* @license almond 0.3.3 Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors.
* Released under MIT license, http://github.com/requirejs/almond/LICENSE
//Going sloppy to avoid 'use strict' string cost, but strict practices should
//be followed.
/*global setTimeout: false */
var requirejs, require, define;
(function (undef) {
var main, req, makeMap, handlers,
defined = {},
waiting = {},
config = {},
defining = {},
hasOwn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
aps = [].slice,
jsSuffixRegExp = /\.js$/;
function hasProp(obj, prop) {
return hasOwn.call(obj, prop);
* Given a relative module name, like ./something, normalize it to
* a real name that can be mapped to a path.
* @param {String} name the relative name
* @param {String} baseName a real name that the name arg is relative
* to.
* @returns {String} normalized name
function normalize(name, baseName) {
var nameParts, nameSegment, mapValue, foundMap, lastIndex,
foundI, foundStarMap, starI, i, j, part, normalizedBaseParts,
baseParts = baseName && baseName.split("/"),
map = config.map,
starMap = (map && map['*']) || {};
//Adjust any relative paths.
if (name) {
name = name.split('/');
lastIndex = name.length - 1;
// If wanting node ID compatibility, strip .js from end
// of IDs. Have to do this here, and not in nameToUrl
// because node allows either .js or non .js to map
// to same file.
if (config.nodeIdCompat && jsSuffixRegExp.test(name[lastIndex])) {
name[lastIndex] = name[lastIndex].replace(jsSuffixRegExp, '');
// Starts with a '.' so need the baseName
if (name[0].charAt(0) === '.' && baseParts) {
//Convert baseName to array, and lop off the last part,
//so that . matches that 'directory' and not name of the baseName's
//module. For instance, baseName of 'one/two/three', maps to
//'one/two/three.js', but we want the directory, 'one/two' for
//this normalization.
normalizedBaseParts = baseParts.slice(0, baseParts.length - 1);
name = normalizedBaseParts.concat(name);
//start trimDots
for (i = 0; i < name.length; i++) {
part = name[i];
if (part === '.') {
name.splice(i, 1);
i -= 1;
} else if (part === '..') {
// If at the start, or previous value is still ..,
// keep them so that when converted to a path it may
// still work when converted to a path, even though
// as an ID it is less than ideal. In larger point
// releases, may be better to just kick out an error.
if (i === 0 || (i === 1 && name[2] === '..') || name[i - 1] === '..') {
} else if (i > 0) {
name.splice(i - 1, 2);
i -= 2;
//end trimDots
name = name.join('/');
//Apply map config if available.
if ((baseParts || starMap) && map) {
nameParts = name.split('/');
for (i = nameParts.length; i > 0; i -= 1) {
nameSegment = nameParts.slice(0, i).join("/");
if (baseParts) {
//Find the longest baseName segment match in the config.
//So, do joins on the biggest to smallest lengths of baseParts.
for (j = baseParts.length; j > 0; j -= 1) {
mapValue = map[baseParts.slice(0, j).join('/')];
//baseName segment has config, find if it has one for
//this name.
if (mapValue) {
mapValue = mapValue[nameSegment];
if (mapValue) {
//Match, update name to the new value.
foundMap = mapValue;
foundI = i;
if (foundMap) {
//Check for a star map match, but just hold on to it,
//if there is a shorter segment match later in a matching
//config, then favor over this star map.
if (!foundStarMap && starMap && starMap[nameSegment]) {
foundStarMap = starMap[nameSegment];
starI = i;
if (!foundMap && foundStarMap) {
foundMap = foundStarMap;
foundI = starI;
if (foundMap) {
nameParts.splice(0, foundI, foundMap);
name = nameParts.join('/');
return name;
function makeRequire(relName, forceSync) {
return function () {
//A version of a require function that passes a moduleName
//value for items that may need to
//look up paths relative to the moduleName
var args = aps.call(arguments, 0);
//If first arg is not require('string'), and there is only
//one arg, it is the array form without a callback. Insert
//a null so that the following concat is correct.
if (typeof args[0] !== 'string' && args.length === 1) {
return req.apply(undef, args.concat([relName, forceSync]));
function makeNormalize(relName) {
return function (name) {
return normalize(name, relName);
function makeLoad(depName) {
return function (value) {
defined[depName] = value;
function callDep(name) {
if (hasProp(waiting, name)) {
var args = waiting[name];
delete waiting[name];
defining[name] = true;
main.apply(undef, args);
if (!hasProp(defined, name) && !hasProp(defining, name)) {
throw new Error('No ' + name);
return defined[name];
//Turns a plugin!resource to [plugin, resource]
//with the plugin being undefined if the name
//did not have a plugin prefix.
function splitPrefix(name) {
var prefix,
index = name ? name.indexOf('!') : -1;
if (index > -1) {
prefix = name.substring(0, index);
name = name.substring(index + 1, name.length);
return [prefix, name];
//Creates a parts array for a relName where first part is plugin ID,
//second part is resource ID. Assumes relName has already been normalized.
function makeRelParts(relName) {
return relName ? splitPrefix(relName) : [];
* Makes a name map, normalizing the name, and using a plugin
* for normalization if necessary. Grabs a ref to plugin
* too, as an optimization.
makeMap = function (name, relParts) {
var plugin,
parts = splitPrefix(name),
prefix = parts[0],
relResourceName = relParts[1];
name = parts[1];
if (prefix) {
prefix = normalize(prefix, relResourceName);
plugin = callDep(prefix);
//Normalize according
if (prefix) {
if (plugin && plugin.normalize) {
name = plugin.normalize(name, makeNormalize(relResourceName));
} else {
name = normalize(name, relResourceName);
} else {
name = normalize(name, relResourceName);
parts = splitPrefix(name);
prefix = parts[0];
name = parts[1];
if (prefix) {
plugin = callDep(prefix);
//Using ridiculous property names for space reasons
return {
f: prefix ? prefix + '!' + name : name, //fullName
n: name,
pr: prefix,
p: plugin
function makeConfig(name) {
return function () {
return (config && config.config && config.config[name]) || {};
handlers = {
require: function (name) {
return makeRequire(name);
exports: function (name) {
var e = defined[name];
if (typeof e !== 'undefined') {
return e;
} else {
return (defined[name] = {});
module: function (name) {
return {
id: name,
uri: '',
exports: defined[name],
config: makeConfig(name)
main = function (name, deps, callback, relName) {
var cjsModule, depName, ret, map, i, relParts,
args = [],
callbackType = typeof callback,
//Use name if no relName
relName = relName || name;
relParts = makeRelParts(relName);
//Call the callback to define the module, if necessary.
if (callbackType === 'undefined' || callbackType === 'function') {
//Pull out the defined dependencies and pass the ordered
//values to the callback.
//Default to [require, exports, module] if no deps
deps = !deps.length && callback.length ? ['require', 'exports', 'module'] : deps;
for (i = 0; i < deps.length; i += 1) {
map = makeMap(deps[i], relParts);
depName = map.f;
//Fast path CommonJS standard dependencies.
if (depName === "require") {
args[i] = handlers.require(name);
} else if (depName === "exports") {
//CommonJS module spec 1.1
args[i] = handlers.exports(name);
usingExports = true;
} else if (depName === "module") {
//CommonJS module spec 1.1
cjsModule = args[i] = handlers.module(name);
} else if (hasProp(defined, depName) ||
hasProp(waiting, depName) ||
hasProp(defining, depName)) {
args[i] = callDep(depName);
} else if (map.p) {
map.p.load(map.n, makeRequire(relName, true), makeLoad(depName), {});
args[i] = defined[depName];
} else {
throw new Error(name + ' missing ' + depName);
ret = callback ? callback.apply(defined[name], args) : undefined;
if (name) {
//If setting exports via "module" is in play,
//favor that over return value and exports. After that,
//favor a non-undefined return value over exports use.
if (cjsModule && cjsModule.exports !== undef &&
cjsModule.exports !== defined[name]) {
defined[name] = cjsModule.exports;
} else if (ret !== undef || !usingExports) {
//Use the return value from the function.
defined[name] = ret;
} else if (name) {
//May just be an object definition for the module. Only
//worry about defining if have a module name.
defined[name] = callback;
requirejs = require = req = function (deps, callback, relName, forceSync, alt) {
if (typeof deps === "string") {
if (handlers[deps]) {
//callback in this case is really relName
return handlers[deps](callback);
//Just return the module wanted. In this scenario, the
//deps arg is the module name, and second arg (if passed)
//is just the relName.
//Normalize module name, if it contains . or ..
return callDep(makeMap(deps, makeRelParts(callback)).f);
} else if (!deps.splice) {
//deps is a config object, not an array.
config = deps;
if (config.deps) {
req(config.deps, config.callback);
if (!callback) {
if (callback.splice) {
//callback is an array, which means it is a dependency list.
//Adjust args if there are dependencies
deps = callback;
callback = relName;
relName = null;
} else {
deps = undef;
//Support require(['a'])
callback = callback || function () {};
//If relName is a function, it is an errback handler,
//so remove it.
if (typeof relName === 'function') {
relName = forceSync;
forceSync = alt;
//Simulate async callback;
if (forceSync) {
main(undef, deps, callback, relName);
} else {
//Using a non-zero value because of concern for what old browsers
//do, and latest browsers "upgrade" to 4 if lower value is used:
//If want a value immediately, use require('id') instead -- something
//that works in almond on the global level, but not guaranteed and
//unlikely to work in other AMD implementations.
setTimeout(function () {
main(undef, deps, callback, relName);
}, 4);
return req;
* Just drops the config on the floor, but returns req in case
* the config return value is used.
req.config = function (cfg) {
return req(cfg);
* Expose module registry for debugging and tooling
requirejs._defined = defined;
define = function (name, deps, callback) {
if (typeof name !== 'string') {
throw new Error('See almond README: incorrect module build, no module name');
//This module may not have dependencies
if (!deps.splice) {
//deps is not an array, so probably means
//an object literal or factory function for
//the value. Adjust args.
callback = deps;
deps = [];
if (!hasProp(defined, name) && !hasProp(waiting, name)) {
waiting[name] = [name, deps, callback];
define.amd = {
jQuery: true
define("almond", function(){});
/* Lo-Dash Template Loader v1.0.1
* Copyright 2015, Tim Branyen (@tbranyen).
* loader.js may be freely distributed under the MIT license.
(function(global) {
"use strict";
// Cache used to map configuration options between load and write.
var buildMap = {};
// Alias the correct `nodeRequire` method.
var nodeRequire = typeof requirejs === "function" && requirejs.nodeRequire;
// Strips trailing `/` from url fragments.
var stripTrailing = function(prop) {
return prop.replace(/(\/$)/, '');
// Define the plugin using the CommonJS syntax.
define('tpl',['require','exports','module','lodash'],function(require, exports) {
var _ = require("lodash");
exports.version = "1.0.1";
// Invoked by the AMD builder, passed the path to resolve, the require
// function, done callback, and the configuration options.
exports.load = function(name, req, load, config) {
var isDojo;
// Dojo provides access to the config object through the req function.
if (!config) {
config = require.rawConfig;
isDojo = true;
var contents = "";
var settings = configure(config);
// If the baseUrl and root are the same, just null out the root.
if (stripTrailing(config.baseUrl) === stripTrailing(settings.root)) {
settings.root = '';
var url = require.toUrl(settings.root + name + settings.ext);
if (isDojo && url.indexOf(config.baseUrl) !== 0) {
url = stripTrailing(config.baseUrl) + url;
// Builds with r.js require Node.js to be installed.
if (config.isBuild) {
// If in Node, get access to the filesystem.
var fs = nodeRequire("fs");
try {
// First try reading the filepath as-is.
contents = String(fs.readFileSync(url));
} catch(ex) {
// If it failed, it's most likely because of a leading `/` and not an
// absolute path. Remove the leading slash and try again.
if (url.slice(0, 1) === "/") {
url = url.slice(1);
// Try reading again with the leading `/`.
contents = String(fs.readFileSync(url));
// Read in the file synchronously, as RequireJS expects, and return the
// contents. Process as a Lo-Dash template.
buildMap[name] = _.template(contents);
return load();
// Create a basic XHR.
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
// Wait for it to load.
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
var templateSettings = _.clone(settings.templateSettings);
// Attach the sourceURL.
templateSettings.sourceURL = url;
// Process as a Lo-Dash template and cache.
buildMap[name] = _.template(xhr.responseText, templateSettings);
// Return the compiled template.
// Initiate the fetch.
xhr.open("GET", url, true);
// Also invoked by the AMD builder, this writes out a compatible define
// call that will work with loaders such as almond.js that cannot read
// the configuration data.
exports.write = function(pluginName, moduleName, write) {
var template = buildMap[moduleName].source;
// Write out the actual definition
write(strDefine(pluginName, moduleName, template));
// This is for curl.js/cram.js build-time support.
exports.compile = function(pluginName, moduleName, req, io, config) {
// Ask cram to fetch the template file (resId) and pass it to `write`.
io.read(moduleName, write, io.error);
function write(template) {
// Write-out define(id,function(){return{/* template */}});
io.write(strDefine(pluginName, moduleName, template));
// Crafts the written definition form of the module during a build.
function strDefine(pluginName, moduleName, template) {
return [
"define('", pluginName, "!", moduleName, "', ", "['lodash'], ",
"function(_) {",
"return ", template, ";",
function configure(config) {
// Default settings point to the project root and using html files.
var settings = _.extend({
ext: ".html",
root: config.baseUrl,
templateSettings: {}
}, config.lodashLoader);
// Ensure the root has been properly configured with a trailing slash,
// unless it's an empty string or undefined, in which case work off the
// baseUrl.
if (settings.root && settings.root.slice(-1) !== "/") {
settings.root += "/";
// Set the custom passed in template settings.
