.. raw:: html
========================================= Quickstart (to get a demo up and running) ========================================= Converse.js has a [CDN](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Content_delivery_network), provided by [KeyCDN](http://keycdn.com/), which hosts its Javascript and CSS files. The latest versions of these files are available at these URLs: * https://cdn.conversejs.org/dist/converse.min.js * https://cdn.conversejs.org/css/converse.min.css For a specific version of the files, you can put the version in the URL, as so: * https://cdn.conversejs.org/1.0.3/dist/converse.min.js * https://cdn.conversejs.org/1.0.3/css/converse.min.css You can include these two URLs inside the ** element of your website via the *script* and *link* tags: .. code-block:: html You need to initialize Converse.js with configuration settings according to your requirements. Please refer to the :ref:`configuration-variables` section for info on all the available configuration settings. To configure and initialize Converse.js, put the following inline Javascript code at the bottom of your page (after the closing ** element). .. code-block:: javascript The `index.html