import BaseChatView from 'shared/chatview.js'; import UserDetailsModal from 'modals/user-details.js'; import tpl_chatbox from 'templates/chatbox.js'; import tpl_chatbox_head from 'templates/chatbox_head.js'; import { __ } from 'i18n'; import { _converse, api, converse } from '@converse/headless/core'; import { render } from 'lit-html'; const u = converse.env.utils; const { dayjs } = converse.env; /** * The View of an open/ongoing chat conversation. * @class * @namespace _converse.ChatBoxView * @memberOf _converse */ export default class ChatView extends BaseChatView { length = 200 className = 'chatbox hidden' is_chatroom = false // Leaky abstraction from MUC events = { 'click .chatbox-navback': 'showControlBox', 'click .new-msgs-indicator': 'viewUnreadMessages', 'click .send-button': 'onFormSubmitted', 'click .toggle-clear': 'clearMessages', 'input .chat-textarea': 'inputChanged', 'keydown .chat-textarea': 'onKeyDown', 'keyup .chat-textarea': 'onKeyUp', 'paste .chat-textarea': 'onPaste' } async initialize () { const jid = this.getAttribute('jid'); _converse.chatboxviews.add(jid, this); this.model = _converse.chatboxes.get(jid); this.initDebounced(); api.listen.on('windowStateChanged', d => this.onWindowStateChanged(d)); this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:composing_spoiler', this.renderMessageForm); this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:hidden', () => !this.model.get('hidden') && this.afterShown()); this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:status', this.onStatusMessageChanged); this.listenTo(this.model, 'vcard:change', this.renderHeading); this.listenTo(this.model.messages, 'change:correcting', this.onMessageCorrecting); if ( { this.listenTo(, 'destroy', this.renderHeading); } if (this.model.rosterContactAdded) { this.model.rosterContactAdded.then(() => { this.listenTo(, 'change:nickname', this.renderHeading); this.renderHeading(); }); } this.listenTo(this.model.presence, 'change:show', this.onPresenceChanged); this.render(); // Need to be registered after render has been called. this.listenTo(this.model.messages, 'add', this.onMessageAdded); this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:show_help_messages', this.renderHelpMessages); await this.model.messages.fetched; !this.model.get('hidden') && this.afterShown() /** * Triggered once the {@link _converse.ChatBoxView} has been initialized * @event _converse#chatBoxViewInitialized * @type { _converse.HeadlinesBoxView } * @example _converse.api.listen.on('chatBoxViewInitialized', view => { ... }); */ api.trigger('chatBoxViewInitialized', this); } render () { const result = tpl_chatbox(Object.assign( this.model.toJSON(), { 'markScrolled': ev => this.markScrolled(ev) }) ); render(result, this); this.content = this.querySelector('.chat-content'); this.help_container = this.querySelector('.chat-content__help'); this.renderMessageForm(); this.renderHeading(); return this; } getHelpMessages () { // eslint-disable-line class-methods-use-this return [ `/clear: ${__('Remove messages')}`, `/close: ${__('Close this chat')}`, `/me: ${__('Write in the third person')}`, `/help: ${__('Show this menu')}` ]; } showControlBox () { // Used in mobile view, to navigate back to the controlbox _converse.chatboxviews.get('controlbox')?.show(); this.hide(); } showUserDetailsModal (ev) { ev.preventDefault();, { model: this.model }, ev); } onDragOver (evt) { // eslint-disable-line class-methods-use-this evt.preventDefault(); } onDrop (evt) { if (evt.dataTransfer.files.length == 0) { // There are no files to be dropped, so this isn’t a file // transfer operation. return; } evt.preventDefault(); this.model.sendFiles(evt.dataTransfer.files); } async generateHeadingTemplate () { const vcard = this.model?.vcard; const vcard_json = vcard ? vcard.toJSON() : {}; const i18n_profile = __("The User's Profile Image"); const avatar_data = Object.assign( { 'alt_text': i18n_profile, 