{"domain":"converse","locale_data":{"converse":{"":{"domain":"converse","plural_forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"af"},"Bookmark this groupchat":["Boekmerk hierdie groepklets"],"The name for this bookmark:":["Die naam vir hierdie boekmerk:"],"Would you like this groupchat to be automatically joined upon startup?":["Moet hierdie groepklets outomaties betree word tydens aanmelding?"],"What should your nickname for this groupchat be?":["Wat sal u bynaam vir hierdie groepklets wees?"],"Save":["Stoor"],"Cancel":["Kanseleer"],"Are you sure you want to remove the bookmark \"%1$s\"?":["Is u seker u wil die boekmerk \"%1$s\" verwyder?"],"Sorry, something went wrong while trying to save your bookmark.":["Jammer, 'n fout het voorgekom tydens storing van u boekmerk."],"Leave this groupchat":["Verlaat hierdie groepklets"],"Remove this bookmark":["Verwyder hierdie boekmerk"],"Unbookmark this groupchat":["Verwyder hierdie groepklets"],"Show more information on this groupchat":["Wys meer inligting aangaande hierdie groepklets"],"Click to open this groupchat":["Klik om hierdie groepklets te open"],"Click to toggle the bookmarks list":["Klik om die boekmerklys te skakel"],"Bookmarks":["groepkletsboekmerke"],"Sorry, could not determine file upload URL.":["Jammer, kon nie die lêer oplaai-adres bepaal nie."],"Sorry, could not determine upload URL.":["Jammer, kon nie die oplaai-adres bepaal nie"],"Sorry, could not succesfully upload your file. Your server’s response: \"%1$s\"":["Jammer, oplaai van u lêer het gefaal. Die bediener se terugvoer: \"%1$s"],"Sorry, could not succesfully upload your file.":["Jammer, oplaai van u lêer het gefaal."],"Sorry, looks like file upload is not supported by your server.":["Jammer, dit blyk asof lêer-oplaai nie deur u bediener ondersteun word nie."],"The size of your file, %1$s, exceeds the maximum allowed by your server, which is %2$s.":["Die grootte van u lêer, %1$s, oortref die maksimum grootte, %2$s, wat deur u bediener toegelaat word"],"Sorry, an error occurred:":["Jammer, 'n fout het voorgekom:"],"Close this chat box":["Sluit hierdie kletskas"],"The User's Profile Image":["Die gebruiker se profielbeeld"],"Close":["Sluit"],"Email":["E-pos"],"Full Name":["Volle Naam"],"Jabber ID":["Jabber ID"],"Nickname":["Bynaam"],"Remove as contact":["Verwyder as kontak"],"Refresh":["Verfris"],"Role":["Rol"],"URL":["URL"],"Are you sure you want to remove this contact?":["Is u seker u wil hierdie kontak verwyder?"],"Error":["Fout"],"Sorry, there was an error while trying to remove %1$s as a contact.":["Jammer, 'n fout het voorgekom tydens die verwydering van %1$s as 'n kontak."],"You have unread messages":["U het ongelese boodskappe"],"Hidden message":["Verskuilde boodskap"],"Personal message":["Persoonlike boodskap"],"Send":["Stuur"],"Optional hint":["Opsionele wenk"],"Choose a file to send":["Kies 'n lêer om te stuur"],"Click to write as a normal (non-spoiler) message":["Klik om 'n gewone (nie-verskuilde) boodskap te skryf"],"Click to write your message as a spoiler":["Klik om 'n verskuilde boodskap te skryf"],"Clear all messages":["Vee alle boodskappe uit"],"Insert emojis":["Voeg 'n emoji by"],"Start a call":["Begin 'n oproep"],"Remove messages":["Verwyder boodskappe"],"Write in the third person":["Skryf in die derde persoon"],"Show this menu":["Vertoon hierdie keuselys"],"Are you sure you want to clear the messages from this conversation?":["Is u seker u wil die boodskappe in hierdie gesprek uitvee?"],"%1$s has gone offline":["%1$s is nou aflyn"],"%1$s has gone away":["%1$s het weggegaan"],"%1$s is busy":["%1$s is besig"],"%1$s is online":["%1$s aangemeld"],"Username":["Gebruikersnaam"],"user@domain":["gebruiker@domein"],"Please enter a valid XMPP address":["Verskaf asseblief 'n geldige XMPP address"],"Chat Contacts":["Kontakte"],"Toggle chat":["Klets"],"The connection has dropped, attempting to reconnect.":["Die konneksie is onderbreek, probeer tans tans om te herkonnekteer."],"An error occurred while connecting to the chat server.":["A fout het