import 'shared/registry.js'; import ImageModal from 'modals/image.js'; import renderRichText from 'shared/directives/rich-text.js'; import { CustomElement } from 'shared/components/element.js'; import { api } from "@converse/headless/core"; import { getAppSettings } from '@converse/headless/shared/settings/utils.js'; import './styles/message-body.scss'; export default class MessageBody extends CustomElement { static get properties () { return { // We make this a string instead of a boolean, since we want to // distinguish between true, false and undefined states hide_url_previews: { type: String }, is_me_message: { type: Boolean }, model: { type: Object }, text: { type: String }, } } initialize () { const settings = getAppSettings(); this.listenTo(settings, 'change:allowed_audio_domains', () => this.requestUpdate()); this.listenTo(settings, 'change:allowed_image_domains', () => this.requestUpdate()); this.listenTo(settings, 'change:allowed_video_domains', () => this.requestUpdate()); this.listenTo(settings, 'change:render_media', () => this.requestUpdate()); } onImgClick (ev) { // eslint-disable-line class-methods-use-this ev.preventDefault(); api.modal.create(ImageModal, {'src':}, ev).show(ev); } onImgLoad () { this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('imageLoaded', { detail: this, 'bubbles': true })); } render () { const callback = () => this.model.collection?.trigger('rendered', this.model); const offset = 0; const options = { 'media_urls': this.model.get('media_urls'), 'mentions': this.model.get('references'), 'nick': this.model.collection.chatbox.get('nick'), 'onImgClick': (ev) => this.onImgClick(ev), 'onImgLoad': () => this.onImgLoad(), 'render_styling': !this.model.get('is_unstyled') && api.settings.get('allow_message_styling'), 'show_me_message': true, } if (this.hide_url_previews === "false") { options.embed_audio = true; options.embed_videos = true; options.show_images = true; } else if (this.hide_url_previews === "true") { options.embed_audio = false; options.embed_videos = false; options.show_images = false; } return renderRichText(this.text, offset, options, callback); } } api.elements.define('converse-chat-message-body', MessageBody);