * @method _converse.ChatRoom#setAffiliation * @param { string } affiliation - The affiliation * @param { object } members - A map of jids, affiliations and * optionally reasons. Only those entries with the * same affiliation as being currently set will be considered. * @returns * A promise which resolves and fails depending on the XMPP server response. */ setAffiliation (affiliation, members) { members = _.filter(members, (member) => // We only want those members who have the right // affiliation (or none, which implies the provided one). _.isUndefined(member.affiliation) || member.affiliation === affiliation ); const promises = _.map(members, _.bind(this.sendAffiliationIQ, this, affiliation)); return Promise.all(promises); }, /** * Submit the groupchat configuration form by sending an IQ * stanza to the server. * @private * @method _converse.ChatRoom#saveConfiguration * @param { HTMLElement } form - The configuration form DOM element. * If no form is provided, the default configuration * values will be used. * @returns { promise } * Returns a promise which resolves once the XMPP server * has return a response IQ. */ saveConfiguration (form) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const inputs = form ? sizzle(':input:not([type=button]):not([type=submit])', form) : [], configArray = _.map(inputs, u.webForm2xForm); this.sendConfiguration(configArray, resolve, reject); }); }, /** * Given a element, return a copy with a child if * we can find a value for it in this rooms config. * @private * @method _converse.ChatRoom#autoConfigureChatRoom * @returns { Element } */ addFieldValue (field) { const type = field.getAttribute('type'); if (type === 'fixed') { return field; } const fieldname = field.getAttribute('var').replace('muc#roomconfig_', ''); const config = this.get('roomconfig'); if (fieldname in config) { let values; switch (type) { case 'boolean': values = [config[fieldname] ? 1 : 0]; break; case 'list-multi': values = config[fieldname]; break; default: values= [config[fieldname]]; } field.innerHTML = values.map(v => $build('value').t(v)).join(''); } return field; }, /** * Automatically configure the groupchat based on this model's * 'roomconfig' data. * @private * @method _converse.ChatRoom#autoConfigureChatRoom * @returns { promise } * Returns a promise which resolves once a response IQ has * been received. */ autoConfigureChatRoom () { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { const stanza = await this.fetchRoomConfiguration(); const fields = sizzle('field', stanza); const configArray = fields.map(f => this.addFieldValue(f)) if (configArray.length) { this.sendConfiguration(configArray, resolve, reject); } }); }, fetchRoomConfiguration () { /* Send an IQ stanza to fetch the groupchat configuration data. * Returns a promise which resolves once the response IQ * has been received. */ return _converse.api.sendIQ( $iq({'to': this.get('jid'), 'type': "get"}) .c("query", {xmlns: Strophe.NS.MUC_OWNER}) ); }, /** * Send an IQ stanza with the groupchat configuration. * @private * @method _converse.ChatRoom#sendConfiguration * @param { Array } config - The groupchat configuration * @param { Function } callback - Callback upon succesful IQ response * The first parameter passed in is IQ containing the * groupchat configuration. * The second is the response IQ from the server. * @param { Function } errback - Callback upon error IQ response * The first parameter passed in is IQ containing the * groupchat configuration. * The second is the response IQ from the server. */ sendConfiguration (config=[], callback, errback) { const iq = $iq({to: this.get('jid'), type: "set"}) .c("query", {xmlns: Strophe.NS.MUC_OWNER}) .c("x", {xmlns: Strophe.NS.XFORM, type: "submit"}); config.forEach(node => iq.cnode(node).up()); callback = _.isUndefined(callback) ? _.noop : _.partial(callback, iq.nodeTree); errback = _.isUndefined(errback) ? _.noop : _.partial(errback, iq.nodeTree); return _converse.api.sendIQ(iq).then(callback).catch(errback); }, /** * Parse the presence stanza for the current user's affiliation. * @private * @method _converse.ChatRoom#saveAffiliationAndRole * @param { XMLElement } pres - A stanza. */ saveAffiliationAndRole (pres) { const item = sizzle(`x[xmlns="${Strophe.NS.MUC_USER}"] item`, pres).pop(); const is_self = !_.isNull(pres.querySelector("status[code='110']")); if (is_self && !