Developer guidelines ==================== If you want to work with the non-minified Javascript and CSS files you'll soon notice that there are references to missing *components* and *node_modules* directories. Please follow the instructions below to create these directories and fetch Converse's 3rd-party dependencies. .. note:: Windows environment: We recommend installing the required tools using `Chocolatey `_ You will need Node.js (nodejs.install), Git (git.install) and optionally to build using Makefile, GNU Make (make) If you have trouble setting up a development environment on Windows, please read `this post `_ in the mailing list.: Installing the development and front-end dependencies ----------------------------------------------------- We use development tools (`Grunt `_ and `Bower `_) which depend on Node.js and npm (the Node package manager). If you don't have Node.js installed, you can download and install the latest version `here `_. Also make sure you have ``Git`` installed. `Details `_. .. note:: Windows users should use Chocolatey as recommended above. .. note:: Debian & Ubuntu users : apt-get install git npm nodejs-legacy Once you have *Node.js* and *git* installed, run the following command inside the Converse.js directory: :: make dev On Windows you need to specify to be used by running: :: make -f dev Or alternatively, if you don't have GNU Make: :: npm install bower update This will first install the Node.js development tools (like Grunt and Bower) as well as Converse.js's front-end dependencies. The front-end dependencies are those javascript files on which Converse.js directly depends and which will be loaded in the browser. To see the dependencies, take a look at whats under the *devDependencies* key in `package.json `_. .. note:: After running ```make dev```, you should now have new directories *components* and *node_modules*, which contain all the front-end dependencies of Converse.js. If these directory does NOT exist, something must have gone wrong. Double-check the output of ```make dev``` to see if there are any errors listed. For support, you can write to the mailing list: Loading converse.js and its dependencies ---------------------------------------- With AMD and require.js (recommended) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Converse.js uses `require.js `_ to asynchronously load dependencies. If you want to develop or customize converse.js, you'll want to load the non-minified javascript files. Add the following two lines to the ** section of your webpage: .. code-block:: html require.js will then let the main.js file be parsed (because of the *data-main* attribute on the *script* tag), which will in turn cause converse.js to be parsed. Without AMD and require.js ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Converse.js can also be used without require.js. If you for some reason prefer to use it this way, please refer to `non_amd.html `_ for an example of how and in what order all the Javascript files that converse.js depends on need to be loaded. Brief description of converse.js's dependencies ----------------------------------------------- Converse.js relies on the following dependencies: * `JQuery `_ for DOM manipulation and `promises `_. * `moment.js `_ provides a better API for handling dates and times. * `Strophe.js `_ maintains the XMPP session, is used to build XMPP stanzas, to send them, and to register handlers for received stanzas. * `Underscore `_ provides very useful utility functions. * `Backbone `_ is used to model the data as Models and Collections and to create Views that render the UI. * `backbone.overview `_ provides Overviews, which are to Views as Backbone Collections are to Models. * `pluggable.js `_ is the plugin architecture for Converse.js. It registers and initializes plugins and allows existing attributes, functions and objects on converse.js to be overridden inside plugins. When submitting a pull request ------------------------------ Please follow the usual github workflow. Create your own local fork of this repository, make your changes and then submit a pull request. Follow the programming style guide ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please read the `style guide `_ and make sure that your code follows it. Add tests for your bugfix or feature ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Add a test for any bug fixed or feature added. We use Jasmine for testing. Take a look at `tests.html `_ and the `spec files `_ to see how tests are implemented. Check that the tests pass ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Check that all tests complete sucessfully. Run ``make check`` in your terminal or open `tests.html `_ in your browser.