let _converse; const mock = {}; const converse = window.converse; converse.load(); const { u, sizzle, Strophe, dayjs, $iq, $msg, $pres } = converse.env; jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 7000; jasmine.toEqualStanza = function toEqualStanza () { return { compare (actual, expected) { const result = { pass: u.isEqualNode(actual, expected) }; if (!result.pass) { result.message = `Stanzas don't match:\n`+ `Actual:\n${(actual.tree?.() ?? actual).outerHTML}\n`+ `Expected:\n${expected.tree().outerHTML}`; } return result; } } } function initConverse (promise_names=[], settings=null, func) { if (typeof promise_names === "function") { func = promise_names; promise_names = [] settings = null; } return async () => { if (_converse && _converse.api.connection.connected()) { await _converse.api.user.logout(); } const el = document.querySelector('#conversejs'); if (el) { el.parentElement.removeChild(el); } document.title = "Converse Tests"; await _initConverse(settings); await Promise.all((promise_names || []).map(_converse.api.waitUntil)); try { await func(_converse); } catch(e) { console.error(e); fail(e); } } } async function waitUntilDiscoConfirmed (_converse, entity_jid, identities, features=[], items=[], type='info') { const sel = `iq[to="${entity_jid}"] query[xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#${type}"]`; const iq = await u.waitUntil(() => _converse.connection.IQ_stanzas.filter(iq => sizzle(sel, iq).length).pop()); const stanza = $iq({ 'type': 'result', 'from': entity_jid, 'to': 'romeo@montague.lit/orchard', 'id': iq.getAttribute('id'), }).c('query', {'xmlns': 'http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#'+type}); identities?.forEach(identity => stanza.c('identity', {'category': identity.category, 'type': identity.type}).up()); features?.forEach(feature => stanza.c('feature', {'var': feature}).up()); items?.forEach(item => stanza.c('item', {'jid': item}).up()); _converse.connection._dataRecv(createRequest(stanza)); } function createRequest (stanza) { stanza = typeof stanza.tree == "function" ? stanza.tree() : stanza; const req = new Strophe.Request(stanza, () => {}); req.getResponse = function () { var env = new Strophe.Builder('env', {type: 'mock'}).tree(); env.appendChild(stanza); return env; }; return req; } function closeAllChatBoxes (_converse) { return Promise.all(_converse.chatboxviews.map(view => view.close())); } function toggleControlBox () { const toggle = document.querySelector(".toggle-controlbox"); if (!u.isVisible(document.querySelector("#controlbox"))) { if (!u.isVisible(toggle)) { u.removeClass('hidden', toggle); } toggle.click(); } } async function openControlBox(_converse) { const model = await _converse.api.controlbox.open(); await u.waitUntil(() => model.get('connected')); toggleControlBox(); return this; } function closeControlBox () { const controlbox = document.querySelector("#controlbox"); if (u.isVisible(controlbox)) { const button = controlbox.querySelector(".close-chatbox-button"); (button !== null) && button.click(); } return this; } async function waitUntilBookmarksReturned (_converse, bookmarks=[]) { await waitUntilDiscoConfirmed( _converse, _converse.bare_jid, [{'category': 'pubsub', 'type': 'pep'}], ['http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#publish-options'] ); const IQ_stanzas = _converse.connection.IQ_stanzas; const sent_stanza = await u.waitUntil( () => IQ_stanzas.filter(s => sizzle('items[node="storage:bookmarks"]', s).length).pop() ); const stanza = $iq({ 'to': _converse.connection.jid, 