import log from "@converse/headless/log"; import tpl_muc_config_form from "./templates/muc-config-form.js"; import { CustomElement } from 'shared/components/element'; import { __ } from 'i18n'; import { _converse, api, converse } from "@converse/headless/core"; const { sizzle } = converse.env; const u = converse.env.utils; class MUCConfigForm extends CustomElement { static get properties () { return { 'jid': { type: String } } } connectedCallback () { super.connectedCallback(); this.model = _converse.chatboxes.get(this.jid); this.listenTo(this.model.features, 'change:passwordprotected', this.requestUpdate); this.listenTo(this.model.session, 'change:config_stanza', this.requestUpdate); this.getConfig(); } render () { return tpl_muc_config_form({ 'model': this.model, 'closeConfigForm': ev => this.closeForm(ev), 'submitConfigForm': ev => this.submitConfigForm(ev), }); } async getConfig () { const iq = await this.model.fetchRoomConfiguration(); this.model.session.set('config_stanza', iq.outerHTML); } async submitConfigForm (ev) { ev.preventDefault(); const inputs = sizzle(':input:not([type=button]):not([type=submit])',; const config_array = => f); try { await this.model.sendConfiguration(config_array); } catch (e) { log.error(e); const message = __("Sorry, an error occurred while trying to submit the config form.") + " " + __("Check your browser's developer console for details."); api.alert('error', __('Error'), message); } await this.model.refreshDiscoInfo(); this.closeForm(); } closeForm (ev) { ev?.preventDefault?.(); this.model.session.set('view', null); } } api.elements.define('converse-muc-config-form', MUCConfigForm); export default MUCConfigForm