// Converse.js // https://conversejs.org // // Copyright (c) 2012-2018, the Converse.js developers // Licensed under the Mozilla Public License (MPLv2) (function (root, factory) { define([ "converse-core", "xss", "emojione", "filesize", "tpl!action", "tpl!file_progress", "tpl!info", "tpl!message", "tpl!spoiler_message" ], factory); }(this, function ( converse, xss, emojione, filesize, tpl_action, tpl_file_progress, tpl_info, tpl_message, tpl_spoiler_message ) { "use strict"; const { Backbone, _, moment } = converse.env; const u = converse.env.utils; converse.plugins.add('converse-message-view', { initialize () { /* The initialize function gets called as soon as the plugin is * loaded by converse.js's plugin machinery. */ const { _converse } = this, { __ } = _converse; _converse.MessageView = Backbone.NativeView.extend({ initialize () { this.chatbox = this.model.collection.chatbox; this.chatbox.on('change:fullname', (chatbox) => this.model.save('fullname', chatbox.get('fullname'))); this.model.on('change:fullname', this.render, this); this.model.on('change:progress', this.renderFileUploadProgresBar, this); this.model.on('change:type', this.render, this); this.model.on('change:upload', this.render, this); this.render(); }, render () { if (this.model.get('file') && !this.model.get('oob_url')) { return this.renderFileUploadProgresBar(); } else if (this.model.get('type') === 'error') { return this.renderErrorMessage(); } let template, username, image, image_type, text = this.model.get('message'); // TODO: store proper username on the message itself if (this.isMeCommand()) { const arr = this.getValuesForMeCommand(); template = arr[0]; username = arr[1]; text = arr[2]; } else { username = this.model.get('fullname') || this.model.get('from'); template = this.model.get('is_spoiler') ? tpl_spoiler_message : tpl_message; if (this.model.get('type') !== 'headline') { if (this.model.get('sender') === 'me') { image_type = _converse.xmppstatus.get('image_type'); image = _converse.xmppstatus.get('image'); } else { image_type = this.chatbox.get('image_type'); image = this.chatbox.get('image'); } } } const moment_time = moment(this.model.get('time')); const msg = u.stringToElement(template( _.extend(this.model.toJSON(), { 'pretty_time': moment_time.format(_converse.time_format), 'time': moment_time.format(), 'username': username, 'extra_classes': this.getExtraMessageClasses(), 'label_show': __('Show more'), 'image_type': image_type, 'image': image }) )); var url = this.model.get('oob_url'); if (url) { const msg_media = msg.querySelector('.chat-msg-media'); msg_media.innerHTML = _.flow( _.partial(u.renderFileURL, _converse), _.partial(u.renderMovieURL, _converse), _.partial(u.renderAudioURL, _converse), _.partial(u.renderImageURL, _converse) )(url); } const msg_content = msg.querySelector('.chat-msg-text'); if (text !== url) { text = xss.filterXSS(text, {'whiteList': {}}); msg_content.innerHTML = _.flow( _.partial(u.geoUriToHttp, _, _converse.geouri_replacement), u.addHyperlinks, _.partial(u.addEmoji, _converse, emojione, _) )(text); } u.renderImageURLs(_converse, msg_content).then(() => { this.model.collection.trigger('rendered'); }); return this.replaceElement(msg); }, replaceElement (msg) { if (!_.isNil(this.el.parentElement)) { this.el.parentElement.replaceChild(msg, this.el); } this.setElement(msg); return this.el; }, renderErrorMessage () { const moment_time = moment(this.model.get('time')), msg = u.stringToElement( tpl_info(_.extend(this.model.toJSON(), { 'extra_classes': 'chat-error', 'isodate': moment_time.format(), 'data': '' }))); return this.replaceElement(msg); }, renderFileUploadProgresBar () { let image, image_type; if (this.model.get('sender') === 'me') { image_type = _converse.xmppstatus.get('image_type'); image = _converse.xmppstatus.get('image'); } else { image_type = this.chatbox.get('image_type'); image = this.chatbox.get('image'); } const msg = u.stringToElement(tpl_file_progress( _.extend(this.model.toJSON(), { 'filesize': filesize(this.model.get('file').size), 'image': image, 'image_type': image_type }))); return this.replaceElement(msg); }, isMeCommand () { const text = this.model.get('message'); if (!text) { return false; } const match = text.match(/^\/(.*?)(?: (.*))?$/); return match && match[1] === 'me'; }, getValuesForMeCommand() { let username, text; const match = this.model.get('message').match(/^\/(.*?)(?: (.*))?$/); if (match && match[1] === 'me') { text = this.model.get('message').replace(/^\/me/, ''); } if (this.model.get('sender') === 'me') { const fullname = _converse.xmppstatus.get('fullname') || this.model.get('fullname'); username = _.isNil(fullname) ? _converse.bare_jid : fullname; } else { username = this.model.get('fullname') || this.model.get('from'); } return [tpl_action, username, text] }, processMessageText () { var text = this.get('message'); text = u.geoUriToHttp(text, _converse.geouri_replacement); }, getExtraMessageClasses () { let extra_classes = this.model.get('delayed') && 'delayed' || ''; if (this.model.get('type') === 'groupchat' && this.model.get('sender') === 'them') { if (this.model.collection.chatbox.isUserMentioned(this.model.get('message'))) { // Add special class to mark groupchat messages // in which we are mentioned. extra_classes += ' mentioned'; } } return extra_classes; } }); } }); return converse; }));