_.isNil(item)) { const affiliation = item.getAttribute('affiliation'); const role = item.getAttribute('role'); if (affiliation) { this.save({'affiliation': affiliation}); } if (role) { this.save({'role': role}); } } }, /** * Send an IQ stanza specifying an affiliation change. * @private * @method _converse.ChatRoom# * @param { String } affiliation: affiliation * (could also be stored on the member object). * @param { Object } member: Map containing the member's jid and * optionally a reason and affiliation. */ sendAffiliationIQ (affiliation, member) { const iq = $iq({to: this.get('jid'), type: "set"}) .c("query", {xmlns: Strophe.NS.MUC_ADMIN}) .c("item", { 'affiliation': member.affiliation || affiliation, 'nick': member.nick, 'jid': member.jid }); if (!_.isUndefined(member.reason)) { iq.c("reason", member.reason); } return _converse.api.sendIQ(iq); }, /** * Send IQ stanzas to the server to modify the * affiliations in this groupchat. * See: https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0045.html#modifymember * @private * @method _converse.ChatRoom#setAffiliations * @param { object } members - A map of jids, affiliations and optionally reasons * @param { function } onSuccess - callback for a succesful response * @param { function } onError - callback for an error response */ setAffiliations (members) { const affiliations = _.uniq(_.map(members, 'affiliation')); return Promise.all(_.map(affiliations, _.partial(this.setAffiliation.bind(this), _, members))); }, async getJidsWithAffiliations (affiliations) { /* Returns a map of JIDs that have the affiliations * as provided. */ if (_.isString(affiliations)) { affiliations = [affiliations]; } const result = await Promise.all(affiliations.map(a => this.requestMemberList(a) .then(iq => u.parseMemberListIQ(iq)) .catch(iq => { _converse.log(iq, Strophe.LogLevel.ERROR); }) )); return [].concat.apply([], result).filter(p => p); }, /** * Fetch the lists of users with the given affiliations. * Then compute the delta between those users and * the passed in members, and if it exists, send the delta * to the XMPP server to update the member list. * @private * @method _converse.ChatRoom#updateMemberLists * @param { object } members - Map of member jids and affiliations. * @param { string|array } affiliation - An array of affiliations or * a string if only one affiliation. * @param { function } deltaFunc - The function to compute the delta * between old and new member lists. * @returns { promise } * A promise which is resolved once the list has been * updated or once it's been established there's no need * to update the list. */ updateMemberLists (members, affiliations, deltaFunc) { this.getJidsWithAffiliations(affiliations) .then(old_members => this.setAffiliations(deltaFunc(members, old_members))) .then(() => this.occupants.fetchMembers()) .catch(_.partial(_converse.log, _, Strophe.LogLevel.ERROR)); }, /** * Use service-discovery to ask the XMPP server whether * this user has a reserved nickname for this groupchat. * If so, we'll use that, otherwise we render the nickname form. * @private * @method _converse.ChatRoom#checkForReservedNick * @returns { promise } A promise which resolves with the response IQ */ async checkForReservedNick () { const iq = await _converse.api.sendIQ( $iq({ 'to': this.get('jid'), 'from': _converse.connection.jid, 'type': "get" }).c("query", { 'xmlns': Strophe.NS.DISCO_INFO, 'node': 'x-roomuser-item' }) ); const identity_el = iq.querySelector('query[node="x-roomuser-item"] identity'), nick = identity_el ? identity_el.getAttribute('name') : null; this.save({ 'reserved_nick': nick, 'nick': nick }, {'silent': true}); return iq; }, async registerNickname () { // See https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0045.html#register const nick = this.get('nick'), jid = this.get('jid'); let iq, err_msg; try { iq = await _converse.api.sendIQ( $iq({ 'to': jid, 'from': _converse.connection.jid, 'type': 'get' }).c('query', {'xmlns': Strophe.NS.MUC_REGISTER}) ); } catch (e) { if (sizzle('not-allowed[xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas"]', e).length) { err_msg = __("You're not allowed to register yourself in this groupchat."); } else if (sizzle('registration-required[xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas"]', e).length) { err_msg = __("You're not allowed to register in this groupchat because it's members-only."); } _converse.log(e, Strophe.LogLevel.ERROR); return err_msg; } const required_fields = sizzle('field required', iq).map(f => f.parentElement); if (required_fields.length > 1 && required_fields[0].getAttribute('var') !