Converse.js is a free and open source webchat client that runs in the browser and can be integrated into any website.

Similar to Facebook chat but it also supports multi-user chatrooms.

Converse.js can connect to any accessible XMPP/Jabber server, either from a public provider such as, or one you have set up yourself.

It's possible to enable single-site-login, whereby users already authenticated in your website will also automatically be logged in on the chat server. Please refer to the documentation for more info.

Is it secure?

Converse.js uses TLS to make encrypted HTTPS requests to a connection manager, which in turn makes a TLS encrypted connection to your XMPP server (if the server supports it).

If you are planning on integrating converse.js in your own website, it's important that you serve your pages via HTTPS.

That said, the developers don't assume any liability for any loss or damages as a result of using this software. Use at your own risk.


The Mozilla Public License (MPL).


The documentation is included in the source download under the docs folder, or can be read online.


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