// Converse.js (A browser based XMPP chat client) // http://conversejs.org // // Copyright (c) 2012-2015, Jan-Carel Brand // Licensed under the Mozilla Public License (MPLv2) (function (root, factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { // AMD module loading // ------------------ // When using require.js, two modules are loaded as dependencies. // // * **converse-dependencies**: A list of dependencies on which converse.js // depends. The path to this module is in main.js and the module itself can // // * **converse-templates**: The HTML templates used by converse.js. // // The dependencies are then split up and passed into the factory function, which // contains and instantiates converse.js. define("converse", ["converse-dependencies", "converse-templates"], function (dependencies, templates) { return factory( templates, dependencies.jQuery, dependencies.$iq, dependencies.$msg, dependencies.$pres, dependencies.$build, dependencies.otr ? dependencies.otr.DSA : undefined, dependencies.otr ? dependencies.otr.OTR : undefined, dependencies.Strophe, dependencies.underscore, dependencies.moment, dependencies.utils, dependencies.SHA1.b64_sha1 ); } ); } else { // When not using a module loader // ------------------------------- // In this case, the dependencies need to be available already as // global variables, and should be loaded separately via *script* tags. // See the file **non_amd.html** for an example of this usecase. root.converse = factory(templates, jQuery, $iq, $msg, $pres, $build, DSA, OTR, Strophe, _, moment, utils, b64_sha1); } }(this, function (templates, $, $iq, $msg, $pres, $build, DSA, OTR, Strophe, _, moment, utils, b64_sha1) { /* "use strict"; * Cannot use this due to Safari bug. * See https://github.com/jcbrand/converse.js/issues/196 */ if (typeof console === "undefined" || typeof console.log === "undefined") { console = { log: function () {}, error: function () {} }; } // Use Mustache style syntax for variable interpolation /* Configuration of underscore templates (this config is distinct to the * config of requirejs-tpl in main.js). This one is for normal inline templates. */ _.templateSettings = { evaluate : /\{\[([\s\S]+?)\]\}/g, interpolate : /\{\{([\s\S]+?)\}\}/g }; var contains = function (attr, query) { return function (item) { if (typeof attr === 'object') { var value = false; _.each(attr, function (a) { value = value || item.get(a).toLowerCase().indexOf(query.toLowerCase()) !== -1; }); return value; } else if (typeof attr === 'string') { return item.get(attr).toLowerCase().indexOf(query.toLowerCase()) !== -1; } else { throw new TypeError('contains: wrong attribute type. Must be string or array.'); } }; }; contains.not = function (attr, query) { return function (item) { return !(contains(attr, query)(item)); }; }; // XXX: these can perhaps be moved to src/polyfills.js String.prototype.splitOnce = function (delimiter) { var components = this.split(delimiter); return [components.shift(), components.join(delimiter)]; }; var converse = { plugins: {}, templates: templates, emit: function (evt, data) { $(this).trigger(evt, data); }, once: function (evt, handler) { $(this).one(evt, handler); }, on: function (evt, handler) { $(this).bind(evt, handler); }, off: function (evt, handler) { $(this).unbind(evt, handler); }, refreshWebkit: function () { /* This works around a webkit bug. Refresh the browser's viewport, * otherwise chatboxes are not moved along when one is closed. */ if ($.browser.webkit) { var conversejs = document.getElementById('conversejs'); conversejs.style.display = 'none'; conversejs.offsetHeight = conversejs.offsetHeight; conversejs.style.display = 'block'; } } }; // Global constants // XEP-0059 Result Set Management var RSM_ATTRIBUTES = ['max', 'first', 'last', 'after', 'before', 'index', 'count']; // XEP-0313 Message Archive Management var MAM_ATTRIBUTES = ['with', 'start', 'end']; var STATUS_WEIGHTS = { 'offline': 6, 'unavailable': 5, 'xa': 4, 'away': 3, 'dnd': 2, 'chat': 1, // We currently don't differentiate between "chat" and "online" 'online': 1 }; converse.initialize = function (settings, callback) { "use strict"; var converse = this; var unloadevent; if ('onpagehide' in window) { // Pagehide gets thrown in more cases than unload. Specifically it // gets thrown when the page is cached and not just // closed/destroyed. It's the only viable event on mobile Safari. // https://www.webkit.org/blog/516/webkit-page-cache-ii-the-unload-event/ unloadevent = 'pagehide'; } else if ('onbeforeunload' in window) { unloadevent = 'beforeunload'; } else if ('onunload' in window) { unloadevent = 'unload'; } // Logging Strophe.log = function (level, msg) { converse.log(level+' '+msg, level); }; Strophe.error = function (msg) { converse.log(msg, 'error'); }; // Add Strophe Namespaces Strophe.addNamespace('CARBONS', 'urn:xmpp:carbons:2'); Strophe.addNamespace('CHATSTATES', 'http://jabber.org/protocol/chatstates'); Strophe.addNamespace('CSI', 'urn:xmpp:csi:0'); Strophe.addNamespace('MAM', 'urn:xmpp:mam:0'); Strophe.addNamespace('MUC_ADMIN', Strophe.NS.MUC + "#admin"); Strophe.addNamespace('MUC_OWNER', Strophe.NS.MUC + "#owner"); Strophe.addNamespace('MUC_REGISTER', "jabber:iq:register"); Strophe.addNamespace('MUC_ROOMCONF', Strophe.NS.MUC + "#roomconfig"); Strophe.addNamespace('MUC_USER', Strophe.NS.MUC + "#user"); Strophe.addNamespace('REGISTER', 'jabber:iq:register'); Strophe.addNamespace('ROSTERX', 'http://jabber.org/protocol/rosterx'); Strophe.addNamespace('RSM', 'http://jabber.org/protocol/rsm'); Strophe.addNamespace('XFORM', 'jabber:x:data'); // Add Strophe Statuses var i = 0; Object.keys(Strophe.Status).forEach(function (key) { i = Math.max(i, Strophe.Status[key]); }); Strophe.Status.REGIFAIL = i + 1; Strophe.Status.REGISTERED = i + 2; Strophe.Status.CONFLICT = i + 3; Strophe.Status.NOTACCEPTABLE = i + 5; // Constants // --------- var LOGIN = "login"; var ANONYMOUS = "anonymous"; var PREBIND = "prebind"; var UNENCRYPTED = 0; var UNVERIFIED= 1; var VERIFIED= 2; var FINISHED = 3; var KEY = { ENTER: 13, FORWARD_SLASH: 47 }; var PRETTY_CONNECTION_STATUS = { 0: 'ERROR', 1: 'CONNECTING', 2: 'CONNFAIL', 3: 'AUTHENTICATING', 4: 'AUTHFAIL', 5: 'CONNECTED', 6: 'DISCONNECTED', 7: 'DISCONNECTING', 8: 'ATTACHED', 9: 'REDIRECT' }; // XEP-0085 Chat states // http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0085.html var INACTIVE = 'inactive'; var ACTIVE = 'active'; var COMPOSING = 'composing'; var PAUSED = 'paused'; var GONE = 'gone'; this.TIMEOUTS = { // Set as module attr so that we can override in tests. 'PAUSED': 20000, 'INACTIVE': 90000 }; var HAS_CSPRNG = ((typeof crypto !== 'undefined') && ((typeof crypto.randomBytes === 'function') || (typeof crypto.getRandomValues === 'function') )); var HAS_CRYPTO = HAS_CSPRNG && ( (typeof CryptoJS !== "undefined") && (typeof OTR !== "undefined") && (typeof DSA !== "undefined") ); var OPENED = 'opened'; var CLOSED = 'closed'; // Detect support for the user's locale // ------------------------------------ this.isConverseLocale = function (locale) { return typeof locales[locale] !== "undefined"; }; this.isMomentLocale = function (locale) { return moment.locale() != moment.locale(locale); }; this.isLocaleAvailable = function (locale, available) { /* Check whether the locale or sub locale (e.g. en-US, en) is supported. * * Parameters: * (Function) available - returns a boolean indicating whether the locale is supported */ if (available(locale)) { return locale; } else { var sublocale = locale.split("-")[0]; if (sublocale != locale && available(sublocale)) { return sublocale; } } }; this.detectLocale = function (library_check) { /* Determine which locale is supported by the user's system as well * as by the relevant library (e.g. converse.js or moment.js). * * Parameters: * (Function) library_check - returns a boolean indicating whether the locale is supported */ var locale, i; if (window.navigator.userLanguage) { locale = this.isLocaleAvailable(window.navigator.userLanguage, library_check); } if (window.navigator.languages && !locale) { for (i=0; i 0) { this.idle_seconds = 0; } if (!converse.connection.authenticated) { // We can't send out any stanzas when there's no authenticated connection. // This can happen when the connection reconnects. return; } if (this.inactive) { this.sendCSI(ACTIVE); } if (this.auto_changed_status === true) { this.auto_changed_status = false; this.xmppstatus.setStatus('online'); } }; this.onEverySecond = function () { /* An interval handler running every second. * Used for CSI and the auto_away and auto_xa * features. */ if (!converse.connection.authenticated) { // We can't send out any stanzas when there's no authenticated connection. // This can happen when the connection reconnects. return; } var stat = this.xmppstatus.getStatus(); this.idle_seconds++; if (this.csi_waiting_time > 0 && this.idle_seconds > this.csi_waiting_time && !this.inactive) { this.sendCSI(INACTIVE); } if (this.auto_away > 0 && this.idle_seconds > this.auto_away && stat !== 'away' && stat !== 'xa') { this.auto_changed_status = true; this.xmppstatus.setStatus('away'); } else if (this.auto_xa > 0 && this.idle_seconds > this.auto_xa && stat !== 'xa') { this.auto_changed_status = true; this.xmppstatus.setStatus('xa'); } }; this.registerIntervalHandler = function () { /* Set an interval of one second and register a handler for it. * Required for the auto_away, auto_xa and csi_waiting_time features. */ if (this.auto_away < 1 && this.auto_xa < 1 && this.csi_waiting_time < 1) { // Waiting time of less then one second means features aren't used. return; } this.idle_seconds = 0; this.auto_changed_status = false; // Was the user's status changed by converse.js? $(window).on('click mousemove keypress focus'+unloadevent , this.onUserActivity.bind(this)); window.setInterval(this.onEverySecond.bind(this), 1000); }; this.playNotification = function () { var audio; if (converse.play_sounds && typeof Audio !== "undefined") { audio = new Audio(converse.sounds_path+"msg_received.ogg"); if (audio.canPlayType('/audio/ogg')) { audio.play(); } else { audio = new Audio(converse.sounds_path+"msg_received.mp3"); audio.play(); } } }; this.giveFeedback = function (message, klass) { $('.conn-feedback').each(function (idx, el) { var $el = $(el); $el.addClass('conn-feedback').text(message); if (klass) { $el.addClass(klass); } else { $el.removeClass('error'); } }); }; this.log = function (txt, level) { if (this.debug) { if (level == 'error') { console.log('ERROR: '+txt); } else { console.log(txt); } } }; this.rejectPresenceSubscription = function (jid, message) { /* Reject or cancel another user's subscription to our presence updates. * Parameters: * (String) jid - The Jabber ID of the user whose subscription * is being canceled. * (String) message - An optional message to the user */ var pres = $pres({to: jid, type: "unsubscribed"}); if (message && message !== "") { pres.c("status").t(message); } converse.connection.send(pres); }; this.onMAMQueryResult = function (iq, options, queryid, callback) { /* Handle the IQ stanza and potential message stanzas returned as * a result of a MAM (XEP-0313) query. * * Parameters: * (XMLElement) iq - The IQ stanza returned from the XMPP server. * (Object) options - The MAM-specific options of the query ('with', 'start' and 'end') * (String) queryid - A unique ID sent with the MAM query. * (Function) callback - A function to call after we've received all the archived messages. * If should expect an array of messages and a Strophe.RSM (result set management) object. */ var messages = []; converse.connection.addHandler( function (message) { var $msg = $(message), $fin, rsm, i; if (typeof callback == "function") { $fin = $msg.find('fin[xmlns="'+Strophe.NS.MAM+'"]'); if ($fin.length) { rsm = new Strophe.RSM({xml: $fin.find('set')[0]}); _.extend(rsm, _.pick(options, ['max'])); _.extend(rsm, _.pick(options, MAM_ATTRIBUTES)); callback(messages, rsm); return false; // We've received all messages, decommission this handler } else if (queryid == $msg.find('result').attr('queryid')) { messages.push(message); } return true; } else { return false; // There's no callback, so no use in continuing this handler. } }, Strophe.NS.MAM, 'message'); }; this.getVCard = function (jid, callback, errback) { /* Request the VCard of another user. * * Parameters: * (String) jid - The Jabber ID of the user whose VCard is being requested. * (Function) callback - A function to call once the VCard is returned * (Function) errback - A function to call if an error occured * while trying to fetch the VCard. */ if (!this.use_vcards) { if (callback) { callback(jid, jid); } return; } converse.connection.vcard.get( function (iq) { // Successful callback var $vcard = $(iq).find('vCard'); var fullname = $vcard.find('FN').text(), img = $vcard.find('BINVAL').text(), img_type = $vcard.find('TYPE').text(), url = $vcard.find('URL').text(); if (jid) { var contact = converse.roster.get(jid); if (contact) { fullname = _.isEmpty(fullname)? contact.get('fullname') || jid: fullname; contact.save({ 'fullname': fullname, 'image_type': img_type, 'image': img, 'url': url, 'vcard_updated': moment().format() }); } } if (callback) { callback(iq, jid, fullname, img, img_type, url); } }.bind(this), jid, function (iq) { // Error callback var contact = converse.roster.get(jid); if (contact) { contact.save({ 'vcard_updated': moment().format() }); } if (errback) { errback(iq, jid); } } ); }; this.reconnect = function (condition) { converse.log('Attempting to reconnect in 5 seconds'); converse.giveFeedback(__('Attempting to reconnect in 5 seconds'), 'error'); setTimeout(function () { if (converse.authentication !== "prebind") { this.connection.connect( this.connection.jid, this.connection.pass, function (status, condition) { this.onConnectStatusChanged(status, condition, true); }.bind(this), this.connection.wait, this.connection.hold, this.connection.route ); } else if (converse.prebind_url) { this.clearSession(); this._tearDown(); this.startNewBOSHSession(); } }.bind(this), 5000); }; this.renderLoginPanel = function () { converse._tearDown(); var view = converse.chatboxviews.get('controlbox'); view.model.set({connected:false}); view.renderLoginPanel(); }; this.onConnectStatusChanged = function (status, condition, reconnect) { converse.log("Status changed to: "+PRETTY_CONNECTION_STATUS[status]); if (status === Strophe.Status.CONNECTED || status === Strophe.Status.ATTACHED) { delete converse.disconnection_cause; if ((typeof reconnect !== 'undefined') && (reconnect)) { converse.log(status === Strophe.Status.CONNECTED ? 'Reconnected' : 'Reattached'); converse.onReconnected(); } else { converse.log(status === Strophe.Status.CONNECTED ? 'Connected' : 'Attached'); converse.onConnected(); } } else if (status === Strophe.Status.DISCONNECTED) { if (converse.disconnection_cause == Strophe.Status.CONNFAIL && converse.auto_reconnect) { converse.reconnect(condition); } else { converse.renderLoginPanel(); } } else if (status === Strophe.Status.ERROR) { converse.giveFeedback(__('Error'), 'error'); } else if (status === Strophe.Status.CONNECTING) { converse.giveFeedback(__('Connecting')); } else if (status === Strophe.Status.AUTHENTICATING) { converse.giveFeedback(__('Authenticating')); } else if (status === Strophe.Status.AUTHFAIL) { converse.giveFeedback(__('Authentication Failed'), 'error'); converse.connection.disconnect(__('Authentication Failed')); converse.disconnection_cause = Strophe.Status.AUTHFAIL; } else if (status === Strophe.Status.CONNFAIL) { converse.disconnection_cause = Strophe.Status.CONNFAIL; } else if (status === Strophe.Status.DISCONNECTING) { // FIXME: what about prebind? if (!converse.connection.connected) { converse.renderLoginPanel(); } if (condition) { converse.giveFeedback(condition, 'error'); } } }; this.applyHeightResistance = function (height) { /* This method applies some resistance/gravity around the * "default_box_height". If "height" is close enough to * default_box_height, then that is returned instead. */ if (typeof height === 'undefined') { return converse.default_box_height; } var resistance = 10; if ((height !