_.extend(_.templateSettings, settings.templateSettings);
return settings;
})(typeof global === "object" ? global : this);
define('tpl!field', ['lodash'], function(_) {return function(obj) {
obj || (obj = {});
var __t, __p = '', __j = Array.prototype.join;
function print() { __p += __j.call(arguments, '') }
with (obj) {
__p += '';
if (_.isArray(value)) { ;
__p += '\n ';
_.each(value,function(arrayValue) { ;
__p += '' +
((__t = (arrayValue)) == null ? '' : __t) +
}); ;
__p += '\n';
} else { ;
__p += '\n ' +
((__t = (value)) == null ? '' : __t) +
} ;
__p += '\n';
return __p
define('tpl!select_option', ['lodash'], function(_) {return function(obj) {
obj || (obj = {});
var __t, __p = '', __j = Array.prototype.join;
function print() { __p += __j.call(arguments, '') }
with (obj) {
__p += '\n';
return __p
define('tpl!form_select', ['lodash'], function(_) {return function(obj) {
obj || (obj = {});
var __t, __p = '', __j = Array.prototype.join;
function print() { __p += __j.call(arguments, '') }
with (obj) {
__p += '\n\n';
return __p
define('tpl!form_textarea', ['lodash'], function(_) {return function(obj) {
obj || (obj = {});
var __t, __p = '';
with (obj) {
__p += '\n\n';
return __p
define('tpl!form_checkbox', ['lodash'], function(_) {return function(obj) {
obj || (obj = {});
var __t, __p = '';
with (obj) {
__p += '\n\n';
return __p
define('tpl!form_username', ['lodash'], function(_) {return function(obj) {
obj || (obj = {});
var __t, __p = '', __j = Array.prototype.join;
function print() { __p += __j.call(arguments, '') }
with (obj) {
if (label) { ;
__p += '\n\n';
} ;
__p += '\n
return __p
define('tpl!form_input', ['lodash'], function(_) {return function(obj) {
obj || (obj = {});
var __t, __p = '', __j = Array.prototype.join;
function print() { __p += __j.call(arguments, '') }
with (obj) {
if (label) { ;
__p += '\n\n';
} ;
__p += '\n\n';
return __p
define('tpl!form_captcha', ['lodash'], function(_) {return function(obj) {
obj || (obj = {});
var __t, __p = '', __j = Array.prototype.join;
function print() { __p += __j.call(arguments, '') }
with (obj) {
if (label) { ;
__p += '\n\n';
} ;
__p += '\n\n\n\n\n';
return __p
/*global define, escape, locales, Jed */
(function (root, factory) {
], factory);
}(this, function (
$, dummy, _,
) {
"use strict";
'text-private': 'password',
'text-single': 'text',
'fixed': 'label',
'boolean': 'checkbox',
'hidden': 'hidden',
'jid-multi': 'textarea',
'list-single': 'dropdown',
'list-multi': 'dropdown'
var isImage = function (url) {
var deferred = new $.Deferred();
$("", {
src: url,
error: deferred.reject,
load: deferred.resolve
return deferred.promise();
$.expr[':'].emptyVal = function(obj){
return obj.value === '';
$.fn.hasScrollBar = function() {
if (!$.contains(document, this.get(0))) {
return false;
if(this.parent().height() < this.get(0).scrollHeight) {
return true;
return false;
$.fn.throttledHTML = _.throttle($.fn.html, 500);
$.fn.addHyperlinks = function () {
if (this.length > 0) {
this.each(function (i, obj) {
var prot, escaped_url;
var $obj = $(obj);
var x = $obj.html();
var list = x.match(/\b(https?:\/\/|www\.|https?:\/\/www\.)[^\s<]{2,200}\b/g );
if (list) {
for (i=0; i'+ list[i] + '' );
_.forEach(list, function (url) {
isImage(url).then(function (ev) {
var prot = url.indexOf('http://') === 0 || url.indexOf('https://') === 0 ? '' : 'http://';
var escaped_url = encodeURI(decodeURI(url)).replace(/[!'()]/g, escape).replace(/\*/g, "%2A");
var new_url = ''+ url + '';
ev.target.className = 'chat-image';
x = x.replace(new_url, ev.target.outerHTML);
return this;
$.fn.addEmoticons = function (allowed) {
if (allowed) {
if (this.length > 0) {
this.each(function (i, obj) {
var text = $(obj).html();
text = text.replace(/>:\)/g, '');
text = text.replace(/:\)/g, '');
text = text.replace(/:\-\)/g, '');
text = text.replace(/;\)/g, '');
text = text.replace(/;\-\)/g, '');
text = text.replace(/:D/g, '');
text = text.replace(/:\-D/g, '');
text = text.replace(/:P/g, '');
text = text.replace(/:\-P/g, '');
text = text.replace(/:p/g, '');
text = text.replace(/:\-p/g, '');
text = text.replace(/8\)/g, '');
text = text.replace(/:S/g, '');
text = text.replace(/:\\/g, '');
text = text.replace(/:\/ /g, '');
text = text.replace(/>:\(/g, '');
text = text.replace(/:\(/g, '');
text = text.replace(/:\-\(/g, '');
text = text.replace(/:O/g, '');
text = text.replace(/:\-O/g, '');
text = text.replace(/\=\-O/g, '');
text = text.replace(/\(\^.\^\)b/g, '');
text = text.replace(/<3/g, '');
return this;
var utils = {
// Translation machinery
// ---------------------
__: function (str) {
if (typeof Jed === "undefined") {
return str;
// FIXME: this can be refactored to take the i18n obj as a
// parameter.
// Translation factory
if (typeof this.i18n === "undefined") {
this.i18n = locales.en;
if (typeof this.i18n === "string") {
this.i18n = $.parseJSON(this.i18n);
if (typeof this.jed === "undefined") {
this.jed = new Jed(this.i18n);
var t = this.jed.translate(str);
if (arguments.length>1) {
return t.fetch.apply(t, [].slice.call(arguments,1));
} else {
return t.fetch();
___: function (str) {
/* XXX: This is part of a hack to get gettext to scan strings to be
* translated. Strings we cannot send to the function above because
* they require variable interpolation and we don't yet have the
* variables at scan time.
* See actionInfoMessages in src/converse-muc.js
return str;
isLocaleAvailable: function (locale, available) {
/* Check whether the locale or sub locale (e.g. en-US, en) is supported.
* Parameters:
* (Function) available - returns a boolean indicating whether the locale is supported
if (available(locale)) {
return locale;
} else {
var sublocale = locale.split("-")[0];
if (sublocale !== locale && available(sublocale)) {
return sublocale;
detectLocale: function (library_check) {
/* Determine which locale is supported by the user's system as well
* as by the relevant library (e.g. converse.js or moment.js).
* Parameters:
* (Function) library_check - returns a boolean indicating whether the locale is supported
var locale, i;
if (window.navigator.userLanguage) {
locale = utils.isLocaleAvailable(window.navigator.userLanguage, library_check);
if (window.navigator.languages && !locale) {
for (i=0; i 0 ? $body.text() : undefined);
return text && !!text.match(/^\?OTR/);
isHeadlineMessage: function (message) {
var $message = $(message),
from_jid = $message.attr('from');
if ($message.attr('type') === 'headline' ||
// Some servers (I'm looking at you Prosody) don't set the message
// type to "headline" when sending server messages. For now we
// check if an @ signal is included, and if not, we assume it's
// a headline message.
( $message.attr('type') !== 'error' &&
!_.isUndefined(from_jid) &&
!_.includes(from_jid, '@')
)) {
return true;
return false;
merge: function merge (first, second) {
/* Merge the second object into the first one.
for (var k in second) {
if (_.isObject(first[k])) {
merge(first[k], second[k]);
} else {
first[k] = second[k];
applyUserSettings: function applyUserSettings (context, settings, user_settings) {
/* Configuration settings might be nested objects. We only want to
* add settings which are whitelisted.
for (var k in settings) {
if (_.isUndefined(user_settings[k])) {
if (_.isObject(settings[k]) && !_.isArray(settings[k])) {
applyUserSettings(context[k], settings[k], user_settings[k]);
} else {
context[k] = user_settings[k];
refreshWebkit: function () {
/* This works around a webkit bug. Refreshes the browser's viewport,
* otherwise chatboxes are not moved along when one is closed.
if ($.browser.webkit && window.requestAnimationFrame) {
window.requestAnimationFrame(function () {
var conversejs = document.getElementById('conversejs');
conversejs.style.display = 'none';
var tmp = conversejs.offsetHeight; // jshint ignore:line
conversejs.style.display = 'block';
webForm2xForm: function (field) {
/* Takes an HTML DOM and turns it into an XForm field.
* Parameters:
* (DOMElement) field - the field to convert
var $input = $(field), value;
if ($input.is('[type=checkbox]')) {
value = $input.is(':checked') && 1 || 0;
} else if ($input.is('textarea')) {
value = [];
var lines = $input.val().split('\n');
for( var vk=0; vk into consideration
var options = [], j, $options, $values, value, values;
if ($field.attr('type') === 'list-single' || $field.attr('type') === 'list-multi') {
values = [];
$values = $field.children('value');
for (j=0; j<$values.length; j++) {
$options = $field.children('option');
for (j=0; j<$options.length; j++) {
value = $($options[j]).find('value').text();
value: value,
label: $($options[j]).attr('label'),
selected: _.startsWith(values, value),
required: $field.find('required').length
return tpl_form_select({
name: $field.attr('var'),
label: $field.attr('label'),
options: options.join(''),
multiple: ($field.attr('type') === 'list-multi'),
required: $field.find('required').length
} else if ($field.attr('type') === 'fixed') {
return $('
} else if ($field.attr('type') === 'jid-multi') {
return tpl_form_textarea({
name: $field.attr('var'),
label: $field.attr('label') || '',
value: $field.find('value').text(),
required: $field.find('required').length
} else if ($field.attr('type') === 'boolean') {
return tpl_form_checkbox({
name: $field.attr('var'),
type: XFORM_TYPE_MAP[$field.attr('type')],
label: $field.attr('label') || '',
checked: $field.find('value').text() === "1" && 'checked="1"' || '',
required: $field.find('required').length
} else if ($field.attr('type') && $field.attr('var') === 'username') {
return tpl_form_username({
domain: ' @'+this.domain,
name: $field.attr('var'),
type: XFORM_TYPE_MAP[$field.attr('type')],
label: $field.attr('label') || '',
value: $field.find('value').text(),
required: $field.find('required').length
} else if ($field.attr('type')) {
return tpl_form_input({
name: $field.attr('var'),
type: XFORM_TYPE_MAP[$field.attr('type')],
label: $field.attr('label') || '',
value: $field.find('value').text(),
required: $field.find('required').length
} else {
if ($field.attr('var') === 'ocr') { // Captcha
return _.reduce(_.map($field.find('uri'),
$.proxy(function (uri) {
return tpl_form_captcha({
label: this.$field.attr('label'),
name: this.$field.attr('var'),
data: this.$stanza.find('data[cid="'+uri.textContent.replace(/^cid:/, '')+'"]').text(),
type: uri.getAttribute('type'),
required: this.$field.find('required').length
}, {'$stanza': $stanza, '$field': $field})
function (memo, num) { return memo + num; }, ''
utils.contains.not = function (attr, query) {
return function (item) {
return !(utils.contains(attr, query)(item));
return utils;
if (!String.prototype.endsWith) {
String.prototype.endsWith = function (searchString, position) {
var subjectString = this.toString();
if (position === undefined || position > subjectString.length) {
position = subjectString.length;
position -= searchString.length;
var lastIndex = subjectString.indexOf(searchString, position);
return lastIndex !== -1 && lastIndex === position;
if (!String.prototype.startsWith) {
String.prototype.startsWith = function (searchString, position) {
position = position || 0;
return this.substr(position, searchString.length) === searchString;
if (!String.prototype.splitOnce) {
String.prototype.splitOnce = function (delimiter) {
var components = this.split(delimiter);
return [components.shift(), components.join(delimiter)];
if (!String.prototype.trim) {
String.prototype.trim = function () {
return this.replace(/^[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+|[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+$/g, '');
define("polyfill", function(){});
____ __ __ __ _
/ __ \/ /_ __ ___ ___ ____ _/ /_ / /__ (_)____
/ /_/ / / / / / __ \/ __ \/ __/ / __ \/ / _ \ / / ___/
/ ____/ / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / / __/ / (__ )
/_/ /_/\__,_/\__, /\__, /\__/_/_.___/_/\___(_)_/ /____/
/____//____/ /___/
// Pluggable.js lets you to make your Javascript code pluggable while still
// keeping sensitive objects and data private through closures.
/* Start AMD header */
(function (root, factory) {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
define("pluggable", ["lodash"], factory);
} else {
window.pluggable = factory(_);
}(this, function (_) {
"use strict";
/* End AMD header */
// The `PluginSocket` class contains the plugin architecture, and gets
// created whenever `pluggable.enable(obj);` is called on the object
// that you want to make pluggable.
// You can also see it as the thing into which the plugins are plugged.
// It takes two parameters, first, the object being made pluggable, and
// then the name by which the pluggable object may be referenced on the
// __super__ object (inside overrides).
function PluginSocket (plugged, name) {
this.name = name;
this.plugged = plugged;
if (typeof this.plugged.__super__ === 'undefined') {
this.plugged.__super__ = {};
} else if (typeof this.plugged.__super__ === 'string') {
this.plugged.__super__ = { '__string__': this.plugged.__super__ };
this.plugged.__super__[name] = this.plugged;
this.plugins = {};
this.initialized_plugins = [];
// Now we add methods to the PluginSocket by adding them to its
// prototype.
_.extend(PluginSocket.prototype, {
// `wrappedOverride` creates a partially applied wrapper function
// that makes sure to set the proper super method when the
// overriding method is called. This is done to enable
// chaining of plugin methods, all the way up to the
// original method.
wrappedOverride: function (key, value, super_method) {
if (typeof super_method === "function") {
if (typeof this.__super__ === "undefined") {
/* We're not on the context of the plugged object.
* This can happen when the overridden method is called via
* an event handler. In this case, we simply tack on the
* __super__ obj.
this.__super__ = {};
this.__super__[key] = super_method.bind(this);
return value.apply(this, _.drop(arguments, 3));
// `_overrideAttribute` overrides an attribute on the original object
// (the thing being plugged into).
// If the attribute being overridden is a function, then the original
// function will still be available via the `__super__` attribute.
// If the same function is being overridden multiple times, then
// the original function will be available at the end of a chain of
// functions, starting from the most recent override, all the way
// back to the original function, each being referenced by the
// previous' __super__ attribute.
// For example:
// `plugin2.MyFunc.__super__.myFunc => plugin1.MyFunc.__super__.myFunc => original.myFunc`
_overrideAttribute: function (key, plugin) {
var value = plugin.overrides[key];
if (typeof value === "function") {
var wrapped_function = _.partial(
this.wrappedOverride, key, value, this.plugged[key]
this.plugged[key] = wrapped_function;
} else {
this.plugged[key] = value;
_extendObject: function (obj, attributes) {
if (!obj.prototype.__super__) {
obj.prototype.__super__ = {};
obj.prototype.__super__[this.name] = this.plugged;
var that = this;
_.each(attributes, function (value, key) {
if (key === 'events') {
obj.prototype[key] = _.extend(value, obj.prototype[key]);
} else if (typeof value === 'function') {
// We create a partially applied wrapper function, that
// makes sure to set the proper super method when the
// overriding method is called. This is done to enable
// chaining of plugin methods, all the way up to the
// original method.
var wrapped_function = _.partial(
that.wrappedOverride, key, value, obj.prototype[key]
obj.prototype[key] = wrapped_function;
} else {
obj.prototype[key] = value;
// Plugins can specify optional dependencies (by means of the
// `optional_dependencies` list attribute) which refers to dependencies
// which will be initialized first, before the plugin itself gets initialized.
// They are optional in the sense that if they aren't available, an
// error won't be thrown.
// However, if you want to make these dependencies strict (i.e.
