/** * @copyright Alfredo Medrano Sánchez and the Converse.js contributors * @description * Component inspired by the one from fa-icons * https://github.com/obsidiansoft-io/fa-icons/blob/master/LICENSE * @license Mozilla Public License (MPLv2) */ import { html } from 'lit'; import { CustomElement } from './element.js'; import './styles/icon.scss'; class ConverseIcon extends CustomElement { static get properties () { return { color: String, class_name: { attribute: "class" }, style: String, size: String }; } constructor () { super(); this.class_name = ""; this.style = ""; this.size = ""; this.color = ""; } getSource () { return `#icon-${this.class_name.split(" ")[1].replace("fa-", "")}`; } getStyles () { const cssprop = this.color.match(/var\((--.*)\)/)?.[1]; const color = cssprop ? getComputedStyle(this).getPropertyValue(cssprop) : this.color; return ` ${this.size ? `width: ${this.size};` : ''} ${this.size ? `height: ${this.size};` : ''} ${color ? `fill: ${color};` : ''} ${this.style} `; } render () { return html` `; } } customElements.define("converse-icon", ConverseIcon);