import 'shared/autocomplete/index.js'; import BootstrapModal from "plugins/modal/base.js"; import compact from 'lodash-es/compact'; import debounce from 'lodash-es/debounce'; import tpl_add_contact_modal from "./templates/add-contact.js"; import { __ } from 'i18n'; import { _converse, api, converse } from "@converse/headless/core"; const { Strophe } = converse.env; const u = converse.env.utils; const AddContactModal = BootstrapModal.extend({ id: "add-contact-modal", initialize () { BootstrapModal.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments); this.listenTo(this.model, 'change', this.render); }, toHTML () { return tpl_add_contact_modal(this); }, afterRender () { if (typeof api.settings.get('xhr_user_search_url') === 'string') { this.initXHRAutoComplete(); } else { this.initJIDAutoComplete(); } const jid_input = this.el.querySelector('input[name="jid"]'); this.el.addEventListener('', () => jid_input.focus(), false); }, getGroupsAutoCompleteList () { return ['apple', 'pear', 'banana']; // return [ Set( => i.get('gruop')).filter(i => i))]; }, initJIDAutoComplete () { if (!api.settings.get('autocomplete_add_contact')) { return; } const el = this.el.querySelector('.suggestion-box__jid').parentElement; this.jid_auto_complete = new _converse.AutoComplete(el, { 'data': (text, input) => `${input.slice(0, input.indexOf("@"))}@${text}`, 'filter': _converse.FILTER_STARTSWITH, 'list': [ Set( => Strophe.getDomainFromJid(item.get('jid'))))] }); }, initGroupAutoComplete () { if (!api.settings.get('autocomplete_add_contact')) { return; } const el = this.el.querySelector('.suggestion-box__jid').parentElement; this.jid_auto_complete = new _converse.AutoComplete(el, { 'data': (text, input) => `${input.slice(0, input.indexOf("@"))}@${text}`, 'filter': _converse.FILTER_STARTSWITH, 'list': [ Set( => Strophe.getDomainFromJid(item.get('jid'))))] }); }, initXHRAutoComplete () { if (!api.settings.get('autocomplete_add_contact')) { return this.initXHRFetch(); } const el = this.el.querySelector('.suggestion-box__name').parentElement; this.name_auto_complete = new _converse.AutoComplete(el, { 'auto_evaluate': false, 'filter': _converse.FILTER_STARTSWITH, 'list': [] }); const xhr = new window.XMLHttpRequest(); // `open` must be called after `onload` for mock/testing purposes. xhr.onload = () => { if (xhr.responseText) { const r = xhr.responseText; this.name_auto_complete.list = JSON.parse(r).map(i => ({'label': i.fullname || i.jid, 'value': i.jid})); this.name_auto_complete.auto_completing = true; this.name_auto_complete.evaluate(); } }; const input_el = this.el.querySelector('input[name="name"]'); input_el.addEventListener('input', debounce(() => {"GET", `${api.settings.get('xhr_user_search_url')}q=${encodeURIComponent(input_el.value)}`, true); xhr.send() } , 300)); this.name_auto_complete.on('suggestion-box-selectcomplete', ev => { this.el.querySelector('input[name="name"]').value = ev.text.label; this.el.querySelector('input[name="jid"]').value = ev.text.value; }); }, initXHRFetch () { this.xhr = new window.XMLHttpRequest(); this.xhr.onload = () => { if (this.xhr.responseText) { const r = this.xhr.responseText; const list = JSON.parse(r).map(i => ({'label': i.fullname || i.jid, 'value': i.jid})); if (list.length !== 1) { const el = this.el.querySelector('.invalid-feedback'); el.textContent = __('Sorry, could not find a contact with that name') u.addClass('d-block', el); return; } const jid = list[0].value; if (this.validateSubmission(jid)) { const form = this.el.querySelector('form'); const name = list[0].label; this.afterSubmission(form, jid, name); } } }; }, validateSubmission (jid) { const el = this.el.querySelector('.invalid-feedback'); if (!jid || compact(jid.split('@')).length < 2) { u.addClass('is-invalid', this.el.querySelector('input[name="jid"]')); u.addClass('d-block', el); return false; } else if (_converse.roster.get(Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(jid))) { el.textContent = __('This contact has already been added') u.addClass('d-block', el); return false; } u.removeClass('d-block', el); return true; }, afterSubmission (form, jid, name, group) { if (group && !Array.isArray(group)) { group = [group]; } _converse.roster.addAndSubscribe(jid, name, group); this.model.clear(); this.modal.hide(); }, addContactFromForm (ev) { ev.preventDefault(); const data = new FormData(; const jid = (data.get('jid') || '').trim(); if (!jid && typeof api.settings.get('xhr_user_search_url') === 'string') { const input_el = this.el.querySelector('input[name="name"]');"GET", `${api.settings.get('xhr_user_search_url')}q=${encodeURIComponent(input_el.value)}`, true); this.xhr.send() return; } if (this.validateSubmission(jid)) { this.afterSubmission(, jid, data.get('name'), data.get('group')); } } }); _converse.AddContactModal = AddContactModal; export default AddContactModal;