// non-optional), you can set the `strict_plugin_dependencies` attribute to `true`
// on the object being made pluggable (i.e. the object passed to
// `pluggable.enable`).
loadOptionalDependencies: function (plugin) {
_.each(plugin.optional_dependencies, function (name) {
var dep = this.plugins[name];
if (dep) {
if (_.includes(dep.optional_dependencies, plugin.__name__)) {
/* FIXME: circular dependency checking is only one level deep. */
throw "Found a circular dependency between the plugins \""+
plugin.__name__+"\" and \""+name+"\"";
} else {
"Could not find optional dependency \""+name+"\" "+
"for the plugin \""+plugin.__name__+"\". "+
"If it's needed, make sure it's loaded by require.js");
throwUndefinedDependencyError: function (msg) {
if (this.plugged.strict_plugin_dependencies) {
throw msg;
} else {
// `applyOverrides` is called by initializePlugin. It applies any
// and all overrides of methods or Backbone views and models that
// are defined on any of the plugins.
applyOverrides: function (plugin) {
_.each(Object.keys(plugin.overrides || {}), function (key) {
var override = plugin.overrides[key];
if (typeof override === "object") {
if (typeof this.plugged[key] === 'undefined') {
"Error: Plugin \""+plugin.__name__+
"\" tried to override "+key+" but it's not found.");
} else {
this._extendObject(this.plugged[key], override);
} else {
this._overrideAttribute(key, plugin);
// `initializePlugin` applies the overrides (if any) defined on all
// the registered plugins and then calls the initialize method for each plugin.
initializePlugin: function (plugin) {
if (_.includes(this.initialized_plugins, plugin.__name__)) {
/* Don't initialize plugins twice, otherwise we get
* infinite recursion in overridden methods.
_.extend(plugin, this.properties);
if (plugin.optional_dependencies) {
if (typeof plugin.initialize === "function") {
// `registerPlugin` registers (or inserts, if you'd like) a plugin,
// by adding it to the `plugins` map on the PluginSocket instance.
registerPlugin: function (name, plugin) {
plugin.__name__ = name;
this.plugins[name] = plugin;
// `initializePlugins` should get called once all plugins have been
// registered. It will then iterate through all the plugins, calling
// `initializePlugin` for each.
// The passed in properties variable is an object with attributes and methods
// which will be attached to the plugins.
initializePlugins: function (properties) {
if (!_.size(this.plugins)) {
this.properties = properties;
_.each(_.values(this.plugins), this.initializePlugin.bind(this));
return {
// Call the `enable` method to make an object pluggable
// It takes three parameters:
// - `object`: The object that gets made pluggable.
// - `name`: The string name by which the now pluggable object
// may be referenced on the __super__ obj (in overrides).
// The default value is "plugged".
// - `attrname`: The string name of the attribute on the now
// pluggable object, which refers to the PluginSocket instance
// that gets created.
'enable': function (object, name, attrname) {
if (typeof attrname === "undefined") {
attrname = "pluginSocket";
if (typeof name === 'undefined') {
name = 'plugged';
var ref = {};
ref[attrname] = new PluginSocket(object, name);
return _.extend(object, ref);
// Converse.js (A browser based XMPP chat client)
// http://conversejs.org
// Copyright (c) 2012-2016, Jan-Carel Brand
// Licensed under the Mozilla Public License (MPLv2)
/*global Backbone, define, window, document */
(function (root, factory) {
define("converse-core", [
], factory);
}(this, function ($, _, dummy, utils, moment, Strophe, pluggable) {
* Cannot use this due to Safari bug.
* See https://github.com/jcbrand/converse.js/issues/196
// "use strict";
// Strophe globals
var $build = Strophe.$build;
var $iq = Strophe.$iq;
var $pres = Strophe.$pres;
var b64_sha1 = Strophe.SHA1.b64_sha1;
Strophe = Strophe.Strophe;
// Use Mustache style syntax for variable interpolation
/* Configuration of Lodash templates (this config is distinct to the
* config of requirejs-tpl in main.js). This one is for normal inline templates.
_.templateSettings = {
evaluate : /\{\[([\s\S]+?)\]\}/g,
interpolate : /\{\{([\s\S]+?)\}\}/g
// We create an object to act as the "this" context for event handlers (as
// defined below and accessible via converse_api.listen).
// We don't want the inner converse object to be the context, since it
// contains sensitive information, and we don't want it to be something in
// the DOM or window, because then anyone can trigger converse events.
var event_context = {};
var converse = {
templates: {},
emit: function (evt, data) {
$(event_context).trigger(evt, data);
once: function (evt, handler, context) {
if (context) {
handler = handler.bind(context);
$(event_context).one(evt, handler);
on: function (evt, handler, context) {
if (_.includes(['ready', 'initialized'], evt)) {
converse.log('Warning: The "'+evt+'" event has been deprecated and will be removed, please use "connected".');
if (context) {
handler = handler.bind(context);
$(event_context).bind(evt, handler);
off: function (evt, handler) {
$(event_context).unbind(evt, handler);
// Make converse pluggable
pluggable.enable(converse, 'converse', 'pluggable');
// Module-level constants
converse.STATUS_WEIGHTS = {
'offline': 6,
'unavailable': 5,
'xa': 4,
'away': 3,
'dnd': 2,
'chat': 1, // We currently don't differentiate between "chat" and "online"
'online': 1
converse.ANONYMOUS = "anonymous";
converse.CLOSED = 'closed';
converse.EXTERNAL = "external";
converse.LOGIN = "login";
converse.LOGOUT = "logout";
converse.OPENED = 'opened';
converse.PREBIND = "prebind";
0: 'ERROR',
var DEFAULT_IMAGE_TYPE = 'image/png';
var DEFAULT_IMAGE = "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";
converse.log = function (txt, level) {
var logger;
if (_.isUndefined(console) || _.isUndefined(console.log)) {
logger = { log: _.noop, error: _.noop };
} else {
logger = console;
if (converse.debug) {
if (level === 'error') {
logger.log('ERROR: '+txt);
} else {
converse.initialize = function (settings, callback) {
"use strict";
settings = !_.isUndefined(settings) ? settings : {};
var init_deferred = new $.Deferred();
var converse = this;
if (!_.isUndefined(converse.chatboxes)) {
// Looks like converse.initialized was called again without logging
// out or disconnecting in the previous session.
// This happens in tests.
// We therefore first clean up.
var unloadevent;
if ('onpagehide' in window) {
// Pagehide gets thrown in more cases than unload. Specifically it
// gets thrown when the page is cached and not just
// closed/destroyed. It's the only viable event on mobile Safari.
// https://www.webkit.org/blog/516/webkit-page-cache-ii-the-unload-event/
unloadevent = 'pagehide';
} else if ('onbeforeunload' in window) {
unloadevent = 'beforeunload';
} else if ('onunload' in window) {
unloadevent = 'unload';
// Logging
Strophe.log = function (level, msg) { converse.log(level+' '+msg, level); };
Strophe.error = function (msg) { converse.log(msg, 'error'); };
// Add Strophe Namespaces
Strophe.addNamespace('CARBONS', 'urn:xmpp:carbons:2');
Strophe.addNamespace('CHATSTATES', 'http://jabber.org/protocol/chatstates');
Strophe.addNamespace('CSI', 'urn:xmpp:csi:0');
Strophe.addNamespace('ROSTERX', 'http://jabber.org/protocol/rosterx');
Strophe.addNamespace('XFORM', 'jabber:x:data');
Strophe.addNamespace('NICK', 'http://jabber.org/protocol/nick');
Strophe.addNamespace('HINTS', 'urn:xmpp:hints');
Strophe.addNamespace('PUBSUB', 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub');
// Instance level constants
this.TIMEOUTS = { // Set as module attr so that we can override in tests.
'PAUSED': 10000,
'INACTIVE': 90000
// XEP-0085 Chat states
// http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0085.html
this.INACTIVE = 'inactive';
this.ACTIVE = 'active';
this.COMPOSING = 'composing';
this.PAUSED = 'paused';
this.GONE = 'gone';
// Detect support for the user's locale
// ------------------------------------
var locales = _.isUndefined(locales) ? {} : locales;
this.isConverseLocale = function (locale) { return !_.isUndefined(locales[locale]); };
this.isMomentLocale = function (locale) { return moment.locale() !== moment.locale(locale); };
if (!moment.locale) { //moment.lang is deprecated after 2.8.1, use moment.locale instead
moment.locale = moment.lang;
this.i18n = settings.i18n ? settings.i18n : locales[utils.detectLocale(this.isConverseLocale)] || {};
// Translation machinery
// ---------------------
var __ = utils.__.bind(this);
var DESC_GROUP_TOGGLE = __('Click to hide these contacts');
// Default configuration values
// ----------------------------
this.default_settings = {
allow_contact_requests: true,
allow_non_roster_messaging: false,
animate: true,
authentication: 'login', // Available values are "login", "prebind", "anonymous" and "external".
auto_away: 0, // Seconds after which user status is set to 'away'
auto_login: false, // Currently only used in connection with anonymous login
auto_reconnect: false,
auto_subscribe: false,
auto_xa: 0, // Seconds after which user status is set to 'xa'
bosh_service_url: undefined, // The BOSH connection manager URL.
connection_options: {},
credentials_url: null, // URL from where login credentials can be fetched
csi_waiting_time: 0, // Support for XEP-0352. Seconds before client is considered idle and CSI is sent out.
debug: false,
default_state: 'online',
expose_rid_and_sid: false,
filter_by_resource: false,
forward_messages: false,
hide_offline_users: false,
include_offline_state: false,
jid: undefined,
keepalive: false,
locked_domain: undefined,
message_carbons: false, // Support for XEP-280
message_storage: 'session',
password: undefined,
prebind: false, // XXX: Deprecated, use "authentication" instead.
prebind_url: null,
rid: undefined,
roster_groups: false,
show_only_online_users: false,
sid: undefined,
storage: 'session',
strict_plugin_dependencies: false,
synchronize_availability: true, // Set to false to not sync with other clients or with resource name of the particular client that it should synchronize with
websocket_url: undefined,
xhr_custom_status: false,
xhr_custom_status_url: '',
_.assignIn(this, this.default_settings);
// Allow only whitelisted configuration attributes to be overwritten
_.assignIn(this, _.pick(settings, _.keys(this.default_settings)));
// BBB
if (this.prebind === true) { this.authentication = converse.PREBIND; }
if (this.authentication === converse.ANONYMOUS) {
if (this.auto_login && !this.jid) {
throw new Error("Config Error: you need to provide the server's " +
"domain via the 'jid' option when using anonymous " +
"authentication with auto_login.");
$.fx.off = !this.animate;
// Module-level variables
// ----------------------
this.callback = callback || _.noop;
/* When reloading the page:
* For new sessions, we need to send out a presence stanza to notify
* the server/network that we're online.
* When re-attaching to an existing session (e.g. via the keepalive
* option), we don't need to again send out a presence stanza, because
* it's as if "we never left" (see onConnectStatusChanged).
* https://github.com/jcbrand/converse.js/issues/521
this.send_initial_presence = true;
this.msg_counter = 0;
this.user_settings = settings; // Save the user settings so that they can be used by plugins
// Module-level functions
// ----------------------
this.wrappedChatBox = function (chatbox) {
/* Wrap a chatbox for outside consumption (i.e. so that it can be
* returned via the API.
if (!chatbox) { return; }
var view = converse.chatboxviews.get(chatbox.get('id'));
return {
'close': view.close.bind(view),
'focus': view.focus.bind(view),
'get': chatbox.get.bind(chatbox),
'open': view.show.bind(view),
'set': chatbox.set.bind(chatbox)
this.generateResource = function () {
return '/converse.js-' + Math.floor(Math.random()*139749825).toString();
this.sendCSI = function (stat) {
/* Send out a Chat Status Notification (XEP-0352)
* Parameters:
* (String) stat: The user's chat status
// XXX if (converse.features[Strophe.NS.CSI] || true) {
converse.connection.send($build(stat, {xmlns: Strophe.NS.CSI}));
converse.inactive = (stat === converse.INACTIVE) ? true : false;
this.onUserActivity = function () {
/* Resets counters and flags relating to CSI and auto_away/auto_xa */
if (converse.idle_seconds > 0) {
converse.idle_seconds = 0;
if (!converse.connection.authenticated) {
// We can't send out any stanzas when there's no authenticated connection.
// converse can happen when the connection reconnects.
if (converse.inactive) {
if (converse.auto_changed_status === true) {
converse.auto_changed_status = false;
// XXX: we should really remember the original state here, and
// then set it back to that...
this.onEverySecond = function () {
/* An interval handler running every second.
* Used for CSI and the auto_away and auto_xa features.
if (!converse.connection.authenticated) {
// We can't send out any stanzas when there's no authenticated connection.
// This can happen when the connection reconnects.
var stat = converse.xmppstatus.getStatus();
if (converse.csi_waiting_time > 0 &&
converse.idle_seconds > converse.csi_waiting_time &&
!converse.inactive) {
if (converse.auto_away > 0 &&
converse.idle_seconds > converse.auto_away &&
stat !== 'away' && stat !== 'xa') {
converse.auto_changed_status = true;
} else if (converse.auto_xa > 0 &&
converse.idle_seconds > converse.auto_xa && stat !== 'xa') {
converse.auto_changed_status = true;
this.registerIntervalHandler = function () {
/* Set an interval of one second and register a handler for it.
* Required for the auto_away, auto_xa and csi_waiting_time features.
if (converse.auto_away < 1 && converse.auto_xa < 1 && converse.csi_waiting_time < 1) {
// Waiting time of less then one second means features aren't used.
converse.idle_seconds = 0;
converse.auto_changed_status = false; // Was the user's status changed by converse.js?
$(window).on('click mousemove keypress focus'+unloadevent, converse.onUserActivity);
converse.everySecondTrigger = window.setInterval(converse.onEverySecond, 1000);
this.giveFeedback = function (subject, klass, message) {
$('.conn-feedback').each(function (idx, el) {
var $el = $(el);
if (klass) {
} else {
converse.emit('feedback', {
'klass': klass,
'message': message,
'subject': subject
this.rejectPresenceSubscription = function (jid, message) {
/* Reject or cancel another user's subscription to our presence updates.
* Parameters:
* (String) jid - The Jabber ID of the user whose subscription
* is being canceled.
* (String) message - An optional message to the user
var pres = $pres({to: jid, type: "unsubscribed"});
if (message && message !== "") { pres.c("status").t(message); }
this.reconnect = _.debounce(function () {
converse.log('The connection has dropped, attempting to reconnect.');
__('The connection has dropped, attempting to reconnect.')
converse.connection.reconnecting = true;
converse.logIn(null, true);
}, 3000, {'leading': true});
this.disconnect = function () {
delete converse.connection.reconnecting;
return 'disconnected';
this.onDisconnected = function () {
/* Gets called once strophe's status reaches Strophe.Status.DISCONNECTED.