'extra_classes': '', 'height': 40, 'width': 40 }, vcard_json ); const heading_btns = await this.getHeadingButtons(); const standalone_btns = heading_btns.filter(b => b.standalone); const dropdown_btns = heading_btns.filter(b => !b.standalone); return tpl_chatbox_head( Object.assign(this.model.toJSON(), { avatar_data, 'display_name': this.model.getDisplayName(), 'dropdown_btns': => this.getHeadingDropdownItem(b)), 'showUserDetailsModal': ev => this.showUserDetailsModal(ev), 'standalone_btns': => this.getHeadingStandaloneButton(b)) }) ); } /** * Returns a list of objects which represent buttons for the chat's header. * @async * @emits _converse#getHeadingButtons * @private * @method _converse.ChatBoxView#getHeadingButtons */ getHeadingButtons () { const buttons = [ { 'a_class': 'show-user-details-modal', 'handler': ev => this.showUserDetailsModal(ev), 'i18n_text': __('Details'), 'i18n_title': __('See more information about this person'), 'icon_class': 'fa-id-card', 'name': 'details', 'standalone': api.settings.get('view_mode') === 'overlayed' } ]; if (!api.settings.get('singleton')) { buttons.push({ 'a_class': 'close-chatbox-button', 'handler': ev => this.close(ev), 'i18n_text': __('Close'), 'i18n_title': __('Close and end this conversation'), 'icon_class': 'fa-times', 'name': 'close', 'standalone': api.settings.get('view_mode') === 'overlayed' }); } /** * *Hook* which allows plugins to add more buttons to a chat's heading. * @event _converse#getHeadingButtons * @example * api.listen.on('getHeadingButtons', (view, buttons) => { * buttons.push({ * 'i18n_title': __('Foo'), * 'i18n_text': __('Foo Bar'), * 'handler': ev => alert('Foo!'), * 'a_class': 'toggle-foo', * 'icon_class': 'fa-foo', * 'name': 'foo' * }); * return buttons; * }); */ return _converse.api.hook('getHeadingButtons', this, buttons); } getToolbarOptions () { // eslint-disable-line class-methods-use-this // FIXME: can this be removed? return {}; } /** * Given a message element, determine wether it should be * marked as a followup message to the previous element. * * Also determine whether the element following it is a * followup message or not. * * Followup messages are subsequent ones written by the same * author with no other conversation elements in between and * which were posted within 10 minutes of one another. * @private * @method _converse.ChatBoxView#markFollowups * @param { HTMLElement } el - The message element */ markFollowups (el) { // eslint-disable-line class-methods-use-this const from = el.getAttribute('data-from'); const previous_el = el.previousElementSibling; const date = dayjs(el.getAttribute('data-isodate')); const next_el = el.nextElementSibling; if ( !u.hasClass('chat-msg--action', el) && !u.hasClass('chat-msg--action', previous_el) && !u.hasClass('chat-info', el) && !u.hasClass('chat-info', previous_el) && previous_el.getAttribute('data-from') === from && date.isBefore(dayjs(previous_el.getAttribute('data-isodate')).add(10, 'minutes')) && el.getAttribute('data-encrypted') === previous_el.getAttribute('data-encrypted') ) { u.addClass('chat-msg--followup', el); } if (!next_el) { return; } if ( !u.hasClass('chat-msg--action', el) && u.hasClass('chat-info', el) && next_el.getAttribute('data-from') === from && dayjs(next_el.getAttribute('data-isodate')).isBefore(date.add(10, 'minutes')) && el.getAttribute('data-encrypted') === next_el.getAttribute('data-encrypted') ) { u.addClass('chat-msg--followup', next_el); } else { u.removeClass('chat-msg--followup', next_el); } } parseMessageForCommands (text) { const match = text.replace(/^\s*/, '').match(/^\/(.*)\s*$/); if (match) { if (match[1] === 'clear') { this.clearMessages(); return true; } else if (match[1] === 'close') { this.close(); return true; } else if (match[1] === 'help') { this.model.set({ 'show_help_messages': true }); return true; } } } onPaste (ev) { if (ev.clipboardData.files.length !