(function (root, factory) { define(["jasmine", "mock", "converse-core", "test-utils", "utils"], factory); } (this, function (jasmine, mock, converse, test_utils, u) { var _ = converse.env._; var $iq = converse.env.$iq; describe("Profiling", function() { xit("adds hundreds of contacts to the roster", mock.initConverseWithPromises( null, ['rosterGroupsFetched'], {}, function (done, _converse) { _converse.roster_groups = false; test_utils.openControlBox(); expect(_converse.roster.pluck('jid').length).toBe(0); var stanza = $iq({ to: _converse.connection.jid, type: 'result', id: 'roster_1' }).c('query', { xmlns: 'jabber:iq:roster' }); _.each(['Friends', 'Colleagues', 'Family', 'Acquaintances'], function (group) { var i; for (i=0; i<50; i++) { stanza = stanza.c('item', { jid: Math.random().toString().replace('0.', '')+'@example.net', subscription:'both' }).c('group').t(group).up().up(); } }); _converse.roster.onReceivedFromServer(stanza.tree()); return test_utils.waitUntil(function () { var $group = _converse.rosterview.$el.find('.roster-group') return $group.length && u.isVisible($group[0]); }).then(function () { var count = 0; _converse.roster.each(function (contact) { if (count < 10) { contact.set('chat_status', 'online'); count += 1; } }); return test_utils.waitUntil(function () { return _converse.rosterview.$el.find('li.online').length }) }).then(done); })); xit("adds hundreds of contacts to the roster, with roster groups", mock.initConverseWithPromises( null, ['rosterGroupsFetched'], {}, function (done, _converse) { // _converse.show_only_online_users = true; _converse.roster_groups = true; test_utils.openControlBox(); expect(_converse.roster.pluck('jid').length).toBe(0); var stanza = $iq({ to: _converse.connection.jid, type: 'result', id: 'roster_1' }).c('query', { xmlns: 'jabber:iq:roster' }); _.each(['Friends', 'Colleagues', 'Family', 'Acquaintances'], function (group) { var i; for (i=0; i<100; i++) { stanza = stanza.c('item', { jid: Math.random().toString().replace('0.', '')+'@example.net', subscription:'both' }).c('group').t(group).up().up(); } }); _converse.roster.onReceivedFromServer(stanza.tree()); return test_utils.waitUntil(function () { var $group = _converse.rosterview.$el.find('.roster-group') return $group.length && u.isVisible($group[0]); }).then(function () { _.each(['Friends', 'Colleagues', 'Family', 'Acquaintances'], function (group) { var count = 0; _converse.roster.each(function (contact) { if (_.includes(contact.get('groups'), group)) { if (count < 10) { contact.set('chat_status', 'online'); count += 1; } } }); }); return test_utils.waitUntil(function () { return _converse.rosterview.$el.find('li.online').length }) }).then(done); })); }); }));