* Will either start a teardown process for converse.js or attempt
* to reconnect.
if (converse.disconnection_cause === Strophe.Status.AUTHFAIL) {
if (converse.credentials_url && converse.auto_reconnect) {
/* In this case, we reconnect, because we might be receiving
* expirable tokens from the credentials_url.
return converse.reconnect();
} else {
return converse.disconnect();
} else if (converse.disconnection_cause === converse.LOGOUT ||
converse.disconnection_reason === "host-unknown" ||
!converse.auto_reconnect) {
return converse.disconnect();
this.setDisconnectionCause = function (cause, reason, override) {
/* Used to keep track of why we got disconnected, so that we can
* decide on what the next appropriate action is (in onDisconnected)
if (_.isUndefined(cause)) {
delete converse.disconnection_cause;
delete converse.disconnection_reason;
} else if (_.isUndefined(converse.disconnection_cause) || override) {
converse.disconnection_cause = cause;
converse.disconnection_reason = reason;
this.onConnectStatusChanged = function (status, condition) {
/* Callback method called by Strophe as the Strophe.Connection goes
* through various states while establishing or tearing down a
* connection.
converse.log("Status changed to: "+PRETTY_CONNECTION_STATUS[status]);
if (status === Strophe.Status.CONNECTED || status === Strophe.Status.ATTACHED) {
// By default we always want to send out an initial presence stanza.
converse.send_initial_presence = true;
if (converse.connection.reconnecting) {
converse.log(status === Strophe.Status.CONNECTED ? 'Reconnected' : 'Reattached');
} else {
converse.log(status === Strophe.Status.CONNECTED ? 'Connected' : 'Attached');
if (converse.connection.restored) {
// No need to send an initial presence stanza when
// we're restoring an existing session.
converse.send_initial_presence = false;
} else if (status === Strophe.Status.DISCONNECTED) {
converse.setDisconnectionCause(status, condition);
} else if (status === Strophe.Status.ERROR) {
__('Connection error'), 'error',
__('An error occurred while connecting to the chat server.')
} else if (status === Strophe.Status.CONNECTING) {
} else if (status === Strophe.Status.AUTHENTICATING) {
} else if (status === Strophe.Status.AUTHFAIL) {
converse.giveFeedback(__('Authentication Failed'), 'error');
converse.setDisconnectionCause(status, condition, true);
} else if (status === Strophe.Status.CONNFAIL) {
__('Connection failed'), 'error',
__('An error occurred while connecting to the chat server: '+condition)
converse.setDisconnectionCause(status, condition);
} else if (status === Strophe.Status.DISCONNECTING) {
converse.setDisconnectionCause(status, condition);
this.updateMsgCounter = function () {
if (this.msg_counter > 0) {
if (document.title.search(/^Messages \(\d+\) /) === -1) {
document.title = "Messages (" + this.msg_counter + ") " + document.title;
} else {
document.title = document.title.replace(/^Messages \(\d+\) /, "Messages (" + this.msg_counter + ") ");
} else if (document.title.search(/^Messages \(\d+\) /) !== -1) {
document.title = document.title.replace(/^Messages \(\d+\) /, "");
this.incrementMsgCounter = function () {
this.msg_counter += 1;
this.clearMsgCounter = function () {
this.msg_counter = 0;
this.initStatus = function () {
var deferred = new $.Deferred();
this.xmppstatus = new this.XMPPStatus();
var id = b64_sha1('converse.xmppstatus-'+converse.bare_jid);
this.xmppstatus.id = id; // Appears to be necessary for backbone.browserStorage
this.xmppstatus.browserStorage = new Backbone.BrowserStorage[converse.storage](id);
success: deferred.resolve,
error: deferred.resolve
return deferred.promise();
this.initSession = function () {
this.session = new this.Session();
var id = b64_sha1('converse.bosh-session');
this.session.id = id; // Appears to be necessary for backbone.browserStorage
this.session.browserStorage = new Backbone.BrowserStorage[converse.storage](id);
this.clearSession = function () {
if (!_.isUndefined(this.roster)) {
this.logOut = function () {
converse.setDisconnectionCause(converse.LOGOUT, undefined, true);
if (!_.isUndefined(converse.connection)) {
this.saveWindowState = function (ev, hidden) {
// XXX: eventually we should be able to just use
// document.visibilityState (when we drop support for older
// browsers).
var state;
var v = "visible", h = "hidden",
event_map = {
'focus': v,
'focusin': v,
'pageshow': v,
'blur': h,
'focusout': h,
'pagehide': h
ev = ev || document.createEvent('Events');
if (ev.type in event_map) {
state = event_map[ev.type];
} else {
state = document[hidden] ? "hidden" : "visible";
if (state === 'visible') {
converse.windowState = state;
this.registerGlobalEventHandlers = function () {
// Taken from:
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1060008/is-there-a-way-to-detect-if-a-browser-window-is-not-currently-active
var hidden = "hidden";
// Standards:
if (hidden in document) {
document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", _.partial(converse.saveWindowState, _, hidden));
} else if ((hidden = "mozHidden") in document) {
document.addEventListener("mozvisibilitychange", _.partial(converse.saveWindowState, _, hidden));
} else if ((hidden = "webkitHidden") in document) {
document.addEventListener("webkitvisibilitychange", _.partial(converse.saveWindowState, _, hidden));
} else if ((hidden = "msHidden") in document) {
document.addEventListener("msvisibilitychange", _.partial(converse.saveWindowState, _, hidden));
} else if ("onfocusin" in document) {
// IE 9 and lower:
document.onfocusin = document.onfocusout = _.partial(converse.saveWindowState, _, hidden);
} else {
// All others:
window.onpageshow = window.onpagehide = window.onfocus = window.onblur = _.partial(converse.saveWindowState, _, hidden);
// set the initial state (but only if browser supports the Page Visibility API)
if( document[hidden] !== undefined ) {
_.partial(converse.saveWindowState, _, hidden)({type: document[hidden] ? "blur" : "focus"});
this.enableCarbons = function () {
/* Ask the XMPP server to enable Message Carbons
* See XEP-0280 https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0280.html#enabling
if (!this.message_carbons || this.session.get('carbons_enabled')) {
var carbons_iq = new Strophe.Builder('iq', {
from: this.connection.jid,
id: 'enablecarbons',
type: 'set'
.c('enable', {xmlns: Strophe.NS.CARBONS});
this.connection.addHandler(function (iq) {
if ($(iq).find('error').length > 0) {
converse.log('ERROR: An error occured while trying to enable message carbons.');
} else {
this.session.save({carbons_enabled: true});
converse.log('Message carbons have been enabled.');
}.bind(this), null, "iq", null, "enablecarbons");
this.initRoster = function () {
/* Initialize the Bakcbone collections that represent the contats
* roster and the roster groups.
converse.roster = new converse.RosterContacts();
converse.roster.browserStorage = new Backbone.BrowserStorage.session(
converse.rostergroups = new converse.RosterGroups();
converse.rostergroups.browserStorage = new Backbone.BrowserStorage.session(
this.populateRoster = function () {
/* Fetch all the roster groups, and then the roster contacts.
* Emit an event after fetching is done in each case.
converse.rostergroups.fetchRosterGroups().then(function () {
converse.roster.fetchRosterContacts().then(function () {
this.unregisterPresenceHandler = function () {
if (!_.isUndefined(converse.presence_ref)) {
delete converse.presence_ref;
this.registerPresenceHandler = function () {
converse.presence_ref = converse.connection.addHandler(
function (presence) {
return true;
}, null, 'presence', null);
this.sendInitialPresence = function () {
if (converse.send_initial_presence) {
this.onStatusInitialized = function (reconnecting) {
/* Continue with session establishment (e.g. fetching chat boxes,
* populating the roster etc.) necessary once the connection has
* been established.
if (reconnecting) {
// No need to recreate the roster, otherwise we lose our
// cached data. However we still emit an event, to give
// event handlers a chance to register views for the
// roster and its groups, before we start populating.
} else {
// First set up chat boxes, before populating the roster, so that
// the controlbox is properly set up and ready for the rosterview.
if (reconnecting) {
} else {
this.setUserJid = function () {
converse.jid = converse.connection.jid;
converse.bare_jid = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(converse.connection.jid);
converse.resource = Strophe.getResourceFromJid(converse.connection.jid);
converse.domain = Strophe.getDomainFromJid(converse.connection.jid);
this.onConnected = function (reconnecting) {
/* Called as soon as a new connection has been established, either
* by logging in or by attaching to an existing BOSH session.
// Solves problem of returned PubSub BOSH response not received
// by browser.
// If there's no xmppstatus obj, then we were never connected to
// begin with, so we set reconnecting to false.
reconnecting = _.isUndefined(converse.xmppstatus) ? false : reconnecting;
if (reconnecting) {
} else {
// There might be some open chat boxes. We don't
// know whether these boxes are of the same account or not, so we
// close them now.
converse.features = new converse.Features();
converse.initStatus().done(_.partial(converse.onStatusInitialized, false));
this.RosterContact = Backbone.Model.extend({
initialize: function (attributes) {
var jid = attributes.jid;
var bare_jid = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(jid);
var resource = Strophe.getResourceFromJid(jid);
attributes.jid = bare_jid;
'id': bare_jid,
'jid': bare_jid,
'fullname': bare_jid,
'chat_status': 'offline',
'user_id': Strophe.getNodeFromJid(jid),
'resources': resource ? [resource] : [],
'groups': [],
'image_type': DEFAULT_IMAGE_TYPE,
'status': ''
}, attributes));
this.on('destroy', function () { this.removeFromRoster(); }.bind(this));
this.on('change:chat_status', function (item) {
converse.emit('contactStatusChanged', item.attributes);
subscribe: function (message) {
/* Send a presence subscription request to this roster contact
* Parameters:
* (String) message - An optional message to explain the
* reason for the subscription request.
this.save('ask', "subscribe"); // ask === 'subscribe' Means we have ask to subscribe to them.
var pres = $pres({to: this.get('jid'), type: "subscribe"});
if (message && message !== "") {
var nick = converse.xmppstatus.get('fullname');
if (nick && nick !== "") {
pres.c('nick', {'xmlns': Strophe.NS.NICK}).t(nick).up();
return this;
ackSubscribe: function () {
/* Upon receiving the presence stanza of type "subscribed",
* the user SHOULD acknowledge receipt of that subscription
* state notification by sending a presence stanza of type
* "subscribe" to the contact
'type': 'subscribe',
'to': this.get('jid')
ackUnsubscribe: function () {
/* Upon receiving the presence stanza of type "unsubscribed",
* the user SHOULD acknowledge receipt of that subscription state
* notification by sending a presence stanza of type "unsubscribe"
* this step lets the user's server know that it MUST no longer
* send notification of the subscription state change to the user.
* Parameters:
* (String) jid - The Jabber ID of the user who is unsubscribing
converse.connection.send($pres({'type': 'unsubscribe', 'to': this.get('jid')}));
this.destroy(); // Will cause removeFromRoster to be called.
unauthorize: function (message) {
/* Unauthorize this contact's presence subscription
* Parameters:
* (String) message - Optional message to send to the person being unauthorized
converse.rejectPresenceSubscription(this.get('jid'), message);
return this;
authorize: function (message) {
/* Authorize presence subscription
* Parameters:
* (String) message - Optional message to send to the person being authorized
var pres = $pres({to: this.get('jid'), type: "subscribed"});
if (message && message !== "") {
return this;
removeResource: function (resource) {
var resources = this.get('resources'), idx;
if (resource) {
idx = _.indexOf(resources, resource);
if (idx !== -1) {
resources.splice(idx, 1);
this.save({'resources': resources});
else {
// if there is no resource (resource is null), it probably
// means that the user is now completely offline. To make sure
// that there isn't any "ghost" resources left, we empty the array
this.save({'resources': []});
return 0;
return resources.length;
removeFromRoster: function (callback) {
/* Instruct the XMPP server to remove this contact from our roster
* Parameters:
* (Function) callback
var iq = $iq({type: 'set'})
.c('query', {xmlns: Strophe.NS.ROSTER})
.c('item', {jid: this.get('jid'), subscription: "remove"});
converse.connection.sendIQ(iq, callback, callback);
return this;
this.RosterContacts = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: converse.RosterContact,
comparator: function (contact1, contact2) {
var name1, name2;
var status1 = contact1.get('chat_status') || 'offline';
var status2 = contact2.get('chat_status') || 'offline';
if (converse.STATUS_WEIGHTS[status1] === converse.STATUS_WEIGHTS[status2]) {
name1 = contact1.get('fullname').toLowerCase();
name2 = contact2.get('fullname').toLowerCase();
return name1 < name2 ? -1 : (name1 > name2? 1 : 0);
} else {
return converse.STATUS_WEIGHTS[status1] < converse.STATUS_WEIGHTS[status2] ? -1 : 1;
fetchRosterContacts: function () {
/* Fetches the roster contacts, first by trying the
* sessionStorage cache, and if that's empty, then by querying
* the XMPP server.
* Returns a promise which resolves once the contacts have been
* fetched.
var deferred = new $.Deferred();
add: true,
success: function (collection) {
if (collection.length === 0) {
/* We don't have any roster contacts stored in sessionStorage,
* so lets fetch the roster from the XMPP server. We pass in
* 'sendPresence' as callback method, because after initially
* fetching the roster we are ready to receive presence
* updates from our contacts.
converse.send_initial_presence = true;
} else {
converse.emit('cachedRoster', collection);
return deferred.promise();
subscribeToSuggestedItems: function (msg) {
$(msg).find('item').each(function () {
if (this.getAttribute('action') === 'add') {
this.getAttribute('jid'), null, converse.xmppstatus.get('fullname'));
return true;
isSelf: function (jid) {
return (Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(jid) === Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(converse.connection.jid));
addAndSubscribe: function (jid, name, groups, message, attributes) {
/* Add a roster contact and then once we have confirmation from
* the XMPP server we subscribe to that contact's presence updates.
* Parameters:
* (String) jid - The Jabber ID of the user being added and subscribed to.
* (String) name - The name of that user
* (Array of Strings) groups - Any roster groups the user might belong to
* (String) message - An optional message to explain the
* reason for the subscription request.
* (Object) attributes - Any additional attributes to be stored on the user's model.
this.addContact(jid, name, groups, attributes).done(function (contact) {
if (contact instanceof converse.RosterContact) {
sendContactAddIQ: function (jid, name, groups, callback, errback) {
/* Send an IQ stanza to the XMPP server to add a new roster contact.
* Parameters:
* (String) jid - The Jabber ID of the user being added
* (String) name - The name of that user
* (Array of Strings) groups - Any roster groups the user might belong to
* (Function) callback - A function to call once the IQ is returned
* (Function) errback - A function to call if an error occured
name = _.isEmpty(name)? jid: name;
var iq = $iq({type: 'set'})
.c('query', {xmlns: Strophe.NS.ROSTER})
.c('item', { jid: jid, name: name });
_.each(groups, function (group) { iq.c('group').t(group).up(); });
converse.connection.sendIQ(iq, callback, errback);
addContact: function (jid, name, groups, attributes) {
/* Adds a RosterContact instance to converse.roster and
* registers the contact on the XMPP server.
* Returns a promise which is resolved once the XMPP server has
* responded.
* Parameters:
* (String) jid - The Jabber ID of the user being added and subscribed to.
