(function (root, factory) { define([ "jquery", "mock", "test_utils" ], function ($, mock, test_utils) { return factory($, mock, test_utils); } ); } (this, function ($, mock, test_utils) { var b64_sha1 = converse_api.env.b64_sha1; return describe("The OTR module", $.proxy(function(mock, test_utils) { beforeEach($.proxy(function () { window.localStorage.clear(); window.sessionStorage.clear(); }, converse)); it("can store a session passphrase in session storage", $.proxy(function () { var pp; // With no prebind, the user's XMPP password is used and nothing is // stored in session storage. this.authentication = "manual"; this.connection.pass = 's3cr3t!'; expect(this.otr.getSessionPassphrase()).toBe(this.connection.pass); expect(window.sessionStorage.length).toBe(0); expect(window.localStorage.length).toBe(0); // With prebind, a random passphrase is generated and stored in // session storage. this.authentication = "prebind"; pp = this.otr.getSessionPassphrase(); expect(pp).not.toBe(this.connection.pass); expect(window.sessionStorage.length).toBe(1); expect(window.localStorage.length).toBe(0); expect(pp).toBe(window.sessionStorage[b64_sha1(converse.connection.jid)]); // Clean up this.authentication = "manual"; }, converse)); }, converse, mock, test_utils)); }));