// Converse.js (A browser based XMPP chat client) // http://conversejs.org // // This is the utilities module. // // Copyright (c) 2012-2017, Jan-Carel Brand // Licensed under the Mozilla Public License (MPLv2) // /*global define, escape, window */ (function (root, factory) { define([ "sizzle", "es6-promise", "jquery.browser", "lodash.noconflict", "strophe", ], factory); }(this, function ( sizzle, Promise, jQBrowser, _, Strophe ) { "use strict"; const b64_sha1 = Strophe.SHA1.b64_sha1; Strophe = Strophe.Strophe; const URL_REGEX = /\b(https?:\/\/|www\.|https?:\/\/www\.)[^\s<>]{2,200}\b/g; const logger = _.assign({ 'debug': _.get(console, 'log') ? console.log.bind(console) : _.noop, 'error': _.get(console, 'log') ? console.log.bind(console) : _.noop, 'info': _.get(console, 'log') ? console.log.bind(console) : _.noop, 'warn': _.get(console, 'log') ? console.log.bind(console) : _.noop }, console); var unescapeHTML = function (htmlEscapedText) { /* Helper method that replace HTML-escaped symbols with equivalent characters * (e.g. transform occurrences of '&' to '&') * * Parameters: * (String) htmlEscapedText: a String containing the HTML-escaped symbols. */ var div = document.createElement('div'); div.innerHTML = htmlEscapedText; return div.innerText; }; var isImage = function (url) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { var img = new Image(); var timer = window.setTimeout(function () { reject(new Error("Could not determine whether it's an image")); img = null; }, 3000); img.onerror = img.onabort = function () { clearTimeout(timer); reject(new Error("Could not determine whether it's an image")); }; img.onload = function () { clearTimeout(timer); resolve(img); }; img.src = url; }); }; function calculateElementHeight (el) { /* Return the height of the passed in DOM element, * based on the heights of its children. */ return _.reduce( el.children, (result, child) => result + child.offsetHeight, 0 ); } function slideOutWrapup (el) { /* Wrapup function for slideOut. */ el.removeAttribute('data-slider-marker'); el.classList.remove('collapsed'); el.style.overflow = ""; el.style.height = ""; } var u = {}; u.addClass = function (className, el) { if (el instanceof Element) { el.classList.add(className); } } u.removeClass = function (className, el) { if (el instanceof Element) { el.classList.remove(className); } return el; } u.removeElement = function (el) { if (!_.isNil(el) && !_.isNil(el.parentNode)) { el.parentNode.removeChild(el); } } u.showElement = _.flow( _.partial(u.removeClass, 'collapsed'), _.partial(u.removeClass, 'hidden') ) u.hideElement = function (el) { if (!_.isNil(el)) { el.classList.add('hidden'); } return el; } u.nextUntil = function (el, selector, include_self=false) { /* Return the element's siblings until one matches the selector. */ const matches = []; let sibling_el = el.nextElementSibling; while (!_.isNil(sibling_el) && !sibling_el.matches(selector)) { matches.push(sibling_el); sibling_el = sibling_el.nextElementSibling; } return matches; } u.addHyperlinks = function (text) { const list = text.match(URL_REGEX) || []; var links = []; _.each(list, (match) => { const prot = match.indexOf('http://') === 0 || match.indexOf('https://') === 0 ? '' : 'http://'; const url = prot + encodeURI(decodeURI(match)).replace(/[!'()]/g, escape).replace(/\*/g, "%2A"); const a = ''+ _.escape(match) + ''; // We first insert a hash of the code that will be inserted, and // then later replace that with the code itself. That way we avoid // issues when some matches are substrings of others. links.push(a); text = text.replace(match, b64_sha1(a)); }); while (links.length) { const a = links.pop(); text = text.replace(b64_sha1(a), a); } return text; }; u.renderImageURLs = function (obj) { const list = obj.textContent.match(URL_REGEX) || []; _.forEach(list, function (url) { isImage(url).then(function (img) { img.className = 'chat-image'; var anchors = sizzle(`a[href="${url}"]`, obj); _.each(anchors, (a) => { a.innerHTML = img.outerHTML; }); }); }); return obj; }; u.slideInAllElements = function (elements, duration=300) { return