== converse.default_box_height) && (Math.abs(height - converse.default_box_height) < resistance)) { return converse.default_box_height; } return height; }; this.updateMsgCounter = function () { if (this.msg_counter > 0) { if (document.title.search(/^Messages \(\d+\) /) == -1) { document.title = "Messages (" + this.msg_counter + ") " + document.title; } else { document.title = document.title.replace(/^Messages \(\d+\) /, "Messages (" + this.msg_counter + ") "); } window.blur(); window.focus(); } else if (document.title.search(/^Messages \(\d+\) /) != -1) { document.title = document.title.replace(/^Messages \(\d+\) /, ""); } }; this.incrementMsgCounter = function () { this.msg_counter += 1; this.updateMsgCounter(); }; this.clearMsgCounter = function () { this.msg_counter = 0; this.updateMsgCounter(); }; this.initStatus = function (callback) { this.xmppstatus = new this.XMPPStatus(); var id = b64_sha1('converse.xmppstatus-'+converse.bare_jid); this.xmppstatus.id = id; // Appears to be necessary for backbone.browserStorage this.xmppstatus.browserStorage = new Backbone.BrowserStorage[converse.storage](id); this.xmppstatus.fetch({success: callback, error: callback}); }; this.initSession = function () { this.session = new this.Session(); var id = b64_sha1('converse.bosh-session'); this.session.id = id; // Appears to be necessary for backbone.browserStorage this.session.browserStorage = new Backbone.BrowserStorage[converse.storage](id); this.session.fetch(); }; this.clearSession = function () { if (this.roster) { this.roster.browserStorage._clear(); } this.session.browserStorage._clear(); if (converse.connection.connected) { converse.chatboxes.get('controlbox').save({'connected': false}); } }; this.logOut = function () { converse.chatboxviews.closeAllChatBoxes(false); converse.clearSession(); converse.connection.disconnect(); }; this.registerGlobalEventHandlers = function () { $(document).click(function () { if ($('.toggle-otr ul').is(':visible')) { $('.toggle-otr ul', this).slideUp(); } if ($('.toggle-smiley ul').is(':visible')) { $('.toggle-smiley ul', this).slideUp(); } }); $(document).on('mousemove', function (ev) { if (!this.resized_chatbox || !this.allow_dragresize) { return true; } ev.preventDefault(); this.resized_chatbox.resizeChatBox(ev); }.bind(this)); $(document).on('mouseup', function (ev) { if (!this.resized_chatbox || !this.allow_dragresize) { return true; } ev.preventDefault(); var height = this.applyHeightResistance(this.resized_chatbox.height); if (this.connection.connected) { this.resized_chatbox.model.save({'height': height}); } else { this.resized_chatbox.model.set({'height': height}); } this.resized_chatbox = null; }.bind(this)); $(window).on("blur focus", function (ev) { if ((this.windowState != ev.type) && (ev.type == 'focus')) { converse.clearMsgCounter(); } this.windowState = ev.type; }.bind(this)); $(window).on("resize", _.debounce(function (ev) { this.chatboxviews.trimChats(); }.bind(this), 200)); }; this.ping = function (jid, success, error, timeout) { // XXX: We could first check here if the server advertised that it supports PING. // However, some servers don't advertise while still keeping the // connection option due to pings. // // var feature = converse.features.findWhere({'var': Strophe.NS.PING}); converse.lastStanzaDate = new Date(); if (typeof jid === 'undefined' || jid === null) { jid = Strophe.getDomainFromJid(converse.bare_jid); } if (typeof timeout === 'undefined' ) { timeout = null; } if (typeof success === 'undefined' ) { success = null; } if (typeof error === 'undefined' ) { error = null; } if (converse.connection) { converse.connection.ping.ping(jid, success, error, timeout); return true; } return false; }; this.pong = function (ping) { converse.lastStanzaDate = new Date(); converse.connection.ping.pong(ping); return true; }; this.registerPongHandler = function () { converse.connection.disco.addFeature(Strophe.NS.PING); converse.connection.ping.addPingHandler(this.pong); }; this.registerPingHandler = function () { this.registerPongHandler(); if (this.ping_interval > 0) { this.connection.addHandler(function () { /* Handler on each stanza, saves the received date * in order to ping only when needed. */ this.lastStanzaDate = new Date(); return true; }.bind(converse)); this.connection.addTimedHandler(1000, function () { var now = new Date(); if (!this.lastStanzaDate) { this.lastStanzaDate = now; } if ((now - this.lastStanzaDate)/1000 > this.ping_interval) { return this.ping(); } return true; }); } }; this.onReconnected = function () { // We need to re-register all the event handlers on the newly // created connection. this.initStatus(function () { this.registerPingHandler(); this.rosterview.registerRosterXHandler(); this.rosterview.registerPresenceHandler(); this.chatboxes.registerMessageHandler(); this.xmppstatus.sendPresence(); this.giveFeedback(__('Contacts')); }.bind(this)); }; this.enableCarbons = function () { /* Ask the XMPP server to enable Message Carbons * See XEP-0280 https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0280.html#enabling */ if (!this.message_carbons || this.session.get('carbons_enabled')) { return; } var carbons_iq = new Strophe.Builder('iq', { from: this.connection.jid, id: 'enablecarbons', type: 'set' }) .c('enable', {xmlns: Strophe.NS.CARBONS}); this.connection.addHandler(function (iq) { if ($(iq).find('error').length > 0) { converse.log('ERROR: An error occured while trying to enable message carbons.'); } else { this.session.save({carbons_enabled: true}); converse.log('Message carbons have been enabled.'); } }.bind(this), null, "iq", null, "enablecarbons"); this.connection.send(carbons_iq); }; this.onConnected = function () { // When reconnecting, there might be some open chat boxes. We don't // know whether these boxes are of the same account or not, so we // close them now. this.chatboxviews.closeAllChatBoxes(); this.jid = this.connection.jid; this.bare_jid = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(this.connection.jid); this.resource = Strophe.getResourceFromJid(this.connection.jid); this.domain = Strophe.getDomainFromJid(this.connection.jid); this.minimized_chats = new converse.MinimizedChats({model: this.chatboxes}); this.features = new this.Features(); this.enableCarbons(); this.initStatus(function () { this.registerPingHandler(); this.registerIntervalHandler(); this.chatboxes.onConnected(); this.giveFeedback(__('Contacts')); if (this.callback) { if (this.connection.service === 'jasmine tests') { // XXX: Call back with the internal converse object. This // object should never be exposed to production systems. // 'jasmine tests' is an invalid http bind service value, // so we're sure that this is just for tests. this.callback(this); } else { this.callback(); } } }.bind(this)); converse.emit('ready'); }; // Backbone Models and Views // ------------------------- this.OTR = Backbone.Model.extend({ // A model for managing OTR settings. getSessionPassphrase: function () { if (converse.authentication === 'prebind') { var key = b64_sha1(converse.connection.jid), pass = window.sessionStorage[key]; if (typeof pass === 'undefined') { pass = Math.floor(Math.random()*4294967295).toString(); window.sessionStorage[key] = pass; } return pass; } else { return converse.connection.pass; } }, generatePrivateKey: function () { var key = new DSA(); var jid = converse.connection.jid; if (converse.cache_otr_key) { var cipher = CryptoJS.lib.PasswordBasedCipher; var pass = this.getSessionPassphrase(); if (typeof pass !== "undefined") { // Encrypt the key and set in sessionStorage. Also store instance tag. window.sessionStorage[b64_sha1(jid+'priv_key')] = cipher.encrypt(CryptoJS.algo.AES, key.packPrivate(), pass).toString(); window.sessionStorage[b64_sha1(jid+'instance_tag')] = instance_tag; window.sessionStorage[b64_sha1(jid+'pass_check')] = cipher.encrypt(CryptoJS.algo.AES, 'match', pass).toString(); } } return key; } }); this.Message = Backbone.Model; this.Messages = Backbone.Collection.extend({ model: converse.Message, comparator: 'time' }); this.ChatBox = Backbone.Model.extend({ initialize: function () { var height = converse.applyHeightResistance(this.get('height')); if (this.get('box_id') !== 'controlbox') { this.messages = new converse.Messages(); this.messages.browserStorage = new Backbone.BrowserStorage[converse.storage]( b64_sha1('converse.messages'+this.get('jid')+converse.bare_jid)); this.save({ // The chat_state will be set to ACTIVE once the chat box is opened // and we listen for change:chat_state, so shouldn't set it to ACTIVE here. 'chat_state': undefined, 'box_id' : b64_sha1(this.get('jid')), 'height': height, 'minimized': this.get('minimized') || false, 'num_unread': this.get('num_unread') || 0, 'otr_status': this.get('otr_status') || UNENCRYPTED, 'time_minimized': this.get('time_minimized') || moment(), 'time_opened': this.get('time_opened') || moment().valueOf(), 'url': '', 'user_id' : Strophe.getNodeFromJid(this.get('jid')) }); } else { this.set({ 'height': height, 'time_opened': moment(0).valueOf(), 'num_unread': this.get('num_unread') || 0 }); } }, maximize: function () { this.save({ 'minimized': false, 'time_opened': moment().valueOf() }); }, minimize: function () { this.save({ 'minimized': true, 'time_minimized': moment().format() }); }, getSession: function (callback) { var cipher = CryptoJS.lib.PasswordBasedCipher; var result, pass, instance_tag, saved_key, pass_check; if (converse.cache_otr_key) { pass = converse.otr.getSessionPassphrase(); if (typeof pass !== "undefined") { instance_tag = window.sessionStorage[b64_sha1(this.id+'instance_tag')]; saved_key = window.sessionStorage[b64_sha1(this.id+'priv_key')]; pass_check = window.sessionStorage[b64_sha1(this.connection.jid+'pass_check')]; if (saved_key && instance_tag && typeof pass_check !== 'undefined') { var decrypted = cipher.decrypt(CryptoJS.algo.AES, saved_key, pass); var key = DSA.parsePrivate(decrypted.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Latin1)); if (cipher.decrypt(CryptoJS.algo.AES, pass_check, pass).toString(CryptoJS.enc.Latin1) === 'match') { // Verified that the passphrase is still the same this.trigger('showHelpMessages', [__('Re-establishing encrypted session')]); callback({ 'key': key, 'instance_tag': instance_tag }); return; // Our work is done here } } } } // We need to generate a new key and instance tag this.trigger('showHelpMessages', [ __('Generating private key.'), __('Your browser might become unresponsive.')], null, true // show spinner ); setTimeout(function () { callback({ 'key': converse.otr.generatePrivateKey.apply(this), 'instance_tag': OTR.makeInstanceTag() }); }, 500); }, updateOTRStatus: function (state) { switch (state) { case OTR.CONST.STATUS_AKE_SUCCESS: if (this.otr.msgstate === OTR.CONST.MSGSTATE_ENCRYPTED) { this.save({'otr_status': UNVERIFIED}); } break; case OTR.CONST.STATUS_END_OTR: if (this.otr.msgstate === OTR.CONST.MSGSTATE_FINISHED) { this.save({'otr_status': FINISHED}); } else if (this.otr.msgstate === OTR.CONST.MSGSTATE_PLAINTEXT) { this.save({'otr_status': UNENCRYPTED}); } break; } }, onSMP: function (type, data) { // Event handler for SMP (Socialist's Millionaire Protocol) // used by OTR (off-the-record). switch (type) { case 'question': this.otr.smpSecret(prompt(__( 'Authentication request from %1$s\n\nYour chat contact is attempting to verify your identity, by asking you the question below.\n\n%2$s', [this.get('fullname'), data]))); break; case 'trust': if (data === true) { this.save({'otr_status': VERIFIED}); } else { this.trigger( 'showHelpMessages', [__("Could not verify this user's identify.")], 'error'); this.save({'otr_status': UNVERIFIED}); } break; default: throw new TypeError('ChatBox.onSMP: Unknown type for SMP'); } }, initiateOTR: function (query_msg) { // Sets up an OTR object through which we can send and receive // encrypted messages. // // If 'query_msg' is passed in, it means there is an alread incoming // query message from our contact. Otherwise, it is us who will // send the query message to them. this.save({'otr_status': UNENCRYPTED}); var session = this.getSession(function (session) { this.otr = new OTR({ fragment_size: 140, send_interval: 200, priv: session.key, instance_tag: session.instance_tag, debug: this.debug }); this.otr.on('status', this.updateOTRStatus.bind(this)); this.otr.on('smp', this.onSMP.bind(this)); this.otr.on('ui', function (msg) { this.trigger('showReceivedOTRMessage', msg); }.bind(this)); this.otr.on('io', function (msg) { this.trigger('sendMessage', msg); }.bind(this)); this.otr.on('error', function (msg) { this.trigger('showOTRError', msg); }.bind(this)); this.trigger('showHelpMessages', [__('Exchanging private key with contact.')]); if (query_msg) { this.otr.receiveMsg(query_msg); } else { this.otr.sendQueryMsg(); } }.bind(this)); }, endOTR: function () { if (this.otr) { this.otr.endOtr(); } this.save({'otr_status': UNENCRYPTED}); }, createMessage: function ($message, $delay, archive_id) { $delay = $delay || $message.find('delay'); var body = $message.children('body').text(), delayed = $delay.length > 0, fullname = this.get('fullname'), is_groupchat = $message.attr('type') === 'groupchat', msgid = $message.attr('id'), chat_state = $message.find(COMPOSING).length && COMPOSING || $message.find(PAUSED).length && PAUSED || $message.find(INACTIVE).length && INACTIVE || $message.find(ACTIVE).length && ACTIVE || $message.find(GONE).length && GONE, stamp, time, sender, from; if (is_groupchat) { from = Strophe.unescapeNode(Strophe.getResourceFromJid($message.attr('from'))); } else { from = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid($message.attr('from')); } fullname = (_.isEmpty(fullname) ? from: fullname).split(' ')[0]; if (delayed) { stamp = $delay.attr('stamp'); time = stamp; } else { time = moment().format(); } if ((is_groupchat && from === this.get('nick')) || (!is_groupchat && from == converse.bare_jid)) { sender = 'me'; } else { sender = 'them'; } this.messages.create({ chat_state: chat_state, delayed: delayed, fullname: fullname, message: body || undefined, msgid: msgid, sender: sender, time: time, archive_id: archive_id }); }, receiveMessage: function ($message, $delay, archive_id) { var $body = $message.children('body'); var text = ($body.length > 0 ? $body.text() : undefined); if ((!text) || (!converse.allow_otr)) { return this.createMessage($message, $delay, archive_id); } if (text.match(/^\?OTRv23?