.. raw:: html .. _what-you-will-need: ===================== Setup and integration ===================== This page documents what you'll need to do to be able to connect Converse with your own XMPP server and to better integrate it into your website. At the very least you'll need Converse and an :ref:`XMPP server` with :ref:`websocket-section` or :ref:`BOSH-section` enabled. That's definitely enough to simply demo Converse or to do development work on it. For end-to-end encryption via OMEMO, you'll need to load `libsignal-protocol.js `_ separately in your page. Take a look at the section on :ref:`libsignal ` and the :ref:`security considerations around OMEMO `. If you want to more fully integrate it into a website then you'll likely need to set up more services and components. The diagram below shows a fairly common setup for a website or intranet: * Converse runs in the web-browser on the user's device. * It communicates with the XMPP server via BOSH or websocket which is usually reverse-proxied by a web-server in order to overcome cross-site scripting restrictions in the browser. * Optionally the XMPP server is configured to use a SQL database for storing archived chat messages. * Optionally there is a user directory such as Active Directory or LDAP, which the XMPP server is configured to use, so that users can log in with those credentials. * Usually (but optionally) there is a backend web application which hosts a website in which Converse appears. .. figure:: images/diagram.png :align: center :alt: A diagram of a possible setup, consisting of Converse, a web server, a backend web application, an XMPP server, a user directory such as LDAP and an XMPP server. This diagram shows the various services in a fairly common setup (image generated with `draw.io `_). ---------------------- The various components ---------------------- .. _`XMPP server`: An XMPP server ============== Converse uses `XMPP `_ as its messaging protocol, and therefore needs to connect to an XMPP/Jabber server (Jabber® is an older and more user-friendly synonym for XMPP). You can connect to public XMPP servers like ``conversejs.org`` but if you want to integrate Converse into your own website and to use your website's authentication sessions to log in users to the XMPP server (i.e. :ref:`session support `) then you'll have to set up your own XMPP server. You can find a list of public XMPP servers/providers on `compliance.conversations.im `_ and a list of servers that you can set up yourself on `xmpp.org `_. .. _`BOSH-section`: BOSH (XMPP-over-HTTP) ===================== Web-browsers do not allow the persistent, direct TCP socket connections used by desktop XMPP clients to communicate with XMPP servers. Instead, we have HTTP and websocket as available protocols. `BOSH`_ can be seen as XMPP-over-HTTP. In other words, it allows for XMPP stanzas to be sent over an HTTP connection. HTTP connections are stateless and usually shortlived. XMPP connections on the other hand are stateful and usually last much longer. So to enable a web application like Converse to communicate with an XMPP server, we need a proxy which acts as a bridge between these two protocols. This is the job of a BOSH connection manager. BOSH (Bidirectional-streams Over Synchronous HTTP) is a protocol for allowing XMPP communication over HTTP. The protocol is defined in `XEP-0206: XMPP Over BOSH `_. Popular XMPP servers such as `Ejabberd `_, Prosody `(mod_bosh) `_ and `OpenFire `_ all include their own BOSH connection managers (but you usually have to enable them in the configuration). However, if you intend to support multiple different servers (like https://conversejs.org does), then you'll need a standalone connection manager. For a standalone manager, see for example `Punjab `_ and `node-xmpp-bosh `_. The demo on the `Converse homepage `_ uses a connection manager located at https://conversejs.org/http-bind. This connection manager is available for testing purposes only, please don't use it in production. Refer to the :ref:`bosh-service-url` configuration setting for information on how to configure Converse to connect to a BOSH URL. Configuring your webserver for BOSH ----------------------------------- Lets say the domain under which you host Converse is *example.org:80*, but the domain of your connection manager or the domain of your HTTP file server (for `XEP-0363 HTTP File Upload `_) is at a different domain, either a different port like *example.org:5280* or a different name like *elsehwere.org*. In such a situation the same-origin security policy of the browser comes into force. For security purposes a browser does not by default allow a website to make certain types of requests to other domains. There are two ways in which you can solve this problem. .. _CORS: 1. Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CORS is a technique for overcoming browser restrictions related to the `same-origin security policy `_. CORS is enabled by adding an ``Access-Control-Allow-Origin`` header. Where this is configured depends on what webserver is used for your file upload server. 