voorgekom tydens verbinding met die kletsbediener."],"Your Jabber ID and/or password is incorrect. Please try again.":["U Jabber ID en/of wagwoord is verkeerd. Probeer asseblief weer."],"Sorry, we could not connect to the XMPP host with domain: %1$s":["Jammer, ons kon nie 'n verbinding met die XMPP domein \"%1$s\" opstel nie: "],"The XMPP server did not offer a supported authentication mechanism":["Die XMPP bediener het nie 'n bruikbare verifikasiemeganisme aangebied nie"],"Show more":["Wys meer"],"Typing from another device":["Tik tans op 'n ander toestel"],"%1$s is typing":["%1$s tik tans"],"Stopped typing on the other device":["Het opgehou tik op 'n ander toestel"],"%1$s has stopped typing":["%1$s het opgehou tik"],"Minimize this chat box":["Minimeer hierdie kletskas"],"Click to restore this chat":["Klik om hierdie klets te herstel"],"Minimized":["Geminimaliseer"],"This groupchat is not anonymous":["Hierdie groepklets is nie anoniem nie"],"This groupchat now shows unavailable members":["Hierdie groepklets wys nou onbeskikbare lede"],"This groupchat does not show unavailable members":["Hierdie groepklets wys nie onbeskikbare lede nie"],"The groupchat configuration has changed":["Die groepklets se instellings het verander"],"groupchat logging is now enabled":["Groepklets log is nou aangeskakel"],"groupchat logging is now disabled":["Groepklets log is nou afgeskakel"],"This groupchat is now no longer anonymous":["Hiedie groepklets is nie meer anoniem nie"],"This groupchat is now semi-anonymous":["Hierdie groepklets is nou gedeeltelik anoniem"],"This groupchat is now fully-anonymous":["Hierdie groepklets is nou ten volle anoniem"],"A new groupchat has been created":["'n Nuwe groepklets is geskep"],"You have been banned from this groupchat":["Jy is uit die groepklets verban"],"You have been kicked from this groupchat":["Jy is uit die groepklets geskop"],"You have been removed from this groupchat because of an affiliation change":["Jy is vanuit die groepklets verwyder a.g.v 'n verandering van affiliasie"],"You have been removed from this groupchat because the groupchat has changed to members-only and you're not a member":["Jy is vanuit die groepklets verwyder omdat die groepklets nou slegs tot lede beperk word en jy nie 'n lid is nie"],"You have been removed from this groupchat because the MUC (Multi-user chat) service is being shut down":["U is van hierdie groepklets verwyder aangesien die MUC (Multi-user chat) diens nou afgeskakel word."],"%1$s has been banned":["%1$s is verban"],"%1$s's nickname has changed":["%1$s se bynaam het verander"],"%1$s has been kicked out":["%1$s is uitgeskop"],"%1$s has been removed because of an affiliation change":["%1$s is verwyder a.g.v 'n verandering van affiliasie"],"%1$s has been removed for not being a member":["%1$s is nie 'n lid nie, en dus verwyder"],"Your nickname has been automatically set to %1$s":["U bynaam is outomaties gestel na %1$s"],"Your nickname has been changed to %1$s":["U bynaam is verander na %1$s"],"Description:":["Beskrywing:"],"Groupchat Address (JID):":["Groepklets-adres (JID):"],"Participants:":["Deelnemers:"],"Features:":["Eienskappe:"],"Requires authentication":["Benodig magtiging"],"Hidden":["Verskuil"],"Requires an invitation":["Benodig 'n uitnodiging"],"Moderated":["Gemodereer"],"Non-anonymous":["Nie-anoniem"],"Open":["Oop"],"Permanent":["Permanent"],"Public":["Publiek"],"Semi-anonymous":["Deels anoniem"],"Temporary":["Tydelik"],"Unmoderated":["Ongemodereer"],"Query for Groupchats":["Soek vir groepkletse"],"Server address":["Bediener adres"],"Show groupchats":["Wys groupkletse"],"conference.example.org":["groupklets@voorbeeld.org"],"No groupchats found":["Geen groepkletse gevind"],"groupchats found:":["groepkletse gevind:"],"Enter a new Groupchat":["Betree 'n nuwe groepklets"],"Groupchat address":["Groupklets-adres"],"Optional nickname":["Opsionele bynaam"],"name@conference.example.org":["naam@konferensie.voorbeeld.org"],"Join":["Betree"],"Groupchat info for %1$s":["Kennisgewing van %1$s"],"Message":["Boodskap"],"%1$s