/)) { this.initiateOTR(text); } else { if (_.contains([UNVERIFIED, VERIFIED], this.get('otr_status'))) { this.otr.receiveMsg(text); } else { if (text.match(/^\?OTR/)) { if (!this.otr) { this.initiateOTR(text); } else { this.otr.receiveMsg(text); } } else { // Normal unencrypted message. this.createMessage($message, $delay, archive_id); } } } } }); this.ChatBoxView = Backbone.View.extend({ length: 200, tagName: 'div', className: 'chatbox', is_chatroom: false, // This is not a multi-user chatroom events: { 'click .close-chatbox-button': 'close', 'click .toggle-chatbox-button': 'minimize', 'keypress textarea.chat-textarea': 'keyPressed', 'click .toggle-smiley': 'toggleEmoticonMenu', 'click .toggle-smiley ul li': 'insertEmoticon', 'click .toggle-clear': 'clearMessages', 'click .toggle-otr': 'toggleOTRMenu', 'click .start-otr': 'startOTRFromToolbar', 'click .end-otr': 'endOTR', 'click .auth-otr': 'authOTR', 'click .toggle-call': 'toggleCall', 'mousedown .dragresize-tm': 'onDragResizeStart' }, initialize: function () { this.model.messages.on('add', this.onMessageAdded, this); this.model.on('show', this.show, this); this.model.on('destroy', this.hide, this); // TODO check for changed fullname as well this.model.on('change:chat_state', this.sendChatState, this); this.model.on('change:chat_status', this.onChatStatusChanged, this); this.model.on('change:image', this.renderAvatar, this); this.model.on('change:otr_status', this.onOTRStatusChanged, this); this.model.on('change:minimized', this.onMinimizedChanged, this); this.model.on('change:status', this.onStatusChanged, this); this.model.on('showOTRError', this.showOTRError, this); this.model.on('showHelpMessages', this.showHelpMessages, this); this.model.on('sendMessage', this.sendMessage, this); this.model.on('showSentOTRMessage', function (text) { this.showMessage({'message': text, 'sender': 'me'}); }, this); this.model.on('showReceivedOTRMessage', function (text) { this.showMessage({'message': text, 'sender': 'them'}); }, this); this.updateVCard().render().fetchMessages().insertIntoPage().hide(); if ((_.contains([UNVERIFIED, VERIFIED], this.model.get('otr_status'))) || converse.use_otr_by_default) { this.model.initiateOTR(); } }, render: function () { this.$el.attr('id', this.model.get('box_id')) .html(converse.templates.chatbox( _.extend(this.model.toJSON(), { show_toolbar: converse.show_toolbar, label_personal_message: __('Personal message') } ) ) ); this.$content = this.$el.find('.chat-content'); this.renderToolbar().renderAvatar(); this.$content.on('scroll', _.debounce(this.onScroll.bind(this), 100)); converse.emit('chatBoxOpened', this); setTimeout(converse.refreshWebkit, 50); return this.showStatusMessage(); }, onScroll: function (ev) { if ($(ev.target).scrollTop() === 0 && this.model.messages.length) { this.$content.prepend(''); this.fetchArchivedMessages({ 'before': this.model.messages.at(0).get('archive_id'), 'with': this.model.get('jid'), 'max': converse.archived_messages_batch_size }); } }, fetchMessages: function () { /* Responsible for fetching previously sent messages, first * from session storage, and then once that's done by calling * fetchArchivedMessages, which fetches from the XMPP server if * applicable. */ this.model.messages.fetch({ 'add': true, 'success': this.afterFetchingCachedMessages.bind(this) }); return this; }, afterFetchingCachedMessages: function () { /* Handler method, called after messages cached in * sessionStorage have been fetched. * * The goal of this method is to determine how many archived * messages exist and whether we should fetch them or not. */ if (!converse.features.findWhere({'var': Strophe.NS.MAM})) { return; } if (this.model.messages.length < converse.archived_messages_batch_size) { // Get the amount of archived messages // Refer to: https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0059.html#count API.archive.query({ 'with': this.model.get('jid'), 'max': 0 }, function (messages, attrs) { // On Success if (this.model.messages.length < Number(attrs.count)) { this.fetchArchivedMessages({ 'before': '', // Page backwards from the most recent message 'with': this.model.get('jid'), 'max': converse.archived_messages_batch_size }); } }.bind(this), function (iq) { // On Error converse.log("Error occured while trying to fetch the archived messages count", "error"); }.bind(this) ); } }, fetchArchivedMessages: function (options) { /* Fetch archived chat messages from the XMPP server. * * Then, upon receiving them, call onMessage on the chat box, * so that they are displayed inside it. */ API.archive.query(options, function (messages) { this.clearSpinner(); if (messages.length) { _.map(messages, converse.chatboxes.onMessage.bind(converse.chatboxes)); } }.bind(this), _.partial(converse.log, "Error while trying to fetch archived messages", "error") ); }, insertIntoPage: function () { this.$el.insertAfter(converse.chatboxviews.get("controlbox").$el); return this; }, initDragResize: function () { this.prev_pageY = 0; // To store last known mouse position if (converse.connection.connected) { this.height = this.model.get('height'); } return this; }, showStatusNotification: function (message, keep_old) { if (!keep_old) { this.$content.find('div.chat-event').remove(); } this.$content.append($('
').text(message)); this.scrollDown(); }, clearChatRoomMessages: function (ev) { if (typeof ev !== "undefined") { ev.stopPropagation(); } var result = confirm(__("Are you sure you want to clear the messages from this room?")); if (result === true) { this.$content.empty(); } return this; }, clearSpinner: function () { if (this.$content.children(':first').is('span.spinner')) { this.$content.children(':first').remove(); } }, prependDayIndicator: function (date) { /* Prepends an indicator into the chat area, showing the day as * given by the passed in date. * * Parameters: * (String) date - An ISO8601 date string. */ var day_date = moment(date).startOf('day'); this.$content.prepend(converse.templates.new_day({ isodate: day_date.format(), datestring: day_date.format("dddd MMM Do YYYY") })); }, showMessage: function (attrs) { /* Inserts a chat message into the content area of the chat box. * Will also insert a new day indicator if the message is on a * different day. * * The message to show may either be newer than the newest * message, or older than the oldest message. * * Parameters: * (Object) attrs: An object containing the message attributes. */ var current_msg_date = moment(attrs.time) || moment, $first_msg = this.$content.children('.chat-message:first'), first_msg_date = $first_msg.data('isodate'), last_msg_date = this.$content.children(':last').data('isodate'), day_date; if (typeof first_msg_date !== "undefined" && (current_msg_date.isBefore(first_msg_date) || (current_msg_date.isSame(first_msg_date) && !current_msg_date.isSame(last_msg_date)))) { if ($first_msg.prev().length === 0) { // There's no day indicator before the first message, so we prepend one. this.prependDayIndicator(first_msg_date); } if (current_msg_date.isBefore(first_msg_date, 'day')) { _.compose( this.scrollDownMessageHeight.bind(this), function ($el) { this.$content.prepend($el); return $el; }.bind(this) )(this.renderMessage(attrs)); // This message is on a different day, so we add a day indicator. this.prependDayIndicator(current_msg_date); } else { // The message is before the first, but on the same day. // We need to prepend the message immediately before the // first message (so that it'll still be after the day indicator). _.compose( this.scrollDownMessageHeight.bind(this), function ($el) { $el.insertBefore($first_msg); return $el; } )(this.renderMessage(attrs)); } return; } else if (current_msg_date.isAfter(last_msg_date, 'day')) { // Append a new day indicator day_date = moment(current_msg_date).startOf('day'); this.$content.append(converse.templates.new_day({ isodate: current_msg_date.format(), datestring: current_msg_date.format("dddd MMM Do YYYY") })); } _.compose( _.debounce(this.scrollDown.bind(this), 50), this.$content.append.bind(this.$content) )(this.renderMessage(attrs)); }, renderMessage: function (attrs) { /* Renders a chat message based on the passed in attributes. * * Parameters: * (Object) attrs: An object containing the message attributes. * * Returns: * The DOM element representing the message. */ var msg_time = moment(attrs.time) || moment, text = attrs.message, match = text.match(/^\/(.*?)(?: (.*))?$/), fullname = this.model.get('fullname') || attrs.fullname, extra_classes = attrs.delayed && 'delayed' || '', template, username; if ((match) && (match[1] === 'me')) { text = text.replace(/^\/me/, ''); template = converse.templates.action; username = fullname; } else { template = converse.templates.message; username = attrs.sender === 'me' && __('me') || fullname; } this.$content.find('div.chat-event').remove(); if (this.is_chatroom && attrs.sender == 'them' && (new RegExp("\\b"+this.model.get('nick')+"\\b")).test(text)) { // Add special class to mark groupchat messages in which we // are mentioned. extra_classes += ' mentioned'; } return $(template({ 'sender': attrs.sender, 'time': msg_time.format('hh:mm'), 'isodate': msg_time.format(), 'username': username, 'message': '', 'extra_classes': extra_classes })).children('.chat-message-content').first().text(text) .addHyperlinks() .addEmoticons(converse.visible_toolbar_buttons.emoticons).parent(); }, showHelpMessages: function (msgs, type, spinner) { var i, msgs_length = msgs.length; for (i=0; i'+msgs[i]+'')); } if (spinner === true) { this.$content.append(''); } else if (spinner === false) { this.$content.find('span.spinner').remove(); } return this.scrollDown(); }, onMessageAdded: function (message) { /* Handler that gets called when a new message object is created. * * Parameters: * (Object) message - The message Backbone object that was added. */ if (!message.get('message')) { if (message.get('chat_state') === COMPOSING) { this.showStatusNotification(message.get('fullname')+' '+__('is typing')); return; } else if (message.get('chat_state') === PAUSED) { this.showStatusNotification(message.get('fullname')+' '+__('has stopped typing')); return; } else if (_.contains([INACTIVE, ACTIVE], message.get('chat_state'))) { this.$content.find('div.chat-event').remove(); return; } else if (message.get('chat_state') === GONE) { this.showStatusNotification(message.get('fullname')+' '+__('has gone away')); return; } } else { this.showMessage(_.clone(message.attributes)); } if ((message.get('sender') != 'me') && (converse.windowState == 'blur')) { converse.incrementMsgCounter(); } if (!this.model.get('minimized') && !this.$el.is(':visible')) { _.debounce(this.show, 100); } }, sendMessage: function (text) { /* Responsible for sending off a text message. * * Parameters: * (string) text - The chat message text. */ // TODO: We might want to send to specfic resources. Especially in the OTR case. var timestamp = (new Date()).getTime(); var bare_jid = this.model.get('jid'); var message = $msg({from: converse.connection.jid, to: bare_jid, type: 'chat', id: timestamp}) .c('body').t(text).up() .c(ACTIVE, {'xmlns': Strophe.NS.CHATSTATES}).up(); if (this.model.get('otr_status') != UNENCRYPTED) { // OTR messages aren't carbon copied message.c('private', {'xmlns': Strophe.NS.CARBONS}); } converse.connection.send(message); if (converse.forward_messages) { // Forward the message, so that other connected resources are also aware of it. var forwarded = $msg({to:converse.bare_jid, type:'chat', id:timestamp}) .c('forwarded', {xmlns:'urn:xmpp:forward:0'}) .c('delay', {xmns:'urn:xmpp:delay',stamp:timestamp}).up() .cnode(message.tree()); converse.connection.send(forwarded); } }, onMessageSubmitted: function (text) { /* This method gets called once the user has typed a message * and then pressed enter in a chat box. * * Parameters: * (string) text - The chat message text. */ if (!converse.connection.authenticated) { return this.showHelpMessages(['Sorry, the connection has been lost, and your message could not be sent'], 'error'); } var match = text.replace(/^\s*/, "").match(/^\/(.*)\s*$/), msgs; if (match) { if (match[1] === "clear") { return this.clearMessages(); } else if (match[1] === "help") { msgs = [ '/help:'+__('Show this menu')+'', '/me:'+__('Write in the third person')+'', '/clear:'+__('Remove messages')+'' ]; this.showHelpMessages(msgs); return; } else if ((converse.allow_otr) && (match[1] === "endotr")) { return this.endOTR(); } else if ((converse.allow_otr) && (match[1] === "otr")) { return this.model.initiateOTR(); } } if (_.contains([UNVERIFIED, VERIFIED], this.model.get('otr_status'))) { // Off-the-record encryption is active this.model.otr.sendMsg(text); this.model.trigger('showSentOTRMessage', text); } else { // We only save unencrypted messages. var fullname = converse.xmppstatus.get('fullname'); fullname = _.isEmpty(fullname)? converse.bare_jid: fullname; this.model.messages.create({ fullname: fullname, sender: 'me', time: moment().format(), message: text }); this.sendMessage(text); } }, sendChatState: function () { /* Sends a message with the status of the user in this chat session * as taken from the 'chat_state' attribute of the chat box. * See XEP-0085 Chat State Notifications. */ converse.connection.send( $msg({'to':this.model.get('jid'), 'type': 'chat'}) .c(this.model.get('chat_state'), {'xmlns': Strophe.NS.CHATSTATES}) ); }, setChatState: function (state, no_save) { /* Mutator for setting the chat state of this chat session. * Handles clearing of any chat state notification timeouts and * setting new ones if necessary. * Timeouts are set when the state being set is COMPOSING or PAUSED. * After the timeout, COMPOSING will become PAUSED and PAUSED will become INACTIVE. * See XEP-0085 Chat State Notifications. * * Parameters: * (string) state - The chat state (consts ACTIVE, COMPOSING, PAUSED, INACTIVE, GONE) * (Boolean) no_save - Just do the cleanup or setup but don't actually save the state. */ if (typeof this.chat_state_timeout !== 'undefined') { clearTimeout(this.chat_state_timeout); delete this.chat_state_timeout; } if (state === COMPOSING) { this.chat_state_timeout = setTimeout( this.setChatState.bind(this), converse.TIMEOUTS.PAUSED, PAUSED); } else if (state === PAUSED) { this.chat_state_timeout = setTimeout( this.setChatState.bind(this), converse.TIMEOUTS.INACTIVE, INACTIVE); } if (!no_save && this.model.get('chat_state') != state) { this.model.set('chat_state', state); } return this; }, keyPressed: function (ev) { /* Event handler for when a key is pressed in a chat box textarea. */ var $textarea = $(ev.target), message; if (ev.keyCode == KEY.ENTER) { ev.preventDefault(); message = $textarea.val(); $textarea.val('').focus(); if (message !== '') { if (this.model.get('chatroom')) { this.onChatRoomMessageSubmitted(message); } else { this.onMessageSubmitted(message); } converse.emit('messageSend', message); } this.setChatState(ACTIVE); } else if (!this.model.get('chatroom')) { // chat state data is currently only for single user chat // Set chat state to composing if keyCode is not a forward-slash // (which would imply an internal command and not a message). this.setChatState(COMPOSING, ev.keyCode==KEY.FORWARD_SLASH); } }, onDragResizeStart: function (ev) { if (!converse.allow_dragresize) { return true; } // Record element attributes for mouseMove(). this.height = this.$el.children('.box-flyout').height(); converse.resized_chatbox = this; this.prev_pageY = ev.pageY; }, setChatBoxHeight: function (height) { if (!this.model.get('minimized')) { this.$el.children('.box-flyout')[0].style.height = converse.applyHeightResistance(height)+'px'; } }, resizeChatBox: function (ev) { var diff = ev.pageY - this.prev_pageY; if (!diff) { return; } this.height -= diff; this.prev_pageY = ev.pageY; this.setChatBoxHeight(this.height); }, clearMessages: function (ev) { if (ev && ev.preventDefault) { ev.preventDefault(); } var result = confirm(__("Are you sure you want to clear the messages from this chat box?")); if (result === true) { this.