(function (root, factory) { define([ "jasmine", "mock", "test-utils"], factory); } (this, function (jasmine, mock, test_utils) { "use strict"; const $iq = converse.env.$iq; const $pres = converse.env.$pres; const Strophe = converse.env.Strophe; const _ = converse.env._; const sizzle = converse.env.sizzle; const u = converse.env.utils; // See: // https://xmpp.org/rfcs/rfc3921.html describe("The Protocol", function () { describe("Integration of Roster Items and Presence Subscriptions", function () { // Stub the trimChat method. It causes havoc when running with // phantomJS. /* Some level of integration between roster items and presence * subscriptions is normally expected by an instant messaging user * regarding the user's subscriptions to and from other contacts. This * section describes the level of integration that MUST be supported * within an XMPP instant messaging applications. * * There are four primary subscription states: * * None -- the user does not have a subscription to the contact's * presence information, and the contact does not have a subscription * to the user's presence information * To -- the user has a subscription to the contact's presence * information, but the contact does not have a subscription to the * user's presence information * From -- the contact has a subscription to the user's presence * information, but the user does not have a subscription to the * contact's presence information * Both -- both the user and the contact have subscriptions to each * other's presence information (i.e., the union of 'from' and 'to') * * Each of these states is reflected in the roster of both the user and * the contact, thus resulting in durable subscription states. * * The 'from' and 'to' addresses are OPTIONAL in roster pushes; if * included, their values SHOULD be the full JID of the resource for * that session. A client MUST acknowledge each roster push with an IQ * stanza of type "result". */ it("Subscribe to contact, contact accepts and subscribes back", mock.initConverse( ['rosterGroupsFetched'], { roster_groups: false }, async function (done, _converse) { let contact, sent_stanza, IQ_id, stanza; await test_utils.waitUntilDiscoConfirmed(_converse, 'montague.lit', [], ['vcard-temp']); await u.waitUntil(() => _converse.xmppstatus.vcard.get('fullname'), 300); /* The process by which a user subscribes to a contact, including * the interaction between roster items and subscription states. */ test_utils.openControlBox(_converse); const cbview = _converse.chatboxviews.get('controlbox'); spyOn(_converse.roster, "addAndSubscribe").and.callThrough(); spyOn(_converse.roster, "addContactToRoster").and.callThrough(); spyOn(_converse.roster, "sendContactAddIQ").and.callThrough(); spyOn(_converse.api.vcard, "get").and.callThrough(); const sendIQ = _converse.connection.sendIQ; spyOn(_converse.connection, 'sendIQ').and.callFake(function (iq, callback, errback) { sent_stanza = iq; IQ_id = sendIQ.bind(this)(iq, callback, errback); }); cbview.el.querySelector('.add-contact').click() const modal = _converse.rosterview.add_contact_modal; await u.waitUntil(() => u.isVisible(modal.el), 1000); spyOn(modal, "addContactFromForm").and.callThrough(); modal.delegateEvents(); // Fill in the form and submit const form = modal.el.querySelector('form.add-xmpp-contact'); form.querySelector('input').value = 'contact@example.org'; form.querySelector('[type="submit"]').click(); /* In preparation for being able to render the contact in the * user's client interface and for the server to keep track of the * subscription, the user's client SHOULD perform a "roster set" * for the new roster item. */ expect(modal.addContactFromForm).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(_converse.roster.addAndSubscribe).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(_converse.roster.addContactToRoster).toHaveBeenCalled(); /* _converse request consists of sending an IQ * stanza of type='set' containing a element qualified by * the 'jabber:iq:roster' namespace, which in turn contains an * element that defines the new roster item; the * element MUST possess a 'jid' attribute, MAY possess a 'name' * attribute, MUST NOT possess a 'subscription' attribute, and MAY * contain one or more child elements: * * * * * MyBuddies * * * */ expect(_converse.roster.sendContactAddIQ).