is no longer a moderator":["%1$s is nie meer 'n moderator nie."],"%1$s has been given a voice again":["%1$s het nou weer 'n stem."],"%1$s has been muted":["%1$s is nou stemloos."],"%1$s is now a moderator":["%1$s is nou 'n moderator."],"Close and leave this groupchat":["Verlaat en sluit hierdie groepklets"],"Configure this groupchat":["Verstel hierdie groepklets"],"Show more details about this groupchat":["Wys meer inligting aangaande hierdie groepklets"],"Hide the list of participants":["Verskuil die lys van deelnemers"],"Error: the \"%1$s\" command takes two arguments, the user's nickname and optionally a reason.":["Fout: die \"%1$s\" opdrag neem twee argumente, die gebruiker se bynaam en opsioneel daarby 'n rede."],"Sorry, an error happened while running the command. Check your browser's developer console for details.":[""],"Change user's affiliation to admin":["Verander die gebruiker se affiliasie na admin"],"Ban user from groupchat":["Verban gebruiker uit hierdie groepklets"],"Change user role to participant":["Verander gebruiker se rol na lid"],"Kick user from groupchat":["Skop gebruiker uit hierdie groepklets"],"Write in 3rd person":["Skryf in die derde persoon"],"Grant membership to a user":["Verleen lidmaatskap aan 'n gebruiker"],"Remove user's ability to post messages":["Verwyder gebruiker se vermoë om boodskappe te plaas"],"Change your nickname":["Verander u bynaam"],"Grant moderator role to user":["Verleen moderator rol aan gebruiker"],"Grant ownership of this groupchat":["Verleen eienaarskap van hierdie groepklets"],"Revoke user's membership":["Herroep gebruiker se lidmaatskap"],"Set groupchat subject":["Stel onderwerp vir groepklets"],"Set groupchat subject (alias for /subject)":["Stel groupklets onderwerp (alias vir /subject)"],"Allow muted user to post messages":["Laat stilgemaakte gebruiker toe om weer boodskappe te plaas"],"The nickname you chose is reserved or currently in use, please choose a different one.":["Die bynaam wat u gekies het is gereserveer of tans in gebruik, kies asb. 'n ander een."],"Please choose your nickname":["Kies asb. u bynaam"],"Enter groupchat":["Betree groepklets"],"This groupchat requires a password":["Hiedie groepklets benodig 'n wagwoord"],"Password: ":["Wagwoord: "],"Submit":["Dien in"],"This action was done by %1$s.":["Hierdie aksie is uitgevoer deur %1$s."],"The reason given is: \"%1$s\".":["Die gegewe rede is: \"%1$s\"."],"%1$s has left and re-entered the groupchat":["%1$s het die groepklets verlaat en weer bygetree"],"%1$s has entered the groupchat":["%1$s het die groepklets bygetree."],"%1$s has entered the groupchat. \"%2$s\"":["%1$s het die groepklets bygetree. \"%2$s\""],"%1$s has entered and left the groupchat":["%1$s het die groepklets bygetree en weer verlaat"],"%1$s has entered and left the groupchat. \"%2$s\"":["%1$s het die groepklets bygetree en weer verlaat. \"%2$s\""],"%1$s has left the groupchat":["%1$s het die groepklets verlaat"],"%1$s has left the groupchat. \"%2$s\"":["%1$s het die groepklets verlaat. \"%2$s\""],"You are not on the member list of this groupchat.":["Jy is nie op die ledelys van hierdie groepklets nie."],"You have been banned from this groupchat.":["Jy is uit die groepklets verban."],"No nickname was specified.":["Geen bynaam verskaf nie."],"You are not allowed to create new groupchats.":["U word nie toegelaat om nog groepkletse te skep nie."],"Your nickname doesn't conform to this groupchat's policies.":["U bynaam voldoen nie aan die groepklets se beleid nie."],"This groupchat does not (yet) exist.":["Hierdie groepklets bestaan tans (nog) nie."],"This groupchat has reached its maximum number of participants.":["Hierdie groepklets het sy maksimum aantal deelnemers bereik."],"Remote server not found":["Afgeleë bediener nie gevind nie"],"The explanation given is: \"%1$s\".":["Die gegewe rede is: \"%1$s\"."],"Topic set by %1$s":["Onderwerp deur %1$s gestel"],"Groupchats":["Groepkletse"],"Add a new groupchat":["Voeg 'n nuwe groepklets by"],"Query for groupchats":["Soek vir groepkletse"],"Click