$content.empty(); this.model.messages.reset(); this.model.messages.browserStorage._clear(); } return this; }, insertEmoticon: function (ev) { ev.stopPropagation(); this.$el.find('.toggle-smiley ul').slideToggle(200); var $textbox = this.$el.find('textarea.chat-textarea'); var value = $textbox.val(); var $target = $(ev.target); $target = $target.is('a') ? $target : $target.children('a'); if (value && (value[value.length-1] !== ' ')) { value = value + ' '; } $textbox.focus().val(value+$target.data('emoticon')+' '); }, toggleEmoticonMenu: function (ev) { ev.stopPropagation(); this.$el.find('.toggle-smiley ul').slideToggle(200); }, toggleOTRMenu: function (ev) { ev.stopPropagation(); this.$el.find('.toggle-otr ul').slideToggle(200); }, showOTRError: function (msg) { if (msg == 'Message cannot be sent at this time.') { this.showHelpMessages( [__('Your message could not be sent')], 'error'); } else if (msg == 'Received an unencrypted message.') { this.showHelpMessages( [__('We received an unencrypted message')], 'error'); } else if (msg == 'Received an unreadable encrypted message.') { this.showHelpMessages( [__('We received an unreadable encrypted message')], 'error'); } else { this.showHelpMessages(['Encryption error occured: '+msg], 'error'); } console.log("OTR ERROR:"+msg); }, startOTRFromToolbar: function (ev) { $(ev.target).parent().parent().slideUp(); ev.stopPropagation(); this.model.initiateOTR(); }, endOTR: function (ev) { if (typeof ev !== "undefined") { ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); } this.model.endOTR(); }, authOTR: function (ev) { var scheme = $(ev.target).data().scheme; var result, question, answer; if (scheme === 'fingerprint') { result = confirm(__('Here are the fingerprints, please confirm them with %1$s, outside of this chat.\n\nFingerprint for you, %2$s: %3$s\n\nFingerprint for %1$s: %4$s\n\nIf you have confirmed that the fingerprints match, click OK, otherwise click Cancel.', [ this.model.get('fullname'), converse.xmppstatus.get('fullname')||converse.bare_jid, this.model.otr.priv.fingerprint(), this.model.otr.their_priv_pk.fingerprint() ] )); if (result === true) { this.model.save({'otr_status': VERIFIED}); } else { this.model.save({'otr_status': UNVERIFIED}); } } else if (scheme === 'smp') { alert(__('You will be prompted to provide a security question and then an answer to that question.\n\nYour contact will then be prompted the same question and if they type the exact same answer (case sensitive), their identity will be verified.')); question = prompt(__('What is your security question?')); if (question) { answer = prompt(__('What is the answer to the security question?')); this.model.otr.smpSecret(answer, question); } } else { this.showHelpMessages([__('Invalid authentication scheme provided')], 'error'); } }, toggleCall: function (ev) { ev.stopPropagation(); converse.emit('callButtonClicked', { connection: converse.connection, model: this.model }); }, onChatStatusChanged: function (item) { var chat_status = item.get('chat_status'), fullname = item.get('fullname'); fullname = _.isEmpty(fullname)? item.get('jid'): fullname; if (this.$el.is(':visible')) { if (chat_status === 'offline') { this.showStatusNotification(fullname+' '+__('has gone offline')); } else if (chat_status === 'away') { this.showStatusNotification(fullname+' '+__('has gone away')); } else if ((chat_status === 'dnd')) { this.showStatusNotification(fullname+' '+__('is busy')); } else if (chat_status === 'online') { this.$el.find('div.chat-event').remove(); } } converse.emit('contactStatusChanged', item.attributes, item.get('chat_status')); }, onStatusChanged: function (item) { this.showStatusMessage(); converse.emit('contactStatusMessageChanged', item.attributes, item.get('status')); }, onOTRStatusChanged: function (item) { this.renderToolbar().informOTRChange(); }, onMinimizedChanged: function (item) { if (item.get('minimized')) { this.hide(); } else { this.maximize(); } }, showStatusMessage: function (msg) { msg = msg || this.model.get('status'); if (typeof msg === "string") { this.$el.find('p.user-custom-message').text(msg).attr('title', msg); } return this; }, close: function (ev) { if (ev && ev.preventDefault) { ev.preventDefault(); } if (converse.connection.connected) { this.model.destroy(); this.setChatState(INACTIVE); } else { this.hide(); } converse.emit('chatBoxClosed', this); return this; }, maximize: function () { var chatboxviews = converse.chatboxviews; // Restores a minimized chat box this.$el.insertAfter(chatboxviews.get("controlbox").$el).show('fast', function () { /* Now that the chat box is visible, we can call trimChats * to make space available if need be. */ chatboxviews.trimChats(this); converse.refreshWebkit(); this.setChatState(ACTIVE).focus(); converse.emit('chatBoxMaximized', this); }.bind(this)); }, minimize: function (ev) { if (ev && ev.preventDefault) { ev.preventDefault(); } // Minimizes a chat box this.setChatState(INACTIVE).model.minimize(); this.$el.hide('fast', converse.refreshwebkit); converse.emit('chatBoxMinimized', this); }, updateVCard: function () { if (!this.use_vcards) { return this; } var jid = this.model.get('jid'), contact = converse.roster.get(jid); if ((contact) && (!contact.get('vcard_updated'))) { converse.getVCard( jid, function (iq, jid, fullname, image, image_type, url) { this.model.save({ 'fullname' : fullname || jid, 'url': url, 'image_type': image_type, 'image': image }); }.bind(this), function () { converse.log("ChatBoxView.initialize: An error occured while fetching vcard"); } ); } return this; }, informOTRChange: function () { var data = this.model.toJSON(); var msgs = []; if (data.otr_status == UNENCRYPTED) { msgs.push(__("Your messages are not encrypted anymore")); } else if (data.otr_status == UNVERIFIED) { msgs.push(__("Your messages are now encrypted but your contact's identity has not been verified.")); } else if (data.otr_status == VERIFIED) { msgs.push(__("Your contact's identify has been verified.")); } else if (data.otr_status == FINISHED) { msgs.push(__("Your contact has ended encryption on their end, you should do the same.")); } return this.showHelpMessages(msgs, 'info', false); }, renderToolbar: function () { if (converse.show_toolbar) { var data = this.model.toJSON(); if (data.otr_status == UNENCRYPTED) { data.otr_tooltip = __('Your messages are not encrypted. Click here to enable OTR encryption.'); } else if (data.otr_status == UNVERIFIED) { data.otr_tooltip = __('Your messages are encrypted, but your contact has not been verified.'); } else if (data.otr_status == VERIFIED) { data.otr_tooltip = __('Your messages are encrypted and your contact verified.'); } else if (data.otr_status == FINISHED) { data.otr_tooltip = __('Your contact has closed their end of the private session, you should do the same'); } this.$el.find('.chat-toolbar').html( converse.templates.toolbar( _.extend(data, { FINISHED: FINISHED, UNENCRYPTED: UNENCRYPTED, UNVERIFIED: UNVERIFIED, VERIFIED: VERIFIED, allow_otr: converse.allow_otr && !this.is_chatroom, label_clear: __('Clear all messages'), label_end_encrypted_conversation: __('End encrypted conversation'), label_insert_smiley: __('Insert a smiley'), label_hide_participants: __('Hide the list of participants'), label_refresh_encrypted_conversation: __('Refresh encrypted conversation'), label_start_call: __('Start a call'), label_start_encrypted_conversation: __('Start encrypted conversation'), label_verify_with_fingerprints: __('Verify with fingerprints'), label_verify_with_smp: __('Verify with SMP'), label_whats_this: __("What\'s this?"), otr_status_class: OTR_CLASS_MAPPING[data.otr_status], otr_translated_status: OTR_TRANSLATED_MAPPING[data.otr_status], show_call_button: converse.visible_toolbar_buttons.call, show_clear_button: converse.visible_toolbar_buttons.clear, show_emoticons: converse.visible_toolbar_buttons.emoticons, show_participants_toggle: this.is_chatroom && converse.visible_toolbar_buttons.toggle_participants }) ) ); } return this; }, renderAvatar: function () { if (!this.model.get('image')) { return; } var img_src = 'data:'+this.model.get('image_type')+';base64,'+this.model.get('image'), canvas = $('').get(0); if (!(canvas.getContext && canvas.getContext('2d'))) { return this; } var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); var img = new Image(); // Create new Image object img.onload = function () { var ratio = img.width/img.height; ctx.drawImage(img, 0,0, 35*ratio, 35); }; img.src = img_src; this.$el.find('.chat-title').before(canvas); return this; }, focus: function () { this.$el.find('.chat-textarea').focus(); converse.emit('chatBoxFocused', this); return this; }, hide: function () { if (this.$el.is(':visible') && this.$el.css('opacity') == "1") { this.$el.hide(); converse.refreshWebkit(); } return this; }, show: function (callback) { if (this.$el.is(':visible') && this.$el.css('opacity') == "1") { return this.focus(); } this.$el.fadeIn(function () { if (typeof callback == "function") { callback.apply(this, arguments); } if (converse.connection.connected) { // Without a connection, we haven't yet initialized // localstorage this.model.save(); this.initDragResize(); } this.setChatState(ACTIVE); this.scrollDown().focus(); }.bind(this) ); return this; }, scrollDownMessageHeight: function ($message) { if (this.$content.is(':visible')) { this.$content.scrollTop(this.$content.scrollTop() + $message[0].scrollHeight); } return this; }, scrollDown: function () { if (this.$content.is(':visible')) { this.$content.scrollTop(this.$content[0].scrollHeight); } return this; } }); this.ContactsPanel = Backbone.View.extend({ tagName: 'div', className: 'controlbox-pane', id: 'users', events: { 'click a.toggle-xmpp-contact-form': 'toggleContactForm', 'submit form.add-xmpp-contact': 'addContactFromForm', 'submit form.search-xmpp-contact': 'searchContacts', 'click a.subscribe-to-user': 'addContactFromList' }, initialize: function (cfg) { cfg.$parent.append(this.$el); this.$tabs = cfg.$parent.parent().find('#controlbox-tabs'); }, render: function () { var markup; var widgets = converse.templates.contacts_panel({ label_online: __('Online'), label_busy: __('Busy'), label_away: __('Away'), label_offline: __('Offline'), label_logout: __('Log out'), allow_logout: converse.allow_logout }); this.$tabs.append(converse.templates.contacts_tab({label_contacts: LABEL_CONTACTS})); if (converse.xhr_user_search) { markup = converse.templates.search_contact({ label_contact_name: __('Contact name'), label_search: __('Search') }); } else { markup = converse.templates.add_contact_form({ label_contact_username: __('e.g. user@example.com'), label_add: __('Add') }); } if (converse.allow_contact_requests) { widgets += converse.templates.add_contact_dropdown({ label_click_to_chat: __('Click to add new chat contacts'), label_add_contact: __('Add a contact') }); } this.$el.html(widgets); this.$el.find('.search-xmpp ul').append(markup); return this; }, toggleContactForm: function (ev) { ev.preventDefault(); this.$el.find('.search-xmpp').toggle('fast', function () { if ($(this).is(':visible')) { $(this).find('input.username').focus(); } }); }, searchContacts: function (ev) { ev.preventDefault(); $.getJSON(converse.xhr_user_search_url+ "?q=" + $(ev.target).find('input.username').val(), function (data) { var $ul= $('.search-xmpp ul'); $ul.find('li.found-user').remove(); $ul.find('li.chat-info').remove(); if (!data.length) { $ul.append('
  • '+__('No users found')+'
  • '); } $(data).each(function (idx, obj) { $ul.append( $('
  • ') .append( $('') .attr('data-recipient', Strophe.getNodeFromJid(obj.id)+"@"+Strophe.getDomainFromJid(obj.id)) .text(obj.fullname) ) ); }); }); }, addContactFromForm: function (ev) { ev.preventDefault(); var $input = $(ev.target).find('input'); var jid = $input.val(); if (! jid) { // this is not a valid JID $input.addClass('error'); return; } converse.roster.addAndSubscribe(jid); $('.search-xmpp').hide(); }, addContactFromList: function (ev) { ev.preventDefault(); var $target = $(ev.target), jid = $target.attr('data-recipient'), name = $target.text(); converse.roster.addAndSubscribe(jid, name); $target.parent().remove(); $('.search-xmpp').hide(); } }); this.RoomsPanel = Backbone.View.extend({ tagName: 'div', className: 'controlbox-pane', id: 'chatrooms', events: { 'submit form.add-chatroom': 'createChatRoom', 'click input#show-rooms': 'showRooms', 'click a.open-room': 'createChatRoom', 'click a.room-info': 'showRoomInfo', 'change input[name=server]': 'setDomain', 'change input[name=nick]': 'setNick' }, initialize: function (cfg) { this.$parent = cfg.$parent; this.model.on('change:muc_domain', this.onDomainChange, this); this.model.on('change:nick', this.onNickChange, this); }, render: function () { this.$parent.append( this.$el.html( converse.templates.room_panel({ 'server_input_type': converse.hide_muc_server && 'hidden' || 'text', 'server_label_global_attr': converse.hide_muc_server && ' hidden' || '', 'label_room_name': __('Room name'), 'label_nickname': __('Nickname'), 'label_server': __('Server'), 'label_join': __('Join Room'), 'label_show_rooms': __('Show rooms') }) ).hide()); this.$tabs = this.$parent.parent().find('#controlbox-tabs'); this.$tabs.append(converse.templates.chatrooms_tab({label_rooms: __('Rooms')})); return this; }, onDomainChange: function (model) { var $server = this.$el.find('input.new-chatroom-server'); $server.val(model.get('muc_domain')); if (converse.auto_list_rooms) { this.updateRoomsList(); } }, onNickChange: function (model) { var $nick = this.$el.find('input.new-chatroom-nick'); $nick.val(model.get('nick')); }, informNoRoomsFound: function () { var $available_chatrooms = this.$el.find('#available-chatrooms'); // # For translators: %1$s is a variable and will be replaced with the XMPP server name $available_chatrooms.html('
    '+__('No rooms on %1$s',this.model.get('muc_domain'))+'
    '); $('input#show-rooms').show().siblings('span.spinner').remove(); }, onRoomsFound: function (iq) { /* Handle the IQ stanza returned from the server, containing * all its public rooms. */ var name, jid, i, fragment, that = this, $available_chatrooms = this.$el.find('#available-chatrooms'); this.rooms = $(iq).find('query').find('item'); if (this.rooms.length) { // # For translators: %1$s is a variable and will be // # replaced with the XMPP server name $available_chatrooms.html('
    '+__('Rooms on %1$s',this.model.get('muc_domain'))+'