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(sent_stanza.toLocaleString()).toBe( ``+ ``+ ``+ ``+ `` ); /* As a result, the user's server (1) MUST initiate a roster push * for the new roster item to all available resources associated * with _converse user that have requested the roster, setting the * 'subscription' attribute to a value of "none"; and (2) MUST * reply to the sending resource with an IQ result indicating the * success of the roster set: * * * * * MyBuddies * * * */ const create = _converse.roster.create; const sent_stanzas = []; spyOn(_converse.connection, 'send').and.callFake(function (stanza) { sent_stanza = stanza; sent_stanzas.push(stanza.toLocaleString()); }); spyOn(_converse.roster, 'create').and.callFake(function () { contact = create.apply(_converse.roster, arguments); spyOn(contact, 'subscribe').and.callThrough(); return contact; }); stanza = $iq({'type': 'set'}).c('query', {'xmlns': 'jabber:iq:roster'}) .c('item', { 'jid': 'contact@example.org', 'subscription': 'none', 'name': 'contact@example.org'}); _converse.connection._dataRecv(test_utils.createRequest(stanza)); /* */ stanza = $iq({'type': 'result', 'id':IQ_id}); _converse.connection._dataRecv(test_utils.createRequest(stanza)); await u.waitUntil(() => _converse.roster.create.calls.count()); // A contact should now have been created expect(_converse.roster.get('contact@example.org') instanceof _converse.RosterContact).toBeTruthy(); expect(contact.get('jid')).toBe('contact@example.org'); expect(_converse.api.vcard.get).toHaveBeenCalled(); /* To subscribe to the contact's presence information, * the user's client MUST send a presence stanza of * type='subscribe' to the contact: * * */ const sent_presence = await u.waitUntil(() => sent_stanzas.filter(s => s.match('presence')).pop()); expect(contact.subscribe).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(sent_presence).toBe( ``+ `Romeo Montague`+ `` ); /* As a result, the user's server MUST initiate a second roster * push to all of the user's available resources that have * requested the roster, setting the contact to the pending * sub-state of the 'none' subscription state; _converse pending * sub-state is denoted by the inclusion of the ask='subscribe' * attribute in the roster item: * * * * * MyBuddies * * * */ spyOn(_converse.roster, "updateContact").and.callThrough(); stanza = $iq({'type': 'set', 'from': _converse.bare_jid}) .c('query', {'xmlns': 'jabber:iq:roster'}) .c('item', { 'jid': 'contact@example.org', 'subscription': 'none', 'ask': 'subscribe', 'name': 'contact@example.org'}); _converse.connection._dataRecv(test_utils.createRequest(stanza)); expect(_converse.roster.updateContact).toHaveBeenCalled(); // Check that the user is now properly shown as a pending // contact in the roster. await u.waitUntil(() => { const header = sizzle('a:contains("Pending contacts")', _converse.rosterview.el).pop(); const contacts = _.filter(header.parentElement.querySelectorAll('li'), u.isVisible); return contacts.length; }, 600); let header = sizzle('a:contains("Pending contacts")', _converse.rosterview.el).pop(); let contacts = header.parentElement.querySelectorAll('li'); expect(contacts.length).toBe(1); expect(u.isVisible(contacts[0])).toBe(true); spyOn(contact, "ackSubscribe").and.callThrough(); /* Here we assume the "happy path" that the contact * approves the subscription request * * */ stanza = $pres({ 'to': _converse.bare_jid, 'from': 'contact@example.org', 'type': 'subscribed' }); sent_stanza = ""; // Reset _converse.connection._dataRecv(test_utils.createRequest(stanza)); /* Upon receiving the presence stanza of type "subscribed", * the user SHOULD acknowledge receipt of that * subscription state notification by sending a presence * stanza of type "subscribe". */ expect(contact.ackSubscribe).