/** * @copyright 2020, the Converse.js contributors * @license Mozilla Public License (MPLv2) * @description This is the form utilities module. */ import _ from "../lodash.noconflict"; import tpl_field from "../templates/field.html"; import u from "./core"; /** * Takes an HTML DOM and turns it into an XForm field. * @private * @method u#webForm2xForm * @param { DOMElement } field - the field to convert */ u.webForm2xForm = function (field) { let value; if (field.getAttribute('type') === 'checkbox') { value = field.checked && 1 || 0; } else if (field.tagName == "TEXTAREA") { value = _.filter(field.value.split('\n'), _.trim); } else if (field.tagName == "SELECT") { value = u.getSelectValues(field); } else { value = field.value; } return u.stringToNode( tpl_field({ 'name': field.getAttribute('name'), 'value': value }) ); }; export default u;