== 'muc#register_roomnick') { return _converse.log(`Can't register the user register in the groupchat ${jid} due to the required fields`); } try { await _converse.api.sendIQ($iq({ 'to': jid, 'from': _converse.connection.jid, 'type': 'set' }).c('query', {'xmlns': Strophe.NS.MUC_REGISTER}) .c('x', {'xmlns': Strophe.NS.XFORM, 'type': 'submit'}) .c('field', {'var': 'FORM_TYPE'}).c('value').t('http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#register').up().up() .c('field', {'var': 'muc#register_roomnick'}).c('value').t(nick) ); } catch (e) { if (sizzle('service-unavailable[xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas"]', e).length) { err_msg = __("Can't register your nickname in this groupchat, it doesn't support registration."); } else if (sizzle('bad-request[xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas"]', e).length) { err_msg = __("Can't register your nickname in this groupchat, invalid data form supplied."); } _converse.log(err_msg); _converse.log(e, Strophe.LogLevel.ERROR); return err_msg; } }, /** * Given a presence stanza, update the occupant model * based on its contents. * @private * @method _converse.ChatRoom#updateOccupantsOnPresence * @param { XMLElement } pres - The presence stanza */ updateOccupantsOnPresence (pres) { const data = this.parsePresence(pres); if (data.type === 'error' || (!data.jid && !data.nick)) { return true; } const occupant = this.occupants.findOccupant(data); if (data.type === 'unavailable' && occupant) { if (!_.includes(data.states, converse.MUC_NICK_CHANGED_CODE) && !occupant.isMember()) { // We only destroy the occupant if this is not a nickname change operation. // and if they're not on the member lists. // Before destroying we set the new data, so // that we can show the disconnection message. occupant.set(data); occupant.destroy(); return; } } const jid = data.jid || ''; const attributes = Object.assign(data, { 'jid': Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(jid) || _.get(occupant, 'attributes.jid'), 'resource': Strophe.getResourceFromJid(jid) || _.get(occupant, 'attributes.resource') }); if (occupant) { occupant.save(attributes); } else { this.occupants.create(attributes); } }, parsePresence (pres) { const from = pres.getAttribute("from"), type = pres.getAttribute("type"), data = { 'from': from, 'nick': Strophe.getResourceFromJid(from), 'type': type, 'states': [], 'show': type !== 'unavailable' ? 'online' : 'offline' }; pres.childNodes.forEach(child => { switch (child.nodeName) { case "status": data.status = child.textContent || null; break; case "show": data.show = child.textContent || 'online'; break; case "x": if (child.getAttribute("xmlns") === Strophe.NS.MUC_USER) { child.childNodes.forEach(item => { switch (item.nodeName) { case "item": data.affiliation = item.getAttribute("affiliation"); data.role = item.getAttribute("role"); data.jid = item.getAttribute("jid"); data.nick = item.getAttribute("nick") || data.nick; break; case "status": if (item.getAttribute("code")) { data.states.push(item.getAttribute("code")); } } }); } else if (child.getAttribute("xmlns") === Strophe.NS.VCARDUPDATE) { data.image_hash = _.get(child.querySelector('photo'), 'textContent'); } } }); return data; }, fetchFeaturesIfConfigurationChanged (stanza) { const configuration_changed = stanza.querySelector("status[code='104']"), logging_enabled = stanza.querySelector("status[code='170']"), logging_disabled = stanza.querySelector("status[code='171']"), room_no_longer_anon = stanza.querySelector("status[code='172']"), room_now_semi_anon = stanza.querySelector("status[code='173']"), room_now_fully_anon = stanza.querySelector("status[code='173']"); if (configuration_changed || logging_enabled || logging_disabled || room_no_longer_anon || room_now_semi_anon || room_now_fully_anon) { this.refreshRoomFeatures(); } }, isReceipt (stanza) { return sizzle(`received[xmlns="${Strophe.NS.RECEIPTS}"]`, stanza).length > 0; }, isChatMarker (stanza) { return sizzle( `received[xmlns="${Strophe.NS.MARKERS}"], displayed[xmlns="${Strophe.NS.MARKERS}"], acknowledged[xmlns="${Strophe.NS.MARKERS}"]`, stanza).length > 0; }, /** * Handle a subject change and return `true` if so. * @private * @method _converse.ChatRoom#subjectChangeHandled * @param { object } attrs - The message attributes */ subjectChangeHandled (attrs) { if (attrs.subject && !attrs.thread && !attrs.message) { // https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0045.html#subject-mod // ----------------------------------------------------- // The subject is changed by sending a message of type "groupchat" to the , // where the MUST contain a element that specifies the new subject but // MUST NOT contain a element (or a element). u.safeSave(this, {'subject': {'author': attrs.nick, 'text': attrs.subject || ''}}); return true; } return false; }, /** * Is this a chat state notification that can be ignored, * because it's old or because it's from us. * @private * @method _converse.ChatRoom#ignorableCSN * @param { Object } attrs - The message attributes */ ignorableCSN (attrs) { const is_csn = u.isOnlyChatStateNotification(attrs), own_message = Strophe.getResourceFromJid(attrs.from) == this.get('nick'); return is_csn && (attrs.is_delayed || own_message); }, getUpdatedMessageAttributes (message, stanza) { // Overridden in converse-muc and converse-mam const attrs = _converse.ChatBox.prototype.getUpdatedMessageAttributes.call(this, message, stanza); const from = stanza.getAttribute('from'); const own_message = Strophe.getResourceFromJid(from) == this.get('nick'); if (own_message) { const stanza_id = sizzle(`stanza-id[xmlns="${Strophe.NS.SID}"]`, stanza).pop(); const by_jid = stanza_id ? stanza_id.getAttribute('by') : undefined; if (by_jid) { const key = `stanza_id ${by_jid}`; attrs[key] = stanza_id.getAttribute('id'); } if (!message.get('received')) { attrs.received = (new Date()).toISOString(); } } return attrs; }, getErrorMessage (stanza) { if (sizzle(`forbidden[xmlns="${Strophe.NS.STANZAS}"]`, stanza).length) { return __("Your message was not delivered because you're not allowed to send messages in this groupchat."); } else { return _converse.ChatBox.prototype.getErrorMessage.apply(this, arguments); } }, addOccupantData (attrs) { if (attrs.nick) { const occupant = this.occupants.findOccupant({'nick': attrs.nick}); if (occupant) { attrs['affiliation'] = occupant.get('affiliation'); attrs['role'] = occupant.get('role'); } } return attrs; }, /** * Handler for all MUC messages sent to this groupchat. * @private * @method _converse.ChatRoom#onMessage * @param { XMLElement } stanza - The message stanza. */ async onMessage (stanza) { this.fetchFeaturesIfConfigurationChanged(stanza); const original_stanza = stanza, forwarded = sizzle(`forwarded[xmlns="${Strophe.NS.FORWARD}"]`, stanza).pop(); if (forwarded) { stanza = forwarded.querySelector('message'); } const message = await this.getDuplicateMessage(original_stanza); if (message) { this.updateMessage(message, original_stanza); } if (message || this.handleMessageCorrection(stanza) || this.isReceipt(stanza) || this.isChatMarker(stanza)) { return _converse.api.trigger('message', {'stanza': original_stanza}); } const attrs = await this.getMessageAttributesFromStanza(stanza, original_stanza); if (attrs.nick && !this.subjectChangeHandled(attrs) && !this.ignorableCSN(attrs) && (attrs['chat_state'] || !u.isEmptyMessage(attrs))) { const msg = this.messages.create(this.addOccupantData(attrs)); this.incrementUnreadMsgCounter(msg); if (forwarded && msg && msg.get('sender') === 'me') { msg.save({'received': (new Date()).toISOString()}); } } _converse.api.trigger('message', {'stanza': original_stanza, 'chatbox': this}); }, /** * Handles all MUC presence stanzas. * @private * @method _converse.ChatRoom#onPresence * @param { XMLElement } pres - The stanza */ onPresence (pres) { if (pres.getAttribute('type') === 'error') { // TODO: currently showErrorMessageFromPresence handles // 'error" presences in converse-muc-views. // Instead, they should be handled here and the presence // handler removed from there. if (sizzle(`error not-authorized[xmlns="${Strophe.NS.STANZAS}"]`, pres).length) { this.save('connection_status', converse.ROOMSTATUS.PASSWORD_REQUIRED); } else { this.save('connection_status', converse.ROOMSTATUS.DISCONNECTED); } return; } const is_self = pres.querySelector("status[code='110']"); if (is_self && pres.getAttribute('type') !