2. Reverse-proxy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Another possible solution is to add a reverse proxy to a webserver such as Nginx or Apache to ensure that all services you use are hosted under the same domain name and port. Examples: ********* Assuming your site is accessible on port ``80`` for the domain ``mysite.com`` and your connection manager manager is running at ``someothersite.com/http-bind``. The *bosh_service_url* value you want to give Converse to overcome the cross-domain restriction is ``mysite.com/http-bind`` and not ``someothersite.com/http-bind``. Your ``nginx`` or ``apache`` configuration will look as follows: Nginx ^^^^^ .. code-block:: nginx http { server { listen 80 server_name mysite.com; location = / { root /path/to/converse.js/; # Properly set the path here index index.html; } location ~ ^/http-bind/ { proxy_pass http://someothersite.com; } # CORS location ~ .(ttf|ttc|otf|eot|woff|woff2|font.css|css|js)$ { add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"; # Decide here whether you want to allow all or only a particular domain root /path/to/converse.js/; # Properly set the path here } } } Apache ^^^^^^ .. code-block:: apache ServerName mysite.com RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^/http-bind(.*) http://someothersite.com/http-bind$1 [P,L] .. note:: If you're getting XML parsing errors for your BOSH endpoint, for example:: XML Parsing Error: mismatched tag. Expected: . Location: https://example.org/http-bind/ Line Number 6, Column 3: bosh-anon:6:3 Also ERROR: request id 12.2 error 504 happened Then your BOSH proxy is returning an HTML error page (for a 504 error in the above example). This might be because your webserver and BOSH proxy have the same timeout for BOSH requests. Because the webserver receives the request slightly earlier, it gives up a few microseconds before the XMPP server’s empty result and thus returns a 504 error page containing HTML to browser, which then gets parsed as if its XML. To fix this, make sure that the webserver's timeout is slightly higher. In Nginx you can do this by adding ``proxy_read_timeout 61;``; From Converse 4.0.0 onwards the default ``wait`` time is set to 59 seconds, to avoid this problem. .. _`websocket-section`: Websocket ========= Websockets provide an alternative means of connection to an XMPP server from your browser. Websockets provide long-lived, bidirectional connections which do not rely on HTTP. Therefore BOSH, which operates over HTTP, doesn't apply to websockets. `Prosody `_ (from version 0.10) and `Ejabberd `_ support websocket connections, as does the node-xmpp-bosh connection manager. Refer to the :ref:`websocket-url` configuration setting for information on how to configure Converse to connect to a websocket URL. Reverse-proxy for a websocket connection ---------------------------------------- Assuming your website is accessible on port ``443`` on the domain ``mysite.com`` and your XMPP server's websocket server is running at ``localhost:5280/xmpp-websocket``. You can then set up your webserver as an SSL enabled reverse proxy in front of your websocket endpoint. The :ref:`websocket-url` value you'll want to pass in to ``converse.initialize`` is ``wss://mysite.com/xmpp-websocket``. Your ``nginx`` will look as follows: .. code-block:: nginx http { server { listen 443 server_name mysite.com; ssl on; ssl_certificate /path/to/fullchain.pem; # Properly set the path here ssl_certificate_key /path/to/privkey.pem; # Properly set the path here location = / { root /path/to/converse.js/; # Properly set the path here index index.html; } location /xmpp-websocket { proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_pass; proxy_buffering off; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade"; proxy_read_timeout 86400; } # CORS location ~ .(ttf|ttc|otf|eot|woff|woff2|font.css|css|js)$ { add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"; # Decide here whether you want to allow all or only a particular domain root /path/to/converse.js/; # Properly set the path here } } } .. _`session-support`: Single Session Support ====================== It's possible to enable shared sessions whereby users already logged in to your website will also automatically be logged in on the XMPP server, Once a user is logged in, the session will be kept alive across page loads. There are a few ways to let your users be automatically authenticated to an XMPP server once they've logged in to your site. Option 1). Server-side authentication via BOSH prebinding --------------------------------------------------------- To **prebind** refers to a technique whereby your web application sets up an authenticated BOSH session with the XMPP server or a standalone `BOSH `_ connection manager. Once authenticated, it receives RID and SID tokens which need to be passed on to Converse. Converse will then attach to that same session using