* (String) name - The name of that user
* (Array of Strings) groups - Any roster groups the user might belong to
* (Object) attributes - Any additional attributes to be stored on the user's model.
var deferred = new $.Deferred();
groups = groups || [];
name = _.isEmpty(name)? jid: name;
this.sendContactAddIQ(jid, name, groups,
function () {
var contact = this.create(_.assignIn({
ask: undefined,
fullname: name,
groups: groups,
jid: jid,
requesting: false,
subscription: 'none'
}, attributes), {sort: false});
function (err) {
alert(__("Sorry, there was an error while trying to add "+name+" as a contact."));
return deferred.promise();
addResource: function (bare_jid, resource) {
var item = this.get(bare_jid),
if (item) {
resources = item.get('resources');
if (resources) {
if (!_.includes(resources, resource)) {
item.set({'resources': resources});
} else {
item.set({'resources': [resource]});
subscribeBack: function (bare_jid) {
var contact = this.get(bare_jid);
if (contact instanceof converse.RosterContact) {
} else {
// Can happen when a subscription is retried or roster was deleted
this.addContact(bare_jid, '', [], { 'subscription': 'from' }).done(function (contact) {
if (contact instanceof converse.RosterContact) {
getNumOnlineContacts: function () {
var count = 0,
ignored = ['offline', 'unavailable'],
models = this.models,
models_length = models.length,
if (converse.show_only_online_users) {
ignored = _.union(ignored, ['dnd', 'xa', 'away']);
for (i=0; i 0,
fullname = this.get('fullname'),
is_groupchat = type === 'groupchat',
chat_state = $message.find(converse.COMPOSING).length && converse.COMPOSING ||
$message.find(converse.PAUSED).length && converse.PAUSED ||
$message.find(converse.INACTIVE).length && converse.INACTIVE ||
$message.find(converse.ACTIVE).length && converse.ACTIVE ||
$message.find(converse.GONE).length && converse.GONE;
if (is_groupchat) {
from = Strophe.unescapeNode(Strophe.getResourceFromJid($message.attr('from')));
} else {
from = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid($message.attr('from'));
if (_.isEmpty(fullname)) {
fullname = from;
if (delayed) {
stamp = $delay.attr('stamp');
time = stamp;
} else {
time = moment().format();
if ((is_groupchat && from === this.get('nick')) || (!is_groupchat && from === converse.bare_jid)) {
sender = 'me';
} else {
sender = 'them';
return {
'type': type,
'chat_state': chat_state,
'delayed': delayed,
'fullname': fullname,
'message': body || undefined,
'msgid': $message.attr('id'),
'sender': sender,
'time': time
createMessage: function () {
return this.messages.create(this.getMessageAttributes.apply(this, arguments));
this.ChatBoxes = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: converse.ChatBox,
comparator: 'time_opened',
registerMessageHandler: function () {
converse.connection.addHandler(this.onMessage.bind(this), null, 'message', 'chat');
converse.connection.addHandler(this.onErrorMessage.bind(this), null, 'message', 'error');
chatBoxMayBeShown: function (chatbox) {
return true;
onChatBoxesFetched: function (collection) {
/* Show chat boxes upon receiving them from sessionStorage
* This method gets overridden entirely in src/converse-controlbox.js
* if the controlbox plugin is active.
var that = this;
collection.each(function (chatbox) {
if (that.chatBoxMayBeShown(chatbox)) {
onConnected: function () {
this.browserStorage = new Backbone.BrowserStorage[converse.storage](
add: true,
success: this.onChatBoxesFetched.bind(this)
onErrorMessage: function (message) {
/* Handler method for all incoming error message stanzas
// TODO: we can likely just reuse "onMessage" below
var $message = $(message),
from_jid = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid($message.attr('from'));
if (from_jid === converse.bare_jid) {
return true;
// Get chat box, but only create a new one when the message has a body.
var chatbox = this.getChatBox(from_jid);
if (!chatbox) {
return true;
chatbox.createMessage($message, null, message);
return true;
onMessage: function (message) {
/* Handler method for all incoming single-user chat "message"
* stanzas.
var $message = $(message),
contact_jid, $forwarded, $delay, from_bare_jid,
from_resource, is_me, msgid,
chatbox, resource,
from_jid = $message.attr('from'),
to_jid = $message.attr('to'),
to_resource = Strophe.getResourceFromJid(to_jid);
if (converse.filter_by_resource && (to_resource && to_resource !== converse.resource)) {
'onMessage: Ignoring incoming message intended for a different resource: '+to_jid,
return true;
} else if (utils.isHeadlineMessage(message)) {
// XXX: Ideally we wouldn't have to check for headline
// messages, but Prosody sends headline messages with the
// wrong type ('chat'), so we need to filter them out here.
"onMessage: Ignoring incoming headline message sent with type 'chat' from JID: "+from_jid,
return true;
$forwarded = $message.find('forwarded');
if ($forwarded.length) {
var $forwarded_message = $forwarded.children('message');
if (Strophe.getBareJidFromJid($forwarded_message.attr('from')) !== from_jid) {
// Prevent message forging via carbons
// https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0280.html#security
return true;
$message = $forwarded_message;
$delay = $forwarded.children('delay');
from_jid = $message.attr('from');
to_jid = $message.attr('to');
from_bare_jid = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(from_jid);
from_resource = Strophe.getResourceFromJid(from_jid);
is_me = from_bare_jid === converse.bare_jid;
msgid = $message.attr('id');
if (is_me) {
// I am the sender, so this must be a forwarded message...
contact_jid = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(to_jid);
resource = Strophe.getResourceFromJid(to_jid);
} else {
contact_jid = from_bare_jid;
resource = from_resource;
converse.emit('message', message);
// Get chat box, but only create a new one when the message has a body.
chatbox = this.getChatBox(contact_jid, $message.find('body').length > 0);
if (!chatbox) {
return true;
if (msgid && chatbox.messages.findWhere({msgid: msgid})) {
return true; // We already have this message stored.
chatbox.createMessage($message, $delay, message);
return true;
getChatBox: function (jid, create, attrs) {
/* Returns a chat box or optionally return a newly
* created one if one doesn't exist.
* Parameters:
* (String) jid - The JID of the user whose chat box we want
* (Boolean) create - Should a new chat box be created if none exists?
* (Object) attrs - Optional chat box atributes.
jid = jid.toLowerCase();
var bare_jid = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(jid);
var chatbox = this.get(bare_jid);
if (!chatbox && create) {
var roster_info = {};
var roster_item = converse.roster.get(bare_jid);
if (! _.isUndefined(roster_item)) {
roster_info = {
'fullname': _.isEmpty(roster_item.get('fullname'))? jid: roster_item.get('fullname'),
'image_type': roster_item.get('image_type'),
'image': roster_item.get('image'),
'url': roster_item.get('url'),
} else if (!converse.allow_non_roster_messaging) {
converse.log('Could not get roster item for JID '+bare_jid+
' and allow_non_roster_messaging is set to false', 'error');
chatbox = this.create(_.assignIn({
'id': bare_jid,
'jid': bare_jid,
'fullname': jid,
'image_type': DEFAULT_IMAGE_TYPE,
'url': '',
}, roster_info, attrs || {}));
return chatbox;
this.ChatBoxViews = Backbone.Overview.extend({
initialize: function () {
this.model.on("add", this.onChatBoxAdded, this);
this.model.on("destroy", this.removeChat, this);
_ensureElement: function () {
/* Override method from backbone.js
* If the #conversejs element doesn't exist, create it.
if (!this.el) {
var $el = $('#conversejs');
if (!$el.length) {
$el = $('
} ;
__p += '\n';
return __p
define('tpl!avatar', ['lodash'], function(_) {return function(obj) {
obj || (obj = {});
var __t, __p = '';
with (obj) {
__p += '\n';
return __p
// Converse.js (A browser based XMPP chat client)
// http://conversejs.org
// Copyright (c) 2012-2016, Jan-Carel Brand
// Licensed under the Mozilla Public License (MPLv2)
/*global Backbone, define */
(function (root, factory) {
define("converse-chatview", [
], factory);
}(this, function (
) {
"use strict";
converse.templates.chatbox = tpl_chatbox;
converse.templates.new_day = tpl_new_day;
converse.templates.action = tpl_action;
converse.templates.message = tpl_message;
converse.templates.toolbar = tpl_toolbar;
converse.templates.avatar = tpl_avatar;
var $ = converse_api.env.jQuery,
utils = converse_api.env.utils,
Strophe = converse_api.env.Strophe,
$msg = converse_api.env.$msg,
_ = converse_api.env._,
__ = utils.__.bind(converse),
moment = converse_api.env.moment;
var KEY = {
ENTER: 13,
converse_api.plugins.add('converse-chatview', {
overrides: {
// Overrides mentioned here will be picked up by converse.js's
// plugin architecture they will replace existing methods on the
// relevant objects or classes.
// New functions which don't exist yet can also be added.
ChatBoxViews: {
onChatBoxAdded: function (item) {
var view = this.get(item.get('id'));
if (!view) {
view = new converse.ChatBoxView({model: item});
this.add(item.get('id'), view);
return view;
} else {
return this.__super__.onChatBoxAdded.apply(this, arguments);
initialize: function () {
/* The initialize function gets called as soon as the plugin is
* loaded by converse.js's plugin machinery.
show_toolbar: true,
chatview_avatar_width: 32,
chatview_avatar_height: 32,
visible_toolbar_buttons: {
'emoticons': true,
'call': false,
'clear': true
converse.ChatBoxView = Backbone.View.extend({
length: 200,
tagName: 'div',
className: 'chatbox hidden',
is_chatroom: false, // Leaky abstraction from MUC
events: {
'click .close-chatbox-button': 'close',
'keypress .chat-textarea': 'keyPressed',
'click .toggle-smiley': 'toggleEmoticonMenu',
'click .toggle-smiley ul li': 'insertEmoticon',
'click .toggle-clear': 'clearMessages',
'click .toggle-call': 'toggleCall',
'click .new-msgs-indicator': 'viewUnreadMessages'
initialize: function () {
this.model.messages.on('add', this.onMessageAdded, this);
this.model.on('show', this.show, this);
this.model.on('destroy', this.hide, this);
// TODO check for changed fullname as well
this.model.on('change:chat_state', this.sendChatState, this);
this.model.on('change:chat_status', this.onChatStatusChanged, this);
this.model.on('change:image', this.renderAvatar, this);
this.model.on('change:status', this.onStatusChanged, this);
this.model.on('showHelpMessages', this.showHelpMessages, this);
this.model.on('sendMessage', this.sendMessage, this);
// XXX: adding the event below to the events map above doesn't work.
// The code that gets executed because of that looks like this:
// this.$el.on('scroll', '.chat-content', this.markScrolled.bind(this));
// Which for some reason doesn't work.
// So working around that fact here:
this.$el.find('.chat-content').on('scroll', this.markScrolled.bind(this));
converse.emit('chatBoxInitialized', this);
render: function () {
this.$el.attr('id', this.model.get('box_id'))
_.extend(this.model.toJSON(), {
show_toolbar: converse.show_toolbar,
show_textarea: true,
title: this.model.get('fullname'),
unread_msgs: __('You have unread messages'),
info_close: __('Close this chat box'),
label_personal_message: __('Personal message')
this.$content = this.$el.find('.chat-content');
converse.emit('chatBoxOpened', this);
return this.showStatusMessage();
afterMessagesFetched: function () {
// Provides a hook for plugins, such as converse-mam.
fetchMessages: function () {
'add': true,
'success': this.afterMessagesFetched.bind(this)
return this;
insertIntoDOM: function () {
/* This method gets overridden in src/converse-controlbox.js if
* the controlbox plugin is active.
return this;
clearStatusNotification: function () {
showStatusNotification: function (message, keep_old, permanent) {
if (!keep_old) {
var $el = $('').text(message);
if (!permanent) {
addSpinner: function () {
if (!this.$content.first().hasClass('spinner')) {
clearSpinner: function () {
if (this.$content.children(':first').is('span.spinner')) {
insertDayIndicator: function (date, prepend) {
/* Appends (or prepends if "prepend" is truthy) an indicator
* into the chat area, showing the day as given by the
* passed in date.
* Parameters:
* (String) date - An ISO8601 date string.
var day_date = moment(date).startOf('day');
var insert = prepend ? this.$content.prepend: this.$content.append;
insert.call(this.$content, converse.templates.new_day({
isodate: day_date.format(),
datestring: day_date.format("dddd MMM Do YYYY")
insertMessage: function (attrs, prepend) {
/* Helper method which appends a message (or prepends if the
* 2nd parameter is set to true) to the end of the chat box's
* content area.
* Parameters:
* (Object) attrs: An object containing the message attributes.
var that = this;
var insert = prepend ? this.$content.prepend : this.$content.append;
function ($el) {
insert.call(that.$content, $el);
return $el;
showMessage: function (attrs) {
/* Inserts a chat message into the content area of the chat box.
* Will also insert a new day indicator if the message is on a
* different day.
* The message to show may either be newer than the newest
* message, or older than the oldest message.
* Parameters:
* (Object) attrs: An object containing the message attributes.
var msg_dates, idx,
$first_msg = this.$content.find('.chat-message:first'),
first_msg_date = $first_msg.data('isodate'),
current_msg_date = moment(attrs.time) || moment,
last_msg_date = this.$content.find('.chat-message:last').data('isodate');
if (!first_msg_date) {
// This is the first received message, so we insert a
// date indicator before it.
if (current_msg_date.isAfter(last_msg_date) || current_msg_date.isSame(last_msg_date)) {
// The new message is after the last message
if (current_msg_date.isAfter(last_msg_date, 'day')) {
// Append a new day indicator
if (current_msg_date.isBefore(first_msg_date) || current_msg_date.isSame(first_msg_date)) {
// The message is before the first, but on the same day.
// We need to prepend the message immediately before the
// first message (so that it'll still be after the day indicator).
this.insertMessage(attrs, 'prepend');
if (current_msg_date.isBefore(first_msg_date, 'day')) {
// This message is also on a different day, so we prepend a day indicator.
this.insertDayIndicator(current_msg_date, 'prepend');
// Find the correct place to position the message
current_msg_date = current_msg_date.format();
msg_dates = _.map(this.$content.find('.chat-message'), function (el) {
return $(el).data('isodate');
idx = msg_dates.indexOf(current_msg_date)-1;
function ($el) {
return $el;
getExtraMessageTemplateAttributes: function () {
/* Provides a hook for sending more attributes to the
* message template.
* Parameters:
* (Object) attrs: An object containing message attributes.
return {};
renderMessage: function (attrs) {
/* Renders a chat message based on the passed in attributes.
* Parameters:
* (Object) attrs: An object containing the message attributes.
