# Contribution Guidelines Thanks for contributing to [Converse.js](https://conversejs.org) ## Support questions The Github issue tracker is used for bug reports and feature requests, not for general tech support. For support, you can join our [XMPP webchat](https://inverse.chat/#converse/room?jid=discuss@conference.conversejs.org). Instead of the webchat, you can also open the room in your XMPP client, [click here](xmpp://discuss@conference.conversejs.org?join). You can also ask questions on [StackOverflow](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/converse.js) ## Contributing Code Please follow the usual Github workflow. Create a fork of this repository, make your changes and then submit a pull request. ### Before submitting a pull request Please read the [style guide](https://conversejs.org/docs/html/style_guide.html) and make sure that your code follows it. ### Add tests for your bugfix or feature Add a test for any bug fixed or feature added. Tests can be find in various `./tests` folders in the Converse source code. To run the tests, you can run `make check` on Linux and Mac, or `./node_modules/bin/karma start karma.conf` on Windows.