/** * @module dom-navigator * @description A class for navigating the DOM with the keyboard * This module started as a fork of Rubens Mariuzzo's dom-navigator. * @copyright Rubens Mariuzzo, JC Brand */ import u from './utils/html'; /** * Indicates if a given element is fully visible in the viewport. * @param { Element } el The element to check. * @return { Boolean } True if the given element is fully visible in the viewport, otherwise false. */ function inViewport(el) { const rect = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return ( rect.top >= 0 && rect.left >= 0 && rect.bottom <= window.innerHeight && rect.right <= window.innerWidth ); } /** * Return the absolute offset top of an element. * @param el { Element } The element. * @return { Number } The offset top. */ function absoluteOffsetTop(el) { let offsetTop = 0; do { if (!isNaN(el.offsetTop)) { offsetTop += el.offsetTop; } } while ((el = el.offsetParent)); return offsetTop; } /** * Return the absolute offset left of an element. * @param el { Element } The element. * @return { Number } The offset left. */ function absoluteOffsetLeft(el) { let offsetLeft = 0; do { if (!isNaN(el.offsetLeft)) { offsetLeft += el.offsetLeft; } } while ((el = el.offsetParent)); return offsetLeft; } /** * Adds the ability to navigate the DOM with the arrow keys * @class * @namespace DOMNavigator */ class DOMNavigator { /** * Directions. * @returns {{left: string, up: string, right: string, down: string}} * @constructor */ static get DIRECTION () { return { down: 'down', end: 'end', home: 'home', left: 'left', right: 'right', up: 'up' }; } /** * The default options for the DOM navigator. * @returns {{ * down: number * getSelector: null, * jump_to_picked: null, * jump_to_picked_direction: null, * jump_to_picked_selector: string, * left: number, * onSelected: null, * right: number, * selected: string, * up: number, * }} */ static get DEFAULTS () { return { home: [`${converse.keycodes.SHIFT}+${converse.keycodes.UP_ARROW}`], end: [`${converse.keycodes.SHIFT}+${converse.keycodes.DOWN_ARROW}`], up: [converse.keycodes.UP_ARROW], down: [converse.keycodes.DOWN_ARROW], left: [ converse.keycodes.LEFT_ARROW, `${converse.keycodes.SHIFT}+${converse.keycodes.TAB}` ], right: [converse.keycodes.RIGHT_ARROW, converse.keycodes.TAB], getSelector: null, jump_to_picked: null, jump_to_picked_direction: null, jump_to_picked_selector: 'picked', onSelected: null, selected: 'selected', selector: 'li', }; } static getClosestElement (els, getDistance) { const next = els.reduce((prev, curr) => { const current_distance = getDistance(curr); if (current_distance < prev.distance) { return { distance: current_distance, element: curr }; } return prev; }, { distance: Infinity }); return next.element; } /** * Create a new DOM Navigator. * @param { Element } container The container of the element to navigate. * @param { Object } options The options to configure the DOM navigator. * @param { Function } options.getSelector * @param { Number } [options.down] - The keycode for navigating down * @param { Number } [options.left] - The keycode for navigating left * @param { Number } [options.right] - The keycode for navigating right * @param { Number } [options.up] - The keycode for navigating up * @param { String } [options.selected] - The class that should be added to the currently selected DOM element. * @param { String } [options.jump_to_picked] - A selector, which if * matched by the next element being navigated to, based on the direction * given by `jump_to_picked_direction`, will cause navigation * to jump to the element that matches the `jump_to_picked_selector`. * For example, this is useful when navigating to tabs. You want to * immediately navigate to the currently active tab instead of just * navigating to the first tab. * @param { String } [options.jump_to_picked_selector=picked] - The selector * indicating the currently picked element to jump to. * @param { String } [options.jump_to_picked_direction] - The direction for * which jumping to the picked element should be enabled. * @param { Function } [options.onSelected] - The callback function which * should be called