== 'unavailable') { this.onOwnPresence(pres); } this.updateOccupantsOnPresence(pres); if (this.get('role') !== 'none' && this.get('connection_status') === converse.ROOMSTATUS.CONNECTING) { this.save('connection_status', converse.ROOMSTATUS.CONNECTED); } }, /** * Handles a received presence relating to the current user. * * For locked groupchats (which are by definition "new"), the * groupchat will either be auto-configured or created instantly * (with default config) or a configuration groupchat will be * rendered. * * If the groupchat is not locked, then the groupchat will be * auto-configured only if applicable and if the current * user is the groupchat's owner. * @private * @method _converse.ChatRoom#onOwnPresence * @param { XMLElement } pres - The stanza */ onOwnPresence (pres) { this.saveAffiliationAndRole(pres); const locked_room = pres.querySelector("status[code='201']"); if (locked_room) { if (this.get('auto_configure')) { this.autoConfigureChatRoom().then(() => this.refreshRoomFeatures()); } else if (_converse.muc_instant_rooms) { // Accept default configuration this.saveConfiguration().then(() => this.refreshRoomFeatures()); } else { /** * Triggered when a new room has been created which first needs to be configured * and when `auto_configure` is set to `false`. * Used by `_converse.ChatRoomView` in order to know when to render the * configuration form for a new room. * @event _converse.ChatRoom#configurationNeeded * @example _converse.api.listen.on('configurationNeeded', () => { ... }); */ this.trigger('configurationNeeded'); return; // We haven't yet entered the groupchat, so bail here. } } else if (!this.features.get('fetched')) { // The features for this groupchat weren't fetched. // That must mean it's a new groupchat without locking // (in which case Prosody doesn't send a 201 status), // otherwise the features would have been fetched in // the "initialize" method already. if (this.get('affiliation') === 'owner' && this.get('auto_configure')) { this.autoConfigureChatRoom().then(() => this.refreshRoomFeatures()); } else { this.getRoomFeatures(); } } this.save('connection_status', converse.ROOMSTATUS.ENTERED); }, /** * Returns a boolean to indicate whether the current user * was mentioned in a message. * @private * @method _converse.ChatRoom#isUserMentioned * @param { String } - The text message */ isUserMentioned (message) { const nick = this.get('nick'); if (message.get('references').length) { const mentions = message.get('references').filter(ref => (ref.type === 'mention')).map(ref => ref.value); return _.includes(mentions, nick); } else { return (new RegExp(`\\b${nick}\\b`)).test(message.get('message')); } }, /* Given a newly received message, update the unread counter if necessary. * @private * @method _converse.ChatRoom#incrementUnreadMsgCounter * @param { XMLElement } - The stanza */ incrementUnreadMsgCounter (message) { if (!message) { return; } const body = message.get('message'); if (_.isNil(body)) { return; } if (u.isNewMessage(message) && this.isHidden()) { const settings = {'num_unread_general': this.get('num_unread_general') + 1}; if (this.isUserMentioned(message)) { settings.num_unread = this.get('num_unread') + 1; _converse.incrementMsgCounter(); } this.save(settings); } }, clearUnreadMsgCounter() { u.safeSave(this, { 'num_unread': 0, 'num_unread_general': 0 }); } }); _converse.ChatRoomOccupant = Backbone.Model.extend({ defaults: { 'show': 'offline', 'states': [] }, initialize (attributes) { this.set(Object.assign( {'id': _converse.connection.getUniqueId()}, attributes) ); this.on('change:image_hash', this.onAvatarChanged, this); }, onAvatarChanged () { const hash = this.get('image_hash'); const vcards = []; if (this.get('jid')) { vcards.push(_converse.vcards.findWhere({'jid': this.get('jid')})); } vcards.push(_converse.vcards.findWhere({'jid': this.get('from')})); _.forEach(_.filter(vcards, undefined), (vcard) => { if (hash && vcard.get('image_hash') !== hash) { _converse.api.vcard.update(vcard, true); } }); }, getDisplayName () { return this.get('nick') || this.get('jid'); }, isMember () { return _.includes(['admin', 'owner', 'member'], this.get('affiliation')); }, isSelf () { return this.get('states').includes('110'); } }); _converse.ChatRoomOccupants = Backbone.Collection.extend({ model: _converse.ChatRoomOccupant, comparator (occupant1, occupant2) { const role1 = occupant1.get('role') || 'none'; const role2 = occupant2.get('role') || 'none'; if (MUC_ROLE_WEIGHTS[role1] === MUC_ROLE_WEIGHTS[role2]) { const nick1 = occupant1.getDisplayName().toLowerCase(); const nick2 = occupant2.getDisplayName().toLowerCase(); return nick1 < nick2 ? -1 : (nick1 > nick2? 