// Converse.js // http://conversejs.org // // Copyright (c) 2013-2018, the Converse.js developers // Licensed under the Mozilla Public License (MPLv2) (function (root, factory) { define(["converse-core", "templates/vcard.html"], factory); }(this, function (converse, tpl_vcard) { "use strict"; const { Backbone, Promise, Strophe, _, $iq, $build, b64_sha1, moment, sizzle } = converse.env; const u = converse.env.utils; converse.plugins.add('converse-vcard', { initialize () { /* The initialize function gets called as soon as the plugin is * loaded by converse.js's plugin machinery. */ const { _converse } = this; _converse.VCard = Backbone.Model.extend({ defaults: { 'image': _converse.DEFAULT_IMAGE, 'image_type': _converse.DEFAULT_IMAGE_TYPE }, set (key, val, options) { // Override Backbone.Model.prototype.set to make sure that the // default `image` and `image_type` values are maintained. let attrs; if (typeof key === 'object') { attrs = key; options = val; } else { (attrs = {})[key] = val; } if (_.has(attrs, 'image') && !attrs['image']) { attrs['image'] = _converse.DEFAULT_IMAGE; attrs['image_type'] = _converse.DEFAULT_IMAGE_TYPE; return Backbone.Model.prototype.set.call(this, attrs, options); } else { return Backbone.Model.prototype.set.apply(this, arguments); } } }); _converse.VCards = Backbone.Collection.extend({ model: _converse.VCard, initialize () { this.on('add', (vcard) => _converse.api.vcard.update(vcard)); } }); function onVCardData (jid, iq, callback) { const vcard = iq.querySelector('vCard'); let result = {}; if (!_.isNull(vcard)) { result = { 'stanza': iq, 'fullname': _.get(vcard.querySelector('FN'), 'textContent'), 'nickname': _.get(vcard.querySelector('NICKNAME'), 'textContent'), 'image': _.get(vcard.querySelector('PHOTO BINVAL'), 'textContent'), 'image_type': _.get(vcard.querySelector('PHOTO TYPE'), 'textContent'), 'url': _.get(vcard.querySelector('URL'), 'textContent'), 'role': _.get(vcard.querySelector('ROLE'), 'textContent'), 'email': _.get(vcard.querySelector('EMAIL USERID'), 'textContent'), 'vcard_updated': moment().format(), 'vcard_error': undefined }; } if (result.image) { const buffer = u.base64ToArrayBuffer(result['image']); crypto.subtle.digest('SHA-1', buffer) .then(ab => { result['image_hash'] = u.arrayBufferToHex(ab); if (callback) callback(result); }); } else { if (callback) callback(result); } } function onVCardError (jid, iq, errback) { if (errback) { errback({ 'stanza': iq, 'jid': jid, 'vcard_error': moment().format() }); } } function createStanza (type, jid, vcard_el) { const iq = $iq(jid ? {'type': type, 'to': jid} : {'type': type}); if (!vcard_el) { iq.c("vCard", {'xmlns': Strophe.NS.VCARD}); } else { iq.cnode(vcard_el); } return iq; } function setVCard (jid, data) { if (!jid) { throw Error("No jid provided for the VCard data"); } const vcard_el = Strophe.xmlHtmlNode(tpl_vcard(data)).firstElementChild; return _converse.api.sendIQ(createStanza("set", jid, vcard_el)); } function getVCard (_converse, jid) { /* Request the VCard of another user. Returns a promise. * * Parameters: * (String) jid - The Jabber ID of the user whose VCard * is being requested. */ const to = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(jid) === _converse.bare_jid ? null : jid; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { _converse.connection.sendIQ( createStanza("get", to), _.partial(onVCardData, jid, _, resolve), _.partial(onVCardError, jid, _, resolve), _converse.IQ_TIMEOUT ); }); } /* Event handlers */ _converse.initVCardCollection = function () { _converse.vcards = new _converse.VCards(); const id = b64_sha1(`converse.vcards`); _converse.vcards.browserStorage = new Backbone.BrowserStorage[_converse.config.get('storage')](id); _converse.vcards.fetch(); } _converse.api.listen.on('sessionInitialized', _converse.initVCardCollection); _converse.on('addClientFeatures', () => { _converse.api.disco.own.features.add(Strophe.NS.VCARD); }); _.extend(_converse.api, { 'vcard': { 'set' (jid, data) { return setVCard(jid, data); }, 'get' (model, force) { if (_.isString(model)) { return getVCard(_converse, model); } else if (force || !model.get('vcard_updated') || !moment(model.get('vcard_error')).isSame(new Date(), "day")) { const jid = model.get('jid'); if (!jid) { throw new Error("No JID to get vcard for!"); } return getVCard(_converse, jid); } else { return Promise.resolve({}); } }, 'update' (model, force) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.get(model, force).then((vcard) => { delete vcard['stanza'] model.save(vcard); resolve(); }); }); } } }); } }); }));