when en element gets selected. * @constructor */ constructor (container, options) { this.doc = window.document; this.container = container; this.scroll_container = options.scroll_container || container; this.options = Object.assign({}, DOMNavigator.DEFAULTS, options); this.init(); } /** * Initialize the navigator. * @method DOMNavigator#init */ init () { this.selected = null; this.keydownHandler = null; this.elements = {}; // Create hotkeys map. this.keys = {}; this.options.down.forEach(key => this.keys[key] = DOMNavigator.DIRECTION.down); this.options.end.forEach(key => this.keys[key] = DOMNavigator.DIRECTION.end); this.options.home.forEach(key => this.keys[key] = DOMNavigator.DIRECTION.home); this.options.left.forEach(key => this.keys[key] = DOMNavigator.DIRECTION.left); this.options.right.forEach(key => this.keys[key] = DOMNavigator.DIRECTION.right); this.options.up.forEach(key => this.keys[key] = DOMNavigator.DIRECTION.up); } /** * Enable this navigator. * @method DOMNavigator#enable */ enable () { this.getElements(); this.keydownHandler = event => this.handleKeydown(event); this.doc.addEventListener('keydown', this.keydownHandler); this.enabled = true; } /** * Disable this navigator. * @method DOMNavigator#disable */ disable () { if (this.keydownHandler) { this.doc.removeEventListener('keydown', this.keydownHandler); } this.unselect(); this.elements = {}; this.enabled = false; } /** * Destroy this navigator removing any event registered and any other data. * @method DOMNavigator#destroy */ destroy () { this.disable(); if (this.container.domNavigator) { delete this.container.domNavigator; } } /** * @method DOMNavigator#getNextElement * @param {'down'|'right'|'left'|'up'} direction * @returns { HTMLElement } */ getNextElement (direction) { let el; if (direction === DOMNavigator.DIRECTION.home) { el = this.getElements(direction)[0]; } else if (direction === DOMNavigator.DIRECTION.end) { el = Array.from(this.getElements(direction)).pop(); } else if (this.selected) { if (direction === DOMNavigator.DIRECTION.right) { const els = this.getElements(direction); el = els.slice(els.indexOf(this.selected))[1]; } else if (direction == DOMNavigator.DIRECTION.left) { const els = this.getElements(direction); el = els.slice(0, els.indexOf(this.selected)).pop() || this.selected; } else if (direction == DOMNavigator.DIRECTION.down) { const left = this.selected.offsetLeft; const top = this.selected.offsetTop + this.selected.offsetHeight; const els = this.elementsAfter(0, top); const getDistance = el => Math.abs(el.offsetLeft - left) + Math.abs(el.offsetTop - top); el = DOMNavigator.getClosestElement(els, getDistance); } else if (direction == DOMNavigator.DIRECTION.up) { const left = this.selected.offsetLeft; const top = this.selected.offsetTop - 1; const els = this.elementsBefore(Infinity, top); const getDistance = el => Math.abs(left - el.offsetLeft) + Math.abs(top - el.offsetTop); el = DOMNavigator.getClosestElement(els, getDistance); } else { throw new Error("getNextElement: invalid direction value"); } } else { if (direction === DOMNavigator.DIRECTION.right || direction === DOMNavigator.DIRECTION.down) { // If nothing is selected, we pretend that the first element is // selected, so we return the next. el = this.getElements(direction)[1]; } else { el = this.getElements(direction)[0] } } if (this.options.jump_to_picked && el && el.matches(this.options.jump_to_picked) && direction === this.options.jump_to_picked_direction ) { el = this.container.querySelector(this.options.jump_to_picked_selector) || el; } return el; } /** * Select the given element. * @method DOMNavigator#select * @param { Element } el The DOM element to select. * @param { string } [direction] The direction. */ select (el, direction) { if (!el || el === this.selected) { return; } this.unselect(); direction && this.scrollTo(el, direction); if (el.matches('input')) { el.focus(); } else { u.addClass(this.options.selected, el); } this.selected = el; this.options.onSelected && this.options.onSelected(el); } /** * Remove the current selection * @method DOMNavigator#unselect */ unselect () { if (this.selected) { u.removeClass(this.options.selected, this.selected); delete this.selected; } } /** * Scroll the container to an element. * @method DOMNavigator#scrollTo * @param { HTMLElement } el The destination element. * @param { String } direction The direction of the current navigation. * @return void. */ scrollTo (el, direction) { if (!this.inScrollContainerViewport(el)) { const container = this.scroll_container; if (!container.contains(el)) { return; } switch (direction) { case DOMNavigator.DIRECTION.left: container.scrollLeft = el.offsetLeft - container.offsetLeft; container.scrollTop = el.offsetTop - container.offsetTop; break; case DOMNavigator.DIRECTION.up: container.scrollTop = el.offsetTop - container.offsetTop; break; case DOMNavigator.DIRECTION.right: container.scrollLeft = el.offsetLeft - container.offsetLeft - (container.offsetWidth - el.offsetWidth); container.scrollTop = el.offsetTop - container.offsetTop - (container.offsetHeight - el.offsetHeight); break; case DOMNavigator.DIRECTION.down: container.scrollTop = el.offsetTop - container.offsetTop - (container.offsetHeight - el.offsetHeight); break; } } else if (!inViewport(el)) { switch (direction) { case DOMNavigator.DIRECTION.left: document.body.scrollLeft = absoluteOffsetLeft(el) - document.body.offsetLeft; break; case DOMNavigator.DIRECTION.up: document.body.scrollTop = absoluteOffsetTop(el) - document.body.offsetTop; break; case DOMNavigator.DIRECTION.right: document.body.scrollLeft = absoluteOffsetLeft(el) - document.body.offsetLeft - (document.documentElement.clientWidth - el.offsetWidth); break; case DOMNavigator.DIRECTION.down: document.body.scrollTop = absoluteOffsetTop(el) - document.body.offsetTop - (document.documentElement.clientHeight - el.offsetHeight); break; } } } /** * Indicate if an element is in the container viewport. * @method DOMNavigator#inScrollContainerViewport * @param { HTMLElement } el The element to check. * @return { Boolean } true if the given element is in the container viewport, otherwise false. */ inScrollContainerViewport(el) { const container = this.scroll_container; // Check on left side. if (el.offsetLeft - container.scrollLeft < container.offsetLeft) { return false; } // Check on top side. if (el.offsetTop - container.scrollTop < container.offsetTop) { return false; } // Check on right side. if ((el.offsetLeft + el.offsetWidth - container.scrollLeft) > (container.offsetLeft + container.offsetWidth)) { return false; } // Check on down side. if ((el.offsetTop + el.offsetHeight - container.scrollTop) > (container.offsetTop + container.offsetHeight)) { return false; } return true; } /** * Find and store the navigable elements * @method DOMNavigator#getElements */ getElements (direction) { const selector = this.options.getSelector ? this.options.getSelector(direction) : this.options.selector; if (!this.elements[selector]) { this.elements[selector] = Array.from(this.container.querySelectorAll(selector)); } return this.elements[selector]; } /** * Return an array of navigable elements after an offset. * @method DOMNavigator#elementsAfter * @param { number } left The left offset. * @param { number } top The top offset. * @return { Array } An array of elements. */ elementsAfter (left, top) { return this.getElements(DOMNavigator.DIRECTION.down).filter(el => el.offsetLeft >= left && el.offsetTop >= top); } /** * Return an array of navigable elements before an offset. * @method DOMNavigator#elementsBefore * @param { number } left The left offset. * @param { number } top The top offset. * @return { Array } An array of elements. */ elementsBefore (left, top) { return this.getElements(DOMNavigator.DIRECTION.up).filter(el => el.offsetLeft <= left && el.offsetTop <= top); } /** * Handle the key down event. * @method DOMNavigator#handleKeydown * @param { Event } event The event object. */ handleKeydown (ev) { const keys = converse.keycodes; const direction = ev.shiftKey ? this.keys[`${keys.SHIFT}+${ev.which}`] : this.keys[ev.which]; if (direction) { ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); const next = this.getNextElement(direction, ev); this.select(next, direction); } } } export default DOMNavigator;