'type':'result', 'id':sent_stanza.getAttribute('id') }).c('pubsub', {'xmlns': Strophe.NS.PUBSUB}) .c('items', {'node': 'storage:bookmarks'}) .c('item', {'id': 'current'}) .c('storage', {'xmlns': 'storage:bookmarks'}); bookmarks.forEach(bookmark => { stanza.c('conference', { 'name': bookmark.name, 'autojoin': bookmark.autojoin, 'jid': bookmark.jid }).c('nick').t(bookmark.nick).up().up() }); _converse.connection._dataRecv(createRequest(stanza)); await _converse.api.waitUntil('bookmarksInitialized'); } function openChatBoxes (converse, amount) { for (let i=0; i _converse.chatboxviews.get(jid), 1000); } async function openChatRoomViaModal (_converse, jid, nick='') { // Opens a new chatroom const model = await _converse.api.controlbox.open('controlbox'); await u.waitUntil(() => model.get('connected')); await openControlBox(_converse); document.querySelector('converse-rooms-list .show-add-muc-modal').click(); closeControlBox(_converse); const modal = _converse.api.modal.get('converse-add-muc-modal'); await u.waitUntil(() => u.isVisible(modal), 1500) modal.querySelector('input[name="chatroom"]').value = jid; if (nick) { modal.querySelector('input[name="nickname"]').value = nick; } modal.querySelector('form input[type="submit"]').click(); await u.waitUntil(() => _converse.chatboxviews.get(jid), 1000); return _converse.chatboxviews.get(jid); } function openChatRoom (_converse, room, server) { return _converse.api.rooms.open(`${room}@${server}`); } async function getRoomFeatures (_converse, muc_jid, features=[]) { const room = Strophe.getNodeFromJid(muc_jid); muc_jid = muc_jid.toLowerCase(); const stanzas = _converse.connection.IQ_stanzas; const stanza = await u.waitUntil(() => stanzas.filter( iq => iq.querySelector( `iq[to="${muc_jid}"] query[xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info"]` )).pop() ); const features_stanza = $iq({ 'from': muc_jid, 'id': stanza.getAttribute('id'), 'to': 'romeo@montague.lit/desktop', 'type': 'result' }).c('query', { 'xmlns': 'http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info'}) .c('identity', { 'category': 'conference', 'name': room[0].toUpperCase() + room.slice(1), 'type': 'text' }).up(); features = features.length ? features : default_muc_features; features.forEach(f => features_stanza.c('feature', {'var': f}).up()); features_stanza.c('x', { 'xmlns':'jabber:x:data', 'type':'result'}) .c('field', {'var':'FORM_TYPE', 'type':'hidden'}) .c('value').t('http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roominfo').up().up() .c('field', {'type':'text-single', 'var':'muc#roominfo_description', 'label':'Description'}) .c('value').t('This is the description').up().up() .c('field', {'type':'text-single', 'var':'muc#roominfo_occupants', 'label':'Number of occupants'}) .c('value').t(0); _converse.connection._dataRecv(createRequest(features_stanza)); } async function waitForReservedNick (_converse, muc_jid, nick) { const stanzas = _converse.connection.IQ_stanzas; const selector = `iq[to="${muc_jid.toLowerCase()}"] query[node="x-roomuser-item"]`; const iq = await u.waitUntil(() => stanzas.filter(s => sizzle(selector, s).length).pop()); // We remove the stanza, otherwise we might get stale stanzas returned in our filter above. stanzas.splice(stanzas.indexOf(iq), 1) // The XMPP server returns the reserved nick for this user. const IQ_id = iq.getAttribute('id'); const stanza = $iq({ 'type': 'result', 'id': IQ_id, 'from': muc_jid, 'to': _converse.connection.jid }).c('query', {'xmlns': 'http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info', 