1 : 0); } else { return MUC_ROLE_WEIGHTS[role1] < MUC_ROLE_WEIGHTS[role2] ? -1 : 1; } }, async fetchMembers () { const new_members = await this.chatroom.getJidsWithAffiliations(['member', 'owner', 'admin']); const new_jids = new_members.map(m => m.jid).filter(m => !_.isUndefined(m)), new_nicks = new_members.map(m => !m.jid && m.nick || undefined).filter(m => !_.isUndefined(m)), removed_members = this.filter(m => { return ['admin', 'member', 'owner'].includes(m.get('affiliation')) && !new_nicks.includes(m.get('nick')) && !new_jids.includes(m.get('jid')); }); removed_members.forEach(occupant => { if (occupant.get('jid') === _converse.bare_jid) { return; } if (occupant.get('show') === 'offline') { occupant.destroy(); } }); new_members.forEach(attrs => { let occupant; if (attrs.jid) { occupant = this.findOccupant({'jid': attrs.jid}); } else { occupant = this.findOccupant({'nick': attrs.nick}); } if (occupant) { occupant.save(attrs); } else { this.create(attrs); } }); }, findOccupant (data) { /* Try to find an existing occupant based on the passed in * data object. * * If we have a JID, we use that as lookup variable, * otherwise we use the nick. We don't always have both, * but should have at least one or the other. */ const jid = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(data.jid); if (jid !== null) { return this.where({'jid': jid}).pop(); } else { return this.where({'nick': data.nick}).pop(); } } }); _converse.RoomsPanelModel = Backbone.Model.extend({ defaults: function () { return { 'muc_domain': _converse.muc_domain, 'nick': _converse.getDefaultMUCNickname() } }, setDomain (jid) { if (!_converse.locked_muc_domain) { this.save('muc_domain', Strophe.getDomainFromJid(jid)); } } }); /** * A direct MUC invitation to join a groupchat has been received * See XEP-0249: Direct MUC invitations. * @private * @method _converse.ChatRoom#onDirectMUCInvitation * @param { XMLElement } message - The message stanza containing the invitation. */ _converse.onDirectMUCInvitation = function (message) { const x_el = sizzle('x[xmlns="jabber:x:conference"]', message).pop(), from = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(message.getAttribute('from')), room_jid = x_el.getAttribute('jid'), reason = x_el.getAttribute('reason'); let contact = _converse.roster.get(from), result; if (_converse.auto_join_on_invite) { result = true; } else { // Invite request might come from someone not your roster list contact = contact? contact.get('fullname'): Strophe.getNodeFromJid(from); if (!reason) { result = confirm( __("%1$s has invited you to join a groupchat: %2$s", contact, room_jid) ); } else { result = confirm( __('%1$s has invited you to join a groupchat: %2$s, and left the following reason: "%3$s"', contact, room_jid, reason) ); } } if (result === true) { const chatroom = openChatRoom(room_jid, {'password': x_el.getAttribute('password') }); if (chatroom.get('connection_status') === converse.ROOMSTATUS.DISCONNECTED) { // XXX: Leaky abstraction from views here if (_converse.chatboxviews) { _converse.chatboxviews.get(room_jid).join(); } else { _converse.chatboxes.get(room_jid).join(); } } } }; if (_converse.allow_muc_invitations) { const registerDirectInvitationHandler = function () { _converse.connection.addHandler( (message) => { _converse.onDirectMUCInvitation(message); return true; }, 'jabber:x:conference', 'message'); }; _converse.api.listen.on('connected', registerDirectInvitationHandler); _converse.api.listen.on('reconnected', registerDirectInvitationHandler); } const getChatRoom = function (jid, attrs, create) { jid = jid.toLowerCase(); attrs.type = _converse.CHATROOMS_TYPE; attrs.id = jid; return _converse.chatboxes.getChatBox(jid, attrs, create); }; const createChatRoom = function (jid, attrs) { if (jid.startsWith('xmpp:') && jid.endsWith('?join')) { jid = jid.replace(/^xmpp:/, '').replace(/\?join$/, ''); } return getChatRoom(jid, attrs, true); }; function autoJoinRooms () { /* Automatically join groupchats, based on the * "auto_join_rooms" configuration setting, which is an array * of strings (groupchat JIDs) or objects (with groupchat JID and other * settings). */ _converse.auto_join_rooms.forEach(groupchat => { if (_converse.chatboxes.where({'jid': groupchat}).length) { return; } if (_.isString(groupchat)) { _converse.api.rooms.open(groupchat); } else if (_.isObject(groupchat)) { _converse.api.rooms.open(groupchat.jid, groupchat.nick); } else { _converse.log( 'Invalid groupchat criteria specified for "auto_join_rooms"', Strophe.LogLevel.ERROR); } }); /** * Triggered once any rooms that have been configured to be automatically joined, * specified via the _`auto_join_rooms` setting, have been entered. * @event _converse#roomsAutoJoined * @example _converse.api.listen.on('roomsAutoJoined', () => { ... }); * @example _converse.api.waitUntil('roomsAutoJoined').then(() => { ... }); */ _converse.api.trigger('roomsAutoJoined'); } function disconnectChatRooms () { /* When disconnecting, mark all groupchats as * disconnected, so that they will be properly entered again * when fetched from session storage. */ _converse.chatboxes.each(model => { if (model.get('type') === _converse.CHATROOMS_TYPE) { model.save('connection_status', converse.ROOMSTATUS.DISCONNECTED); } }); } function fetchRegistrationForm (room_jid, user_jid) { _converse.api.sendIQ( $iq({ 'from': user_jid, 'to': room_jid, 'type': 'get' }).c('query', {'xmlns': Strophe.NS.REGISTER}) ).then(iq => { }).catch(iq => { if (sizzle('item-not-found[xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas"]', iq).length) { this.feedback.set('error', __('Error: the groupchat %1$s does not exist.', this.model.getDisplayName())); } else if (sizzle('not-allowed[xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas"]').length) { this.feedback.set('error', __("Sorry, you're not allowed to register in this groupchat")); } }); } /************************ BEGIN Event Handlers ************************/ _converse.api.listen.on('addClientFeatures', () => { if (_converse.allow_muc) { _converse.api.disco.own.features.add(Strophe.NS.MUC); } if (_converse.allow_muc_invitations) { _converse.api.disco.own.features.add('jabber:x:conference'); // Invites } }); _converse.api.listen.on('chatBoxesFetched', autoJoinRooms); _converse.api.listen.on('disconnecting', disconnectChatRooms); _converse.api.listen.on('statusInitialized', () => { // XXX: For websocket connections, we disconnect from all // chatrooms when the page reloads. This is a workaround for // issue #1111 and should be removed once we support XEP-0198 const options = {'once': true, 'passive': true}; window.addEventListener(_converse.unloadevent, () => { if (_converse.connection._proto instanceof Strophe.Websocket) { disconnectChatRooms(); } }); }); /************************ END Event Handlers ************************/ /************************ BEGIN API ************************/ // We extend the default converse.js API to add methods specific to MUC groupchats. Object.assign(_converse.api, { /** * The "rooms" namespace groups methods relevant to chatrooms * (aka groupchats). * * @namespace _converse.api.rooms * @memberOf _converse.api */ 'rooms': { /** * Creates a new MUC chatroom (aka groupchat) * * Similar to {@link _converse.api.rooms.open}, but creates * the chatroom in the background (i.e. doesn't cause a view to open). * * @method _converse.api.rooms.create * @param {(string[]|string)} jid|jids The JID or array of * JIDs of the chatroom(s) to create * @param {object} [attrs] attrs The room attributes */ 'create' (jids, attrs) { if (_.isString(attrs)) { attrs = {'nick': attrs}; } else if (_.isUndefined(attrs)) { attrs = {}; } if (_.isUndefined(attrs.maximize)) { attrs.maximize = false; } if (!attrs.nick && _converse.muc_nickname_from_jid) { attrs.nick = Strophe.getNodeFromJid(_converse.bare_jid); } if (_.isUndefined(jids)) { throw new TypeError('rooms.create: You need to provide at least one JID'); } else if (_.isString(jids)) { return createChatRoom(jids, attrs); } return _.map(jids, _.partial(createChatRoom, _, attrs)); }, /** * Opens a MUC chatroom (aka groupchat) * * Similar to {@link _converse.api.chats.open}, but for groupchats. * * @method _converse.api.rooms.open * @param {string} jid The room JID or JIDs (if not specified, all * currently open rooms will be returned). * @param {string} attrs A