import dayjs from 'dayjs'; import { StanzaParseError, getChatMarker, getChatState, getCorrectionAttributes, getEncryptionAttributes, getErrorAttributes, getMediaURLsMetadata, getOpenGraphMetadata, getOutOfBandAttributes, getReceiptId, getReferences, getRetractionAttributes, getSpoilerAttributes, getStanzaIDs, isArchived, isCarbon, isHeadline, isValidReceiptRequest, throwErrorIfInvalidForward, } from '@converse/headless/shared/parsers'; import { _converse, api, converse } from '@converse/headless/core'; const { Strophe, sizzle, u } = converse.env; const { NS } = Strophe; /** * Parses a message stanza for XEP-0317 MEP notification data * @param { Element } stanza - The message stanza * @returns { Array } Returns an array of objects representing elements. */ export function getMEPActivities (stanza) { const items_el = sizzle(`items[node="${Strophe.NS.CONFINFO}"]`, stanza).pop(); if (!items_el) { return null; } const from = stanza.getAttribute('from'); const msgid = stanza.getAttribute('id'); const selector = `item `+ `conference-info[xmlns="${Strophe.NS.CONFINFO}"] `+ `activity[xmlns="${Strophe.NS.ACTIVITY}"]`; return sizzle(selector, items_el).map(el => { const message = el.querySelector('text')?.textContent; if (message) { const references = getReferences(stanza); const reason = el.querySelector('reason')?.textContent; return { from, msgid, message, reason, references, 'type': 'mep' }; } return {}; }); } /** * Given a MUC stanza, check whether it has extended message information that * includes the sender's real JID, as described here: * * * If so, parse and return that data and return the user's JID * * Note, this function doesn't check whether this is actually a MAM archived stanza. * * @private * @param { Element } stanza - The message stanza * @returns { Object } */ function getJIDFromMUCUserData (stanza) { const item = sizzle(`x[xmlns="${Strophe.NS.MUC_USER}"] item`, stanza).pop(); return item?.getAttribute('jid'); } /** * @private * @param { Element } stanza - The message stanza * @param { Element } original_stanza - The original stanza, that contains the * message stanza, if it was contained, otherwise it's the message stanza itself. * @returns { Object } */ function getModerationAttributes (stanza) { const fastening = sizzle(`apply-to[xmlns="${Strophe.NS.FASTEN}"]`, stanza).pop(); if (fastening) { const applies_to_id = fastening.getAttribute('id'); const moderated = sizzle(`moderated[xmlns="${Strophe.NS.MODERATE}"]`, fastening).pop(); if (moderated) { const retracted = sizzle(`retract[xmlns="${Strophe.NS.RETRACT}"]`, moderated).pop(); if (retracted) { return { 'editable': false, 'moderated': 'retracted', 'moderated_by': moderated.getAttribute('by'), 'moderated_id': applies_to_id, 'moderation_reason': moderated.querySelector('reason')?.textContent }; } } } else { const tombstone = sizzle(`> moderated[xmlns="${Strophe.NS.MODERATE}"]`, stanza).pop(); if (tombstone) { const retracted = sizzle(`retracted[xmlns="${Strophe.NS.RETRACT}"]`, tombstone).pop(); if (retracted) { return { 'editable': false, 'is_tombstone': true, 'moderated_by': tombstone.getAttribute('by'), 'retracted': tombstone.getAttribute('stamp'), 'moderation_reason': tombstone.querySelector('reason')?.textContent }; } } } return {}; } function getOccupantID (stanza, chatbox) { if (chatbox.features.get(Strophe.NS.OCCUPANTID)) { return sizzle(`occupant-id[xmlns="${Strophe.NS.OCCUPANTID}"]`, stanza).pop()?.getAttribute('id'); } } /** * Determines whether the sender of this MUC message is the current user or * someone else. * @param { MUCMessageAttributes } attrs * @param { _converse.ChatRoom } chatbox * @returns { 'me'|'them' } */ function getSender (attrs, chatbox) { let is_me; const own_occupant_id = chatbox.get('occupant_id'); if (own_occupant_id) { is_me = attrs.occupant_id === own_occupant_id; } else if (attrs.from_real_jid) { is_me = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(attrs.from_real_jid) === _converse.bare_jid; } else { is_me = attrs.nick === chatbox.get('nick') } return is_me ? 