to mention %1$s in your message.":["Klik om %1$s in u boodskap te noem "],"This user is a moderator.":["Hierdie gebruiker is 'n moderator."],"This user can send messages in this groupchat.":["Hierdie gebruiker kan boodskappe na die groepklets stuur."],"This user can NOT send messages in this groupchat.":["Hierdie gebruiker kan NIE boodskappe na die groepklets stuur nie."],"Moderator":["Moderator"],"Visitor":["Besoeker"],"Owner":["Eienaar"],"Member":["Lid"],"Admin":["Admin"],"Participants":["Deelnemers"],"Invite":["Nooi uit"],"Please enter a valid XMPP username":["Verskaf asseblief 'n geldige XMPP adres"],"%1$s has invited you to join a groupchat: %2$s":["%1$s het u uitgenooi om die groepklets %2$s te besoek"],"Notification from %1$s":["Kennisgewing van %1$s"],"%1$s says":["%1$s sê"],"has gone offline":["is nou aflyn"],"has gone away":["het weggegaan"],"is busy":["is besig"],"has come online":["het aanlyn gekom"],"wants to be your contact":["wil jou kontak wees"],"Log in with %1$s":["Meld aan met %1$s"],"Your Profile":["U profiel"],"XMPP Address (JID)":["Groepklets-adres (JID)"],"Use commas to separate multiple roles. Your roles are shown next to your name on your chat messages.":[""],"Your avatar image":["U profielbeeld"],"Sorry, an error happened while trying to save your profile data.":["Jammer, 'n fout het voorgekom tydens storing van u profieldata."],"You can check your browser's developer console for any error output.":[""],"Away":["Afwesig"],"Busy":["Besig"],"Custom status":["Doelgemaakte status"],"Offline":["Afgemeld"],"Online":["Aangemeld"],"Away for long":["vir lank afwesig"],"Change chat status":["Verander u klets-status"],"Personal status message":["Persoonlike status-boodskap"],"I am %1$s":["Ek is %1$s"],"Change settings":["Verander instellings"],"Click to change your chat status":["Klik om jou klets-status te verander"],"Log out":["Meld af"],"Your profile":["U profiel"],"Are you sure you want to log out?":["Is u seker u wil afmeld?"],"online":["aangemeld"],"busy":["besig"],"away for long":["vir lank afwesig"],"away":["afwesig"],"offline":["afgemeld"]," e.g. conversejs.org":[" bv. conversejs.org"],"Fetch registration form":["Laai die registrasie form"],"Tip: A list of public XMPP providers is available":["Wenk: A lys van publieke XMPP-verskaffers is beskikbaar"],"here":["hier"],"Sorry, we're unable to connect to your chosen provider.":["Jammer, ons kon nie 'n verbinding met die gekose verskaffer opstel nie."],"Sorry, the given provider does not support in band account registration. Please try with a different provider.":["Jammer, die gekose verskaffer ondersteun nie in-band registrasie nie.Probeer weer met 'n ander verskaffer."],"Now logging you in":["U word nou aangemeld"],"Registered successfully":["Suksesvol geregistreer"],"The provider rejected your registration attempt. Please check the values you entered for correctness.":["Die verskaffer het u registrasieversoek verwerp. Kontrolleer asb. jou gegewe waardes vir korrektheid."],"Open Groupchats":["Maak Groepkletse oop"],"Sorry, there was an error while trying to add %1$s as a contact.":["Jammer, 'n fout het voorgekom tydens die byvoeging van %1$s as 'n kontak."],"This client does not allow presence subscriptions":["Hierdie klient laat nie beskikbaarheidsinskrywings toe nie"],"Click to hide these contacts":["Klik om hierdie kontakte te verskuil"],"This contact is busy":["Hierdie persoon is besig"],"This contact is online":["Hierdie persoon is aanlyn"],"This contact is offline":["Hierdie persoon is aflyn"],"This contact is unavailable":["Hierdie persoon is onbeskikbaar"],"This contact is away for an extended period":["Hierdie persoon is vir lank afwesig"],"This contact is away":["Hierdie persoon is afwesig"],"Groups":["Groepe"],"My contacts":["My kontakte"],"Pending contacts":["Hangende kontakte"],"Contact requests":["Kontakversoeke"],"Ungrouped":["Ongegroepeer"],"Contact name":["Kontaknaam"],"Add a Contact":["Voeg 'n kontak by"],"XMPP Address":[""],"name@example.org":["gebruiker@voorbeeld.org"],"Add":["Voeg