// Converse.js (A browser based XMPP chat client) // http://conversejs.org // // Copyright (c) JC Brand // Licensed under the Mozilla Public License (MPLv2) // /*global define */ (function (root, factory) { define(["converse-core", "tpl!brand_heading", "converse-chatview", "converse-controlbox", "converse-muc", "converse-singleton" ], factory); }(this, function (converse, tpl_brand_heading) { "use strict"; const { Strophe, _ } = converse.env; function createBrandHeadingElement () { const div = document.createElement('div'); div.innerHTML = tpl_brand_heading(); return div.firstChild; } function isMessageToHiddenChat (_converse, message) { const jid = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(message.getAttribute('from')); const model = _converse.chatboxes.get(jid); if (!_.isNil(model)) { return model.get('hidden'); } // Not having a chat box is assume to be practically the same // as it being hidden. return true; } converse.plugins.add('converse-inverse', { overrides: { // overrides mentioned here will be picked up by converse.js's // plugin architecture they will replace existing methods on the // relevant objects or classes. // // new functions which don't exist yet can also be added. areDesktopNotificationsEnabled () { // Call with "ignore_hidden" as true, so that it doesn't check // if the windowState is hidden. return this.__super__.areDesktopNotificationsEnabled.call(this, true); }, shouldNotifyOfMessage (message) { const { _converse } = this.__super__; const result = this.__super__.shouldNotifyOfMessage.apply(this, arguments); return result && isMessageToHiddenChat(_converse, message); }, ControlBoxView: { renderContactsPanel () { this.__super__.renderContactsPanel.apply(this, arguments); this.el.classList.remove("fullscreen"); return this; }, renderLoginPanel () { this.__super__.renderLoginPanel.apply(this, arguments); this.el.classList.add("fullscreen"); const el = document.getElementById('converse-login'); el.parentNode.insertBefore(createBrandHeadingElement(), el.parentNode.firstChild); return this; } }, ChatRoomView: { afterShown (focus) { /* Make sure chat rooms are scrolled down when opened */ this.scrollDown(); if (focus) { this.focus(); } return this.__super__.afterShown.apply(this, arguments); } } }, initialize () { this._converse.api.settings.update({ chatview_avatar_height: 44, chatview_avatar_width: 44, hide_open_bookmarks: true, show_controlbox_by_default: true, sticky_controlbox: true, }); } }); }));