'me' : 'them'; } /** * Parses a passed in message stanza and returns an object of attributes. * @param { Element } stanza - The message stanza * @param { Element } original_stanza - The original stanza, that contains the * message stanza, if it was contained, otherwise it's the message stanza itself. * @param { _converse.ChatRoom } chatbox * @param { _converse } _converse * @returns { Promise } */ export async function parseMUCMessage (stanza, chatbox) { throwErrorIfInvalidForward(stanza); const selector = `[xmlns="${NS.MAM}"] > forwarded[xmlns="${NS.FORWARD}"] > message`; const original_stanza = stanza; stanza = sizzle(selector, stanza).pop() || stanza; if (sizzle(`message > forwarded[xmlns="${Strophe.NS.FORWARD}"]`, stanza).length) { return new StanzaParseError( `Invalid Stanza: Forged MAM groupchat message from ${stanza.getAttribute('from')}`, stanza ); } const delay = sizzle(`delay[xmlns="${Strophe.NS.DELAY}"]`, original_stanza).pop(); const from = stanza.getAttribute('from'); const marker = getChatMarker(stanza); /** * @typedef { Object } MUCMessageAttributes * The object which {@link parseMUCMessage} returns * @property { ('me'|'them') } sender - Whether the message was sent by the current user or someone else * @property { Array } activities - A list of objects representing XEP-0316 MEP notification data * @property { Array } references - A list of objects representing XEP-0372 references * @property { Boolean } editable - Is this message editable via XEP-0308? * @property { Boolean } is_archived - Is this message from a XEP-0313 MAM archive? * @property { Boolean } is_carbon - Is this message a XEP-0280 Carbon? * @property { Boolean } is_delayed - Was delivery of this message was delayed as per XEP-0203? * @property { Boolean } is_encrypted - Is this message XEP-0384 encrypted? * @property { Boolean } is_error - Whether an error was received for this message * @property { Boolean } is_headline - Is this a "headline" message? * @property { Boolean } is_markable - Can this message be marked with a XEP-0333 chat marker? * @property { Boolean } is_marker - Is this message a XEP-0333 Chat Marker? * @property { Boolean } is_only_emojis - Does the message body contain only emojis? * @property { Boolean } is_spoiler - Is this a XEP-0382 spoiler message? * @property { Boolean } is_tombstone - Is this a XEP-0424 tombstone? * @property { Boolean } is_unstyled - Whether XEP-0393 styling hints should be ignored * @property { Boolean } is_valid_receipt_request - Does this message request a XEP-0184 receipt (and is not from us or a carbon or archived message) * @property { Object } encrypted - XEP-0384 encryption payload attributes * @property { String } body - The contents of the tag of the message stanza * @property { String } chat_state - The XEP-0085 chat state notification contained in this message * @property { String } edited - An ISO8601 string recording the time that the message was edited per XEP-0308 * @property { String } error_condition - The defined error condition * @property { String } error_text - The error text received from the server * @property { String } error_type - The type of error received from the server * @property { String } from - The sender JID (${muc_jid}/${nick}) * @property { String } from_muc - The JID of the MUC from which this message was sent * @property { String } from_real_jid - The real JID of the sender, if available * @property { String } fullname - The full name of the sender * @property { String } marker - The XEP-0333 Chat Marker value * @property { String } marker_id - The `id` attribute of a XEP-0333 chat marker * @property { String } moderated - The type of XEP-0425 moderation (if any) that was applied * @property { String } moderated_by - The JID of the user that moderated this message * @property { String } moderated_id - The XEP-0359 Stanza ID of the message that this one moderates * @property { String } moderation_reason - The reason provided why this message moderates another * @property { String } msgid - The root `id` attribute of the stanza * @property { String } nick - The MUC nickname of the sender * @property { String } occupant_id - The XEP-0421 occupant ID * @property { String } oob_desc - The description of the XEP-0066 out of band data * @property { String } oob_url - The URL of the XEP-0066 out of band data * @property { String } origin_id - The XEP-0359 Origin ID * @property { String } receipt_id - The `id` attribute of a XEP-0184 element * @property { String } received - An ISO8601 string recording the time that the message was received * @property { String } replace_id - The `id` attribute of a XEP-0308 element * @property { String } retracted - An ISO8601 string recording the time that the message was retracted * @property { String } retracted_id - The `id` attribute of a XEP-424 element * @property { String } spoiler_hint The XEP-0382 spoiler hint * @property { String } stanza_id - The XEP-0359 Stanza ID. Note: the key is actualy `stanza_id ${by_jid}` and there can be multiple. * @property { String } subject - The element value * @property { String } thread - The element value * @property { String } time - The time (in ISO8601 format), either given by the XEP-0203 element, or of receipt. * @property { String } to - The recipient JID * @property { String } type - The type of message */ let attrs = Object.assign( { from, 'activities': getMEPActivities(stanza), 'body': stanza.querySelector(':scope > body')?.textContent?.trim(), 'chat_state': getChatState(stanza), 'from_muc': Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(from), 'is_archived': isArchived(original_stanza), 'is_carbon': isCarbon(original_stanza), 'is_delayed': !!delay, 'is_forwarded': !!stanza.querySelector('forwarded'), 'is_headline': isHeadline(stanza), 'is_markable': !!sizzle(`markable[xmlns="${Strophe.NS.MARKERS}"]`, stanza).length, 'is_marker': !!marker, 'is_unstyled': !!sizzle(`unstyled[xmlns="${Strophe.NS.STYLING}"]`, stanza).length, 'marker_id': marker && marker.getAttribute('id'), 'msgid': stanza.getAttribute('id') || original_stanza.getAttribute('id'), 'nick': Strophe.unescapeNode(Strophe.getResourceFromJid(from)), 'occupant_id': getOccupantID(stanza, chatbox), 'receipt_id': getReceiptId(stanza), 'received': new Date().toISOString(), 'references': getReferences(stanza), 'subject': stanza.querySelector('subject')?.textContent, 'thread': stanza.querySelector('thread')?.textContent, 'time': delay ? dayjs(delay.getAttribute('stamp')).toISOString() : new Date().toISOString(), 'to': stanza.getAttribute('to'), 'type': stanza.getAttribute('type') }, getErrorAttributes(stanza), getOutOfBandAttributes(stanza), getSpoilerAttributes(stanza), getCorrectionAttributes(stanza, original_stanza), getStanzaIDs(stanza, original_stanza), getOpenGraphMetadata(stanza), getRetractionAttributes(stanza, original_stanza), getModerationAttributes(stanza), getEncryptionAttributes(stanza, _converse), ); await api.emojis.initialize(); attrs.from_real_jid = attrs.is_archived && getJIDFromMUCUserData(stanza) || chatbox.occupants.findOccupant(attrs)?.get('jid'); attrs = Object.assign( { 'is_only_emojis': attrs.body ? u.isOnlyEmojis(attrs.body) : false, 'is_valid_receipt_request': isValidReceiptRequest(stanza, attrs), 'message': attrs.body || attrs.error, // TODO: Should only be used for error and info messages 'sender': getSender(attrs, chatbox), }, attrs); if (attrs.is_archived && original_stanza.getAttribute('from') !== attrs.from_muc) { return new StanzaParseError( `Invalid Stanza: Forged MAM message from ${original_stanza.getAttribute('from')}`, stanza ); } else if (attrs.is_archived && original_stanza.getAttribute('from') !