import { _converse, api } from "@converse/headless/core"; export function highlightRosterItem (chatbox) { _converse.roster?.get(chatbox.get('jid'))?.trigger('highlight'); } export function toggleGroup (ev, name) { ev?.preventDefault?.(); const collapsed = _converse.roster.state.get('collapsed_groups'); if (collapsed.includes(name)) {'collapsed_groups', collapsed.filter(n => n !== name)); } else {'collapsed_groups', [...collapsed, name]); } } export function isContactFiltered (contact, groupname) { const filter = _converse.roster_filter; const type = filter.get('filter_type'); const q = (type === 'state') ? filter.get('chat_state').toLowerCase() : filter.get('filter_text').toLowerCase(); if (!q) return false; if (type === 'state') { const sticky_groups = [_converse.HEADER_REQUESTING_CONTACTS, _converse.HEADER_UNREAD]; if (sticky_groups.includes(groupname)) { // When filtering by chat state, we still want to // show sticky groups, even though they don't // match the state in question. return false; } else if (q === 'unread_messages') { return contact.get('num_unread') === 0; } else if (q === 'online') { return ["offline", "unavailable"].includes(contact.presence.get('show')); } else { return !contact.presence.get('show').includes(q); } } else if (type === 'contacts') { return !contact.getFilterCriteria().includes(q); } } export function shouldShowContact (contact, groupname) { const chat_status = contact.presence.get('show'); if (api.settings.get('hide_offline_users') && chat_status === 'offline') { // If pending or requesting, show if ((contact.get('ask') === 'subscribe') || (contact.get('subscription') === 'from') || (contact.get('requesting') === true)) { return !isContactFiltered(contact, groupname); } return false; } return !isContactFiltered(contact, groupname); } export function shouldShowGroup (group) { const filter = _converse.roster_filter; const type = filter.get('filter_type'); if (type === 'groups') { const q = filter.get('filter_text')?.toLowerCase(); if (!q) { return true; } if (!group.toLowerCase().includes(q)) { return false; } } return true; } export function populateContactsMap (contacts_map, contact) { if (contact.get('requesting')) { const name = _converse.HEADER_REQUESTING_CONTACTS; contacts_map[name] ? contacts_map[name].push(contact) : (contacts_map[name] = [contact]); } else { let contact_groups; if (api.settings.get('roster_groups')) { contact_groups = contact.get('groups'); contact_groups = (contact_groups.length === 0) ? [_converse.HEADER_UNGROUPED] : contact_groups; } else { if (contact.get('ask') === 'subscribe') { contact_groups = [_converse.HEADER_PENDING_CONTACTS]; } else { contact_groups = [_converse.HEADER_CURRENT_CONTACTS]; } } for (const name of contact_groups) { contacts_map[name] ? contacts_map[name].push(contact) : (contacts_map[name] = [contact]); } } if (contact.get('num_unread')) { const name = _converse.HEADER_UNREAD; contacts_map[name] ? contacts_map[name].push(contact) : (contacts_map[name] = [contact]); } return contacts_map; }