    '); fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); for (i=0; i'); this.model.save({muc_domain: server}); this.updateRoomsList(); }, showRoomInfo: function (ev) { var target = ev.target, $dd = $(target).parent('dd'), $div = $dd.find('div.room-info'); if ($div.length) { $div.remove(); } else { $dd.find('span.spinner').remove(); $dd.append(''); converse.connection.disco.info( $(target).attr('data-room-jid'), null, function (stanza) { var $stanza = $(stanza); // All MUC features found here: http://xmpp.org/registrar/disco-features.html $dd.find('span.spinner').replaceWith( converse.templates.room_description({ 'desc': $stanza.find('field[var="muc#roominfo_description"] value').text(), 'occ': $stanza.find('field[var="muc#roominfo_occupants"] value').text(), 'hidden': $stanza.find('feature[var="muc_hidden"]').length, 'membersonly': $stanza.find('feature[var="muc_membersonly"]').length, 'moderated': $stanza.find('feature[var="muc_moderated"]').length, 'nonanonymous': $stanza.find('feature[var="muc_nonanonymous"]').length, 'open': $stanza.find('feature[var="muc_open"]').length, 'passwordprotected': $stanza.find('feature[var="muc_passwordprotected"]').length, 'persistent': $stanza.find('feature[var="muc_persistent"]').length, 'publicroom': $stanza.find('feature[var="muc_public"]').length, 'semianonymous': $stanza.find('feature[var="muc_semianonymous"]').length, 'temporary': $stanza.find('feature[var="muc_temporary"]').length, 'unmoderated': $stanza.find('feature[var="muc_unmoderated"]').length, 'label_desc': __('Description:'), 'label_occ': __('Occupants:'), 'label_features': __('Features:'), 'label_requires_auth': __('Requires authentication'), 'label_hidden': __('Hidden'), 'label_requires_invite': __('Requires an invitation'), 'label_moderated': __('Moderated'), 'label_non_anon': __('Non-anonymous'), 'label_open_room': __('Open room'), 'label_permanent_room': __('Permanent room'), 'label_public': __('Public'), 'label_semi_anon': _('Semi-anonymous'), 'label_temp_room': _('Temporary room'), 'label_unmoderated': __('Unmoderated') })); }.bind(this)); } }, createChatRoom: function (ev) { ev.preventDefault(); var name, $name, server, $server, jid, $nick = this.$el.find('input.new-chatroom-nick'), nick = $nick.val(), chatroom; if (!nick) { $nick.addClass('error'); } else { $nick.removeClass('error'); } if (ev.type === 'click') { jid = $(ev.target).attr('data-room-jid'); } else { $name = this.$el.find('input.new-chatroom-name'); $server= this.$el.find('input.new-chatroom-server'); server = $server.val(); name = $name.val().trim().toLowerCase(); $name.val(''); // Clear the input if (name && server) { jid = Strophe.escapeNode(name) + '@' + server; $name.removeClass('error'); $server.removeClass('error'); this.model.save({muc_domain: server}); } else { if (!name) { $name.addClass('error'); } if (!server) { $server.addClass('error'); } return; } } if (!nick) { return; } chatroom = converse.chatboxviews.showChat({ 'id': jid, 'jid': jid, 'name': Strophe.unescapeNode(Strophe.getNodeFromJid(jid)), 'nick': nick, 'chatroom': true, 'box_id' : b64_sha1(jid) }); }, setDomain: function (ev) { this.model.save({muc_domain: ev.target.value}); }, setNick: function (ev) { this.model.save({nick: ev.target.value}); } }); this.ControlBoxView = converse.ChatBoxView.extend({ tagName: 'div', className: 'chatbox', id: 'controlbox', events: { 'click a.close-chatbox-button': 'close', 'click ul#controlbox-tabs li a': 'switchTab', 'mousedown .dragresize-tm': 'onDragResizeStart' }, initialize: function () { this.$el.insertAfter(converse.controlboxtoggle.$el); this.model.on('change:connected', this.onConnected, this); this.model.on('destroy', this.hide, this); this.model.on('hide', this.hide, this); this.model.on('show', this.show, this); this.model.on('change:closed', this.ensureClosedState, this); this.render(); if (this.model.get('connected')) { this.initRoster(); } if (!this.model.get('closed')) { this.show(); } else { this.hide(); } }, giveFeedback: function (message, klass) { var $el = this.$('.conn-feedback'); $el.addClass('conn-feedback').text(message); if (klass) { $el.addClass(klass); } }, onConnected: function () { if (this.model.get('connected')) { this.render().initRoster(); converse.features.off('add', this.featureAdded, this); converse.features.on('add', this.featureAdded, this); // Features could have been added before the controlbox was // initialized. Currently we're only interested in MUC var feature = converse.features.findWhere({'var': Strophe.NS.MUC}); if (feature) { this.featureAdded(feature); } } }, initRoster: function () { /* We initialize the roster, which will appear inside the * Contacts Panel. */ converse.roster = new converse.RosterContacts(); converse.roster.browserStorage = new Backbone.BrowserStorage[converse.storage]( b64_sha1('converse.contacts-'+converse.bare_jid)); var rostergroups = new converse.RosterGroups(); rostergroups.browserStorage = new Backbone.BrowserStorage[converse.storage]( b64_sha1('converse.roster.groups'+converse.bare_jid)); converse.rosterview = new converse.RosterView({model: rostergroups}); this.contactspanel.$el.append(converse.rosterview.$el); converse.rosterview.render().fetch().update(); return this; }, render: function () { if (!converse.connection.connected || !converse.connection.authenticated || converse.connection.disconnecting) { // TODO: we might need to take prebinding into consideration here. this.renderLoginPanel(); } else if (!this.contactspanel || !this.contactspanel.$el.is(':visible')) { this.renderContactsPanel(); } return this; }, renderLoginPanel: function () { var $feedback = this.$('.conn-feedback'); // we want to still show any existing feedback. this.$el.html(converse.templates.controlbox(this.model.toJSON())); var cfg = {'$parent': this.$el.find('.controlbox-panes'), 'model': this}; if (!this.loginpanel) { this.loginpanel = new converse.LoginPanel(cfg); if (converse.allow_registration) { this.registerpanel = new converse.RegisterPanel(cfg); } } else { this.loginpanel.delegateEvents().initialize(cfg); if (converse.allow_registration) { this.registerpanel.delegateEvents().initialize(cfg); } } this.loginpanel.render(); if (converse.allow_registration) { this.registerpanel.render().$el.hide(); } this.initDragResize(); if ($feedback.length) { this.$('.conn-feedback').replaceWith($feedback); } return this; }, renderContactsPanel: function () { var model; this.$el.html(converse.templates.controlbox(this.model.toJSON())); this.contactspanel = new converse.ContactsPanel({'$parent': this.$el.find('.controlbox-panes')}); this.contactspanel.render(); converse.xmppstatusview = new converse.XMPPStatusView({'model': converse.xmppstatus}); converse.xmppstatusview.render(); if (converse.allow_muc) { this.roomspanel = new converse.RoomsPanel({ '$parent': this.$el.find('.controlbox-panes'), 'model': new (Backbone.Model.extend({ id: b64_sha1('converse.roomspanel'+converse.bare_jid), // Required by sessionStorage browserStorage: new Backbone.BrowserStorage[converse.storage]( b64_sha1('converse.roomspanel'+converse.bare_jid)) }))() }); this.roomspanel.render().model.fetch(); if (!this.roomspanel.model.get('nick')) { this.roomspanel.model.save({nick: Strophe.getNodeFromJid(converse.bare_jid)}); } } this.initDragResize(); }, close: function (ev) { if (ev && ev.preventDefault) { ev.preventDefault(); } if (converse.connection.connected) { this.model.save({'closed': true}); } else { this.model.trigger('hide'); } converse.emit('controlBoxClosed', this); return this; }, ensureClosedState: function () { if (this.model.get('closed')) { this.hide(); } else { this.show(); } }, hide: function (callback) { this.$el.hide('fast', function () { converse.refreshWebkit(); converse.emit('chatBoxClosed', this); converse.controlboxtoggle.show(function () { if (typeof callback === "function") { callback(); } }); }); return this; }, show: function () { converse.controlboxtoggle.hide(function () { this.$el.show('fast', function () { if (converse.rosterview) { converse.rosterview.update(); } converse.refreshWebkit(); }.bind(this)); converse.emit('controlBoxOpened', this); }.bind(this)); return this; }, featureAdded: function (feature) { if ((feature.get('var') == Strophe.NS.MUC) && (converse.allow_muc)) { this.roomspanel.model.save({muc_domain: feature.get('from')}); var $server= this.$el.find('input.new-chatroom-server'); if (! $server.is(':focus')) { $server.val(this.roomspanel.model.get('muc_domain')); } } }, switchTab: function (ev) { // TODO: automatically focus the relevant input if (ev && ev.preventDefault) { ev.preventDefault(); } var $tab = $(ev.target), $sibling = $tab.parent().siblings('li').children('a'), $tab_panel = $($tab.attr('href')); $($sibling.attr('href')).hide(); $sibling.removeClass('current'); $tab.addClass('current'); $tab_panel.show(); return this; }, showHelpMessages: function (msgs) { // Override showHelpMessages in ChatBoxView, for now do nothing. return; } }); this.ChatRoomOccupant = Backbone.Model; this.ChatRoomOccupantView = Backbone.View.extend({ tagName: 'li', initialize: function () { this.model.on('add', this.render, this); this.model.on('change', this.render, this); this.model.on('destroy', this.destroy, this); }, render: function () { var $new = converse.templates.occupant( _.extend( this.model.toJSON(), { 'desc_moderator': __('This user is a moderator'), 'desc_participant': __('This user can send messages in this room'), 'desc_visitor': __('This user can NOT send messages in this room') }) ); this.$el.replaceWith($new); this.setElement($new, true); return this; }, destroy: function () { this.$el.remove(); } }); this.ChatRoomOccupants = Backbone.Collection.extend({ model: converse.ChatRoomOccupant }); this.ChatRoomOccupantsView = Backbone.Overview.extend({ tagName: 'div', className: 'participants', initialize: function () { this.model.on("add", this.onOccupantAdded, this); }, render: function () { this.$el.html( converse.templates.chatroom_sidebar({ 'label_invitation': __('Invite...'), 'label_occupants': __('Occupants') }) ); return this.initInviteWidget(); }, onOccupantAdded: function (item) { var view = this.get(item.get('id')); if (!view) { view = this.add(item.get('id'), new converse.ChatRoomOccupantView({model: item})); } else { delete view.model; // Remove ref to old model to help garbage collection view.model = item; view.initialize(); } this.$('.participant-list').append(view.render().$el); }, parsePresence: function (pres) { var id = Strophe.getResourceFromJid(pres.getAttribute("from")); var data = { id: id, nick: id, type: pres.getAttribute("type"), states: [] }; _.each(pres.childNodes, function (child) { switch (child.nodeName) { case "status": data.status = child.textContent || null; break; case "show": data.show = child.textContent || null; break; case "x": if (child.getAttribute("xmlns") === Strophe.NS.MUC_USER) { _.each(child.childNodes, function (item) { switch (item.nodeName) { case "item": data.affiliation = item.getAttribute("affiliation"); data.role = item.getAttribute("role"); data.jid = item.getAttribute("jid"); data.nick = item.getAttribute("nick") || data.nick; break; case "status": if (item.getAttribute("code")) { data.states.push(item.getAttribute("code")); } } }); } } }); return data; }, updateOccupantsOnPresence: function (pres) { var occupant; var data = this.parsePresence(pres); switch (data.type) { case 'error': return true; case 'unavailable': occupant = this.model.get(data.id); if (occupant) { occupant.destroy(); } break; default: occupant = this.model.get(data.id); if (occupant) { occupant.save(data); } else { this.model.create(data); } } }, initInviteWidget: function () { var $el = this.$('input.invited-contact'); $el.typeahead({ minLength: 1, highlight: true }, { name: 'contacts-dataset', source: function (q, cb) { var results = []; _.each(converse.roster.filter(contains(['fullname', 'jid'], q)), function (n) { results.push({value: n.get('fullname'), jid: n.get('jid')}); }); cb(results); }, templates: { suggestion: _.template('


    ') } }); $el.on('typeahead:selected', function (ev, suggestion, dname) { var reason = prompt( __(___('You are about to invite %1$s to the chat room "%2$s". '), suggestion.value, this.model.get('id')) + __("You may optionally include a message, explaining the reason for the invitation.") ); if (reason !== null) { this.chatroomview.directInvite(suggestion.jid, reason); } $(ev.target).typeahead('val', ''); }.bind(this)); return this; } }); this.ChatRoomView = converse.ChatBoxView.extend({ length: 300, tagName: 'div', className: 'chatroom', events: { 'click .close-chatbox-button': 'close', 'click .toggle-chatbox-button': 'minimize', 'click .configure-chatroom-button': 'configureChatRoom', 'click .toggle-smiley': 'toggleEmoticonMenu', 'click .toggle-smiley ul li': 'insertEmoticon', 'click .toggle-clear': 'clearChatRoomMessages', 'click .toggle-call': 'toggleCall', 'click .toggle-participants a': 'toggleOccupants', 'keypress textarea.chat-textarea': 'keyPressed', 'mousedown .dragresize-tm': 'onDragResizeStart' }, is_chatroom: true, initialize: function () { this.model.messages.on('add', this.onMessageAdded, this); this.model.on('change:minimized', function (item) { if (item.get('minimized')) { this.hide(); } else { this.maximize(); } }, this); this.model.on('destroy', function (model, response, options) { this.hide().leave(); }, this); this.occupantsview = new converse.ChatRoomOccupantsView({ model: new converse.ChatRoomOccupants({nick: this.model.get('nick')}) }); var id = b64_sha1('converse.occupants'+converse.bare_jid+this.model.get('id')+this.model.get('nick')); this.occupantsview.model.id = id; // Appears to be necessary for backbone.browserStorage this.occupantsview.model.browserStorage = new Backbone.BrowserStorage[converse.storage](id); this.occupantsview.chatroomview = this; this.render(); this.occupantsview.model.fetch({add:true}); this.join(null); converse.emit('chatRoomOpened', this); this.$el.insertAfter(converse.chatboxviews.get("controlbox").$el); this.model.messages.fetch({add: true}); if (this.model.get('minimized')) { this.hide(); } else { this.show(); } }, render: function () { this.$el.attr('id', this.model.get('box_id')) .html(converse.templates.chatroom(this.model.toJSON())); this.renderChatArea(); setTimeout(converse.refreshWebkit, 50); return this; }, renderChatArea: function () { if (!this.$('.chat-area').length) { this.$('.chat-body').empty() .append( converse.templates.chatarea({ 'show_toolbar': converse.show_toolbar, 'label_message': __('Message') })) .append(this.occupantsview.render().$el); this.renderToolbar(); this.$content = this.$el.find('.chat-content'); } // XXX: This is a bit of a hack, to make sure that the // sidebar's state is remembered. this.model.set({hidden_occupants: !this.model.get('hidden_occupants')}); this.toggleOccupants(); return this; }, toggleOccupants: function (ev) { if (ev) { ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); } var $el = this.$('.icon-hide-users'); if (!this.model.get('hidden_occupants')) { this.model.save({hidden_occupants: true}); $el.removeClass('icon-hide-users').addClass('icon-show-users'); this.$('form.sendXMPPMessage, .chat-area').animate({width: '100%'}); this.$('div.participants').animate({width: 0}, this.scrollDown.bind(this)); } else { this.model.save({hidden_occupants: false}); $el.removeClass('icon-show-users').addClass('icon-hide-users'); this.$('.chat-area, form.sendXMPPMessage').css({width: ''}); this.$('div.participants').show().animate({width: 'auto'}, this.scrollDown.bind(this)); } }, directInvite: function (receiver, reason) { var attrs = { xmlns: 'jabber:x:conference', jid: this.model.get('jid') }; if (reason !== null) { attrs.reason = reason; } if (this.model.get('password')) { attrs.password = this.model.get('password'); } var invitation = $msg({ from: converse.connection.jid, to: receiver, id: converse.connection.getUniqueId() }).c('x', attrs); converse.connection.send(invitation); converse.emit('roomInviteSent', this, receiver, reason); }, onCommandError: function (stanza) { this.showStatusNotification(__("Error: could not execute the command"), true); }, sendChatRoomMessage: function (text) { var msgid = converse.connection.getUniqueId(); var msg = $msg({ to: this.model.get('jid'), from: converse.connection.jid, type: 'groupchat', id: msgid }).c("body").t(text).up() .c("x", {xmlns: "jabber:x:event"}).c("composing"); converse.connection.send(msg); var fullname = converse.xmppstatus.get('fullname'); this.model.messages.create({ fullname: _.isEmpty(fullname)? converse.bare_jid: fullname, sender: 'me', time: moment().format(), message: text, msgid: msgid }); }, setAffiliation: function(room, jid, affiliation, reason, onSuccess, onError) { var item = $build("item", {jid: jid, affiliation: affiliation}); var iq = $iq({to: room, type: "set"}).c("query", {xmlns: Strophe.NS.MUC_ADMIN}).cnode(item.node); if (reason !