* Returns:
* The DOM element representing the message.
var msg_time = moment(attrs.time) || moment,
text = attrs.message,
match = text.match(/^\/(.*?)(?: (.*))?$/),
fullname = this.model.get('fullname') || attrs.fullname,
extra_classes = attrs.delayed && 'delayed' || '',
template, username;
if ((match) && (match[1] === 'me')) {
text = text.replace(/^\/me/, '');
template = converse.templates.action;
username = fullname;
} else {
template = converse.templates.message;
username = attrs.sender === 'me' && __('me') || fullname;
// FIXME: leaky abstraction from MUC
if (this.is_chatroom && attrs.sender === 'them' && (new RegExp("\\b"+this.model.get('nick')+"\\b")).test(text)) {
// Add special class to mark groupchat messages in which we
// are mentioned.
extra_classes += ' mentioned';
if (text.length > 8000) {
text = text.substring(0, 10) + '...';
__("A very large message has been received."+
"This might be due to an attack meant to degrade the chat performance."+
"Output has been shortened."),
true, true);
var $msg = $(template(
_.extend(this.getExtraMessageTemplateAttributes(attrs), {
'msgid': attrs.msgid,
'sender': attrs.sender,
'time': msg_time.format('hh:mm'),
'isodate': msg_time.format(),
'username': username,
'extra_classes': extra_classes
return $msg;
showHelpMessages: function (msgs, type, spinner) {
var i, msgs_length = msgs.length;
for (i=0; i'+msgs[i]+'
if (spinner === true) {
} else if (spinner === false) {
return this.scrollDown();
handleChatStateMessage: function (message) {
if (message.get('chat_state') === converse.COMPOSING) {
this.showStatusNotification(message.get('fullname')+' '+__('is typing'));
this.clear_status_timeout = window.setTimeout(this.clearStatusNotification.bind(this), 30000);
} else if (message.get('chat_state') === converse.PAUSED) {
this.showStatusNotification(message.get('fullname')+' '+__('has stopped typing'));
} else if (_.includes([converse.INACTIVE, converse.ACTIVE], message.get('chat_state'))) {
} else if (message.get('chat_state') === converse.GONE) {
this.showStatusNotification(message.get('fullname')+' '+__('has gone away'));
shouldShowOnTextMessage: function () {
return !this.$el.is(':visible');
updateNewMessageIndicators: function (message) {
/* We have two indicators of new messages. The unread messages
* counter, which shows the number of unread messages in
* the document.title, and the "new messages" indicator in
* a chat area, if it's scrolled up so that new messages
* aren't visible.
* In both cases we ignore MAM messages.
if (!message.get('archive_id')) {
if (this.model.get('scrolled', true)) {
if (converse.windowState === 'hidden' || this.model.get('scrolled', true)) {
handleTextMessage: function (message) {
if (message.get('sender') !== 'me') {
} else {
// We remove the "scrolled" flag so that the chat area
// gets scrolled down. We always want to scroll down
// when the user writes a message as opposed to when a
// message is received.
this.model.set('scrolled', false);
if (this.shouldShowOnTextMessage()) {
} else {
handleErrorMessage: function (message) {
var $message = $('[data-msgid='+message.get('msgid')+']');
if ($message.length) {
onMessageAdded: function (message) {
/* Handler that gets called when a new message object is created.
* Parameters:
* (Object) message - The message Backbone object that was added.
if (!_.isUndefined(this.clear_status_timeout)) {
delete this.clear_status_timeout;
if (message.get('type') === 'error') {
} else if (!message.get('message')) {
} else {
createMessageStanza: function (message) {
return $msg({
from: converse.connection.jid,
to: this.model.get('jid'),
type: 'chat',
id: message.get('msgid')
.c(converse.ACTIVE, {'xmlns': Strophe.NS.CHATSTATES}).up();
sendMessage: function (message) {
/* Responsible for sending off a text message.
* Parameters:
* (Message) message - The chat message
// TODO: We might want to send to specfic resources.
// Especially in the OTR case.
var messageStanza = this.createMessageStanza(message);
if (converse.forward_messages) {
// Forward the message, so that other connected resources are also aware of it.
$msg({ to: converse.bare_jid, type: 'chat', id: message.get('msgid') })
.c('forwarded', {xmlns:'urn:xmpp:forward:0'})
.c('delay', {xmns:'urn:xmpp:delay',stamp:(new Date()).getTime()}).up()
onMessageSubmitted: function (text) {
/* This method gets called once the user has typed a message
* and then pressed enter in a chat box.
* Parameters:
* (string) text - The chat message text.
if (!converse.connection.authenticated) {
return this.showHelpMessages(
['Sorry, the connection has been lost, '+
'and your message could not be sent'],
var match = text.replace(/^\s*/, "").match(/^\/(.*)\s*$/), msgs;
if (match) {
if (match[1] === "clear") {
return this.clearMessages();
else if (match[1] === "help") {
msgs = [
'/help:'+__('Show this menu')+'',
'/me:'+__('Write in the third person')+'',
'/clear:'+__('Remove messages')+''
var fullname = converse.xmppstatus.get('fullname');
fullname = _.isEmpty(fullname)? converse.bare_jid: fullname;
var message = this.model.messages.create({
fullname: fullname,
sender: 'me',
time: moment().format(),
message: text
sendChatState: function () {
/* Sends a message with the status of the user in this chat session
* as taken from the 'chat_state' attribute of the chat box.
* See XEP-0085 Chat State Notifications.
$msg({'to':this.model.get('jid'), 'type': 'chat'})
.c(this.model.get('chat_state'), {'xmlns': Strophe.NS.CHATSTATES}).up()
.c('no-store', {'xmlns': Strophe.NS.HINTS}).up()
.c('no-permanent-store', {'xmlns': Strophe.NS.HINTS})
setChatState: function (state, no_save) {
/* Mutator for setting the chat state of this chat session.
* Handles clearing of any chat state notification timeouts and
* setting new ones if necessary.
* Timeouts are set when the state being set is COMPOSING or PAUSED.
* After the timeout, COMPOSING will become PAUSED and PAUSED will become INACTIVE.
* See XEP-0085 Chat State Notifications.
* Parameters:
* (string) state - The chat state (consts ACTIVE, COMPOSING, PAUSED, INACTIVE, GONE)
* (Boolean) no_save - Just do the cleanup or setup but don't actually save the state.
if (!_.isUndefined(this.chat_state_timeout)) {
delete this.chat_state_timeout;
if (state === converse.COMPOSING) {
this.chat_state_timeout = window.setTimeout(
this.setChatState.bind(this), converse.TIMEOUTS.PAUSED, converse.PAUSED);
} else if (state === converse.PAUSED) {
this.chat_state_timeout = window.setTimeout(
this.setChatState.bind(this), converse.TIMEOUTS.INACTIVE, converse.INACTIVE);
if (!no_save && this.model.get('chat_state') !== state) {
this.model.set('chat_state', state);
return this;
keyPressed: function (ev) {
/* Event handler for when a key is pressed in a chat box textarea.
var $textarea = $(ev.target), message;
if (ev.keyCode === KEY.ENTER) {
message = $textarea.val();
if (message !== '') {
converse.emit('messageSend', message);
} else {
// Set chat state to composing if keyCode is not a forward-slash
// (which would imply an internal command and not a message).
this.setChatState(converse.COMPOSING, ev.keyCode === KEY.FORWARD_SLASH);
clearMessages: function (ev) {
if (ev && ev.preventDefault) { ev.preventDefault(); }
var result = confirm(__("Are you sure you want to clear the messages from this chat box?"));
if (result === true) {
return this;
insertIntoTextArea: function (value) {
var $textbox = this.$el.find('textarea.chat-textarea');
var existing = $textbox.val();
if (existing && (existing[existing.length-1] !== ' ')) {
existing = existing + ' ';
$textbox.focus().val(existing+value+' ');
insertEmoticon: function (ev) {
this.$el.find('.toggle-smiley ul').slideToggle(200);
var $target = $(ev.target);
$target = $target.is('a') ? $target : $target.children('a');
toggleEmoticonMenu: function (ev) {
this.$el.find('.toggle-smiley ul').slideToggle(200);
toggleCall: function (ev) {
converse.emit('callButtonClicked', {
connection: converse.connection,
model: this.model
onChatStatusChanged: function (item) {
var chat_status = item.get('chat_status'),
fullname = item.get('fullname');
fullname = _.isEmpty(fullname)? item.get('jid'): fullname;
if (this.$el.is(':visible')) {
if (chat_status === 'offline') {
this.showStatusNotification(fullname+' '+__('has gone offline'));
} else if (chat_status === 'away') {
this.showStatusNotification(fullname+' '+__('has gone away'));
} else if ((chat_status === 'dnd')) {
this.showStatusNotification(fullname+' '+__('is busy'));
} else if (chat_status === 'online') {
onStatusChanged: function (item) {
converse.emit('contactStatusMessageChanged', {
'contact': item.attributes,
'message': item.get('status')
showStatusMessage: function (msg) {
msg = msg || this.model.get('status');
if (_.isString(msg)) {
this.$el.find('p.user-custom-message').text(msg).attr('title', msg);
return this;
close: function (ev) {
if (ev && ev.preventDefault) { ev.preventDefault(); }
if (converse.connection.connected) {
// Immediately sending the chat state, because the
// model is going to be destroyed afterwards.
this.model.set('chat_state', converse.INACTIVE);
converse.emit('chatBoxClosed', this);
return this;
getToolbarOptions: function (options) {
return _.extend(options || {}, {
'label_clear': __('Clear all messages'),
'label_insert_smiley': __('Insert a smiley'),
'label_start_call': __('Start a call'),
'show_call_button': converse.visible_toolbar_buttons.call,
'show_clear_button': converse.visible_toolbar_buttons.clear,
'show_emoticons': converse.visible_toolbar_buttons.emoticons,
renderToolbar: function (toolbar, options) {
if (!converse.show_toolbar) { return; }
toolbar = toolbar || converse.templates.toolbar;
options = _.extend(
this.getToolbarOptions(options || {})
return this;
renderAvatar: function () {
if (!this.model.get('image')) {
var width = converse.chatview_avatar_width;
var height = converse.chatview_avatar_height;
var img_src = 'data:'+this.model.get('image_type')+';base64,'+this.model.get('image'),
canvas = $(converse.templates.avatar({
'width': width,
'height': height
if (!(canvas.getContext && canvas.getContext('2d'))) {
return this;
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
var img = new Image(); // Create new Image object
img.onload = function () {
var ratio = img.width/img.height;
if (ratio < 1) {
ctx.drawImage(img, 0,0, width, height*(1/ratio));
} else {
ctx.drawImage(img, 0,0, width, height*ratio);
img.src = img_src;
return this;
focus: function () {
converse.emit('chatBoxFocused', this);
return this;
hide: function () {
return this;
afterShown: function () {
if (converse.connection.connected) {
// Without a connection, we haven't yet initialized
// localstorage
if (focus) {
_show: function (focus) {
/* Inner show method that gets debounced */
if (this.$el.is(':visible') && this.$el.css('opacity') === "1") {
if (focus) { this.focus(); }
utils.fadeIn(this.el, this.afterShown.bind(this));
show: function (focus) {
if (_.isUndefined(this.debouncedShow)) {
/* We wrap the method in a debouncer and set it on the
* instance, so that we have it debounced per instance.
* Debouncing it on the class-level is too broad.
this.debouncedShow = _.debounce(this._show, 250, {'leading': true});
this.debouncedShow.apply(this, arguments);
return this;
markScrolled: _.debounce(function (ev) {
/* Called when the chat content is scrolled up or down.
* We want to record when the user has scrolled away from
* the bottom, so that we don't automatically scroll away
* from what the user is reading when new messages are
* received.
if (ev && ev.preventDefault) { ev.preventDefault(); }
var is_at_bottom = this.$content.scrollTop() + this.$content.innerHeight() >= this.$content[0].scrollHeight-10;
if (is_at_bottom) {
this.model.set('scrolled', false);
} else {
// We're not at the bottom of the chat area, so we mark
// that the box is in a scrolled-up state.
this.model.set('scrolled', true);
}, 150),
viewUnreadMessages: function () {
this.model.set('scrolled', false);
scrollDownMessageHeight: function ($message) {
if (this.$content.is(':visible') && !this.model.get('scrolled')) {
this.$content.scrollTop(this.$content.scrollTop() + $message[0].scrollHeight);
return this;
scrollDown: function () {
if (this.$content.is(':visible') && !this.model.get('scrolled')) {
return this;
define('tpl!add_contact_dropdown', ['lodash'], function(_) {return function(obj) {
obj || (obj = {});
var __t, __p = '';
with (obj) {
__p += '
return __p
define('tpl!group_header', ['lodash'], function(_) {return function(obj) {
obj || (obj = {});
var __t, __p = '';
with (obj) {
__p += '' +
((__t = (label_group)) == null ? '' : __t) +
return __p
define('tpl!pending_contact', ['lodash'], function(_) {return function(obj) {
obj || (obj = {});
var __t, __p = '', __j = Array.prototype.join;
function print() { __p += __j.call(arguments, '') }
with (obj) {
if (allow_chat_pending_contacts) { ;
__p += '\n\n';
} ;
__p += '\n' +
((__t = (fullname)) == null ? '' : __t) +
' \n';
if (allow_chat_pending_contacts) { ;
__p += '\n\n';
} ;
__p += '\n\n';
return __p
define('tpl!requesting_contact', ['lodash'], function(_) {return function(obj) {
obj || (obj = {});
var __t, __p = '', __j = Array.prototype.join;
function print() { __p += __j.call(arguments, '') }
with (obj) {
if (allow_chat_pending_contacts) { ;
__p += '\n\n';
} ;
__p += '\n' +
((__t = (fullname)) == null ? '' : __t) +
if (allow_chat_pending_contacts) { ;
__p += '\n\n';
} ;
__p += '\n\n \n \n\n';
return __p
define('tpl!roster', ['lodash'], function(_) {return function(obj) {
obj || (obj = {});
var __t, __p = '', __j = Array.prototype.join;
function print() { __p += __j.call(arguments, '') }
with (obj) {
__p += '\n';
return __p
define('tpl!roster_item', ['lodash'], function(_) {return function(obj) {
obj || (obj = {});
var __t, __p = '', __j = Array.prototype.join;
function print() { __p += __j.call(arguments, '') }
with (obj) {
__p += '' +
((__t = (fullname)) == null ? '' : __t) +
if (allow_contact_removal) { ;
__p += '\n\n';
} ;
__p += '\n';
return __p
// Converse.js (A browser based XMPP chat client)
// http://conversejs.org
// Copyright (c) 2012-2016, Jan-Carel Brand
// Licensed under the Mozilla Public License (MPLv2)
/*global Backbone, define */
(function (root, factory) {
define("converse-rosterview", [
], factory);
}(this, function (
tpl_roster_item) {
"use strict";
converse.templates.group_header = tpl_group_header;
converse.templates.pending_contact = tpl_pending_contact;
converse.templates.requesting_contact = tpl_requesting_contact;
converse.templates.roster = tpl_roster;
converse.templates.roster_item = tpl_roster_item;
var $ = converse_api.env.jQuery,
utils = converse_api.env.utils,
Strophe = converse_api.env.Strophe,
$iq = converse_api.env.$iq,
b64_sha1 = converse_api.env.b64_sha1,
_ = converse_api.env._,
__ = utils.__.bind(converse);
converse_api.plugins.add('rosterview', {
overrides: {
// Overrides mentioned here will be picked up by converse.js's
// plugin architecture they will replace existing methods on the
// relevant objects or classes.
