var helpers = (function (helpers) { helpers.oc = function (a) { // Thanks to Jonathan Snook: var o = {}; for(var i=0; i= 30) { msgs.shift(); } msgs.push(now+' '+direction+' '+msg); store.set(bare_jid, msgs); }; methods.getMessages = function (jid) { return store.get(jid) || []; }; return methods; })(); ob.Messages.getMessages = function (jid, callback) { var bare_jid = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(jid), msgs = this.ClientStorage.getMessages(bare_jid); callback(msgs); }; ob.Messages.sendMessage = function (jid, text, callback) { // TODO: Look in ChatPartners to see what resources we have for the recipient. // if we have one resource, we sent to only that resources, if we have multiple // we send to the bare jid. // FIXME: see if @@content-transform is required var message, that = this; $.getJSON(portal_url + '/content-transform?', {text: text}, function (data) { message = $msg({to: jid, type: 'chat'}) .c('body').t(data.text).up() .c('active', {'xmlns': ''}); xmppchat.connection.send(message); that.ClientStorage.addMessage(jid, data.text, 'to'); callback(); }); }; ob.Messages.messageReceived = function (message) { var jid = $(message).attr('from'), bare_jid = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(jid), resource = Strophe.getResourceFromJid(jid), delayed = $(message).find('delay').length > 0, body = $(message).children('body').text(), event = jQuery.Event('jarnxmpp.message'); if (body !== "") { var xhtml_body = $(message).find('html > body').contents(); if (xhtml_body.length > 0) { event.mtype = 'xhtml'; event.body = xhtml_body.html(); } else { event.body = body; event.mtype = 'text'; } } event.from = jid; event.delayed = delayed; event.message = message; ob.ChatPartners.add(bare_jid, resource); if (event.body) { ob.Messages.ClientStorage.addMessage(jid, event.body, 'from'); } if ((xmppchat.Storage.get(xmppchat.username+'-xmpp-status') || 'online') !== 'offline') { // Only trigger the UI event if the user is not offline. $(document).trigger(event); } return true; }; ob.Collections.getLastCollection = function (jid, callback) { var bare_jid = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(jid), iq = $iq({'type':'get'}) .c('list', {'xmlns': this.URI, 'with': bare_jid }) .c('set', {'xmlns': ''}) .c('before').up() .c('max') .t('1'); xmppchat.connection.sendIQ(iq, callback, function () { console.log('Error while retrieving collections'); }); }; ob.Collections.getLastMessages = function (jid, callback) { var that = this; this.getLastCollection(jid, function (result) { // Retrieve the last page of a collection (max 30 elements). var $collection = $(result).find('chat'), jid = $collection.attr('with'), start = $collection.attr('start'), iq = $iq({'type':'get'}) .c('retrieve', {'start': start, 'xmlns': that.URI, 'with': jid }) .c('set', {'xmlns': ''}) .c('max') .t('30'); xmppchat.connection.sendIQ(iq, callback); }); }; ob.Presence.getOwnStatus = function () { return xmppchat.Storage.get(xmppchat.username+'-xmpp-status'); }; ob.Presence.onlineCount = function () { return xmppchat.ChatPartners.getTotal(); }; ob.Presence.sendPresence = function (type) { if (type === undefined) { type = this.getOwnStatus() || 'online'; } xmppchat.connection.send($pres({'type':type})); }; ob.Presence.presenceReceived = function (presence) { var jid = $(presence).attr('from'), bare_jid = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(jid), resource = Strophe.getResourceFromJid(jid), ptype = $(presence).attr('type'), status = ''; if (ob.isOwnUser(bare_jid)) { return true; } if (ptype === 'subscribe') { // User wants to subscribe to us. Always approve and // ask to subscribe to him xmppchat.Roster.authorize(bare_jid); xmppchat.Roster.subscribe(bare_jid); } else if (ptype === 'unsubscribe') { if (_.indexOf(xmppchat.Roster.getCachedJids(), bare_jid) != -1) { xmppchat.Roster.unauthorize(bare_jid); xmppchat.Roster.unsubscribe(bare_jid); $(document).trigger('jarnxmpp.presence', [jid, 'unsubscribe', presence]); } } else if (ptype === 'unsubscribed') { return; } else if (ptype !== 'error') { // Presence has changed if (ptype === 'unavailable') { status = 'unavailable'; } else if (ptype === 'offline') { status = 'offline'; } else if (ptype === 'busy') { status = 'busy'; } else if (ptype === 'away') { status = 'away'; } else { status = ($(presence).find('show').text() === '') ? 'online' : 'away'; } if ((status !== 'offline')&&(status !== 'unavailable')) { xmppchat.ChatPartners.add(bare_jid, resource); $(document).trigger('jarnxmpp.presence', [jid, status, presence]); } else { if (xmppchat.ChatPartners.remove(bare_jid, resource) === 0) { // Only notify offline/unavailable if there aren't any other resources for that user $(document).trigger('jarnxmpp.presence', [jid, status, presence]); } } } return true; }; ob.Taskbuffer = (function ($) { // Executes tasks one after another (i.e next task is started only when // the previous one has been completed). buffer = {}; // Tasks must be objects with keys: 'that', 'method' and 'parameters' // 'that' the context for the method, while 'parameters' is the list of arguments // passed to it. buffer.tasks = []; buffer.deferred = $.when(); buffer.handleTasks = function () { var task; // If the current deferred task is resolved and there are more tasks if (buffer.deferred.isResolved() && buffer.tasks.length > 0) { // Get the next task in the queue and set the new deferred. task = buffer.tasks.shift(); buffer.deferred = $.when(task.method.apply(task.that, task.parameters)); if (buffer.tasks.length > 0) { buffer.deferred.done(buffer.handleTasks); } } }; return buffer; })(jQuery); return ob; })(jarnxmpp || {}, jQuery, console || {log: function(){}}); xmppchat.Roster = (function (roster, jquery, console) { var contacts = {}, ob = roster; _updateCache = function () { if (this.subscription === 'none') { delete contacts[this.jid]; } else { contacts[this.jid] = this; } }; _triggerEvent = function () { $(document).trigger('xmppchat.roster_updated'); }; ob._connection = xmppchat.connection; ob.update = function (items, item) { old_cache = ob.getCached(); for (var i=0; i