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(sent_stanza.toLocaleString()).toBe( // Strophe adds the xmlns attr (although not in spec) `` ); /* The user's server MUST initiate a roster push to all of the user's * available resources that have requested the roster, * containing an updated roster item for the contact with * the 'subscription' attribute set to a value of "to"; * * * * * MyBuddies * * * */ IQ_id = _converse.connection.getUniqueId('roster'); stanza = $iq({'type': 'set', 'id': IQ_id}) .c('query', {'xmlns': 'jabber:iq:roster'}) .c('item', { 'jid': 'contact@example.org', 'subscription': 'to', 'name': 'Nicky'}); _converse.connection._dataRecv(test_utils.createRequest(stanza)); // Check that the IQ set was acknowledged. expect(Strophe.serialize(sent_stanza)).toBe( // Strophe adds the xmlns attr (although not in spec) `` ); expect(_converse.roster.updateContact).toHaveBeenCalled(); // The contact should now be visible as an existing // contact (but still offline). await u.waitUntil(() => { const header = sizzle('a:contains("My contacts")', _converse.rosterview.el); return sizzle('li', header[0].parentNode).filter(l => u.isVisible(l)).length; }, 600); header = sizzle('a:contains("My contacts")', _converse.rosterview.el); expect(header.length).toBe(1); expect(u.isVisible(header[0])).toBeTruthy(); contacts = header[0].parentNode.querySelectorAll('li'); expect(contacts.length).toBe(1); // Check that it has the right classes and text expect(u.hasClass('to', contacts[0])).toBeTruthy(); expect(u.hasClass('both', contacts[0])).toBeFalsy(); expect(u.hasClass('current-xmpp-contact', contacts[0])).toBeTruthy(); expect(contacts[0].textContent.trim()).toBe('Nicky'); expect(contact.presence.get('show')).toBe('offline'); /* */ stanza = $pres({'to': _converse.bare_jid, 'from': 'contact@example.org/resource'}); _converse.connection._dataRecv(test_utils.createRequest(stanza)); // Now the contact should also be online. expect(contact.presence.get('show')).toBe('online'); /* Section 8.3. Creating a Mutual Subscription * * If the contact wants to create a mutual subscription, * the contact MUST send a subscription request to the * user. * * */ spyOn(contact, 'authorize').and.callThrough(); spyOn(_converse.roster, 'handleIncomingSubscription').and.callThrough(); stanza = $pres({ 'to': _converse.bare_jid, 'from': 'contact@example.org/resource', 'type': 'subscribe'}); _converse.connection._dataRecv(test_utils.createRequest(stanza)); expect(_converse.roster.handleIncomingSubscription).toHaveBeenCalled(); /* The user's client MUST send a presence stanza of type * "subscribed" to the contact in order to approve the * subscription request. * * */ expect(contact.authorize).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(sent_stanza.toLocaleString()).toBe( `` ); /* As a result, the user's server MUST initiate a * roster push containing a roster item for the * contact with the 'subscription' attribute set to * a value of "both". * * * * * MyBuddies * * * */ stanza = $iq({'type': 'set'}).c('query', {'xmlns': 'jabber:iq:roster'}) .c('item', { 'jid': 'contact@example.org', 'subscription': 'both', 'name': 'contact@example.org'}); _converse.connection._dataRecv(test_utils.createRequest(stanza)); expect(_converse.roster.updateContact).toHaveBeenCalled(); // The class on the contact will now have switched. expect(u.hasClass('to', contacts[0])).toBe(false); expect(u.hasClass('both', contacts[0])).toBe(true); done(); })); it("Alternate Flow: Contact Declines Subscription Request", mock.initConverse( ['rosterGroupsFetched'], {}, function (done, _converse) { /* The process by which a user subscribes to a contact, including * the interaction between roster items and subscription states. */ var contact, stanza, sent_stanza, sent_IQ; test_utils.openControlBox(_converse); // Add a new roster contact via roster push stanza = $iq({'type': 'set'}).c('query', {'xmlns': 'jabber:iq:roster'}) .c('item', { 'jid': 'contact@example.org', 'subscription': 'none', 'ask': 'subscribe', 'name': 'contact@example.org'}); _converse.connection._dataRecv(test_utils.createRequest(stanza)); // A pending contact should now exist. contact = _converse.roster.get('contact@example.org'); expect(_converse.roster.get('contact@example.org') instanceof _converse.RosterContact).toBeTruthy(); spyOn(contact, "ackUnsubscribe").and.callThrough(); spyOn(_converse.connection, 