// New functions which don't exist yet can also be added.
afterReconnected: function () {
this.__super__.afterReconnected.apply(this, arguments);
_tearDown: function () {
/* Remove the rosterview when tearing down. It gets created
* anew when reconnecting or logging in.
this.__super__._tearDown.apply(this, arguments);
if (!_.isUndefined(this.rosterview)) {
RosterGroups: {
comparator: function () {
// RosterGroupsComparator only gets set later (once i18n is
// set up), so we need to wrap it in this nameless function.
return converse.RosterGroupsComparator.apply(this, arguments);
initialize: function () {
/* The initialize function gets called as soon as the plugin is
* loaded by converse.js's plugin machinery.
allow_chat_pending_contacts: false,
allow_contact_removal: true,
show_toolbar: true,
var STATUSES = {
'dnd': __('This contact is busy'),
'online': __('This contact is online'),
'offline': __('This contact is offline'),
'unavailable': __('This contact is unavailable'),
'xa': __('This contact is away for an extended period'),
'away': __('This contact is away')
var LABEL_CONTACTS = __('Contacts');
var LABEL_GROUPS = __('Groups');
var HEADER_CURRENT_CONTACTS = __('My contacts');
var HEADER_PENDING_CONTACTS = __('Pending contacts');
var HEADER_REQUESTING_CONTACTS = __('Contact requests');
var HEADER_UNGROUPED = __('Ungrouped');
converse.RosterGroupsComparator = function (a, b) {
/* Groups are sorted alphabetically, ignoring case.
* However, Ungrouped, Requesting Contacts and Pending Contacts
* appear last and in that order.
a = a.get('name');
b = b.get('name');
var special_groups = _.keys(HEADER_WEIGHTS);
var a_is_special = _.includes(special_groups, a);
var b_is_special = _.includes(special_groups, b);
if (!a_is_special && !b_is_special ) {
return a.toLowerCase() < b.toLowerCase() ? -1 : (a.toLowerCase() > b.toLowerCase() ? 1 : 0);
} else if (a_is_special && b_is_special) {
} else if (!a_is_special && b_is_special) {
return (b === HEADER_REQUESTING_CONTACTS) ? 1 : -1;
} else if (a_is_special && !b_is_special) {
return (a === HEADER_REQUESTING_CONTACTS) ? -1 : 1;
converse.RosterFilter = Backbone.Model.extend({
initialize: function () {
'filter_text': '',
'filter_type': 'contacts',
'chat_state': ''
converse.RosterFilterView = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: 'span',
events: {
"keydown .roster-filter": "liveFilter",
"click .onX": "clearFilter",
"mousemove .x": "toggleX",
"change .filter-type": "changeTypeFilter",
"change .state-type": "changeChatStateFilter"
initialize: function () {
this.model.on('change', this.render, this);
render: function () {
_.extend(this.model.toJSON(), {
placeholder: __('Filter'),
label_contacts: LABEL_CONTACTS,
label_groups: LABEL_GROUPS,
label_state: __('State'),
label_any: __('Any'),
label_online: __('Online'),
label_chatty: __('Chatty'),
label_busy: __('Busy'),
label_away: __('Away'),
label_xa: __('Extended Away'),
label_offline: __('Offline')
var $roster_filter = this.$('.roster-filter');
return this.$el;
tog: function (v) {
return v?'addClass':'removeClass';
toggleX: function (ev) {
if (ev && ev.preventDefault) { ev.preventDefault(); }
var el = ev.target;
$(el)[this.tog(el.offsetWidth-18 < ev.clientX-el.getBoundingClientRect().left)]('onX');
changeChatStateFilter: function (ev) {
if (ev && ev.preventDefault) { ev.preventDefault(); }
'chat_state': this.$('.state-type').val()
changeTypeFilter: function (ev) {
if (ev && ev.preventDefault) { ev.preventDefault(); }
var type = ev.target.value;
if (type === 'state') {
'filter_type': type,
'chat_state': this.$('.state-type').val()
} else {
'filter_type': type,
'filter_text': this.$('.roster-filter').val(),
liveFilter: _.debounce(function (ev) {
if (ev && ev.preventDefault) { ev.preventDefault(); }
'filter_type': this.$('.filter-type').val(),
'filter_text': this.$('.roster-filter').val()
}, 250),
isActive: function () {
/* Returns true if the filter is enabled (i.e. if the user
* has added values to the filter).
if (this.model.get('filter_type') === 'state' ||
this.model.get('filter_text')) {
return true;
return false;
show: function () {
if (this.$el.is(':visible')) { return this; }
return this;
hide: function () {
if (!this.$el.is(':visible')) { return this; }
if (this.$('.roster-filter').val().length > 0) {
// Don't hide if user is currently filtering.
'filter_text': '',
'chat_state': ''
return this;
clearFilter: function (ev) {
if (ev && ev.preventDefault) {
$(ev.target).removeClass('x onX').val('');
'filter_text': ''
converse.RosterView = Backbone.Overview.extend({
tagName: 'div',
id: 'converse-roster',
initialize: function () {
this.roster_handler_ref = this.registerRosterHandler();
this.rosterx_handler_ref = this.registerRosterXHandler();
converse.roster.on("add", this.onContactAdd, this);
converse.roster.on('change', this.onContactChange, this);
converse.roster.on("destroy", this.update, this);
converse.roster.on("remove", this.update, this);
this.model.on("add", this.onGroupAdd, this);
this.model.on("reset", this.reset, this);
converse.on('rosterGroupsFetched', this.positionFetchedGroups, this);
converse.on('rosterContactsFetched', this.update, this);
render: function () {
this.$roster = $('
if (!converse.allow_contact_requests) {
// XXX: if we ever support live editing of config then
// we'll need to be able to remove this class on the fly.
return this;
createRosterFilter: function () {
// Create a model on which we can store filter properties
var model = new converse.RosterFilter();
model.id = b64_sha1('converse.rosterfilter'+converse.bare_jid);
model.browserStorage = new Backbone.BrowserStorage.local(this.filter.id);
this.filter_view = new converse.RosterFilterView({'model': model});
this.filter_view.model.on('change', this.updateFilter, this);
updateFilter: _.debounce(function () {
/* Filter the roster again.
* Called whenever the filter settings have been changed or
* when contacts have been added, removed or changed.
* Debounced so that it doesn't get called for every
* contact fetched from browser storage.
var type = this.filter_view.model.get('filter_type');
if (type === 'state') {
this.filter(this.filter_view.model.get('chat_state'), type);
} else {
this.filter(this.filter_view.model.get('filter_text'), type);
}, 100),
unregisterHandlers: function () {
delete this.roster_handler_ref;
delete this.rosterx_handler_ref;
update: _.debounce(function () {
if (this.$roster.parent().length === 0) {
return this.showHideFilter();
}, converse.animate ? 100 : 0),
showHideFilter: function () {
if (!this.$el.is(':visible')) {
if (this.$roster.hasScrollBar()) {
} else if (!this.filter_view.isActive()) {
return this;
filter: function (query, type) {
// First we make sure the filter is restored to its
// original state
_.each(this.getAll(), function (view) {
if (view.model.contacts.length > 0) {
// Now we can filter
query = query.toLowerCase();
if (type === 'groups') {
_.each(this.getAll(), function (view, idx) {
if (!_.includes(view.model.get('name').toLowerCase(), query.toLowerCase())) {
} else if (view.model.contacts.length > 0) {
} else {
_.each(this.getAll(), function (view) {
view.filter(query, type);
reset: function () {
this.$roster = $('
return this;
registerRosterHandler: function () {
Strophe.NS.ROSTER, 'iq', "set"
registerRosterXHandler: function () {
var t = 0;
function (msg) {
function () {
t += $(msg).find('item').length*250;
return true;
Strophe.NS.ROSTERX, 'message', null
onGroupAdd: function (group) {
var view = new converse.RosterGroupView({model: group});
this.add(group.get('name'), view.render());
onContactAdd: function (contact) {
onContactChange: function (contact) {
if (_.has(contact.changed, 'subscription')) {
if (contact.changed.subscription === 'from') {
this.addContactToGroup(contact, HEADER_PENDING_CONTACTS);
} else if (_.includes(['both', 'to'], contact.get('subscription'))) {
if (_.has(contact.changed, 'ask') && contact.changed.ask === 'subscribe') {
this.addContactToGroup(contact, HEADER_PENDING_CONTACTS);
if (_.has(contact.changed, 'subscription') && contact.changed.requesting === 'true') {
this.addContactToGroup(contact, HEADER_REQUESTING_CONTACTS);
updateChatBox: function (contact) {
var chatbox = converse.chatboxes.get(contact.get('jid')),
changes = {};
if (!chatbox) {
return this;
if (_.has(contact.changed, 'chat_status')) {
changes.chat_status = contact.get('chat_status');
if (_.has(contact.changed, 'status')) {
changes.status = contact.get('status');
return this;
positionFetchedGroups: function (model, resp, options) {
/* Instead of throwing an add event for each group
* fetched, we wait until they're all fetched and then
* we position them.
* Works around the problem of positionGroup not
* working when all groups besides the one being
* positioned aren't already in inserted into the
* roster DOM element.
this.model.each(function (group, idx) {
var view = this.get(group.get('name'));
if (!view) {
view = new converse.RosterGroupView({model: group});
this.add(group.get('name'), view.render());
if (idx === 0) {
} else {
positionGroup: function (view) {
/* Place the group's DOM element in the correct alphabetical
* position amongst the other groups in the roster.
var $groups = this.$roster.find('.roster-group'),
index = $groups.length ? this.model.indexOf(view.model) : 0;
if (index === 0) {
} else if (index === (this.model.length-1)) {
} else {
return this;
appendGroup: function (view) {
/* Add the group at the bottom of the roster
var $last = this.$roster.find('.roster-group').last();
var $siblings = $last.siblings('dd');
if ($siblings.length > 0) {
} else {
return this;
getGroup: function (name) {
/* Returns the group as specified by name.
* Creates the group if it doesn't exist.
var view = this.get(name);
if (view) {
return view.model;
return this.model.create({name: name, id: b64_sha1(name)});
addContactToGroup: function (contact, name) {
addExistingContact: function (contact) {
var groups;
if (converse.roster_groups) {
groups = contact.get('groups');
if (groups.length === 0) {
} else {
_.each(groups, _.bind(this.addContactToGroup, this, contact));
addRosterContact: function (contact) {
if (contact.get('subscription') === 'both' || contact.get('subscription') === 'to') {
} else {
if ((contact.get('ask') === 'subscribe') || (contact.get('subscription') === 'from')) {
this.addContactToGroup(contact, HEADER_PENDING_CONTACTS);
} else if (contact.get('requesting') === true) {
this.addContactToGroup(contact, HEADER_REQUESTING_CONTACTS);
return this;
converse.RosterContactView = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: 'dd',
events: {
"click .accept-xmpp-request": "acceptRequest",
"click .decline-xmpp-request": "declineRequest",
"click .open-chat": "openChat",
"click .remove-xmpp-contact": "removeContact"
initialize: function () {
this.model.on("change", this.render, this);
this.model.on("remove", this.remove, this);
this.model.on("destroy", this.remove, this);
this.model.on("open", this.openChat, this);
render: function () {
var that = this;
if (!this.mayBeShown()) {
return this;
var item = this.model,
ask = item.get('ask'),
chat_status = item.get('chat_status'),
requesting = item.get('requesting'),
subscription = item.get('subscription');
var classes_to_remove = [
function (cls) {
if (_.includes(that.el.className, cls)) {
this.$el.addClass(chat_status).data('status', chat_status);
if ((ask === 'subscribe') || (subscription === 'from')) {
/* ask === 'subscribe'
* Means we have asked to subscribe to them.
* subscription === 'from'
* They are subscribed to use, but not vice versa.
* We assume that there is a pending subscription
* from us to them (otherwise we're in a state not
* supported by converse.js).
* So in both cases the user is a "pending" contact.
_.extend(item.toJSON(), {
'desc_remove': __('Click to remove this contact'),
'allow_chat_pending_contacts': converse.allow_chat_pending_contacts
} else if (requesting === true) {
_.extend(item.toJSON(), {
'desc_accept': __("Click to accept this contact request"),
'desc_decline': __("Click to decline this contact request"),
'allow_chat_pending_contacts': converse.allow_chat_pending_contacts
} else if (subscription === 'both' || subscription === 'to') {
this.$el.removeClass(_.without(['both', 'to'], subscription)[0]).addClass(subscription);
_.extend(item.toJSON(), {
'desc_status': STATUSES[chat_status||'offline'],
'desc_chat': __('Click to chat with this contact'),
'desc_remove': __('Click to remove this contact'),
'title_fullname': __('Name'),
'allow_contact_removal': converse.allow_contact_removal
return this;
isGroupCollapsed: function () {
/* Check whether the group in which this contact appears is
* collapsed.
// XXX: this sucks and is fragile.
// It's because I tried to do the "right thing"
// and use definition lists to represent roster groups.
// If roster group items were inside the group elements, we
// would simplify things by not having to check whether the
// group is collapsed or not.
var name = this.$el.prevAll('dt:first').data('group');
var group = converse.rosterview.model.where({'name': name})[0];
if (group.get('state') === converse.CLOSED) {
return true;
return false;
mayBeShown: function () {
/* Return a boolean indicating whether this contact should
* generally be visible in the roster.
