import { ElementView } from '@converse/skeletor/src/element.js'; import MUCInviteModal from 'modals/muc-invite.js'; import NicknameModal from './modals/nickname.js'; import RoomDetailsModal from 'modals/muc-details.js'; import debounce from 'lodash-es/debounce'; import tpl_muc_head from './templates/muc-head.js'; import { Model } from '@converse/skeletor/src/model.js'; import { __ } from 'i18n'; import { _converse, api, converse } from "@converse/headless/core"; import { destroyMUC, showModeratorToolsModal } from './utils.js'; import { getHeadingDropdownItem, getHeadingStandaloneButton, } from 'plugins/chatview/utils.js'; import { render } from 'lit'; import './styles/muc-head.scss'; export default class MUCHeading extends ElementView { async connectedCallback () { super.connectedCallback(); this.model = _converse.chatboxes.get(this.getAttribute('jid')); this.debouncedRender = debounce(this.render, 100); this.listenTo(this.model, 'change', this.debouncedRender); const user_settings = await _converse.api.user.settings.getModel(); this.listenTo(user_settings, 'change:mucs_with_hidden_subject', this.debouncedRender); await this.model.initialized; this.listenTo(this.model.features, 'change:open', this.debouncedRender); this.model.occupants.forEach(o => this.onOccupantAdded(o)); this.listenTo(this.model.occupants, 'add', this.onOccupantAdded); this.listenTo(this.model.occupants, 'change:affiliation', this.onOccupantAffiliationChanged); this.render(); } async render () { const tpl = await this.generateHeadingTemplate(); render(tpl, this); } onOccupantAdded (occupant) { if (occupant.get('jid') === _converse.bare_jid) { this.debouncedRender(); } } onOccupantAffiliationChanged (occupant) { if (occupant.get('jid') === _converse.bare_jid) { this.debouncedRender(); } } showRoomDetailsModal (ev) { ev.preventDefault();, { 'model': this.model }, ev); } showInviteModal (ev) { ev.preventDefault();, { 'model': new Model(), 'chatroomview': this }, ev); } toggleTopic (ev) { ev?.preventDefault?.(); this.model.toggleSubjectHiddenState(); } getAndRenderConfigurationForm () { this.model.session.set('view', converse.MUC.VIEWS.CONFIG); } close (ev) { ev.preventDefault(); this.model.close(); } destroy (ev) { ev.preventDefault(); destroyMUC(this.model); } /** * Returns a list of objects which represent buttons for the groupchat header. * @emits _converse#getHeadingButtons */ getHeadingButtons (subject_hidden) { const buttons = []; buttons.push({ 'i18n_text': __('Details'), 'i18n_title': __('Show more information about this groupchat'), 'handler': ev => this.showRoomDetailsModal(ev), 'a_class': 'show-muc-details-modal', 'icon_class': 'fa-info-circle', 'name': 'details' }); if (this.model.getOwnAffiliation() === 'owner') { buttons.push({ 'i18n_text': __('Configure'), 'i18n_title': __('Configure this groupchat'), 'handler': () => this.getAndRenderConfigurationForm(), 'a_class': 'configure-chatroom-button', 'icon_class': 'fa-wrench', 'name': 'configure' }); } buttons.push({ 'i18n_text': __('Nickname'), 'i18n_title': __("Change the nickname you're using in this groupchat"), 'handler': ev =>, { 'model': this.model }, ev), 'a_class': 'open-nickname-modal', 'icon_class': 'fa-smile', 'name': 'nickname' }); if (this.model.invitesAllowed()) { buttons.push({ 'i18n_text': __('Invite'), 'i18n_title': __('Invite someone to join this groupchat'), 'handler': ev => this.showInviteModal(ev), 'a_class': 'open-invite-modal', 'icon_class': 'fa-user-plus', 'name': 'invite' }); } const subject = this.model.get('subject'); if (subject && subject.text) { buttons.push({ 'i18n_text': subject_hidden ? __('Show topic') : __('Hide topic'), 'i18n_title': subject_hidden ? __('Show the topic message in the heading') : __('Hide the topic in the heading'), 'handler': ev => this.toggleTopic(ev), 'a_class': 'hide-topic', 'icon_class': 'fa-minus-square', 'name': 'toggle-topic' }); } const conn_status = this.model.session.get('connection_status'); if (conn_status === converse.ROOMSTATUS.ENTERED) { const allowed_commands = this.model.getAllowedCommands(); if (allowed_commands.includes('modtools')) { buttons.push({ 'i18n_text': __('Moderate'), 'i18n_title': __('Moderate this groupchat'), 'handler': () => showModeratorToolsModal(this.model), 'a_class': 'moderate-chatroom-button', 'icon_class': 'fa-user-cog', 'name': 'moderate' }); } if (allowed_commands.includes('destroy')) { buttons.push({ 'i18n_text': __('Destroy'), 'i18n_title': __('Remove this groupchat'), 'handler': ev => this.destroy(ev), 'a_class': 'destroy-chatroom-button', 'icon_class': 'fa-trash', 'name': 'destroy' }); } } if (!api.settings.get('singleton')) { buttons.push({ 'i18n_text': __('Leave'), 'i18n_title': __('Leave and close this groupchat'), 'handler': async ev => { ev.stopPropagation(); const messages = [__('Are you sure you want to leave this groupchat?')]; const result = await api.confirm(__('Confirm'), messages); result && this.close(ev); }, 'a_class': 'close-chatbox-button', 'standalone': api.settings.get('view_mode') === 'overlayed', 'icon_class': 'fa-sign-out-alt', 'name': 'signout' }); } const chatview = _converse.chatboxviews.get(this.getAttribute('jid')); if (chatview) { return _converse.api.hook('getHeadingButtons', chatview, buttons); } else { return buttons; // Happens during tests } } /** * Returns the groupchat heading TemplateResult to be rendered. */ async generateHeadingTemplate () { const subject_hidden = await this.model.isSubjectHidden(); const heading_btns = await this.getHeadingButtons(subject_hidden); const standalone_btns = heading_btns.filter(b => b.standalone); const dropdown_btns = heading_btns.filter(b => !b.standalone); return tpl_muc_head( Object.assign(this.model.toJSON(), { _converse, subject_hidden, 'dropdown_btns': => getHeadingDropdownItem(b)), 'standalone_btns': => getHeadingStandaloneButton(b)), 'title': this.model.getDisplayName() }) ); } } api.elements.define('converse-muc-heading', MUCHeading);