'node': 'x-roomuser-item'}); if (nick) { stanza.c('identity', {'category': 'conference', 'name': nick, 'type': 'text'}); } _converse.connection._dataRecv(createRequest(stanza)); if (nick) { return u.waitUntil(() => nick); } } async function returnMemberLists (_converse, muc_jid, members=[], affiliations=['member', 'owner', 'admin']) { if (affiliations.length === 0) { return; } const stanzas = _converse.connection.IQ_stanzas; if (affiliations.includes('member')) { const member_IQ = await u.waitUntil(() => stanzas.filter(s => sizzle(`iq[to="${muc_jid}"] query[xmlns="${Strophe.NS.MUC_ADMIN}"] item[affiliation="member"]`, s).length ).pop()); const member_list_stanza = $iq({ 'from': 'coven@chat.shakespeare.lit', 'id': member_IQ.getAttribute('id'), 'to': 'romeo@montague.lit/orchard', 'type': 'result' }).c('query', {'xmlns': Strophe.NS.MUC_ADMIN}); members.filter(m => m.affiliation === 'member').forEach(m => { member_list_stanza.c('item', { 'affiliation': m.affiliation, 'jid': m.jid, 'nick': m.nick }); }); _converse.connection._dataRecv(createRequest(member_list_stanza)); } if (affiliations.includes('admin')) { const admin_IQ = await u.waitUntil(() => stanzas.filter( s => sizzle(`iq[to="${muc_jid}"] query[xmlns="${Strophe.NS.MUC_ADMIN}"] item[affiliation="admin"]`, s).length ).pop()); const admin_list_stanza = $iq({ 'from': 'coven@chat.shakespeare.lit', 'id': admin_IQ.getAttribute('id'), 'to': 'romeo@montague.lit/orchard', 'type': 'result' }).c('query', {'xmlns': Strophe.NS.MUC_ADMIN}); members.filter(m => m.affiliation === 'admin').forEach(m => { admin_list_stanza.c('item', { 'affiliation': m.affiliation, 'jid': m.jid, 'nick': m.nick }); }); _converse.connection._dataRecv(createRequest(admin_list_stanza)); } if (affiliations.includes('owner')) { const owner_IQ = await u.waitUntil(() => stanzas.filter( s => sizzle(`iq[to="${muc_jid}"] query[xmlns="${Strophe.NS.MUC_ADMIN}"] item[affiliation="owner"]`, s).length ).pop()); const owner_list_stanza = $iq({ 'from': 'coven@chat.shakespeare.lit', 'id': owner_IQ.getAttribute('id'), 'to': 'romeo@montague.lit/orchard', 'type': 'result' }).c('query', {'xmlns': Strophe.NS.MUC_ADMIN}); members.filter(m => m.affiliation === 'owner').forEach(m => { owner_list_stanza.c('item', { 'affiliation': m.affiliation, 'jid': m.jid, 'nick': m.nick }); }); _converse.connection._dataRecv(createRequest(owner_list_stanza)); } return new Promise(resolve => _converse.api.listen.on('membersFetched', resolve)); } async function receiveOwnMUCPresence (_converse, muc_jid, nick, affiliation='owner', role='moderator', features=[]) { const sent_stanzas = _converse.connection.sent_stanzas; await u.waitUntil(() => sent_stanzas.filter(iq => sizzle('presence history', iq).length).pop()); const presence = $pres({ to: _converse.connection.jid, from: `${muc_jid}/${nick}`, id: u.getUniqueId() }).c('x').attrs({xmlns:'http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user'}) .c('item').attrs({ affiliation, role, 'jid': _converse.bare_jid }).up() .c('status').attrs({code:'110'}).up().up() if (features.includes(Strophe.NS.OCCUPANTID)) { presence.c('occupant-id', {'xmlns': Strophe.NS.OCCUPANTID, 'id': u.getUniqueId() }); } if (_converse.xmppstatus.get('status')) { presence.c('show').t(_converse.xmppstatus.get('status')); } _converse.connection._dataRecv(createRequest(presence)); } async function openAndEnterChatRoom ( _converse, muc_jid, nick, features=[], members=[], force_open=true, settings={}, own_affiliation='owner', own_role='moderator', ) { const { api } = _converse; muc_jid = muc_jid.toLowerCase(); const room_creation_promise = api.rooms.open(muc_jid, settings, force_open); await getRoomFeatures(_converse, muc_jid, features); await waitForReservedNick(_converse, muc_jid, nick); // The user has just entered the room (because join was called) // and receives their own presence from the server. // See example 24: https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0045.html#enter-pres await receiveOwnMUCPresence(_converse, muc_jid, nick, own_affiliation, own_role, features); await room_creation_promise; const model = _converse.chatboxes.get(muc_jid); await u.waitUntil(() => (model.session.get('connection_status') === converse.ROOMSTATUS.ENTERED)); const affs = api.settings.get('muc_fetch_members'); const all_affiliations = Array.isArray(affs) ? affs : (affs ? ['member', 'admin', 'owner'] : []); if (['member', 'admin', 'owner'].includes(own_affiliation)) { await returnMemberLists(_converse, muc_jid, members, all_affiliations); } await model.messages.fetched; return model; } async function createContact (_converse, name, ask, requesting, subscription) { const jid = name.replace(/ /g,'.').toLowerCase() + '@montague.lit'; if (_converse.roster.get(jid)) { return Promise.resolve(); } const contact = await new Promise((success, error) => { _converse.roster.create({ 'ask': ask, 'fullname': name, 'jid': jid, 'requesting': requesting, 'subscription': subscription }, {success, error}); }); return contact; } async function createContacts (_converse, type, length) { /* Create current (as opposed to requesting or pending) contacts * for the user's roster. * * These contacts are not grouped. See below. */ await _converse.api.waitUntil('rosterContactsFetched'); let names, subscription, requesting, ask; if (type === 'requesting') { names = req_names; subscription = 'none'; requesting = true; ask = null; } else if (type === 'pending') { names = pend_names; subscription = 'none'; requesting = false; ask = 'subscribe'; } else if (type === 'current') { names = cur_names; subscription = 'both'; requesting = false; ask = null; } else if (type === 'all') { await this.createContacts(_converse, 'current'); await this.createContacts(_converse, 'requesting') await this.createContacts(_converse, 'pending'); return this; } else { throw Error("Need to specify the type of contact to create"); } const promises = names.slice(0, length).map(n => this.createContact(_converse, n, ask, requesting, subscription)); await Promise.all(promises); } async function waitForRoster (_converse, type='current', length=-1, include_nick=true, grouped=true) { const s = `iq[type="get"] query[xmlns="${Strophe.NS.ROSTER}"]`; const iq = await u.waitUntil(() => _converse.connection.IQ_stanzas.filter(iq => sizzle(s, iq).length).pop()); const result = $iq({ 'to': _converse.connection.jid, 'type': 'result', 'id': iq.getAttribute('id') }).c('query', { 'xmlns': 'jabber:iq:roster' }); if (type === 'pending' || type === 'all') { ((length > -1) ? pend_names.slice(0, length) : pend_names).map(name => result.c('item', { jid: name.replace(/ /g,'.').toLowerCase() + '@montague.lit', name: include_nick ? name : undefined, subscription: 'none', ask: 'subscribe' }).up() ); } if (type === 'current' || type === 'all') { const cur_names = Object.keys(current_contacts_map); const names = (length > -1) ? cur_names.slice(0, length) : cur_names; names.forEach(name => { result.c('item', { jid: name.replace(/ /g,'.').toLowerCase() + '@montague.lit', name: include_nick ? name : undefined, subscription: 'both', ask: null }); if (grouped) { current_contacts_map[name].forEach(g => result.c('group').t(g).up()); } result.up(); }); } _converse.connection._dataRecv(createRequest(result)); await _converse.api.waitUntil('rosterContactsFetched'); } function createChatMessage (_converse, sender_jid, message) { return $msg({ from: sender_jid, to: _converse.connection.jid, type: 'chat', id: (new Date()).getTime() }) .c('body').t(message).up() .c('markable', {'xmlns': Strophe.NS.MARKERS}).up() .c('active', {'xmlns': Strophe.NS.CHATSTATES}).tree(); } async function sendMessage (view, message) { const promise = new Promise(resolve => view.model.messages.once('rendered', resolve)); const textarea = await u.waitUntil(() => view.querySelector('.chat-textarea')); textarea.value = message; const message_form = view.querySelector('converse-message-form') || view.querySelector('converse-muc-message-form'); message_form.onKeyDown({ target: view.querySelector('textarea.chat-textarea'), preventDefault: () => {}, keyCode: 13 }); return promise; } window.libsignal = { 'SignalProtocolAddress': function (name, device_id) { this.name = name; this.deviceId = device_id; }, 'SessionCipher': function (storage, remote_address) { this.remoteAddress = remote_address; this.storage = storage; this.encrypt = () => Promise.resolve({ 'type': 1, 'body': 'c1ph3R73X7', 'registrationId': '1337' }); this.decryptPreKeyWhisperMessage = (key_and_tag) => { return Promise.resolve(key_and_tag); }; this.decryptWhisperMessage = (key_and_tag) => { return Promise.resolve(key_and_tag); } }, 'SessionBuilder': function (storage, remote_address) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars this.processPreKey = function () { return Promise.resolve(); } }, 'KeyHelper': { 'generateIdentityKeyPair': function () { return Promise.resolve({ 'pubKey': new TextEncoder('utf-8').encode('1234'), 'privKey': new TextEncoder('utf-8').encode('4321') }); }, 'generateRegistrationId': function () { return '123456789'; }, 'generatePreKey': function (keyid) { return Promise.resolve({ 'keyId': keyid, 'keyPair': { 'pubKey': new TextEncoder('utf-8').encode('1234'), 'privKey': new TextEncoder('utf-8').encode('4321') } }); }, 'generateSignedPreKey': function (identity_keypair, keyid) { return Promise.resolve({ 'signature': new TextEncoder('utf-8').encode('11112222333344445555'), 'keyId': keyid, 'keyPair': { 'pubKey': new TextEncoder('utf-8').encode('1234'), 'privKey': new TextEncoder('utf-8').encode('4321') } }); } } } const default_muc_features = [ 'http://jabber.org/protocol/muc', 'jabber:iq:register', Strophe.NS.SID, Strophe.NS.MAM, 'muc_passwordprotected', 'muc_hidden', 'muc_temporary', 'muc_open', 'muc_unmoderated', 'muc_anonymous' ]; const view_mode = 'overlayed'; // Names from http://www.fakenamegenerator.com/ const req_names = [ 'Escalus, prince of Verona', 'The Nurse', 'Paris' ]; const pend_names = [ 'Lord Capulet', 'Guard', 'Servant' ]; const current_contacts_map = { 'Mercutio': ['Colleagues', 'friends & acquaintences'], 'Juliet Capulet': ['friends & acquaintences'], 'Lady Montague': ['Colleagues', 'Family'], 'Lord Montague': ['Family'], 'Friar Laurence': ['friends & acquaintences'], 'Tybalt': ['friends & acquaintences'], 'Lady Capulet': ['ænemies'], 'Benviolo': ['friends & acquaintences'], 'Balthasar': ['Colleagues'], 'Peter': ['Colleagues'], 'Abram': ['Colleagues'], 'Sampson': ['Colleagues'], 'Gregory': ['friends & acquaintences'], 'Potpan': [], 'Friar John': [] } const map = current_contacts_map; const groups_map = {}; Object.keys(map).forEach(k => { const groups = map[k].length ? map[k] : ["Ungrouped"]; Object.values(groups).forEach(g => { groups_map[g] = groups_map[g] ? [...groups_map[g], k] : [k] }); }); const cur_names = Object.keys(current_contacts_map); const num_contacts = req_names.length + pend_names.length + cur_names.length; const groups = { 'colleagues': 3, 'friends & acquaintences': 3, 'Family': 4, 'ænemies': 3, 'Ungrouped': 2 } const chatroom_names = [ 'Dyon van de Wege', 'Thomas Kalb', 'Dirk Theissen', 'Felix Hofmann', 'Ka Lek', 'Anne Ebersbacher' ]; // TODO: need to also test other roles and affiliations const chatroom_roles = { 'Anne Ebersbacher': { affiliation: "owner", role: "moderator" }, 'Dirk Theissen': { affiliation: "admin", role: "moderator" }, 'Dyon van de Wege': { affiliation: "member", role: "occupant" }, 'Felix Hofmann': { affiliation: "member", role: "occupant" }, 'Ka Lek': { affiliation: "member", role: "occupant" }, 'Thomas Kalb': { affiliation: "member", role: "occupant" } } const event = { 'preventDefault': function () {} } function clearIndexedDB () { const promise = u.getOpenPromise(); const db_request = window.indexedDB.open("converse-test-persistent"); db_request.onsuccess = function () { const db = db_request.result; const bare_jid = "romeo@montague.lit"; let store; try { store= db.transaction([bare_jid], "readwrite").objectStore(bare_jid); } catch (e) { return promise.resolve(); } const request = store.clear(); request.onsuccess = promise.resolve(); request.onerror = promise.resolve(); }; db_request.onerror = function (ev) { return promise.reject(ev.target.error); } return promise; } function clearStores () { [localStorage, sessionStorage].forEach( s => Object.keys(s).forEach(k => k.match(/^converse-test-/) && s.removeItem(k)) ); const cache_key = `converse.room-bookmarksromeo@montague.lit`; window.sessionStorage.removeItem(cache_key+'fetched'); } const theme = ['dracula', 'classic', 'concord'][Math.floor(Math.random()*3)]; async function _initConverse (settings) { clearStores(); await clearIndexedDB(); _converse = await converse.initialize(Object.assign({ 'animate': false, 'auto_subscribe': false, 'bosh_service_url': 'montague.lit/http-bind', 'discover_connection_methods': false, 'enable_smacks': false, 'i18n': 'en', 'loglevel': 'debug', 'no_trimming': true, 'persistent_store': 'localStorage', 'play_sounds': false, 'theme': theme, 'use_emojione': false, 'view_mode': view_mode }, settings || {})); window._converse = _converse; _converse.api.vcard.get = function (model, force) { let jid; if (typeof model === 'string' || model instanceof String) { jid = model; } else if (!model.get('vcard_updated') || force) { jid = model.get('jid') || model.get('muc_jid'); } let fullname; let nickname; if (!jid || jid == 'romeo@montague.lit') { jid = settings?.vcard?.jid ?? 'romeo@montague.lit'; fullname = settings?.vcard?.display_name ?? 'Romeo Montague' ; nickname = settings?.vcard?.nickname ?? 'Romeo'; } else { const name = jid.split('@')[0].replace(/\./g, ' ').split(' '); const last = name.length-1; name[0] = name[0].charAt(0).toUpperCase()+name[0].slice(1); name[last] = name[last].charAt(0).toUpperCase()+name[last].slice(1); fullname = name.join(' '); } const vcard = $iq().c('vCard').c('FN').t(fullname).up(); if (nickname) vcard.c('NICKNAME').t(nickname); const vcard_el = vcard.tree(); return { 'stanza': vcard_el, 'fullname': vcard_el.querySelector('FN')?.textContent, 'nickname': vcard_el.querySelector('NICKNAME')?.textContent, 'image': vcard_el.querySelector('PHOTO BINVAL')?.textContent, 'image_type': vcard_el.querySelector('PHOTO TYPE')?.textContent, 'url': vcard_el.querySelector('URL')?.textContent, 'vcard_updated': dayjs().format(), 'vcard_error': undefined }; }; if (settings?.auto_login !