/*global converse */ (function (root, factory) { define(["jquery", "mock", "test_utils"], factory); } (this, function ($, mock, test_utils) { var $msg = converse_api.env.$msg; test_utils.clearBrowserStorage(); return describe("Live Mockup", $.proxy(function(mock, test_utils) { describe("Click the links below to view the different elements", function () { beforeEach(function () { test_utils.initConverse(); test_utils.createContacts('all'); }); it("Show a chat room", function () { test_utils.openChatRoom('lounge', 'localhost', 'dummy'); var view = converse.chatboxviews.get('lounge@localhost'); if (!view.$el.find('.chat-area').length) { view.renderChatArea(); } var text = 'This is a sent message'; view.$el.find('.chat-textarea').text(text); view.$el.find('textarea.chat-textarea').trigger($.Event('keypress', {keyCode: 13})); var message = $msg({ from: 'lounge@localhost/dummy', to: 'dummy@localhost.com', type: 'groupchat', id: view.model.messages.at(0).get('msgid') }).c('body').t(text); view.onChatRoomMessage(message.nodeTree); var nick = mock.chatroom_names[0]; text = 'This is a received message'; message = $msg({ from: 'lounge@localhost/'+nick, id: '1', to: 'dummy@localhost', type: 'groupchat' }).c('body').t(text); view.onChatRoomMessage(message.nodeTree); }); it("Show a private chat box", function () { var contact_jid = mock.cur_names[2].replace(/ /g,'.').toLowerCase() + '@localhost'; var chatbox = test_utils.openChatBoxFor(contact_jid); var view = converse.chatboxviews.get(contact_jid); var message = 'This message is sent from this chatbox'; test_utils.sendMessage(view, message); message = 'This is a received message'; var msg = $msg({ from: contact_jid, to: converse.connection.jid, type: 'chat', id: (new Date()).getTime() }).c('body').t(message).up() .c('active', {'xmlns': 'http://jabber.org/protocol/chatstates'}).tree(); converse.chatboxes.onMessage(msg); }); it("Show the control box", function () { test_utils.openControlBox(); test_utils.openContactsPanel(); }); }); }, window, mock, test_utils)); }));