Chatroom with a very long name

May the force be with you

18:50  luke:  leia: hi :)
19:40  leia:  I'll be gone for a while, will be back in about an hour
19:40  Obi-wan Kenobi, Jedi Master:  I'll be gone for a while, will be back in about an hour
jcbrand has entered the room.
Topic set by jcbrand
Converse.js: The latest release is 3.3.4. Please be patient if your questions aren't answered immediately. We're all in different timezones.
19:42  me:  Supercalifragilisticexpialidociousstillnotlongenough
19:43  Obi-wan Kenobi, Jedi Master:  Another message to check that scrolling works.


  • luke
  • leia
  • Obi-wan Kenobi, Jedi Master
  • jabber the hut
  • jabber the hut
  • jabber the hut
  • jabber the hut
  • jabber the hut
  • jabber the hut
  • jabber the hut
  • jabber the hut
  • jabber the hut
  • jabber the hut
  • jabber the hut
  • jabber the hut
  • jabber the hut
  • jabber the hut
  • jabber the hut
  • jabber the hut
  • jabber the hut
  • jabber the hut
  • jabber the hut


  •  Password required
  •  Public
  •  Open
  •  Persistent
  •  Non-anonymous
  •  Unmoderated