== false) { _converse.api.user.login('romeo@montague.lit/orchard', 'secret'); await _converse.api.waitUntil('afterResourceBinding'); } window.converse_disable_effects = true; return _converse; } async function deviceListFetched (_converse, jid) { const selector = `iq[to="${jid}"] items[node="eu.siacs.conversations.axolotl.devicelist"]`; const stanza = await u.waitUntil( () => Array.from(_converse.connection.IQ_stanzas).filter(iq => iq.querySelector(selector)).pop() ); await u.waitUntil(() => _converse.devicelists.get(jid)); return stanza; } function ownDeviceHasBeenPublished (_converse) { return Array.from(_converse.connection.IQ_stanzas).filter( iq => iq.querySelector('iq[from="'+_converse.bare_jid+'"] publish[node="eu.siacs.conversations.axolotl.devicelist"]') ).pop(); } function bundleHasBeenPublished (_converse) { const selector = 'publish[node="eu.siacs.conversations.axolotl.bundles:123456789"]'; return Array.from(_converse.connection.IQ_stanzas).filter(iq => iq.querySelector(selector)).pop(); } function bundleFetched (_converse, jid, device_id) { return Array.from(_converse.connection.IQ_stanzas).filter( iq => iq.querySelector(`iq[to="${jid}"] items[node="eu.siacs.conversations.axolotl.bundles:${device_id}"]`) ).pop(); } async function initializedOMEMO (_converse) { await waitUntilDiscoConfirmed( _converse, _converse.bare_jid, [{'category': 'pubsub', 'type': 'pep'}], ['http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#publish-options'] ); let iq_stanza = await u.waitUntil(() => deviceListFetched(_converse, _converse.bare_jid)); let stanza = $iq({ 'from': _converse.bare_jid, 'id': iq_stanza.getAttribute('id'), 'to': _converse.bare_jid, 'type': 'result', }).c('pubsub', {'xmlns': "http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub"}) .c('items', {'node': "eu.siacs.conversations.axolotl.devicelist"}) .c('item', {'xmlns': "http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub"}) // TODO: must have an id attribute .c('list', {'xmlns': "eu.siacs.conversations.axolotl"}) .c('device', {'id': '482886413b977930064a5888b92134fe'}); _converse.connection._dataRecv(createRequest(stanza)); iq_stanza = await u.waitUntil(() => ownDeviceHasBeenPublished(_converse)) stanza = $iq({ 'from': _converse.bare_jid, 'id': iq_stanza.getAttribute('id'), 'to': _converse.bare_jid, 'type': 'result'}); _converse.connection._dataRecv(createRequest(stanza)); iq_stanza = await u.waitUntil(() => bundleHasBeenPublished(_converse)) stanza = $iq({ 'from': _converse.bare_jid, 'id': iq_stanza.getAttribute('id'), 'to': _converse.bare_jid, 'type': 'result'}); _converse.connection._dataRecv(createRequest(stanza)); await _converse.api.waitUntil('OMEMOInitialized'); } Object.assign(mock, { bundleFetched, bundleHasBeenPublished, chatroom_names, chatroom_roles, closeAllChatBoxes, closeControlBox, createChatMessage, createContact, createContacts, createRequest, cur_names, current_contacts_map, default_muc_features, deviceListFetched, event, getRoomFeatures, groups, groups_map, initConverse, initializedOMEMO, num_contacts, openAndEnterChatRoom, openChatBoxFor, openChatBoxes, openChatRoom, openChatRoomViaModal, openControlBox, ownDeviceHasBeenPublished, pend_names, receiveOwnMUCPresence, req_names, returnMemberLists, sendMessage, toggleControlBox, view_mode, waitForReservedNick, waitForRoster, waitUntilBookmarksReturned, waitUntilDiscoConfirmed }); window.mock = mock;