those tokens. It's called "prebind" because you bind to the BOSH session beforehand, and then later in the page you just attach to that session again. The RID and SID tokens can be passed in manually when calling `converse.initialize`, but a more convenient way is to pass Converse a :ref:`prebind_url` which it will call when it needs the tokens. This way it will be able to automatically reconnect whenever the connection drops, by simply calling that URL again to fetch new tokens. Prebinding reduces network traffic and also speeds up the startup time for Converse. Additionally, because prebind works with tokens, it's not necessary for the XMPP client to know or store users' passwords. One potential drawback of using prebind is that in order to establish the authenticated BOSH session server-side, you'll need to access and pass on the XMPP credentials server-side, which, unless you're using tokens, means that you'll need to store XMPP passwords in cleartext. This is however not the case if you for example use LDAP or Active Directory as your authentication backend, since you could then configure your XMPP server to use that as well. To prebind you will require a BOSH-enabled XMPP server for Converse to connect to (see the :ref:`bosh-service-url` under :ref:`configuration-settings`) as well as a BOSH client in your web application (written for example in Python, Ruby or PHP) that will set up an authenticated BOSH session, which Converse can then attach to. .. note:: A BOSH server acts as a bridge between HTTP, the protocol of the web, and XMPP, the instant messaging protocol. Converse can only communicate via HTTP (or websocket, in which case BOSH can't be used). It cannot open TCP sockets to communicate to an XMPP server directly. So the BOSH server acts as a middle man, translating our HTTP requests into XMPP stanzas and vice versa. Jack Moffitt has a great `blogpost `_ about this and even provides an `example Django application `_ to demonstrate it. When you authenticate to the XMPP server on your backend application (for example via a BOSH client in Django), you'll receive two tokens, RID (request ID) and SID (session ID). The **Session ID (SID)** is a unique identifier for the current *session*. This number stays constant for the entire session. The **Request ID (RID)** is a unique identifier for the current *request* (i.e. page load). Each page load is a new request which requires a new unique RID. The best way to achieve this is to simply increment the RID with each page load. You'll need to configure Converse with the :ref:`prebind` :ref:`prebind_url` settings. Please read the documentation on those settings for a fuller picture of what needs to be done. Example code for server-side prebinding *************************************** * PHP: See `xmpp-prebind-php `_ by Michael Weibel and the folks from Candy chat. * Python: See this `example Django application`_ by Jack Moffitt. Option 2). Delegated authentication, also called external authentication ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Delegated authentication refers to the usecase where the XMPP server delegates authentication to some other service. This could be to LDAP or Active Directory (as shown in the diagram at the top of the page), or it could be to an OAuth provider, a SQL server to a specific website. The Prosody webserver has various user-contributed modules which delegate authentication to external services. They are listed in the `Prosody community modules page `_. Other XMPP servers have similar plugin modules. If your web-application has access to the same credentials, it can send those credentials to Converse so that user's are automatically logged in when the page loads. This is can be done by setting :ref:`auto_login` to true and configuring the the :ref:`credentials_url` setting. Option 3). Temporary authentication tokens ------------------------------------------ The first option has the drawback that your web-application needs to know the XMPP credentials of your users and that they need to be stored in the clear. The second option has that same drawback and it also needs to pass those credentials to Converse. To avoid these drawbacks, you can instead let your backend web application generate temporary authentication tokens which are then sent to the XMPP server which in turn delegates authentication to an external authentication provider (generally the same web-app that generated the tokens). This can be combined with prebind or with the :ref:`credentials_url` setting. Option 4). Cryptographically signed tokens ------------------------------------------ A third potential option is to generate cryptographically signed tokens (e.g. HMAC tokens) which the XMPP server could authenticate by checking that they're signed with the right key and that they conform to some kind of pre-arranged format. In this case, you would also use the :ref:`credentials_url` setting, to specify a URL from which Converse should fetch the username and token.