== null) { iq.c("reason", reason); } return converse.connection.sendIQ(iq.tree(), onSuccess, onError); }, modifyRole: function(room, nick, role, reason, onSuccess, onError) { var item = $build("item", {nick: nick, role: role}); var iq = $iq({to: room, type: "set"}).c("query", {xmlns: Strophe.NS.MUC_ADMIN}).cnode(item.node); if (reason !== null) { iq.c("reason", reason); } return converse.connection.sendIQ(iq.tree(), onSuccess, onError); }, member: function(room, jid, reason, handler_cb, error_cb) { return this.setAffiliation(room, jid, 'member', reason, handler_cb, error_cb); }, revoke: function(room, jid, reason, handler_cb, error_cb) { return this.setAffiliation(room, jid, 'none', reason, handler_cb, error_cb); }, owner: function(room, jid, reason, handler_cb, error_cb) { return this.setAffiliation(room, jid, 'owner', reason, handler_cb, error_cb); }, admin: function(room, jid, reason, handler_cb, error_cb) { return this.setAffiliation(room, jid, 'admin', reason, handler_cb, error_cb); }, onChatRoomMessageSubmitted: function (text) { /* Gets called when the user presses enter to send off a * message in a chat room. * * Parameters: * (String) text - The message text. */ var match = text.replace(/^\s*/, "").match(/^\/(.*?)(?: (.*))?$/) || [false, '', '']; var args = match[2].splitOnce(' '); switch (match[1]) { case 'admin': this.setAffiliation( this.model.get('jid'), args[0], 'admin', args[1], undefined, this.onCommandError.bind(this)); break; case 'ban': this.setAffiliation( this.model.get('jid'), args[0], 'outcast', args[1], undefined, this.onCommandError.bind(this)); break; case 'clear': this.clearChatRoomMessages(); break; case 'deop': this.modifyRole( this.model.get('jid'), args[0], 'participant', args[1], undefined, this.onCommandError.bind(this)); break; case 'help': this.showHelpMessages([ '/admin: ' +__("Change user's affiliation to admin"), '/ban: ' +__('Ban user from room'), '/clear: ' +__('Remove messages'), '/deop: ' +__('Change user role to participant'), '/help: ' +__('Show this menu'), '/kick: ' +__('Kick user from room'), '/me: ' +__('Write in 3rd person'), '/member: '+__('Grant membership to a user'), '/mute: ' +__("Remove user's ability to post messages"), '/nick: ' +__('Change your nickname'), '/op: ' +__('Grant moderator role to user'), '/owner: ' +__('Grant ownership of this room'), '/revoke: '+__("Revoke user's membership"), '/topic: ' +__('Set room topic'), '/voice: ' +__('Allow muted user to post messages') ]); break; case 'kick': this.modifyRole( this.model.get('jid'), args[0], 'none', args[1], undefined, this.onCommandError.bind(this)); break; case 'mute': this.modifyRole( this.model.get('jid'), args[0], 'visitor', args[1], undefined, this.onCommandError.bind(this)); break; case 'member': this.setAffiliation( this.model.get('jid'), args[0], 'member', args[1], undefined, this.onCommandError.bind(this)); break; case 'nick': converse.connection.send($pres({ from: converse.connection.jid, to: this.getRoomJIDAndNick(match[2]), id: converse.connection.getUniqueId() }).tree()); break; case 'owner': this.setAffiliation( this.model.get('jid'), args[0], 'owner', args[1], undefined, this.onCommandError.bind(this)); break; case 'op': this.modifyRole( this.model.get('jid'), args[0], 'moderator', args[1], undefined, this.onCommandError.bind(this)); break; case 'revoke': this.setAffiliation( this.model.get('jid'), args[0], 'none', args[1], undefined, this.onCommandError.bind(this)); break; case 'topic': converse.connection.send( $msg({ to: this.model.get('jid'), from: converse.connection.jid, type: "groupchat" }).c("subject", {xmlns: "jabber:client"}).t(match[2]).tree() ); break; case 'voice': this.modifyRole( this.model.get('jid'), args[0], 'participant', args[1], undefined, this.onCommandError.bind(this)); break; default: this.sendChatRoomMessage(text); break; } }, handleMUCStanza: function (stanza) { var xmlns, xquery, i; var from = stanza.getAttribute('from'); if (!from || (this.model.get('id') !== from.split("/")[0])) { return true; } if (stanza.nodeName === "message") { this.onChatRoomMessage(stanza); } else if (stanza.nodeName === "presence") { xquery = stanza.getElementsByTagName("x"); if (xquery.length > 0) { for (i = 0; i < xquery.length; i++) { xmlns = xquery[i].getAttribute("xmlns"); if (xmlns && xmlns.match(Strophe.NS.MUC)) { this.onChatRoomPresence(stanza); break; } } } } return true; }, getRoomJIDAndNick: function (nick) { nick = nick || this.model.get('nick'); var room = this.model.get('jid'); var node = Strophe.escapeNode(Strophe.getNodeFromJid(room)); var domain = Strophe.getDomainFromJid(room); return node + "@" + domain + (nick !== null ? "/" + nick : ""); }, join: function (password, history_attrs, extended_presence) { var msg = $pres({ from: converse.connection.jid, to: this.getRoomJIDAndNick() }).c("x", { xmlns: Strophe.NS.MUC }); if (typeof history_attrs === "object" && history_attrs.length) { msg = msg.c("history", history_attrs).up(); } if (password) { msg.cnode(Strophe.xmlElement("password", [], password)); } if (typeof extended_presence !== "undefined" && extended_presence !== null) { msg.up.cnode(extended_presence); } if (!this.handler) { this.handler = converse.connection.addHandler(this.handleMUCStanza.bind(this)); } this.model.set('connection_status', Strophe.Status.CONNECTING); return converse.connection.send(msg); }, leave: function(exit_msg) { var presenceid = converse.connection.getUniqueId(); var presence = $pres({ type: "unavailable", id: presenceid, from: converse.connection.jid, to: this.getRoomJIDAndNick() }); if (exit_msg !== null) { presence.c("status", exit_msg); } converse.connection.addHandler( function () { this.model.set('connection_status', Strophe.Status.DISCONNECTED); }.bind(this), null, "presence", null, presenceid); converse.connection.send(presence); }, renderConfigurationForm: function (stanza) { var $form= this.$el.find('form.chatroom-form'), $stanza = $(stanza), $fields = $stanza.find('field'), title = $stanza.find('title').text(), instructions = $stanza.find('instructions').text(); $form.find('span.spinner').remove(); $form.append($('').text(title)); if (instructions && instructions != title) { $form.append($('

    ').text(instructions)); } _.each($fields, function (field) { $form.append(utils.xForm2webForm($(field), $stanza)); }); $form.append(''); $form.append(''); $form.on('submit', this.saveConfiguration.bind(this)); $form.find('input[type=button]').on('click', this.cancelConfiguration.bind(this)); }, sendConfiguration: function(config, onSuccess, onError) { // Send an IQ stanza with the room configuration. var iq = $iq({to: this.model.get('jid'), type: "set"}) .c("query", {xmlns: Strophe.NS.MUC_OWNER}) .c("x", {xmlns: Strophe.NS.XFORM, type: "submit"}); _.each(config, function (node) { iq.cnode(node).up(); }); return converse.connection.sendIQ(iq.tree(), onSuccess, onError); }, saveConfiguration: function (ev) { ev.preventDefault(); var that = this; var $inputs = $(ev.target).find(':input:not([type=button]):not([type=submit])'), count = $inputs.length, configArray = []; $inputs.each(function () { configArray.push(utils.webForm2xForm(this)); if (!--count) { that.sendConfiguration( configArray, that.onConfigSaved.bind(that), that.onErrorConfigSaved.bind(that) ); } }); this.$el.find('div.chatroom-form-container').hide( function () { $(this).remove(); that.$el.find('.chat-area').show(); that.$el.find('.participants').show(); }); }, onConfigSaved: function (stanza) { // TODO: provide feedback }, onErrorConfigSaved: function (stanza) { this.showStatusNotification(__("An error occurred while trying to save the form.")); }, cancelConfiguration: function (ev) { ev.preventDefault(); var that = this; this.$el.find('div.chatroom-form-container').hide( function () { $(this).remove(); that.$el.find('.chat-area').show(); that.$el.find('.participants').show(); }); }, configureChatRoom: function (ev) { ev.preventDefault(); if (this.$el.find('div.chatroom-form-container').length) { return; } this.$('.chat-body').children().hide(); this.$('.chat-body').append( $('

    '+ '
    '+ ''+ ''+ '
    ')); converse.connection.sendIQ( $iq({ to: this.model.get('jid'), type: "get" }).c("query", {xmlns: Strophe.NS.MUC_OWNER}).tree(), this.renderConfigurationForm.bind(this) ); }, submitPassword: function (ev) { ev.preventDefault(); var password = this.$el.find('.chatroom-form').find('input[type=password]').val(); this.$el.find('.chatroom-form-container').replaceWith(''); this.join(password); }, renderPasswordForm: function () { this.$('.chat-body').children().hide(); this.$('span.centered.spinner').remove(); this.$('.chat-body').append( converse.templates.chatroom_password_form({ heading: __('This chatroom requires a password'), label_password: __('Password: '), label_submit: __('Submit') })); this.$('.chatroom-form').on('submit', this.submitPassword.bind(this)); }, showDisconnectMessage: function (msg) { this.$('.chat-area').hide(); this.$('.participants').hide(); this.$('span.centered.spinner').remove(); this.$('.chat-body').append($('


    ')); }, /* http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0045.html * ---------------------------------------- * 100 message Entering a room Inform user that any occupant is allowed to see the user's full JID * 101 message (out of band) Affiliation change Inform user that his or her affiliation changed while not in the room * 102 message Configuration change Inform occupants that room now shows unavailable members * 103 message Configuration change Inform occupants that room now does not show unavailable members * 104 message Configuration change Inform occupants that a non-privacy-related room configuration change has occurred * 110 presence Any room presence Inform user that presence refers to one of its own room occupants * 170 message or initial presence Configuration change Inform occupants that room logging is now enabled * 171 message Configuration change Inform occupants that room logging is now disabled * 172 message Configuration change Inform occupants that the room is now non-anonymous * 173 message Configuration change Inform occupants that the room is now semi-anonymous * 174 message Configuration change Inform occupants that the room is now fully-anonymous * 201 presence Entering a room Inform user that a new room has been created * 210 presence Entering a room Inform user that the service has assigned or modified the occupant's roomnick * 301 presence Removal from room Inform user that he or she has been banned from the room * 303 presence Exiting a room Inform all occupants of new room nickname * 307 presence Removal from room Inform user that he or she has been kicked from the room * 321 presence Removal from room Inform user that he or she is being removed from the room because of an affiliation change * 322 presence Removal from room Inform user that he or she is being removed from the room because the room has been changed to members-only and the user is not a member * 332 presence Removal from room Inform user that he or she is being removed from the room because of a system shutdown */ infoMessages: { 100: __('This room is not anonymous'), 102: __('This room now shows unavailable members'), 103: __('This room does not show unavailable members'), 104: __('Non-privacy-related room configuration has changed'), 170: __('Room logging is now enabled'), 171: __('Room logging is now disabled'), 172: __('This room is now non-anonymous'), 173: __('This room is now semi-anonymous'), 174: __('This room is now fully-anonymous'), 201: __('A new room has been created') }, disconnectMessages: { 301: __('You have been banned from this room'), 307: __('You have been kicked from this room'), 321: __("You have been removed from this room because of an affiliation change"), 322: __("You have been removed from this room because the room has changed to members-only and you're not a member"), 332: __("You have been removed from this room because the MUC (Multi-user chat) service is being shut down.") }, actionInfoMessages: { /* XXX: Note the triple underscore function and not double * underscore. * * This is a hack. We can't pass the strings to __ because we * don't yet know what the variable to interpolate is. * * Triple underscore will just return the string again, but we * can then at least tell gettext to scan for it so that these * strings are picked up by the translation machinery. */ 301: ___("%1$s has been banned"), 303: ___("%1$s's nickname has changed"), 307: ___("%1$s has been kicked out"), 321: ___("%1$s has been removed because of an affiliation change"), 322: ___("%1$s has been removed for not being a member") }, newNicknameMessages: { 210: ___('Your nickname has been automatically changed to: %1$s'), 303: ___('Your nickname has been changed to: %1$s') }, showStatusMessages: function ($el, is_self) { /* Check for status codes and communicate their purpose to the user. * Allow user to configure chat room if they are the owner. * See: http://xmpp.org/registrar/mucstatus.html */ var disconnect_msgs = [], msgs = [], reasons = []; $el.find('x[xmlns="'+Strophe.NS.MUC_USER+'"]').each(function (idx, x) { var $item = $(x).find('item'); if (Strophe.getBareJidFromJid($item.attr('jid')) === converse.bare_jid && $item.attr('affiliation') === 'owner') { this.$el.find('a.configure-chatroom-button').show(); } $(x).find('item reason').each(function (idx, reason) { if ($(reason).text()) { reasons.push($(reason).text()); } }); $(x).find('status').each(function (idx, stat) { var code = stat.getAttribute('code'); var from_nick = Strophe.unescapeNode(Strophe.getResourceFromJid($el.attr('from'))); if (is_self && code === "210") { msgs.push(__(this.newNicknameMessages[code], from_nick)); } else if (is_self && code === "303") { msgs.push(__(this.newNicknameMessages[code], $item.attr('nick'))); } else if (is_self && _.contains(_.keys(this.disconnectMessages), code)) { disconnect_msgs.push(this.disconnectMessages[code]); } else if (!is_self && _.contains(_.keys(this.actionInfoMessages), code)) { msgs.push(__(this.actionInfoMessages[code], from_nick)); } else if (_.contains(_.keys(this.infoMessages), code)) { msgs.push(this.infoMessages[code]); } else if (code !== '110') { if ($(stat).text()) { msgs.push($(stat).text()); // Sometimes the status contains human readable text and not a code. } } }.bind(this)); }.bind(this)); if (disconnect_msgs.length > 0) { for (i=0; i 0, subject = $message.children('subject').text(); if (msgid && this.model.messages.findWhere({msgid: msgid})) { return true; // We already have this message stored. } this.showStatusMessages($message); if (subject) { this.$el.find('.chatroom-topic').text(subject).attr('title', subject); // # For translators: the %1$s and %2$s parts will get replaced by the user and topic text respectively // # Example: Topic set by JC Brand to: Hello World! this.$content.append( converse.templates.info({ 'message': __('Topic set by %1$s to: %2$s', sender, subject) })); } if (sender === '') { return true; } this.model.createMessage($message); if (!delayed && sender !== this.model.get('nick') && (new RegExp("\\b"+this.model.get('nick')+"\\b")).test(body)) { converse.playNotification(); } if (sender !