/*global converse */ (function (root, factory) { define([ "jquery", "underscore", "mock", "test_utils" ], function ($, _, mock, test_utils) { return factory($, _, mock, test_utils); } ); } (this, function ($, _, mock, test_utils) { "use strict"; var $msg = converse_api.env.$msg; describe("Notifications", function () { // Implement the protocol defined in https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0313.html#config beforeEach(function () { runs(function () { test_utils.closeAllChatBoxes(); test_utils.createContacts('current'); }); }); describe("When show_desktop_notifications is set to true", function () { describe("And the desktop is not focused", function () { describe("an HTML5 Notification", function () { it("is shown when a new message is received", function () { // TODO: not yet testing show_desktop_notifications setting spyOn(converse, 'showMessageNotification'); spyOn(converse, 'areDesktopNotificationsEnabled').andReturn(true); var message = 'This message will show a desktop notification'; var sender_jid = mock.cur_names[0].replace(/ /g,'.').toLowerCase() + '@localhost', msg = $msg({ from: sender_jid, to: converse.connection.jid, type: 'chat', id: (new Date()).getTime() }).c('body').t(message).up() .c('active', {'xmlns': 'http://jabber.org/protocol/chatstates'}).tree(); converse.chatboxes.onMessage(msg); // This will emit 'message' expect(converse.showMessageNotification).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("is shown when a user changes their chat state", function () { // TODO: not yet testing show_desktop_notifications setting spyOn(converse, 'areDesktopNotificationsEnabled').andReturn(true); spyOn(converse, 'showChatStateNotification'); var jid = mock.cur_names[2].replace(/ /g,'.').toLowerCase() + '@localhost'; converse.roster.get(jid).set('chat_status', 'busy'); // This will emit 'contactStatusChanged' expect(converse.showChatStateNotification).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); }); describe("When a new contact request is received", function () { it("an HTML5 Notification is received", function () { // TODO }); }); }); describe("When play_sounds is set to true", function () { describe("A notification sound", function () { it("is played when the current user is mentioned in a chat room", function () { test_utils.openChatRoom('lounge', 'localhost', 'dummy'); converse.play_sounds = true; spyOn(converse, 'playSoundNotification'); var view = this.chatboxviews.get('lounge@localhost'); if (!view.$el.find('.chat-area').length) { view.renderChatArea(); } var text = 'This message will play a sound because it mentions dummy'; var message = $msg({ from: 'lounge@localhost/otheruser', id: '1', to: 'dummy@localhost', type: 'groupchat' }).c('body').t(text); view.onChatRoomMessage(message.nodeTree); expect(converse.playSoundNotification).toHaveBeenCalled(); text = "This message won't play a sound"; message = $msg({ from: 'lounge@localhost/otheruser', id: '2', to: 'dummy@localhost', type: 'groupchat' }).c('body').t(text); view.onChatRoomMessage(message.nodeTree); expect(converse.playSoundNotification, 1); converse.play_sounds = false; text = "This message won't play a sound because it is sent by dummy"; message = $msg({ from: 'lounge@localhost/dummy', id: '3', to: 'dummy@localhost', type: 'groupchat' }).c('body').t(text); view.onChatRoomMessage(message.nodeTree); expect(converse.playSoundNotification, 1); converse.play_sounds = false; }.bind(converse)); }); }); }); }));