Promise.all( _.map( elements, _.partial(u.slideIn, _, duration) )); }; u.slideToggleElement = function (el, duration) { if (_.includes(el.classList, 'collapsed') || _.includes(el.classList, 'hidden')) { return u.slideOut(el, duration); } else { return u.slideIn(el, duration); } }; u.hasClass = function (className, el) { return _.includes(el.classList, className); }; u.slideOut = function (el, duration=200) { /* Shows/expands an element by sliding it out of itself * * Parameters: * (HTMLElement) el - The HTML string * (Number) duration - The duration amount in milliseconds */ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (_.isNil(el)) { const err = "Undefined or null element passed into slideOut" logger.warn(err); reject(new Error(err)); return; } const marker = el.getAttribute('data-slider-marker'); if (marker) { el.removeAttribute('data-slider-marker'); window.cancelAnimationFrame(marker); } const end_height = calculateElementHeight(el); if (window.converse_disable_effects) { // Effects are disabled (for tests) el.style.height = end_height + 'px'; slideOutWrapup(el); resolve(); return; } if (!u.hasClass('collapsed', el) && !u.hasClass('hidden', el)) { resolve(); return; } const steps = duration/17; // We assume 17ms per animation which is ~60FPS let height = 0; function draw () { height += end_height/steps; if (height < end_height) { el.style.height = height + 'px'; el.setAttribute( 'data-slider-marker', window.requestAnimationFrame(draw) ); } else { // We recalculate the height to work around an apparent // browser bug where browsers don't know the correct // offsetHeight beforehand. el.removeAttribute('data-slider-marker'); el.style.height = calculateElementHeight(el) + 'px'; el.style.overflow = ""; el.style.height = ""; resolve(); } } el.style.height = '0'; el.style.overflow = 'hidden'; el.classList.remove('hidden'); el.classList.remove('collapsed'); el.setAttribute( 'data-slider-marker', window.requestAnimationFrame(draw) ); }); }; u.slideIn = function (el, duration=200) { /* Hides/collapses an element by sliding it into itself. */ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (_.isNil(el)) { const err = "Undefined or null element passed into slideIn"; logger.warn(err); return reject(new Error(err)); } else if (_.includes(el.classList, 'collapsed')) { return resolve(el); } else if (window.converse_disable_effects) { // Effects are disabled (for tests) el.classList.add('collapsed'); el.style.height = ""; return resolve(el); } const marker = el.getAttribute('data-slider-marker'); if (marker) { el.removeAttribute('data-slider-marker'); window.cancelAnimationFrame(marker); } const original_height = el.offsetHeight, steps = duration/17; // We assume 17ms per animation which is ~60FPS let height = original_height; el.style.overflow = 'hidden'; function draw () { height -= original_height/steps; if (height > 0) { el.style.height = height + 'px'; el.setAttribute( 'data-slider-marker', window.requestAnimationFrame(draw) ); } else { el.removeAttribute('data-slider-marker'); el.classList.add('collapsed'); el.style.height = ""; resolve(el); } } el.setAttribute( 'data-slider-marker', window.requestAnimationFrame(draw) ); }); }; function afterAnimationEnds (el, callback) { el.classList.remove('visible'); if (_.isFunction(callback)) { callback(); } } u.fadeIn = function (el, callback) { if (_.isNil(el)) { logger.warn("Undefined or null element passed into fadeIn"); } if (window.converse_disable_effects) { el.classList.remove('hidden'); return afterAnimationEnds(el, callback); } if (_.includes(el.classList, 'hidden')) { el.classList.add('visible'); el.classList.remove('hidden'); el.addEventListener("webkitAnimationEnd", _.partial(afterAnimationEnds, el, callback)); el.addEventListener("animationend", _.partial(afterAnimationEnds, el, callback)); el.addEventListener("oanimationend", _.partial(afterAnimationEnds, el, callback)); } else { afterAnimationEnds(el, callback); } }; u.isValidJID = function (jid) { return _.filter(jid.split('@')).length === 2 && !jid.startsWith('@') && !jid.endsWith('@'); }; u.isSameBareJID = function (jid1, jid2) { return Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(jid1).toLowerCase() === Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(jid2).toLowerCase(); }; u.getMostRecentMessage = function (model) { const messages = model.messages.filter('message'); return messages[messages.length-1]; } u.isNewMessage = function (message) { /* Given a stanza, determine whether it's a new * message, i.e. not a MAM archived one. */ if (message instanceof Element) { return !sizzle('result[xmlns="'+Strophe.NS.MAM+'"]', message).length && !sizzle('delay[xmlns="'+Strophe.NS.DELAY+'"]', message).length; } else { return !message.get('archive_id') && !message.get('delayed'); } }; u.isOTRMessage = function (message) { var body = message.querySelector('body'), text = (!_.isNull(body) ? body.textContent: undefined); return text && !!text.match(/^\?OTR/); }; u.isHeadlineMessage = function (message) { var from_jid = message.getAttribute('from'); if (message.getAttribute('type') === 'headline') { return true; } if (message.getAttribute('type') !== 'error' && !_.isNil(from_jid) && !_.includes(from_jid, '@')) { // Some servers (I'm looking at you Prosody) don't set the message // type to "headline" when sending server messages. For now we // check if an @ signal is included, and if not, we assume it's // a headline message. return true; } return false; }; u.merge = function merge (first, second) { /* Merge the second object into the first one. */ for (var k in second) { if (_.isObject(first[k])) { merge(first[k], second[k]); } else { first[k] = second[k]; } } }; u.applyUserSettings = function applyUserSettings (context, settings, user_settings) { /* Configuration settings might be nested objects. We only want to * add settings which are whitelisted. */ for (var k in settings) { if (_.isUndefined(user_settings[k])) { continue; } if (_.isObject(settings[k]) && !_.isArray(settings[k])) { applyUserSettings(context[k], settings[k], user_settings[k]); } else { context[k] = user_settings[k]; } } }; u.refreshWebkit = function () { /* This works around a webkit bug. Refreshes the browser's viewport, * otherwise chatboxes are not moved along when one is closed. */ if (jQBrowser.webkit && window.requestAnimationFrame) { window.requestAnimationFrame(function () { var conversejs = document.getElementById('conversejs'); conversejs.style.display = 'none'; var tmp = conversejs.offsetHeight; // jshint ignore:line conversejs.style.display = 'block'; }); } }; u.stringToNode = function (s) { /* Converts an HTML string into a DOM Node. * Expects that the HTML string has only one top-level element, * i.e. not multiple ones. * * Parameters: * (String) s - The HTML string */ var div = document.createElement('div'); div.innerHTML = s; return div.firstChild; }; u.getOuterWidth = function (el, include_margin=false) { var width = el.offsetWidth; if (!include_margin) { return width; } var style = window.getComputedStyle(el); width += parseInt(style.marginLeft, 10) + parseInt(style.marginRight, 10); return width; }; u.stringToElement = function (s) { /* Converts an HTML string into a DOM element. * Expects that the HTML string has only one top-level element, * i.e. not multiple ones. * * Parameters: * (String) s - The HTML string */ var div = document.createElement('div'); div.innerHTML = s; return div.firstElementChild; }; u.matchesSelector = function (el, selector) { /* Checks whether the DOM element matches the given selector. * * Parameters: * (DOMElement) el - The DOM element * (String) selector - The selector */ return ( el.matches || el.matchesSelector || el.msMatchesSelector || el.mozMatchesSelector || el.webkitMatchesSelector || el.oMatchesSelector ).call(el, selector); }; u.queryChildren = function (el, selector) { /* Returns a list of children of the DOM element that match the * selector. * * Parameters: * (DOMElement) el - the DOM element * (String) selector - the selector they should be matched * against. */ return _.filter(el.children, _.partial(u.matchesSelector, _, selector)); }; u.contains = function (attr, query) { return function (item) { if (typeof attr === 'object') { var value = false; _.forEach(attr, function (a) { value = value || _.includes(item.get(a).toLowerCase(), query.toLowerCase()); }); return value; } else if (typeof attr === 'string') { return _.includes(item.get(attr).toLowerCase(), query.toLowerCase()); } else { throw new TypeError('contains: wrong attribute type. Must be string or array.'); } }; }; u.isOfType = function (type, item) { return item.get('type') == type; }; u.isInstance = function (type, item) { return item instanceof type; }; u.getAttribute = function (key, item) { return item.get(key); }; u.contains.not = function (attr, query) { return function (item) { return !(u.contains(attr, query)(item)); }; }; u.createFragmentFromText = function (markup) { /* Returns a DocumentFragment containing DOM nodes based on the * passed-in markup text. */ // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9334645/create-node-from-markup-string var frag = document.createDocumentFragment(), tmp = document.createElement('body'), child; tmp.innerHTML = markup; // Append elements in a loop to a DocumentFragment, so that the // browser does not re-render the document for each node. while (child = tmp.firstChild) { // eslint-disable-line no-cond-assign frag.appendChild(child); } return frag }; u.addEmoji = function (_converse, emojione, text) { if (_converse.use_emojione) { return emojione.toImage(text); } else { return emojione.shortnameToUnicode(text); } } u.getEmojisByCategory = function (_converse, emojione) { /* Return a dict of emojis with the categories as keys and * lists of emojis in that category as values. */ if (_.isUndefined(_converse.emojis_by_category)) { const emojis = _.values(_.mapValues(emojione.emojioneList, function (value, key, o) { value._shortname = key; return value })); const tones = [':tone1:', ':tone2:', ':tone3:', ':tone4:', ':tone5:']; const excluded = [':kiss_ww:', ':kiss_mm:', ':kiss_woman_man:']; const excluded_substrings = [ ':woman', ':man', ':women_', ':men_', '_man_', '_woman_', '_woman:', '_man:' ]; const excluded_categories = ['modifier', 'regional']; const categories = _.difference( _.uniq(_.map(emojis, _.partial(_.get, _, 'category'))), excluded_categories ); const emojis_by_category = {}; _.forEach(categories, (cat) => { let list = _.sortBy(_.filter(emojis, ['category', cat]), ['uc_base']); list = _.filter( list, (item) => !_.includes(_.concat(tones, excluded), item._shortname) && !_.some(excluded_substrings, _.partial(_.includes, item._shortname)) ); if (cat === 'people') { const idx = _.findIndex(list, ['uc_base', '1f600']); list = _.union(_.slice(list, idx), _.slice(list, 0, idx+1)); } else if (cat === 'activity') { list = _.union(_.slice(list, 27-1), _.slice(list, 0, 27)); } else if (cat === 'objects') { list = _.union(_.slice(list, 24-1), _.slice(list, 0, 24)); } else if (cat === 'travel') { list = _.union(_.slice(list, 17-1), _.slice(list, 0, 17)); } else if (cat === 'symbols') { list = _.union(_.slice(list, 60-1), _.slice(list, 0, 60)); } emojis_by_category[cat] = list; }); _converse.emojis_by_category = emojis_by_category; } return _converse.emojis_by_category; }; u.getTonedEmojis = function (_converse) { _converse.toned_emojis = _.uniq( _.map( _.filter( u.getEmojisByCategory(_converse).people, (person) => _.includes(person._shortname, '_tone') ), (person) => person._shortname.replace(/_tone[1-5]/, '') )); return _converse.toned_emojis; }; u.isPersistableModel = function (model) { return model.collection && model.collection.browserStorage; }; u.getResolveablePromise = function () { /* Returns a promise object on which `resolve` or `reject` can be * called. */ const wrapper = {}; const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { wrapper.resolve = resolve; wrapper.reject = reject; }) _.assign(promise, wrapper); return promise; }; u.safeSave = function (model, attributes) { if (u.isPersistableModel(model)) { model.save(attributes); } else { model.set(attributes); } } u.isVisible = function (el) { // XXX: Taken from jQuery's "visible" implementation return el.offsetWidth > 0 || el.offsetHeight > 0 || el.getClientRects().length > 0; }; return u; }));