== 0) { ev.preventDefault(); // Workaround for quirk in at least Firefox 60.7 ESR: // It seems that pasted files disappear from the event payload after // the event has finished, which apparently happens during async // processing in sendFiles(). So we copy the array here. this.model.sendFiles(Array.from(ev.clipboardData.files)); return; } this.updateCharCounter(ev.clipboardData.getData('text/plain')); } /** * Event handler for when a depressed key goes up * @private * @method _converse.ChatBoxView#onKeyUp */ onKeyUp (ev) { this.updateCharCounter(; } /** * Event handler for when a key is pressed down in a chat box textarea. * @private * @method _converse.ChatBoxView#onKeyDown * @param { Event } ev */ onKeyDown (ev) { if (ev.ctrlKey) { // When ctrl is pressed, no chars are entered into the textarea. return; } if (!ev.shiftKey && !ev.altKey && !ev.metaKey) { if (ev.keyCode === converse.keycodes.TAB) { const value = u.getCurrentWord(, null, /(:.*?:)/g); if (value.startsWith(':') && this.autocompleteInPicker(, value)) { ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); } } else if (ev.keyCode === converse.keycodes.FORWARD_SLASH) { // Forward slash is used to run commands. Nothing to do here. return; } else if (ev.keyCode === converse.keycodes.ESCAPE) { return this.onEscapePressed(ev); } else if (ev.keyCode === converse.keycodes.ENTER) { return this.onEnterPressed(ev); } else if (ev.keyCode === converse.keycodes.UP_ARROW && ! { const textarea = this.querySelector('.chat-textarea'); if (!textarea.value || u.hasClass('correcting', textarea)) { return this.editEarlierMessage(); } } else if ( ev.keyCode === converse.keycodes.DOWN_ARROW && === && u.hasClass('correcting', this.querySelector('.chat-textarea')) ) { return this.editLaterMessage(); } } if ( [ converse.keycodes.SHIFT, converse.keycodes.META, converse.keycodes.META_RIGHT, converse.keycodes.ESCAPE, converse.keycodes.ALT ].includes(ev.keyCode) ) { return; } if (this.model.get('chat_state') !== _converse.COMPOSING) { // Set chat state to composing if keyCode is not a forward-slash // (which would imply an internal command and not a message). this.model.setChatState(_converse.COMPOSING); } } onEscapePressed (ev) { ev.preventDefault(); const idx = this.model.messages.findLastIndex('correcting'); const message = idx >= 0 ? : null; if (message) {'correcting', false); } this.insertIntoTextArea('', true, false); } inputChanged (ev) { // eslint-disable-line class-methods-use-this const height = + 'px'; if ( != height) { = 'auto'; = height; } } onPresenceChanged (item) { const show = item.get('show'); const fullname = this.model.getDisplayName(); let text; if (u.isVisible(this)) { if (show === 'offline') { text = __('%1$s has gone offline', fullname); } else if (show === 'away') { text = __('%1$s has gone away', fullname); } else if (show === 'dnd') { text = __('%1$s is busy', fullname); } else if (show === 'online') { text = __('%1$s is online', fullname); } text && this.model.createMessage({ 'message': text, 'type': 'info' }); } } async close (ev) { ev?.preventDefault?.(); if (_converse.router.history.getFragment() === 'converse/chat?jid=' + this.model.get('jid')) { _converse.router.navigate(''); } if (api.connection.connected()) { // Immediately sending the chat state, because the // model is going to be destroyed afterwards. this.model.setChatState(_converse.INACTIVE); this.model.sendChatState(); } await this.model.close(ev); /** * Triggered once a chatbox has been closed. * @event _converse#chatBoxClosed * @type { _converse.ChatBoxView | _converse.ChatRoomView } * @example _converse.api.listen.on('chatBoxClosed', view => { ... }); */ api.trigger('chatBoxClosed', this); return this; } afterShown () { this.model.clearUnreadMsgCounter(); this.model.setChatState(_converse.ACTIVE); this.scrollDown(); this.maybeFocus(); } viewUnreadMessages () {{ 'scrolled': false, 'scrollTop': null }); this.scrollDown(); } } api.elements.define('converse-chat', ChatView);