* It doesn't check for the more specific case of whether
* the group it's in is collapsed (see isGroupCollapsed).
var chatStatus = this.model.get('chat_status');
if ((converse.show_only_online_users && chatStatus !== 'online') ||
(converse.hide_offline_users && chatStatus === 'offline')) {
// If pending or requesting, show
if ((this.model.get('ask') === 'subscribe') ||
(this.model.get('subscription') === 'from') ||
(this.model.get('requesting') === true)) {
return true;
return false;
return true;
openChat: function (ev) {
if (ev && ev.preventDefault) { ev.preventDefault(); }
return converse.chatboxviews.showChat(this.model.attributes);
removeContact: function (ev) {
if (ev && ev.preventDefault) { ev.preventDefault(); }
if (!converse.allow_contact_removal) { return; }
var result = confirm(__("Are you sure you want to remove this contact?"));
if (result === true) {
var iq = $iq({type: 'set'})
.c('query', {xmlns: Strophe.NS.ROSTER})
.c('item', {jid: this.model.get('jid'), subscription: "remove"});
function (iq) {
function (err) {
alert(__("Sorry, there was an error while trying to remove "+name+" as a contact."));
acceptRequest: function (ev) {
if (ev && ev.preventDefault) { ev.preventDefault(); }
function () { this.model.authorize().subscribe(); }.bind(this)
declineRequest: function (ev) {
if (ev && ev.preventDefault) { ev.preventDefault(); }
var result = confirm(__("Are you sure you want to decline this contact request?"));
if (result === true) {
return this;
converse.RosterGroupView = Backbone.Overview.extend({
tagName: 'dt',
className: 'roster-group',
events: {
"click a.group-toggle": "toggle"
initialize: function () {
this.model.contacts.on("add", this.addContact, this);
this.model.contacts.on("change:subscription", this.onContactSubscriptionChange, this);
this.model.contacts.on("change:requesting", this.onContactRequestChange, this);
this.model.contacts.on("change:chat_status", function (contact) {
// This might be optimized by instead of first sorting,
// finding the correct position in positionContact
}, this);
this.model.contacts.on("destroy", this.onRemove, this);
this.model.contacts.on("remove", this.onRemove, this);
converse.roster.on('change:groups', this.onContactGroupChange, this);
render: function () {
this.$el.attr('data-group', this.model.get('name'));
label_group: this.model.get('name'),
desc_group_toggle: this.model.get('description'),
toggle_state: this.model.get('state')
return this;
addContact: function (contact) {
var view = new converse.RosterContactView({model: contact});
this.add(contact.get('id'), view);
view = this.positionContact(contact).render();
if (view.mayBeShown()) {
if (this.model.get('state') === converse.CLOSED) {
if (view.$el[0].style.display !== "none") { view.$el.hide(); }
if (!this.$el.is(':visible')) { this.$el.show(); }
} else {
if (this.$el[0].style.display !== "block") { this.show(); }
positionContact: function (contact) {
/* Place the contact's DOM element in the correct alphabetical
* position amongst the other contacts in this group.
var view = this.get(contact.get('id'));
var index = this.model.contacts.indexOf(contact);
if (index === 0) {
} else if (index === (this.model.contacts.length-1)) {
} else {
return view;
show: function () {
_.each(this.getAll(), function (view) {
if (view.mayBeShown() && !view.isGroupCollapsed()) {
return this;
hide: function () {
filter: function (q, type) {
/* Filter the group's contacts based on the query "q".
* The query is matched against the contact's full name.
* If all contacts are filtered out (i.e. hidden), then the
* group must be filtered out as well.
var matches;
if (q.length === 0) {
if (this.model.get('state') === converse.OPENED) {
this.model.contacts.each(function (item) {
var view = this.get(item.get('id'));
if (view.mayBeShown() && !view.isGroupCollapsed()) {
} else {
q = q.toLowerCase();
if (type === 'state') {
if (this.model.get('name') === HEADER_REQUESTING_CONTACTS) {
// When filtering by chat state, we still want to
// show requesting contacts, even though they don't
// have the state in question.
matches = this.model.contacts.filter(
function (contact) {
return utils.contains.not('chat_status', q)(contact) && !contact.get('requesting');
} else {
matches = this.model.contacts.filter(
utils.contains.not('chat_status', q)
} else {
matches = this.model.contacts.filter(
utils.contains.not('fullname', q)
if (matches.length === this.model.contacts.length) {
// hide the whole group
} else {
_.each(matches, function (item) {
_.each(this.model.contacts.reject(utils.contains.not('fullname', q)), function (item) {
showIfNecessary: function () {
if (!this.$el.is(':visible') && this.model.contacts.length > 0) {
toggle: function (ev) {
if (ev && ev.preventDefault) { ev.preventDefault(); }
var $el = $(ev.target);
if ($el.hasClass("icon-opened")) {
this.model.save({state: converse.CLOSED});
} else {
this.model.save({state: converse.OPENED});
converse.rosterview.$('.roster-filter').val() || '',
onContactGroupChange: function (contact) {
var in_this_group = _.includes(contact.get('groups'), this.model.get('name'));
var cid = contact.get('id');
var in_this_overview = !this.get(cid);
if (in_this_group && !in_this_overview) {
} else if (!in_this_group && in_this_overview) {
onContactSubscriptionChange: function (contact) {
if ((this.model.get('name') === HEADER_PENDING_CONTACTS) && contact.get('subscription') !== 'from') {
onContactRequestChange: function (contact) {
if ((this.model.get('name') === HEADER_REQUESTING_CONTACTS) && !contact.get('requesting')) {
/* We suppress events, otherwise the remove event will
* also cause the contact's view to be removed from the
* "Pending Contacts" group.
this.model.contacts.remove(contact.get('id'), {'silent': true});
// Since we suppress events, we make sure the view and
// contact are removed from this group.
onRemove: function (contact) {
if (this.model.contacts.length === 0) {
/* -------- Event Handlers ----------- */
var initRoster = function () {
/* Create an instance of RosterView once the RosterGroups
* collection has been created (in converse-core.js)
converse.rosterview = new converse.RosterView({
'model': converse.rostergroups
converse.on('rosterInitialized', initRoster);
converse.on('rosterReadyAfterReconnection', initRoster);
// Converse.js (A browser based XMPP chat client)
// http://conversejs.org
// Copyright (c) 2012-2016, Jan-Carel Brand
// Licensed under the Mozilla Public License (MPLv2)
/*global define, Backbone */
(function (root, factory) {
define("converse-controlbox", [
], factory);
}(this, function (
) {
"use strict";
converse.templates.add_contact_dropdown = tpl_add_contact_dropdown;
converse.templates.add_contact_form = tpl_add_contact_form;
converse.templates.change_status_message = tpl_change_status_message;
converse.templates.chat_status = tpl_chat_status;
converse.templates.choose_status = tpl_choose_status;
converse.templates.contacts_panel = tpl_contacts_panel;
converse.templates.contacts_tab = tpl_contacts_tab;
converse.templates.controlbox = tpl_controlbox;
converse.templates.controlbox_toggle = tpl_controlbox_toggle;
converse.templates.login_panel = tpl_login_panel;
converse.templates.login_tab = tpl_login_tab;
converse.templates.search_contact = tpl_search_contact;
converse.templates.status_option = tpl_status_option;
var USERS_PANEL_ID = 'users';
// Strophe methods for building stanzas
var Strophe = converse_api.env.Strophe,
utils = converse_api.env.utils;
// Other necessary globals
var $ = converse_api.env.jQuery,
_ = converse_api.env._,
__ = utils.__.bind(converse),
moment = converse_api.env.moment;
converse_api.plugins.add('converse-controlbox', {
overrides: {
// Overrides mentioned here will be picked up by converse.js's
// plugin architecture they will replace existing methods on the
// relevant objects or classes.
// New functions which don't exist yet can also be added.
initSession: function () {
this.controlboxtoggle = new this.ControlBoxToggle();
this.__super__.initSession.apply(this, arguments);
initConnection: function () {
this.__super__.initConnection.apply(this, arguments);
if (this.connection) {
_tearDown: function () {
this.__super__._tearDown.apply(this, arguments);
if (this.rosterview) {
// Removes roster groups
this.rosterview.each(function (groupview) {
clearSession: function () {
this.__super__.clearSession.apply(this, arguments);
if (_.isUndefined(this.connection) && this.connection.connected) {
this.chatboxes.get('controlbox').save({'connected': false});
ChatBoxes: {
chatBoxMayBeShown: function (chatbox) {
return this.__super__.chatBoxMayBeShown.apply(this, arguments) &&
chatbox.get('id') !== 'controlbox';
onChatBoxesFetched: function (collection, resp) {
this.__super__.onChatBoxesFetched.apply(this, arguments);
if (!_.includes(_.map(resp, 'id'), 'controlbox')) {
id: 'controlbox',
box_id: 'controlbox'
ChatBoxViews: {
onChatBoxAdded: function (item) {
if (item.get('box_id') === 'controlbox') {
var view = this.get(item.get('id'));
if (view) {
view.model = item;
return view;
} else {
view = new converse.ControlBoxView({model: item});
return this.add(item.get('id'), view);
} else {
return this.__super__.onChatBoxAdded.apply(this, arguments);
closeAllChatBoxes: function () {
this.each(function (view) {
if (converse.disconnection_cause === converse.LOGOUT ||
view.model.get('id') !== 'controlbox') {
return this;
getChatBoxWidth: function (view) {
var controlbox = this.get('controlbox');
if (view.model.get('id') === 'controlbox') {
/* We return the width of the controlbox or its toggle,
* depending on which is visible.
if (!controlbox || !controlbox.$el.is(':visible')) {
return converse.controlboxtoggle.$el.outerWidth(true);
} else {
return controlbox.$el.outerWidth(true);
} else {
return this.__super__.getChatBoxWidth.apply(this, arguments);
ChatBox: {
initialize: function () {
if (this.get('id') === 'controlbox') {
'time_opened': moment(0).valueOf(),
'num_unread': 0
} else {
this.__super__.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
ChatBoxView: {
insertIntoDOM: function () {
return this;
initialize: function () {
/* The initialize function gets called as soon as the plugin is
* loaded by converse.js's plugin machinery.
var converse = this.converse;
allow_logout: true,
default_domain: undefined,
show_controlbox_by_default: false,
sticky_controlbox: false,
xhr_user_search: false,
xhr_user_search_url: ''
var LABEL_CONTACTS = __('Contacts');
converse.addControlBox = function () {
return converse.chatboxes.add({
id: 'controlbox',
box_id: 'controlbox',
closed: !converse.show_controlbox_by_default
converse.ControlBoxView = converse.ChatBoxView.extend({
tagName: 'div',
className: 'chatbox',
id: 'controlbox',
events: {
'click a.close-chatbox-button': 'close',
'click ul#controlbox-tabs li a': 'switchTab',
initialize: function () {
this.model.on('change:connected', this.onConnected, this);
this.model.on('destroy', this.hide, this);
this.model.on('hide', this.hide, this);
this.model.on('show', this.show, this);
this.model.on('change:closed', this.ensureClosedState, this);
if (this.model.get('connected')) {
if (_.isUndefined(this.model.get('closed'))) {
this.model.set('closed', !converse.show_controlbox_by_default);
if (!this.model.get('closed')) {
} else {
render: function () {
_.extend(this.model.toJSON(), {
sticky_controlbox: converse.sticky_controlbox
if (!converse.connection.connected || !converse.connection.authenticated || converse.connection.disconnecting) {
} else if (!this.contactspanel || !this.contactspanel.$el.is(':visible')) {
return this;
onConnected: function () {
if (this.model.get('connected')) {
insertRoster: function () {
/* Place the rosterview inside the "Contacts" panel.
return this;
renderLoginPanel: function () {
this.loginpanel = new converse.LoginPanel({
'$parent': this.$el.find('.controlbox-panes'),
'model': this
return this;
renderContactsPanel: function () {
if (_.isUndefined(this.model.get('active-panel'))) {
this.model.save({'active-panel': USERS_PANEL_ID});
this.contactspanel = new converse.ContactsPanel({
'$parent': this.$el.find('.controlbox-panes')
converse.xmppstatusview = new converse.XMPPStatusView({
'model': converse.xmppstatus
close: function (ev) {
if (ev && ev.preventDefault) { ev.preventDefault(); }
if (converse.connection.connected && !converse.connection.disconnecting) {
this.model.save({'closed': true});
} else {
converse.emit('controlBoxClosed', this);
return this;
ensureClosedState: function () {
if (this.model.get('closed')) {
} else {
hide: function (callback) {
converse.emit('chatBoxClosed', this);
if (!converse.connection.connected) {
return this;
onControlBoxToggleHidden: function () {
var that = this;
utils.fadeIn(this.el, function () {
converse.emit('controlBoxOpened', that);
show: function () {
return this;
switchTab: function (ev) {
// TODO: automatically focus the relevant input
if (ev && ev.preventDefault) { ev.preventDefault(); }
var $tab = $(ev.target),
$sibling = $tab.parent().siblings('li').children('a'),
$tab_panel = $($tab.attr('href'));
if (converse.connection.connected) {
this.model.save({'active-panel': $tab.data('id')});
return this;
showHelpMessages: function () {
/* Override showHelpMessages in ChatBoxView, for now do nothing.
* Parameters:
* (Array) msgs: Array of messages
converse.LoginPanel = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: 'div',
id: "login-dialog",
className: 'controlbox-pane',
events: {
'submit form#converse-login': 'authenticate'
initialize: function (cfg) {
'LOGIN': converse.LOGIN,
'PREBIND': converse.PREBIND,
'auto_login': converse.auto_login,
'authentication': converse.authentication,
'label_username': __('XMPP Username:'),
'label_password': __('Password:'),
'label_anon_login': __('Click here to log in anonymously'),
'label_login': __('Log In'),
'placeholder_username': (converse.locked_domain || converse.default_domain) && __('Username') || __('user@server'),
'placeholder_password': __('password')
this.$tabs = cfg.$parent.parent().find('#controlbox-tabs');
render: function () {
this.$tabs.append(converse.templates.login_tab({label_sign_in: __('Sign in')}));
if (!this.$el.is(':visible')) {
return this;
authenticate: function (ev) {
if (ev && ev.preventDefault) { ev.preventDefault(); }
var $form = $(ev.target);
if (converse.authentication === converse.ANONYMOUS) {
this.connect($form, converse.jid, null);
var $jid_input = $form.find('input[name=jid]'),
jid = $jid_input.val(),
$pw_input = $form.find('input[name=password]'),
password = $pw_input.val(),
errors = false;
if (!jid) {
errors = true;
if (!password && converse.authentication !== converse.EXTERNAL) {
errors = true;
if (errors) { return; }
if (converse.locked_domain) {
jid = Strophe.escapeNode(jid) + '@' + converse.locked_domain;
} else if (converse.default_domain && !_.includes(jid, '@')) {
jid = jid + '@' + converse.default_domain;
this.connect($form, jid, password);
return false;
connect: function ($form, jid, password) {
var resource;
if ($form) {
if (jid) {
resource = Strophe.getResourceFromJid(jid);
if (!resource) {
jid = jid.toLowerCase() + converse.generateResource();
} else {
jid = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(jid).toLowerCase()+'/'+resource;
converse.connection.connect(jid, password, converse.onConnectStatusChanged);
remove: function () {
converse.XMPPStatusView = Backbone.View.extend({
el: "span#xmpp-status-holder",
events: {
"click a.choose-xmpp-status": "toggleOptions",
"click #fancy-xmpp-status-select a.change-xmpp-status-message": "renderStatusChangeForm",
"submit #set-custom-xmpp-status": "setStatusMessage",
"click .dropdown dd ul li a": "setStatus"
initialize: function () {
this.model.on("change:status", this.updateStatusUI, this);
this.model.on("change:status_message", this.updateStatusUI, this);
this.model.on("update-status-ui", this.updateStatusUI, this);
render: function () {
// Replace the default dropdown with something nicer
var $select = this.$el.find('select#select-xmpp-status'),
chat_status = this.model.get('status') || 'offline',
options = $('option', $select),
options_list = [];
'status_message': this.model.get('status_message') || __("I am %1$s", this.getPrettyStatus(chat_status)),
'chat_status': chat_status,
'desc_custom_status': __('Click here to write a custom status message'),
'desc_change_status': __('Click to change your chat status')
// iterate through all the