map containing any extra room attributes. * @param {string} [attrs.nick] The current user's nickname for the MUC * @param {boolean} [attrs.auto_configure] A boolean, indicating * whether the room should be configured automatically or not. * If set to `true`, then it makes sense to pass in configuration settings. * @param {object} [attrs.roomconfig] A map of configuration settings to be used when the room gets * configured automatically. Currently it doesn't make sense to specify * `roomconfig` values if `auto_configure` is set to `false`. * For a list of configuration values that can be passed in, refer to these values * in the [XEP-0045 MUC specification](https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0045.html#registrar-formtype-owner). * The values should be named without the `muc#roomconfig_` prefix. * @param {boolean} [attrs.maximize] A boolean, indicating whether minimized rooms should also be * maximized, when opened. Set to `false` by default. * @param {boolean} [attrs.bring_to_foreground] A boolean indicating whether the room should be * brought to the foreground and therefore replace the currently shown chat. * If there is no chat currently open, then this option is ineffective. * @param {Boolean} [force=false] - By default, a minimized * room won't be maximized (in `overlayed` view mode) and in * `fullscreen` view mode a newly opened room won't replace * another chat already in the foreground. * Set `force` to `true` if you want to force the room to be * maximized or shown. * * @example * this._converse.api.rooms.open('group@muc.example.com') * * @example * // To return an array of rooms, provide an array of room JIDs: * _converse.api.rooms.open(['group1@muc.example.com', 'group2@muc.example.com']) * * @example * // To setup a custom nickname when joining the room, provide the optional nick argument: * _converse.api.rooms.open('group@muc.example.com', {'nick': 'mycustomnick'}) * * @example * // For example, opening a room with a specific default configuration: * _converse.api.rooms.open( * 'myroom@conference.example.org', * { 'nick': 'coolguy69', * 'auto_configure': true, * 'roomconfig': { * 'changesubject': false, * 'membersonly': true, * 'persistentroom': true, * 'publicroom': true, * 'roomdesc': 'Comfy room for hanging out', * 'whois': 'anyone' * } * } * ); */ 'open': async function (jids, attrs, force=false) { await _converse.api.waitUntil('chatBoxesFetched'); if (_.isUndefined(jids)) { const err_msg = 'rooms.open: You need to provide at least one JID'; _converse.log(err_msg, Strophe.LogLevel.ERROR); throw(new TypeError(err_msg)); } else if (_.isString(jids)) { return _converse.api.rooms.create(jids, attrs).maybeShow(force); } else { return _.map(jids, jid => _converse.api.rooms.create(jid, attrs).maybeShow(force)); } }, /** * Returns an object representing a MUC chatroom (aka groupchat) * * @method _converse.api.rooms.get * @param {string} [jid] The room JID (if not specified, all rooms will be returned). * @param {object} attrs A map containing any extra room attributes For example, if you want * to specify the nickname, use `{'nick': 'bloodninja'}`. Previously (before * version 1.0.7, the second parameter only accepted the nickname (as a string * value). This is currently still accepted, but then you can't pass in any * other room attributes. If the nickname is not specified then the node part of * the user's JID will be used. * @param {boolean} create A boolean indicating whether the room should be created * if not found (default: `false`) * @example * _converse.api.waitUntil('roomsAutoJoined').then(() => { * const create_if_not_found = true; * _converse.api.rooms.get( * 'group@muc.example.com', * {'nick': 'dread-pirate-roberts'}, * create_if_not_found * ) * }); */ 'get' (jids, attrs, create) { if (_.isString(attrs)) { attrs = {'nick': attrs}; } else if (_.isUndefined(attrs)) { attrs = {}; } if (_.isUndefined(jids)) { const result = []; _converse.chatboxes.each(function (chatbox) { if (chatbox.get('type') === _converse.CHATROOMS_TYPE) { result.push(chatbox); } }); return result; } if (!attrs.nick) { attrs.nick = Strophe.getNodeFromJid(_converse.bare_jid); } if (_.isString(jids)) { return getChatRoom(jids, attrs); } return _.map(jids, _.partial(getChatRoom, _, attrs)); } } }); /************************ END API ************************/ } });