.. raw:: html
.. _builds:
Creating builds
.. contents:: Table of Contents
:depth: 3
.. warning:: There current documentation in this section does not adequately
explain how to create custom builds.
.. note:: Please make sure to read the section :doc:`development` and that you have installed
all development dependencies (long story short, you should be able to just run ``make dev``)
Creating builds and distribution files
Converse.js uses `AMD (Asynchronous Modules Definition) `_
to define modules and their dependencies.
Dependencies can then be loaded on-the-fly with `require.js `_.
This is very useful during development, but when it comes to
deployement, it's usually desired to create a single, minified distribution build.
For this, the `r.js optimizer `_
is used together with `almond.js `_, which
is a minimal AMD API implementation that replaces require.js in builds (in
order to keep the build smaller).
To create the distribution build, simply run::
make dist
This command does the following:
* It creates different builds of Converse.js in the ``./dist/`` directory.
* It bundles all the translation files in ``./locale/`` into a single file ``locales.js``.
This file can then be included via the ``