by"],"Filter":["Filtreer"],"Filter by contact name":["Filtreer volgens kontaknaam"],"Filter by group name":["Filtreer volgens groepnaam"],"Filter by status":["Filtreer volgens status"],"Any":["Enige"],"Unread":["Ongelees"],"Chatty":["Geselserig"],"Extended Away":["Weg vir langer"],"Click to remove %1$s as a contact":["Klik om %1$s as 'n kontak te verwyder"],"Click to accept the contact request from %1$s":["Klik om die kontakversoek van %1$s te aanvaar"],"Click to decline the contact request from %1$s":["Klik om kontakversoek van %1$s te weier"],"Are you sure you want to decline this contact request?":["Is u seker dat u hierdie persoon se versoek wil afkeur?"],"Contacts":["Kontakte"],"Add a contact":["Voeg 'n kontak by"],"Name":["Naam"],"Groupchat address (JID)":["Groepklets-adres (JID)"],"Description":["Beskrywing"],"Topic":["Onderwerp"],"Topic author":["Onderwerp-auteur"],"Online users":["Aanlyn gebruikers"],"Features":["Eienskappe"],"Password protected":["Wagwoord"],"This groupchat requires a password before entry":["Hierdie groepklets benodig 'n wagwoord voordat dit bygetree kan word"],"No password required":["Geen wagwoord benodig"],"This groupchat does not require a password upon entry":["'n Wagwoord is nie nodig om hierdie groepklets by te tree nie"],"This groupchat is not publicly searchable":["Hierdie groepklets is nie publiek opspoorbaar nie"],"This groupchat is publicly searchable":["Hierdie groepklets is publiek opspoorbaar"],"Members only":["Slegs lede"],"This groupchat is restricted to members only":["Hierdie groepklets is slegs tot lede beperk"],"Anyone can join this groupchat":["Enige iemand kan hierdie groepklets bytree"],"Persistent":["Blywend"],"This groupchat persists even if it's unoccupied":["Hierdie groepklets bestaan voort selfs al is dit leeg"],"This groupchat will disappear once the last person leaves":["Hierdie groepklets sal verdwyn sodra die laaste persoon dit verlaat"],"Not anonymous":["Nie-anoniem"],"All other groupchat participants can see your XMPP username":["Alle ander deelnemers kan u XMPP gebruikersnaam sien"],"Only moderators can see your XMPP username":["Slegs moderators kan u XMPP gebruikersnaam sien"],"This groupchat is being moderated":["Hierdie groepklets word gemodereer"],"Not moderated":["Ongemodereer"],"This groupchat is not being moderated":["Hierdie groepklets word nie gemodereer nie"],"Message archiving":["Boodskap-argivering"],"Messages are archived on the server":["Boodskappe word op die bediener gestoor"],"No password":["Geen wagwoord"],"this groupchat is restricted to members only":["Hierdie groepklets is slegs tot lede beperk"],"XMPP Username:":["XMPP Gebruikersnaam:"],"Password:":["Wagwoord:"],"password":["wagwoord"],"This is a trusted device":["Hierdie toestel word vertrou"],"To improve performance, we cache your data in this browser. Uncheck this box if this is a public computer or if you want your data to be deleted when you log out. It's important that you explicitly log out, otherwise not all cached data might be deleted.":[""],"Log in":["Meld aan"],"Click here to log in anonymously":["Klik hier om anoniem aan te meld"],"This message has been edited":["Hierdie boodskap was gewysig"],"Edit this message":["Wysig hierdie boodskap"],"Message versions":["Boodskap weergawes"],"Don't have a chat account?":["Geen kletsrekening nie?"],"Create an account":["Skep 'n rekening"],"Create your account":["Skep u rekening"],"Please enter the XMPP provider to register with:":["Verskaf asseblief die XMPP verskaffer om mee te registreer:"],"Already have a chat account?":["Het u reeds 'n kletsrekening?"],"Log in here":["Meld hier aan"],"Account Registration:":["Registreer 'n rekening:"],"Register":["Registreer"],"Choose a different provider":["Kies 'n ander verskaffer"],"Hold tight, we're fetching the registration form…":["Wag 'n bietjie, ons gaan haal die registrasievorm"],"Download":["Laai af"],"Download \"%1$s\"":["Laai \"%1$s\" af"],"Download video file":["Laai video-lêer af"],"Download audio file":["Laai oudio-lêer af"]}}}