== this.model.get('nick')) { // We only emit an event if it's not our own message converse.emit('message', message); } return true; } }); this.ChatBoxes = Backbone.Collection.extend({ model: converse.ChatBox, comparator: 'time_opened', registerMessageHandler: function () { converse.connection.addHandler( function (message) { this.onMessage(message); return true; }.bind(this), null, 'message', 'chat'); converse.connection.addHandler( function (message) { this.onInvite(message); return true; }.bind(this), 'jabber:x:conference', 'message'); }, onConnected: function () { this.browserStorage = new Backbone.BrowserStorage[converse.storage]( b64_sha1('converse.chatboxes-'+converse.bare_jid)); this.registerMessageHandler(); this.fetch({ add: true, success: function (collection, resp) { collection.each(function (chatbox) { if (chatbox.get('id') !== 'controlbox' && !chatbox.get('minimized')) { chatbox.trigger('show'); } }); if (!_.include(_.pluck(resp, 'id'), 'controlbox')) { this.add({ id: 'controlbox', box_id: 'controlbox' }); } this.get('controlbox').save({connected:true}); }.bind(this) }); }, isOnlyChatStateNotification: function ($msg) { // See XEP-0085 Chat State Notification return ( $msg.find('body').length === 0 && ( $msg.find(ACTIVE).length !== 0 || $msg.find(COMPOSING).length !== 0 || $msg.find(INACTIVE).length !== 0 || $msg.find(PAUSED).length !== 0 || $msg.find(GONE).length !== 0 ) ); }, onInvite: function (message) { var $message = $(message), $x = $message.children('x[xmlns="jabber:x:conference"]'), from = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid($message.attr('from')), room_jid = $x.attr('jid'), reason = $x.attr('reason'), contact = converse.roster.get(from), result; if (!reason) { result = confirm( __(___("%1$s has invited you to join a chat room: %2$s"), contact.get('fullname'), room_jid) ); } else { result = confirm( __(___('%1$s has invited you to join a chat room: %2$s, and left the following reason: "%3$s"'), contact.get('fullname'), room_jid, reason) ); } if (result === true) { var chatroom = converse.chatboxviews.showChat({ 'id': room_jid, 'jid': room_jid, 'name': Strophe.unescapeNode(Strophe.getNodeFromJid(room_jid)), 'nick': Strophe.unescapeNode(Strophe.getNodeFromJid(converse.connection.jid)), 'chatroom': true, 'box_id' : b64_sha1(room_jid), 'password': $x.attr('password') }); if (!_.contains( [Strophe.Status.CONNECTING, Strophe.Status.CONNECTED], chatroom.get('connection_status')) ) { converse.chatboxviews.get(room_jid).join(null); } } }, onMessage: function (message) { /* Handler method for all incoming single-user chat "message" stanzas. */ var $message = $(message), contact_jid, $forwarded, $delay, from_bare_jid, from_resource, is_me, msgid = $message.attr('id'), chatbox, resource, roster_item, from_jid = $message.attr('from'), to_jid = $message.attr('to'), to_resource = Strophe.getResourceFromJid(to_jid), archive_id = $message.find('result[xmlns="'+Strophe.NS.MAM+'"]').attr('id'); if (to_resource && to_resource !== converse.resource) { converse.log('Ignore incoming message intended for a different resource: '+to_jid, 'info'); return true; } if (from_jid === converse.connection.jid) { // FIXME: Forwarded messages should be sent to specific resources, not broadcasted converse.log("Ignore incoming message sent from this client's JID: "+from_jid, 'info'); return true; } $forwarded = $message.find('forwarded'); if ($forwarded.length) { $message = $forwarded.children('message'); $delay = $forwarded.children('delay'); from_jid = $message.attr('from'); to_jid = $message.attr('to'); } from_bare_jid = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(from_jid); from_resource = Strophe.getResourceFromJid(from_jid); is_me = from_bare_jid == converse.bare_jid; if (is_me) { // I am the sender, so this must be a forwarded message... contact_jid = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(to_jid); resource = Strophe.getResourceFromJid(to_jid); } else { contact_jid = from_bare_jid; resource = from_resource; } // Get chat box, but only create a new one when the message has a body. chatbox = this.getChatBox(contact_jid, $message.find('body').length > 0); if (!chatbox) { return true; } if (msgid && chatbox.messages.findWhere({msgid: msgid})) { return true; // We already have this message stored. } if (!this.isOnlyChatStateNotification($message) && !is_me && !$forwarded.length) { converse.playNotification(); } chatbox.receiveMessage($message, $delay, archive_id); converse.roster.addResource(contact_jid, resource); converse.emit('message', message); return true; }, getChatBox: function (jid, create) { /* Returns a chat box or optionally return a newly * created one if one doesn't exist. * * Parameters: * (String) jid - The JID of the user whose chat box we want * (Boolean) create - Should a new chat box be created if none exists? */ var bare_jid = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(jid); var chatbox = this.get(bare_jid); if (!chatbox && create) { var roster_item = converse.roster.get(bare_jid); if (roster_item === undefined) { converse.log('Could not get roster item for JID '+bare_jid, 'error'); return; } chatbox = this.create({ 'id': bare_jid, 'jid': bare_jid, 'fullname': _.isEmpty(roster_item.get('fullname'))? jid: roster_item.get('fullname'), 'image_type': roster_item.get('image_type'), 'image': roster_item.get('image'), 'url': roster_item.get('url') }); } return chatbox; } }); this.ChatBoxViews = Backbone.Overview.extend({ initialize: function () { this.model.on("add", this.onChatBoxAdded, this); this.model.on("change:minimized", function (item) { if (item.get('minimized') === true) { /* When a chat is minimized in trimChats, trimChats needs to be * called again (in case the minimized chats toggle is newly shown). */ this.trimChats(); } else { this.trimChats(this.get(item.get('id'))); } }, this); }, _ensureElement: function () { /* Override method from backbone.js * If the #conversejs element doesn't exist, create it. */ if (!this.el) { var $el = $('#conversejs'); if (!$el.length) { $el = $('
    '); $('body').append($el); } $el.html(converse.templates.chats_panel()); this.setElement($el, false); } else { this.setElement(_.result(this, 'el'), false); } }, onChatBoxAdded: function (item) { var view = this.get(item.get('id')); if (!view) { if (item.get('chatroom')) { view = new converse.ChatRoomView({'model': item}); } else if (item.get('box_id') === 'controlbox') { view = new converse.ControlBoxView({model: item}); } else { view = new converse.ChatBoxView({model: item}); } this.add(item.get('id'), view); } else { delete view.model; // Remove ref to old model to help garbage collection view.model = item; view.initialize(); } this.trimChats(view); }, trimChats: function (newchat) { /* This method is called when a newly created chat box will * be shown. * * It checks whether there is enough space on the page to show * another chat box. Otherwise it minimize the oldest chat box * to create space. */ if (converse.no_trimming || (this.model.length <= 1)) { return; } var oldest_chat, controlbox_width = 0, $minimized = converse.minimized_chats.$el, minimized_width = _.contains(this.model.pluck('minimized'), true) ? $minimized.outerWidth(true) : 0, boxes_width = newchat ? newchat.$el.outerWidth(true) : 0, new_id = newchat ? newchat.model.get('id') : null, controlbox = this.get('controlbox'); if (!controlbox || !controlbox.$el.is(':visible')) { controlbox_width = converse.controlboxtoggle.$el.outerWidth(true); } else { controlbox_width = controlbox.$el.outerWidth(true); } _.each(this.getAll(), function (view) { var id = view.model.get('id'); if ((id !== 'controlbox') && (id !== new_id) && (!view.model.get('minimized')) && view.$el.is(':visible')) { boxes_width += view.$el.outerWidth(true); } }); if ((minimized_width + boxes_width + controlbox_width) > $('body').outerWidth(true)) { oldest_chat = this.getOldestMaximizedChat(); if (oldest_chat && oldest_chat.get('id') !== new_id) { oldest_chat.minimize(); } } }, getOldestMaximizedChat: function () { // Get oldest view (which is not controlbox) var i = 0; var model = this.model.sort().at(i); while (model.get('id') === 'controlbox' || model.get('minimized') === true) { i++; model = this.model.at(i); if (!model) { return null; } } return model; }, closeAllChatBoxes: function (include_controlbox) { // TODO: once Backbone.Overview has been refactored, we should // be able to call .each on the views themselves. var ids = []; this.model.each(function (model) { var id = model.get('id'); if (include_controlbox || id !== 'controlbox') { ids.push(id); } }); ids.forEach(function(id) { var chatbox = this.get(id); if (chatbox) { chatbox.close(); } }, this); return this; }, showChat: function (attrs) { /* Find the chat box and show it. If it doesn't exist, create it. */ var chatbox = this.model.get(attrs.jid); if (!chatbox) { chatbox = this.model.create(attrs, { 'error': function (model, response) { converse.log(response.responseText); } }); } if (chatbox.get('minimized')) { chatbox.maximize(); } else { chatbox.trigger('show'); } return chatbox; } }); this.MinimizedChatBoxView = Backbone.View.extend({ tagName: 'div', className: 'chat-head', events: { 'click .close-chatbox-button': 'close', 'click .restore-chat': 'restore' }, initialize: function () { this.model.messages.on('add', function (m) { if (m.get('message')) { this.updateUnreadMessagesCounter(); } }, this); this.model.on('change:minimized', this.clearUnreadMessagesCounter, this); this.model.on('showReceivedOTRMessage', this.updateUnreadMessagesCounter, this); this.model.on('showSentOTRMessage', this.updateUnreadMessagesCounter, this); }, render: function () { var data = _.extend( this.model.toJSON(), { 'tooltip': __('Click to restore this chat') } ); if (this.model.get('chatroom')) { data.title = this.model.get('name'); this.$el.addClass('chat-head-chatroom'); } else { data.title = this.model.get('fullname'); this.$el.addClass('chat-head-chatbox'); } return this.$el.html(converse.templates.trimmed_chat(data)); }, clearUnreadMessagesCounter: function () { this.model.set({'num_unread': 0}); this.render(); }, updateUnreadMessagesCounter: function () { this.model.set({'num_unread': this.model.get('num_unread') + 1}); this.render(); }, close: function (ev) { if (ev && ev.preventDefault) { ev.preventDefault(); } this.remove(); this.model.destroy(); converse.emit('chatBoxClosed', this); return this; }, restore: _.debounce(function (ev) { if (ev && ev.preventDefault) { ev.preventDefault(); } this.model.messages.off('add',null,this); this.remove(); this.model.maximize(); }, 200, true) }); this.MinimizedChats = Backbone.Overview.extend({ el: "#minimized-chats", events: { "click #toggle-minimized-chats": "toggle" }, initialize: function () { this.initToggle(); this.model.on("add", this.onChanged, this); this.model.on("destroy", this.removeChat, this); this.model.on("change:minimized", this.onChanged, this); this.model.on('change:num_unread', this.updateUnreadMessagesCounter, this); }, tearDown: function () { this.model.off("add", this.onChanged); this.model.off("destroy", this.removeChat); this.model.off("change:minimized", this.onChanged); this.model.off('change:num_unread', this.updateUnreadMessagesCounter); return this; }, initToggle: function () { this.toggleview = new converse.MinimizedChatsToggleView({ model: new converse.MinimizedChatsToggle() }); var id = b64_sha1('converse.minchatstoggle'+converse.bare_jid); this.toggleview.model.id = id; // Appears to be necessary for backbone.browserStorage this.toggleview.model.browserStorage = new Backbone.BrowserStorage[converse.storage](id); this.toggleview.model.fetch(); }, render: function () { if (this.keys().length === 0) { this.$el.hide('fast'); } else if (this.keys().length === 1) { this.$el.show('fast'); } return this.$el; }, toggle: function (ev) { if (ev && ev.preventDefault) { ev.preventDefault(); } this.toggleview.model.save({'collapsed': !this.toggleview.model.get('collapsed')}); this.$('.minimized-chats-flyout').toggle(); }, onChanged: function (item) { if (item.get('id') !== 'controlbox' && item.get('minimized')) { this.addChat(item); } else if (this.get(item.get('id'))) { this.removeChat(item); } }, addChat: function (item) { var existing = this.get(item.get('id')); if (existing && existing.$el.parent().length !== 0) { return; } var view = new converse.MinimizedChatBoxView({model: item}); this.$('.minimized-chats-flyout').append(view.render()); this.add(item.get('id'), view); this.toggleview.model.set({'num_minimized': this.keys().length}); this.render(); }, removeChat: function (item) { this.remove(item.get('id')); this.toggleview.model.set({'num_minimized': this.keys().length}); this.render(); }, updateUnreadMessagesCounter: function () { var ls = this.model.pluck('num_unread'), count = 0, i; for (i=0; i name2? 1 : 0); } else { return STATUS_WEIGHTS[status1] < STATUS_WEIGHTS[status2] ? -1 : 1; } }, subscribeToSuggestedItems: function (msg) { $(msg).find('item').each(function (i, items) { var $this = $(this); if (this.getAttribute('action') === 'add') { converse.roster.addAndSubscribe( this.getAttribute('jid'), null, converse.xmppstatus.get('fullname')); } }); return true; }, isSelf: function (jid) { return (Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(jid) === Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(converse.connection.jid)); }, addAndSubscribe: function (jid, name, groups, message, attributes) { /* Add a roster contact and then once we have confirmation from * the XMPP server we subscribe to that contact's presence updates. * Parameters: * (String) jid - The Jabber ID of the user being added and subscribed to. * (String) name - The name of that user * (Array of Strings) groups - Any roster groups the user might belong to * (String) message - An optional message to explain the * reason for the subscription request. * (Object) attributes - Any additional attributes to be stored on the user's model. */ this.addContact(jid, name, groups, attributes).done(function (contact) { if (contact instanceof converse.RosterContact) { contact.subscribe(message); } }); }, sendContactAddIQ: function (jid, name, groups, callback, errback) { /* Send an IQ stanza to the XMPP server to add a new roster contact. * Parameters: * (String) jid - The Jabber ID of the user being added * (String) name - The name of that user * (Array of Strings) groups - Any roster groups the user might belong to * (Function) callback - A function to call once the VCard is returned * (Function) errback - A function to call if an error occured */ name = _.isEmpty(name)? jid: name; var iq = $iq({type: 'set'}) .c('query', {xmlns: Strophe.NS.ROSTER}) .c('item', { jid: jid, name: name }); _.map(groups, function (group) { iq.c('group').t(group).up(); }); converse.connection.sendIQ(iq, callback, errback); }, addContact: function (jid, name, groups, attributes) { /* Adds a RosterContact instance to converse.roster and * registers the contact on the XMPP server. * Returns a promise which is resolved once the XMPP server has * responded. * Parameters: * (String) jid - The Jabber ID of the user being added and subscribed to. * (String) name - The name of that user * (Array of Strings) groups - Any roster groups the user might belong to * (Object) attributes - Any additional attributes to be stored on the user's model. */ var deferred = new $.Deferred(); groups = groups || []; name = _.isEmpty(name)? jid: name; this.sendContactAddIQ(jid, name, groups, function (iq) { var contact = this.create(_.extend({ ask: undefined, fullname: name, groups: groups, jid: jid, requesting: false, subscription: 'none' }, attributes), {sort: false}); deferred.resolve(contact); }.bind(this), function (err) { alert(__("Sorry, there was an error while trying to add "+name+" as a contact.")); converse.log(err); deferred.resolve(err); } ); return deferred.promise(); }, addResource: function (bare_jid, resource) { var item = this.get(bare_jid), resources; if (item) { resources = item.get('resources'); if (resources) { if (_.indexOf(resources, resource) == -1) { resources.push(resource); item.set({'resources': resources}); } } else { item.set({'resources': [resource]}); } } }, subscribeBack: function (bare_jid) { var contact = this.get(bare_jid); if (contact instanceof converse.RosterContact) { contact.authorize().subscribe(); } else { // Can happen when a subscription is retried or roster was deleted this.addContact(bare_jid, '', [], { 'subscription': 'from' }).done(function (contact) { if (contact instanceof converse.RosterContact) { contact.authorize().subscribe(); } }); } }, getNumOnlineContacts: function () { var count = 0, ignored = ['offline', 'unavailable'], models = this.models, models_length = models.length, i; if (converse.show_only_online_users) { ignored = _.union(ignored, ['dnd', 'xa', 'away']); } for (i=0; i 0) { this.