=========================== Contributing to Converse.js =========================== Thanks for contributing to `Converse.js `_. Support questions ================= Please ask support and setup questions on the mailing list: conversejs@librelist.com The issue tracker is only for bugs (i.e. issues) and feature requests. Contributing Code ================= Please follow the usual github workflow. Create your own local fork of this repository, make your changes and then submit a pull request. Before submitting a pull request -------------------------------- Add tests for your bugfix or feature ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Add a test for any bug fixed or feature added. We use Jasmine for testing. Take a look at `tests.html `_ and the `spec files `_ to see how tests are implemented. Check that the tests pass ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Check that the Jasmine tests complete sucessfully. Open `tests.html `_ in your browser, and the tests will run automatically. Check your code for errors or bad habits by running JSHint ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Run ``grunt jshint`` and check the output.