{% extends "base.html" %} {% load i18n %} {% load weblate %} {% block breadcums %}
  • {{ unit.translation.subproject.project }}
  • {{ unit.translation.subproject.name }}
  • {{ unit.translation.language.name }}
  • {% trans "translate" %}
  • {% endblock %} {% block content %} {% include "translation_info.html" %}

    {% trans "Translate" %}

    {% blocktrans with unit.position as position %}Showing string {{ position }} out of {{ total }}.{% endblocktrans %}

    {% csrf_token %} {% if unit.is_plural %} {% else %} {% endif %}
    {% trans "Source" %}{% trans "Translation" %}
    {{ unit.source|fmttranslation }} {{ form.checksum }} {{ form.target }}
    {{ form.fuzzy }}
    {% trans "Location" %} {% trans "Suggestions" %}
    {{ unit.get_location_links }} {% with unit.suggestions as suggestions %} {% if suggestions %} {% for suggestion in suggestions %} {% endfor %}
    {{ suggestion.target|fmttranslation }}
    {% blocktrans with suggestion.user as user %}Suggested by {{ user }}{% endblocktrans %}
    {% else %} {% trans "There are no suggestions for this string." %} {% endif %} {% endwith %}
    {% trans "Flags" %}
    {{ unit.flags }}
    {% trans "Previous" %} {% trans "Next" %} {% if user.is_authenticated %} {% else %} {% blocktrans %}Login for saving translations.{% endblocktrans %} {% endif %}
    {% endblock %}