$el.show(); } }, toggle: function (ev) { if (ev && ev.preventDefault) { ev.preventDefault(); } var $el = $(ev.target); if ($el.hasClass("icon-opened")) { this.$el.nextUntil('dt').slideUp(); this.model.save({state: CLOSED}); $el.removeClass("icon-opened").addClass("icon-closed"); } else { $el.removeClass("icon-closed").addClass("icon-opened"); this.model.save({state: OPENED}); this.filter( converse.rosterview.$('.roster-filter').val(), converse.rosterview.$('.filter-type').val() ); } }, onContactGroupChange: function (contact) { var in_this_group = _.contains(contact.get('groups'), this.model.get('name')); var cid = contact.get('id'); var in_this_overview = !this.get(cid); if (in_this_group && !in_this_overview) { this.model.contacts.remove(cid); } else if (!in_this_group && in_this_overview) { this.addContact(contact); } }, onContactSubscriptionChange: function (contact) { if ((this.model.get('name') === HEADER_PENDING_CONTACTS) && contact.get('subscription') !== 'from') { this.model.contacts.remove(contact.get('id')); } }, onContactRequestChange: function (contact) { if ((this.model.get('name') === HEADER_REQUESTING_CONTACTS) && !contact.get('requesting')) { this.model.contacts.remove(contact.get('id')); } }, onRemove: function (contact) { this.remove(contact.get('id')); if (this.model.contacts.length === 0) { this.$el.hide(); } } }); this.RosterGroups = Backbone.Collection.extend({ model: converse.RosterGroup, comparator: function (a, b) { /* Groups are sorted alphabetically, ignoring case. * However, Ungrouped, Requesting Contacts and Pending Contacts * appear last and in that order. */ a = a.get('name'); b = b.get('name'); var special_groups = _.keys(HEADER_WEIGHTS); var a_is_special = _.contains(special_groups, a); var b_is_special = _.contains(special_groups, b); if (!a_is_special && !b_is_special ) { return a.toLowerCase() < b.toLowerCase() ? -1 : (a.toLowerCase() > b.toLowerCase() ? 1 : 0); } else if (a_is_special && b_is_special) { return HEADER_WEIGHTS[a] < HEADER_WEIGHTS[b] ? -1 : (HEADER_WEIGHTS[a] > HEADER_WEIGHTS[b] ? 1 : 0); } else if (!a_is_special && b_is_special) { return (b === HEADER_CURRENT_CONTACTS) ? 1 : -1; } else if (a_is_special && !b_is_special) { return (a === HEADER_CURRENT_CONTACTS) ? -1 : 1; } } }); this.RosterView = Backbone.Overview.extend({ tagName: 'div', id: 'converse-roster', events: { "keydown .roster-filter": "liveFilter", "click .onX": "clearFilter", "mousemove .x": "togglePointer", "change .filter-type": "changeFilterType" }, initialize: function () { this.roster_handler_ref = this.registerRosterHandler(); this.rosterx_handler_ref = this.registerRosterXHandler(); this.presence_ref = this.registerPresenceHandler(); converse.roster.on("add", this.onContactAdd, this); converse.roster.on('change', this.onContactChange, this); converse.roster.on("destroy", this.update, this); converse.roster.on("remove", this.update, this); this.model.on("add", this.onGroupAdd, this); this.model.on("reset", this.reset, this); this.$roster = $(''); }, unregisterHandlers: function () { converse.connection.deleteHandler(this.roster_handler_ref); delete this.roster_handler_ref; converse.connection.deleteHandler(this.rosterx_handler_ref); delete this.rosterx_handler_ref; converse.connection.deleteHandler(this.presence_ref); delete this.presence_ref; }, update: _.debounce(function () { var $count = $('#online-count'); $count.text('('+converse.roster.getNumOnlineContacts()+')'); if (!$count.is(':visible')) { $count.show(); } if (this.$roster.parent().length === 0) { this.$el.append(this.$roster.show()); } return this.showHideFilter(); }, converse.animate ? 100 : 0), render: function () { this.$el.html(converse.templates.roster({ placeholder: __('Type to filter'), label_contacts: LABEL_CONTACTS, label_groups: LABEL_GROUPS })); if (!converse.allow_contact_requests) { // XXX: if we ever support live editing of config then // we'll need to be able to remove this class on the fly. this.$el.addClass('no-contact-requests'); } return this; }, fetch: function () { this.model.fetch({ silent: true, // We use the success handler to handle groups that were added, // we need to first have all groups before positionFetchedGroups // will work properly. success: function (collection, resp, options) { if (collection.length !== 0) { this.positionFetchedGroups(collection, resp, options); } converse.roster.fetch({ add: true, success: function (collection) { if (collection.length > 0) { converse.initial_presence_sent = 1; } else { // We don't have any roster contacts stored // in sessionStorage, so lets fetch the // roster from the XMPP server. converse.roster.fetchFromServer(); } } }); }.bind(this) }); return this; }, changeFilterType: function (ev) { if (ev && ev.preventDefault) { ev.preventDefault(); } this.clearFilter(); this.filter( this.$('.roster-filter').val(), ev.target.value ); }, tog: function (v) { return v?'addClass':'removeClass'; }, togglePointer: function (ev) { if (ev && ev.preventDefault) { ev.preventDefault(); } var el = ev.target; $(el)[this.tog(el.offsetWidth-18 < ev.clientX-el.getBoundingClientRect().left)]('onX'); }, filter: function (query, type) { var matches; query = query.toLowerCase(); if (type === 'groups') { _.each(this.getAll(), function (view, idx) { if (view.model.get('name').toLowerCase().indexOf(query.toLowerCase()) === -1) { view.hide(); } else if (view.model.contacts.length > 0) { view.show(); } }); } else { _.each(this.getAll(), function (view) { view.filter(query, type); }); } }, liveFilter: _.debounce(function (ev) { if (ev && ev.preventDefault) { ev.preventDefault(); } var $filter = this.$('.roster-filter'); var q = $filter.val(); var t = this.$('.filter-type').val(); $filter[this.tog(q)]('x'); this.filter(q, t); }, 300), clearFilter: function (ev) { if (ev && ev.preventDefault) { ev.preventDefault(); $(ev.target).removeClass('x onX').val(''); } this.filter(''); }, showHideFilter: function () { if (!this.$el.is(':visible')) { return; } var $filter = this.$('.roster-filter'); var $type = this.$('.filter-type'); var visible = $filter.is(':visible'); if (visible && $filter.val().length > 0) { // Don't hide if user is currently filtering. return; } if (this.$roster.hasScrollBar()) { if (!visible) { $filter.show(); $type.show(); } } else { $filter.hide(); $type.hide(); } return this; }, reset: function () { converse.roster.reset(); this.removeAll(); this.$roster = $(''); this.render().update(); return this; }, registerRosterHandler: function () { converse.connection.addHandler( converse.roster.onRosterPush.bind(converse.roster), Strophe.NS.ROSTER, 'iq', "set" ); }, registerRosterXHandler: function () { var t = 0; converse.connection.addHandler( function (msg) { window.setTimeout( function () { converse.connection.flush(); converse.roster.subscribeToSuggestedItems.bind(converse.roster)(msg); }, t ); t += $(msg).find('item').length*250; return true; }, Strophe.NS.ROSTERX, 'message', null ); }, registerPresenceHandler: function () { converse.connection.addHandler( function (presence) { converse.roster.presenceHandler(presence); return true; }.bind(this), null, 'presence', null); }, onGroupAdd: function (group) { var view = new converse.RosterGroupView({model: group}); this.add(group.get('name'), view.render()); this.positionGroup(view); }, onContactAdd: function (contact) { this.addRosterContact(contact).update(); if (!contact.get('vcard_updated')) { // This will update the vcard, which triggers a change // request which will rerender the roster contact. converse.getVCard(contact.get('jid')); } }, onContactChange: function (contact) { this.updateChatBox(contact).update(); if (_.has(contact.changed, 'subscription')) { if (contact.changed.subscription == 'from') { this.addContactToGroup(contact, HEADER_PENDING_CONTACTS); } else if (_.contains(['both', 'to'], contact.get('subscription'))) { this.addExistingContact(contact); } } if (_.has(contact.changed, 'ask') && contact.changed.ask == 'subscribe') { this.addContactToGroup(contact, HEADER_PENDING_CONTACTS); } if (_.has(contact.changed, 'subscription') && contact.changed.requesting == 'true') { this.addContactToGroup(contact, HEADER_REQUESTING_CONTACTS); } this.liveFilter(); }, updateChatBox: function (contact) { var chatbox = converse.chatboxes.get(contact.get('jid')), changes = {}; if (!chatbox) { return this; } if (_.has(contact.changed, 'chat_status')) { changes.chat_status = contact.get('chat_status'); } if (_.has(contact.changed, 'status')) { changes.status = contact.get('status'); } chatbox.save(changes); return this; }, positionFetchedGroups: function (model, resp, options) { /* Instead of throwing an add event for each group * fetched, we wait until they're all fetched and then * we position them. * Works around the problem of positionGroup not * working when all groups besides the one being * positioned aren't already in inserted into the * roster DOM element. */ model.sort(); model.each(function (group, idx) { var view = this.get(group.get('name')); if (!view) { view = new converse.RosterGroupView({model: group}); this.add(group.get('name'), view.render()); } if (idx === 0) { this.$roster.append(view.$el); } else { this.appendGroup(view); } }.bind(this)); }, positionGroup: function (view) { /* Place the group's DOM element in the correct alphabetical * position amongst the other groups in the roster. */ var $groups = this.$roster.find('.roster-group'), index = $groups.length ? this.model.indexOf(view.model) : 0; if (index === 0) { this.$roster.prepend(view.$el); } else if (index == (this.model.length-1)) { this.appendGroup(view); } else { $($groups.eq(index)).before(view.$el); } return this; }, appendGroup: function (view) { /* Add the group at the bottom of the roster */ var $last = this.$roster.find('.roster-group').last(); var $siblings = $last.siblings('dd'); if ($siblings.length > 0) { $siblings.last().after(view.$el); } else { $last.after(view.$el); } return this; }, getGroup: function (name) { /* Returns the group as specified by name. * Creates the group if it doesn't exist. */ var view = this.get(name); if (view) { return view.model; } return this.model.create({name: name, id: b64_sha1(name)}); }, addContactToGroup: function (contact, name) { this.getGroup(name).contacts.add(contact); }, addExistingContact: function (contact) { var groups; if (converse.roster_groups) { groups = contact.get('groups'); if (groups.length === 0) { groups = [HEADER_UNGROUPED]; } } else { groups = [HEADER_CURRENT_CONTACTS]; } _.each(groups, _.bind(this.addContactToGroup, this, contact)); }, addRosterContact: function (contact) { if (contact.get('subscription') === 'both' || contact.get('subscription') === 'to') { this.addExistingContact(contact); } else { if ((contact.get('ask') === 'subscribe') || (contact.get('subscription') === 'from')) { this.addContactToGroup(contact, HEADER_PENDING_CONTACTS); } else if (contact.get('requesting') === true) { this.addContactToGroup(contact, HEADER_REQUESTING_CONTACTS); } } return this; } }); this.XMPPStatus = Backbone.Model.extend({ initialize: function () { this.set({ 'status' : this.getStatus() }); this.on('change', function (item) { if (this.get('fullname') === undefined) { converse.getVCard( null, // No 'to' attr when getting one's own vCard function (iq, jid, fullname, image, image_type, url) { this.save({'fullname': fullname}); }.bind(this) ); } if (_.has(item.changed, 'status')) { converse.emit('statusChanged', this.get('status')); } if (_.has(item.changed, 'status_message')) { converse.emit('statusMessageChanged', this.get('status_message')); } }.bind(this)); }, constructPresence: function (type, status_message) { if (typeof type === 'undefined') { type = this.get('status') || 'online'; } if (typeof status_message === 'undefined') { status_message = this.get('status_message'); } var presence; // Most of these presence types are actually not explicitly sent, // but I add all of them here fore reference and future proofing. if ((type === 'unavailable') || (type === 'probe') || (type === 'error') || (type === 'unsubscribe') || (type === 'unsubscribed') || (type === 'subscribe') || (type === 'subscribed')) { presence = $pres({'type': type}); } else if (type === 'offline') { presence = $pres({'type': 'unavailable'}); if (status_message) { presence.c('show').t(type); } } else { if (type === 'online') { presence = $pres(); } else { presence = $pres().c('show').t(type).up(); } if (status_message) { presence.c('status').t(status_message); } } return presence; }, sendPresence: function (type, status_message) { converse.connection.send(this.constructPresence(type, status_message)); }, setStatus: function (value) { this.sendPresence(value); this.save({'status': value}); }, getStatus: function () { return this.get('status') || 'online'; }, setStatusMessage: function (status_message) { this.sendPresence(this.getStatus(), status_message); var prev_status = this.get('status_message'); this.save({'status_message': status_message}); if (this.xhr_custom_status) { $.ajax({ url: this.xhr_custom_status_url, type: 'POST', data: {'msg': status_message} }); } if (prev_status === status_message) { this.trigger("update-status-ui", this); } } }); this.XMPPStatusView = Backbone.View.extend({ el: "span#xmpp-status-holder", events: { "click a.choose-xmpp-status": "toggleOptions", "click #fancy-xmpp-status-select a.change-xmpp-status-message": "renderStatusChangeForm", "submit #set-custom-xmpp-status": "setStatusMessage", "click .dropdown dd ul li a": "setStatus" }, initialize: function () { this.model.on("change:status", this.updateStatusUI, this); this.model.on("change:status_message", this.updateStatusUI, this); this.model.on("update-status-ui", this.updateStatusUI, this); }, render: function () { // Replace the default dropdown with something nicer var $select = this.$el.find('select#select-xmpp-status'), chat_status = this.model.get('status') || 'offline', options = $('option', $select), $options_target, options_list = [], that = this; this.$el.html(converse.templates.choose_status()); this.$el.find('#fancy-xmpp-status-select') .html(converse.templates.chat_status({ 'status_message': this.model.get('status_message') || __("I am %1$s", this.getPrettyStatus(chat_status)), 'chat_status': chat_status, 'desc_custom_status': __('Click here to write a custom status message'), 'desc_change_status': __('Click to change your chat status') })); // iterate through all the