import sizzle from 'sizzle'; import { CustomElement } from './element.js'; import { _converse, api } from "@converse/headless/converse-core"; import { html } from "lit-element"; import { tpl_all_emojis, tpl_search_results } from "../templates/emoji_picker.js"; export default class EmojiPickerContent extends CustomElement { static get properties () { return { 'chatview': { type: Object }, 'search_results': { type: Array }, 'current_skintone': { type: String }, 'model': { type: Object }, 'query': { type: String }, } } render () { const props = { 'current_skintone': this.current_skintone, 'insertEmoji': ev => this.insertEmoji(ev), 'query': this.query, 'search_results': this.search_results, 'shouldBeHidden': shortname => this.shouldBeHidden(shortname), } return html`
${tpl_search_results(props)} ${tpl_all_emojis(props)}
`; } firstUpdated () { this.initIntersectionObserver(); } initIntersectionObserver () { if (!window.IntersectionObserver) { return; } if ( {; } else { const options = { root: this.querySelector('.emoji-picker__lists'), threshold: [0.1] } const handler = ev => this.setCategoryOnVisibilityChange(ev); = new IntersectionObserver(handler, options); } sizzle('.emoji-picker', this).forEach(a =>; } setCategoryOnVisibilityChange (ev) { const selected = this.parentElement.navigator.selected; const intersection_with_selected = ev.filter(i =>; let current; // Choose the intersection that contains the currently selected // element, or otherwise the one with the largest ratio. if (intersection_with_selected) { current = intersection_with_selected; } else { current = ev.reduce((p, c) => c.intersectionRatio >= (p?.intersectionRatio || 0) ? c : p, null); } if (current && current.isIntersecting) { const category ='data-category'); if (category !== this.model.get('current_category')) { this.parentElement.preserve_scroll = true;{'current_category': category}); } } } insertEmoji (ev) { ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); const target = === 'IMG' ? :; const replace = this.model.get('autocompleting'); const position = this.model.get('position'); this.model.set({'autocompleting': null, 'position': null, 'query': ''}); this.chatview.insertIntoTextArea(target.getAttribute('data-emoji'), replace, false, position); } shouldBeHidden (shortname) { // Helper method for the template which decides whether an // emoji should be hidden, based on which skin tone is // currently being applied. if (shortname.includes('_tone')) { if (!this.current_skintone || !shortname.includes(this.current_skintone)) { return true; } } else { if (this.current_skintone && converse.emojis.toned.includes(shortname)) { return true; } } if (this.query && !_converse.FILTER_CONTAINS(shortname, this.query)) { return true; } return false; } } api.elements.define('converse-emoji-picker-content', EmojiPickerContent);