import BootstrapModal from "./base.js"; import tpl_muc_invite_modal from "./templates/muc-invite.js"; import { _converse, converse } from "@converse/headless/converse-core"; const u = converse.env.utils; export default BootstrapModal.extend({ id: "muc-invite-modal", initialize () { BootstrapModal.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments); this.listenTo(this.model, 'change', this.render); this.initInviteWidget(); }, toHTML () { return tpl_muc_invite_modal(Object.assign( this.model.toJSON(), { 'submitInviteForm': ev => this.submitInviteForm(ev) }) ); }, initInviteWidget () { if (this.invite_auto_complete) { this.invite_auto_complete.destroy(); } const list = => ({'label': i.getDisplayName(), 'value': i.get('jid')})); const el = this.el.querySelector('.suggestion-box').parentElement; this.invite_auto_complete = new _converse.AutoComplete(el, { 'min_chars': 1, 'list': list }); }, submitInviteForm (ev) { ev.preventDefault(); // TODO: Add support for sending an invite to multiple JIDs const data = new FormData(; const jid = data.get('invitee_jids'); const reason = data.get('reason'); if (u.isValidJID(jid)) { // TODO: Create and use API here this.chatroomview.model.directInvite(jid, reason); this.modal.hide(); } else { this.model.set({'invalid_invite_jid': true}); } } });