import ChatRoomOccupant from './occupant.js'; import u from '../../utils/form'; import { Collection } from '@converse/skeletor/src/collection'; import { Strophe } from 'strophe.js/src/strophe'; import { _converse, api } from '../../core.js'; import { getAffiliationList } from './affiliations/utils.js'; const MUC_ROLE_WEIGHTS = { 'moderator': 1, 'participant': 2, 'visitor': 3, 'none': 2 }; /** * A list of {@link _converse.ChatRoomOccupant} instances, representing participants in a MUC. * @class * @namespace _converse.ChatRoomOccupants * @memberOf _converse */ const ChatRoomOccupants = Collection.extend({ model: ChatRoomOccupant, comparator (occupant1, occupant2) { const role1 = occupant1.get('role') || 'none'; const role2 = occupant2.get('role') || 'none'; if (MUC_ROLE_WEIGHTS[role1] === MUC_ROLE_WEIGHTS[role2]) { const nick1 = occupant1.getDisplayName().toLowerCase(); const nick2 = occupant2.getDisplayName().toLowerCase(); return nick1 < nick2 ? -1 : nick1 > nick2 ? 1 : 0; } else { return MUC_ROLE_WEIGHTS[role1] < MUC_ROLE_WEIGHTS[role2] ? -1 : 1; } }, getAutoFetchedAffiliationLists () { const affs = api.settings.get('muc_fetch_members'); return Array.isArray(affs) ? affs : affs ? ['member', 'admin', 'owner'] : []; }, async fetchMembers () { const affiliations = this.getAutoFetchedAffiliationLists(); if (affiliations.length === 0) { return; } const muc_jid = this.chatroom.get('jid'); const aff_lists = await Promise.all( => getAffiliationList(a, muc_jid))); const new_members = aff_lists.reduce((acc, val) => (u.isErrorObject(val) ? acc : [...val, ...acc]), []); const known_affiliations = affiliations.filter( a => !u.isErrorObject(aff_lists[affiliations.indexOf(a)]) ); const new_jids = => m.jid).filter(m => m !== undefined); const new_nicks = => (!m.jid && m.nick) || undefined).filter(m => m !== undefined); const removed_members = this.filter(m => { return ( known_affiliations.includes(m.get('affiliation')) && !new_nicks.includes(m.get('nick')) && !new_jids.includes(m.get('jid')) ); }); removed_members.forEach(occupant => { if (occupant.get('jid') === _converse.bare_jid) { return; } if (occupant.get('show') === 'offline') { occupant.destroy(); } else {'affiliation', null); } }); new_members.forEach(attrs => { const occupant = attrs.jid ? this.findOccupant({ 'jid': attrs.jid }) : this.findOccupant({ 'nick': attrs.nick }); if (occupant) {; } else { this.create(attrs); } }); /** * Triggered once the member lists for this MUC have been fetched and processed. * @event _converse#membersFetched * @example _converse.api.listen.on('membersFetched', () => { ... }); */ api.trigger('membersFetched'); }, /** * @typedef { Object} OccupantData * @property { String } [jid] * @property { String } [nick] */ /** * Try to find an existing occupant based on the passed in * data object. * * If we have a JID, we use that as lookup variable, * otherwise we use the nick. We don't always have both, * but should have at least one or the other. * @private * @method _converse.ChatRoomOccupants#findOccupant * @param { OccupantData } data */ findOccupant (data) { const jid = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(data.jid); return (jid && this.findWhere({ jid })) || this.findWhere({ 'nick': data.nick }); } }); export default ChatRoomOccupants;