import tpl_message_form from './templates/message-form.js'; import { ElementView } from '@converse/skeletor/src/element.js'; import { __ } from 'i18n'; import { _converse, api, converse } from "@converse/headless/core"; import { parseMessageForCommands } from './utils.js'; const { u } = converse.env; export default class MessageForm extends ElementView { async connectedCallback () { super.connectedCallback(); this.model = _converse.chatboxes.get(this.getAttribute('jid')); await this.model.initialized; this.listenTo(this.model.messages, 'change:correcting', this.onMessageCorrecting); this.render(); } toHTML () { return tpl_message_form( Object.assign(this.model.toJSON(), { 'onDrop': ev => this.onDrop(ev), 'hint_value': this.querySelector('.spoiler-hint')?.value, 'message_value': this.querySelector('.chat-textarea')?.value, 'onChange': ev => this.model.set({'draft':}), 'onKeyDown': ev => this.onKeyDown(ev), 'onKeyUp': ev => this.onKeyUp(ev), 'onPaste': ev => this.onPaste(ev), 'viewUnreadMessages': ev => this.viewUnreadMessages(ev) }) ); } /** * Insert a particular string value into the textarea of this chat box. * @param {string} value - The value to be inserted. * @param {(boolean|string)} [replace] - Whether an existing value * should be replaced. If set to `true`, the entire textarea will * be replaced with the new value. If set to a string, then only * that string will be replaced *if* a position is also specified. * @param {integer} [position] - The end index of the string to be * replaced with the new value. */ insertIntoTextArea (value, replace = false, correcting = false, position) { const textarea = this.querySelector('.chat-textarea'); if (correcting) { u.addClass('correcting', textarea); } else { u.removeClass('correcting', textarea); } if (replace) { if (position && typeof replace == 'string') { textarea.value = textarea.value.replace(new RegExp(replace, 'g'), (match, offset) => offset == position - replace.length ? value + ' ' : match ); } else { textarea.value = value; } } else { let existing = textarea.value; if (existing && existing[existing.length - 1] !== ' ') { existing = existing + ' '; } textarea.value = existing + value + ' '; } const ev = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents'); ev.initEvent('change', false, true); textarea.dispatchEvent(ev); u.placeCaretAtEnd(textarea); } onMessageCorrecting (message) { if (message.get('correcting')) { this.insertIntoTextArea(u.prefixMentions(message), true, true); } else { const currently_correcting = this.model.messages.findWhere('correcting'); if (currently_correcting && currently_correcting !== message) { this.insertIntoTextArea(u.prefixMentions(message), true, true); } else { this.insertIntoTextArea('', true, false); } } } onEscapePressed (ev) { ev.preventDefault(); const idx = this.model.messages.findLastIndex('correcting'); const message = idx >= 0 ? : null; if (message) {'correcting', false); } this.insertIntoTextArea('', true, false); } onPaste (ev) { ev.stopPropagation(); if (ev.clipboardData.files.length !== 0) { ev.preventDefault(); // Workaround for quirk in at least Firefox 60.7 ESR: // It seems that pasted files disappear from the event payload after // the event has finished, which apparently happens during async // processing in sendFiles(). So we copy the array here. this.model.sendFiles(Array.from(ev.clipboardData.files)); return; } this.model.set({'draft': ev.clipboardData.getData('text/plain')}); } onKeyUp (ev) { this.model.set({'draft':}); } onKeyDown (ev) { if (ev.ctrlKey) { // When ctrl is pressed, no chars are entered into the textarea. return; } if (!ev.shiftKey && !ev.altKey && !ev.metaKey) { if (ev.keyCode === converse.keycodes.TAB) { const value = u.getCurrentWord(, null, /(:.*?:)/g); if (value.startsWith(':')) { ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); this.model.trigger('emoji-picker-autocomplete',, value); } } else if (ev.keyCode === converse.keycodes.FORWARD_SLASH) { // Forward slash is used to run commands. Nothing to do here. return; } else if (ev.keyCode === converse.keycodes.ESCAPE) { return this.onEscapePressed(ev, this); } else if (ev.keyCode === converse.keycodes.ENTER) { return this.onFormSubmitted(ev); } else if (ev.keyCode === converse.keycodes.UP_ARROW && ! { const textarea = this.querySelector('.chat-textarea'); if (!textarea.value || u.hasClass('correcting', textarea)) { return this.model.editEarlierMessage(); } } else if ( ev.keyCode === converse.keycodes.DOWN_ARROW && === && u.hasClass('correcting', this.querySelector('.chat-textarea')) ) { return this.model.editLaterMessage(); } } if ( [ converse.keycodes.SHIFT, converse.keycodes.META, converse.keycodes.META_RIGHT, converse.keycodes.ESCAPE, converse.keycodes.ALT ].includes(ev.keyCode) ) { return; } if (this.model.get('chat_state') !== _converse.COMPOSING) { // Set chat state to composing if keyCode is not a forward-slash // (which would imply an internal command and not a message). this.model.setChatState(_converse.COMPOSING); } } parseMessageForCommands (text) { // Wrap util so that we can override in the MUC message-form component return parseMessageForCommands(this.model, text); } async onFormSubmitted (ev) { ev?.preventDefault?.(); const textarea = this.querySelector('.chat-textarea'); const message_text = textarea.value.trim(); if ( (api.settings.get('message_limit') && message_text.length > api.settings.get('message_limit')) || !message_text.replace(/\s/g, '').length ) { return; } if (!_converse.connection.authenticated) { const err_msg = __('Sorry, the connection has been lost, and your message could not be sent'); api.alert('error', __('Error'), err_msg); api.connection.reconnect(); return; } let spoiler_hint, hint_el = {}; if (this.model.get('composing_spoiler')) { hint_el = this.querySelector('form.sendXMPPMessage input.spoiler-hint'); spoiler_hint = hint_el.value; } u.addClass('disabled', textarea); textarea.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); this.querySelector('converse-emoji-dropdown')?.hideMenu(); const is_command = this.parseMessageForCommands(message_text); const message = is_command ? null : await this.model.sendMessage({'body': message_text, spoiler_hint}); if (is_command || message) { hint_el.value = ''; textarea.value = ''; u.removeClass('correcting', textarea); = 'auto'; this.model.set({'draft': ''}); } if (api.settings.get('view_mode') === 'overlayed') { // XXX: Chrome flexbug workaround. The .chat-content area // doesn't resize when the textarea is resized to its original size. const chatview = _converse.chatboxviews.get(this.getAttribute('jid')); const msgs_container = chatview.querySelector('.chat-content__messages'); = 'none'; } textarea.removeAttribute('disabled'); u.removeClass('disabled', textarea); if (api.settings.get('view_mode') === 'overlayed') { // XXX: Chrome flexbug workaround. const chatview = _converse.chatboxviews.get(this.getAttribute('jid')); const msgs_container = chatview.querySelector('.chat-content__messages'); = ''; } // Suppress events, otherwise superfluous CSN gets set // immediately after the message, causing rate-limiting issues. this.model.setChatState(_converse.ACTIVE, { 'silent': true }); textarea.focus(); } } api.elements.define('converse-message-form', MessageForm);