'send').and.callFake(stanza => { sent_stanza = stanza }); spyOn(_converse.connection, 'sendIQ').and.callFake(iq => { sent_IQ = iq }); /* We now assume the contact declines the subscription * requests. * * Upon receiving the presence stanza of type "unsubscribed" * addressed to the user, the user's server (1) MUST deliver * that presence stanza to the user and (2) MUST initiate a * roster push to all of the user's available resources that * have requested the roster, containing an updated roster * item for the contact with the 'subscription' attribute * set to a value of "none" and with no 'ask' attribute: * * * * * * * MyBuddies * * * */ // FIXME: also add the stanza = $pres({ 'to': _converse.bare_jid, 'from': 'contact@example.org', 'type': 'unsubscribed' }); _converse.connection._dataRecv(test_utils.createRequest(stanza)); /* Upon receiving the presence stanza of type "unsubscribed", * the user SHOULD acknowledge receipt of that subscription * state notification through either "affirming" it by * sending a presence stanza of type "unsubscribe */ expect(contact.ackUnsubscribe).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(sent_stanza.toLocaleString()).toBe( `` ); /* _converse.js will then also automatically remove the * contact from the user's roster. */ expect(sent_IQ.toLocaleString()).toBe( ``+ ``+ ``+ ``+ `` ); done(); })); it("Unsubscribe to a contact when subscription is mutual", mock.initConverse( ['rosterGroupsFetched'], { roster_groups: false }, async function (done, _converse) { const jid = 'abram@montague.lit'; await test_utils.openControlBox(_converse); await test_utils.waitForRoster(_converse, 'current'); spyOn(window, 'confirm').and.returnValue(true); // We now have a contact we want to remove expect(_converse.roster.get(jid) instanceof _converse.RosterContact).toBeTruthy(); const header = sizzle('a:contains("My contacts")', _converse.rosterview.el).pop(); await u.waitUntil(() => header.parentElement.querySelectorAll('li').length); // remove the first user header.parentElement.querySelector('li .remove-xmpp-contact').click(); expect(window.confirm).toHaveBeenCalled(); /* Section 8.6 Removing a Roster Item and Cancelling All * Subscriptions * * First the user is removed from the roster * Because there may be many steps involved in completely * removing a roster item and cancelling subscriptions in * both directions, the roster management protocol includes * a "shortcut" method for doing so. The process may be * initiated no matter what the current subscription state * is by sending a roster set containing an item for the * contact with the 'subscription' attribute set to a value * of "remove": * * * * * * */ const sent_iq = _converse.connection.IQ_stanzas.pop(); expect(Strophe.serialize(sent_iq)).toBe( ``+ ``+ ``+ ``+ ``); // Receive confirmation from the contact's server // const stanza = $iq({'type': 'result', 'id': sent_iq.getAttribute('id')}); _converse.connection._dataRecv(test_utils.createRequest(stanza)); // Our contact has now been removed await u.waitUntil(() => typeof _converse.roster.get(jid) === "undefined"); done(); })); it("Receiving a subscription request", mock.initConverse( ['rosterGroupsFetched'], {}, async function (done, _converse) { spyOn(_converse.api, "trigger").and.callThrough(); await test_utils.openControlBox(_converse); await test_utils.waitForRoster(_converse, 'current'); /* */ const stanza = $pres({ 'to': _converse.bare_jid, 'from': 'contact@example.org', 'type': 'subscribe' }).c('nick', { 'xmlns': Strophe.NS.NICK, }).t('Clint Contact'); _converse.connection._dataRecv(test_utils.createRequest(stanza)); await u.waitUntil(() => { const header = sizzle('a:contains("Contact requests")', _converse.rosterview.el).pop(); const contacts = _.filter(header.parentElement.querySelectorAll('li'), u.isVisible); return contacts.length; }, 500); expect(_converse.api.trigger).toHaveBeenCalledWith('contactRequest', jasmine.any(Object)); const header = sizzle('a:contains("Contact requests")', _converse.rosterview.el).pop(); expect(u.isVisible(header)).toBe(true); const contacts = header.parentElement.querySelectorAll('li'); expect(contacts.length).toBe(1); done(); })); }); }); }));