== chatbox.get('jid')) { return new StanzaParseError( `Invalid Stanza: Forged MAM groupchat message from ${stanza.getAttribute('from')}`, stanza ); } else if (attrs.is_carbon) { return new StanzaParseError('Invalid Stanza: MUC messages SHOULD NOT be XEP-0280 carbon copied', stanza); } // We prefer to use one of the XEP-0359 unique and stable stanza IDs as the Model id, to avoid duplicates. attrs['id'] = attrs['origin_id'] || attrs[`stanza_id ${attrs.from_muc || attrs.from}`] || u.getUniqueId(); /** * *Hook* which allows plugins to add additional parsing * @event _converse#parseMUCMessage */ attrs = await api.hook('parseMUCMessage', stanza, attrs); // We call this after the hook, to allow plugins to decrypt encrypted // messages, since we need to parse the message text to determine whether // there are media urls. return Object.assign(attrs, getMediaURLsMetadata(attrs.is_encrypted ? attrs.plaintext : attrs.body)); } /** * Given an IQ stanza with a member list, create an array of objects containing * known member data (e.g. jid, nick, role, affiliation). * @private * @method muc_utils#parseMemberListIQ * @returns { MemberListItem[] } */ export function parseMemberListIQ (iq) { return sizzle(`query[xmlns="${Strophe.NS.MUC_ADMIN}"] item`, iq).map(item => { /** * @typedef {Object} MemberListItem * Either the JID or the nickname (or both) will be available. * @property {string} affiliation * @property {string} [role] * @property {string} [jid] * @property {string} [nick] */ const data = { 'affiliation': item.getAttribute('affiliation') }; const jid = item.getAttribute('jid'); if (u.isValidJID(jid)) { data['jid'] = jid; } else { // XXX: Prosody sends nick for the jid attribute value // Perhaps for anonymous room? data['nick'] = jid; } const nick = item.getAttribute('nick'); if (nick) { data['nick'] = nick; } const role = item.getAttribute('role'); if (role) { data['role'] = nick; } return data; }); } /** * Parses a passed in MUC presence stanza and returns an object of attributes. * @method parseMUCPresence * @param { Element } stanza - The presence stanza * @param { _converse.ChatRoom } chatbox * @returns { MUCPresenceAttributes } */ export function parseMUCPresence (stanza, chatbox) { /** * @typedef { Object } MUCPresenceAttributes * The object which {@link parseMUCPresence} returns * @property { ("offline|online") } show * @property { Array } hats - An array of XEP-0317 hats * @property { Array } states * @property { String } from - The sender JID (${muc_jid}/${nick}) * @property { String } nick - The nickname of the sender * @property { String } occupant_id - The XEP-0421 occupant ID * @property { String } type - The type of presence */ const from = stanza.getAttribute('from'); const type = stanza.getAttribute('type'); const data = { 'is_me': !!stanza.querySelector("status[code='110']"), 'from': from, 'occupant_id': getOccupantID(stanza, chatbox), 'nick': Strophe.getResourceFromJid(from), 'type': type, 'states': [], 'hats': [], 'show': type !== 'unavailable' ? 'online' : 'offline' }; Array.from(stanza.children).forEach(child => { if (child.matches('status')) { data.status = child.textContent || null; } else if (child.matches('show')) { = child.textContent || 'online'; } else if (child.matches('x') && child.getAttribute('xmlns') === Strophe.NS.MUC_USER) { Array.from(child.children).forEach(item => { if (item.nodeName === 'item') { data.affiliation = item.getAttribute('affiliation'); data.role = item.getAttribute('role'); data.jid = item.getAttribute('jid'); data.nick = item.getAttribute('nick') || data.nick; } else if (item.nodeName == 'status' && item.getAttribute('code')) { data.states.push(item.getAttribute('code')); } }); } else if (child.matches('x') && child.getAttribute('xmlns') === Strophe.NS.VCARDUPDATE) { data.image_hash = child.querySelector('photo')?.textContent; } else if (child.matches('hats') && child.getAttribute('xmlns') === Strophe.NS.MUC_HATS) { /** * @typedef { Object } MUCHat * Object representing a XEP-0371 Hat * @property { String } title * @property { String } uri */ data['hats'] = Array.from(child.children).map( c => c.matches('hat') && { 'title': c.getAttribute('title'), 'uri': c.getAttribute('uri') } ); } }); return data; }