/** * @module converse-notification * @copyright 2020, the Converse.js contributors * @license Mozilla Public License (MPLv2) */ import converse from "@converse/headless/converse-core"; import log from "@converse/headless/log"; const { Strophe, sizzle } = converse.env; const u = converse.env.utils; converse.plugins.add('converse-notification', { dependencies: ["converse-chatboxes"], initialize () { /* The initialize function gets called as soon as the plugin is * loaded by converse.js's plugin machinery. */ const { _converse } = this; const { __ } = _converse; _converse.supports_html5_notification = "Notification" in window; _converse.api.settings.update({ notify_all_room_messages: false, show_desktop_notifications: true, show_chat_state_notifications: false, chatstate_notification_blacklist: [], // ^ a list of JIDs to ignore concerning chat state notifications play_sounds: true, sounds_path: _converse.api.settings.get("assets_path")+'/sounds/', notification_icon: 'logo/conversejs-filled.svg', notification_delay: 5000 }); _converse.shouldNotifyOfGroupMessage = function (message) { /* Is this a group message worthy of notification? */ let notify_all = _converse.notify_all_room_messages; const jid = message.getAttribute('from'), resource = Strophe.getResourceFromJid(jid), room_jid = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(jid), sender = resource && Strophe.unescapeNode(resource) || ''; if (sender === '' || message.querySelectorAll('delay').length > 0) { return false; } const room = _converse.chatboxes.get(room_jid); const body = message.querySelector('body'); if (body === null) { return false; } const mentioned = (new RegExp(`\\b${room.get('nick')}\\b`)).test(body.textContent); notify_all = notify_all === true || (Array.isArray(notify_all) && notify_all.includes(room_jid)); if (sender === room.get('nick') || (!notify_all && !mentioned)) { return false; } return true; }; _converse.isMessageToHiddenChat = function (message) { if (_converse.isUniView()) { const jid = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(message.getAttribute('from')); const view = _converse.chatboxviews.get(jid); if (view) { return view.model.get('hidden') || _converse.windowState === 'hidden' || !u.isVisible(view.el); } return true; } return _converse.windowState === 'hidden'; } _converse.shouldNotifyOfMessage = function (message) { const forwarded = message.querySelector('forwarded'); if (forwarded !== null) { return false; } else if (message.getAttribute('type') === 'groupchat') { return _converse.shouldNotifyOfGroupMessage(message); } else if (u.isHeadlineMessage(_converse, message)) { // We want to show notifications for headline messages. return _converse.isMessageToHiddenChat(message); } const is_me = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(message.getAttribute('from')) === _converse.bare_jid; return !u.isOnlyChatStateNotification(message) && !u.isOnlyMessageDeliveryReceipt(message) && !is_me && (_converse.show_desktop_notifications === 'all' || _converse.isMessageToHiddenChat(message)); }; /** * Plays a notification sound * @private * @method _converse#playSoundNotification */ _converse.playSoundNotification = function () { if (_converse.play_sounds && window.Audio !== undefined) { const audioOgg = new Audio(_converse.sounds_path+"msg_received.ogg"); const canPlayOgg = audioOgg.canPlayType('audio/ogg'); if (canPlayOgg === 'probably') { return audioOgg.play(); } const audioMp3 = new Audio(_converse.sounds_path+"msg_received.mp3"); const canPlayMp3 = audioMp3.canPlayType('audio/mp3'); if (canPlayMp3 === 'probably') { audioMp3.play(); } else if (canPlayOgg === 'maybe') { audioOgg.play(); } else if (canPlayMp3 === 'maybe') { audioMp3.play(); } } }; _converse.areDesktopNotificationsEnabled = function () { return _converse.supports_html5_notification && _converse.show_desktop_notifications && Notification.permission === "granted"; }; /** * Shows an HTML5 Notification with the passed in message * @private * @method _converse#showMessageNotification * @param { String } message */ _converse.showMessageNotification = function (message) { if (!_converse.areDesktopNotificationsEnabled()) { return; } let title, roster_item; const full_from_jid = message.getAttribute('from'), from_jid = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(full_from_jid); if (message.getAttribute('type') === 'headline') { if (!from_jid.includes('@') || _converse.api.settings.get("allow_non_roster_messaging")) { title = __("Notification from %1$s", from_jid); } else { return; } } else if (!from_jid.includes('@')) { // workaround for Prosody which doesn't give type "headline" title = __("Notification from %1$s", from_jid); } else if (message.getAttribute('type') === 'groupchat') { title = __("%1$s says", Strophe.getResourceFromJid(full_from_jid)); } else { if (_converse.roster === undefined) { log.error("Could not send notification, because roster is undefined"); return; } roster_item = _converse.roster.get(from_jid); if (roster_item !== undefined) { title = __("%1$s says", roster_item.getDisplayName()); } else { if (_converse.api.settings.get("allow_non_roster_messaging")) { title = __("%1$s says", from_jid); } else { return; } } } // TODO: we should suppress notifications if we cannot decrypt // the message... const body = sizzle(`encrypted[xmlns="${Strophe.NS.OMEMO}"]`, message).length ? __('OMEMO Message received') : message.querySelector('body')?.textContent; if (!body) { return; } const n = new Notification(title, { 'body': body, 'lang': _converse.locale, 'icon': _converse.notification_icon, 'requireInteraction': !_converse.notification_delay }); if (_converse.notification_delay) { setTimeout(n.close.bind(n), _converse.notification_delay); } n.onclick = function (event) { event.preventDefault(); window.focus(); const chat = _converse.chatboxes.get(from_jid); chat.maybeShow(true); } n.onclick.bind(_converse); }; _converse.showChatStateNotification = function (contact) { /* Creates an HTML5 Notification to inform of a change in a * contact's chat state. */ if (_converse.chatstate_notification_blacklist.includes(contact.jid)) { // Don't notify if the user is being ignored. return; } const chat_state = contact.chat_status; let message = null; if (chat_state === 'offline') { message = __('has gone offline'); } else if (chat_state === 'away') { message = __('has gone away'); } else if ((chat_state === 'dnd')) { message = __('is busy'); } else if (chat_state === 'online') { message = __('has come online'); } if (message === null) { return; } const n = new Notification(contact.getDisplayName(), { body: message, lang: _converse.locale, icon: _converse.notification_icon }); setTimeout(n.close.bind(n), 5000); }; _converse.showContactRequestNotification = function (contact) { const n = new Notification(contact.getDisplayName(), { body: __('wants to be your contact'), lang: _converse.locale, icon: _converse.notification_icon }); setTimeout(n.close.bind(n), 5000); }; _converse.showFeedbackNotification = function (data) { if (data.klass === 'error' || data.klass === 'warn') { const n = new Notification(data.subject, { body: data.message, lang: _converse.locale, icon: _converse.notification_icon }); setTimeout(n.close.bind(n), 5000); } }; _converse.handleChatStateNotification = function (contact) { /* Event handler for on('contactPresenceChanged'). * Will show an HTML5 notification to indicate that the chat * status has changed. */ if (_converse.areDesktopNotificationsEnabled() && _converse.show_chat_state_notifications) { _converse.showChatStateNotification(contact); } }; _converse.handleMessageNotification = function (data) { /* Event handler for the on('message') event. Will call methods * to play sounds and show HTML5 notifications. */ const message = data.stanza; if (!_converse.shouldNotifyOfMessage(message)) { return false; } /** * Triggered when a notification (sound or HTML5 notification) for a new * message has will be made. * @event _converse#messageNotification * @type { XMLElement } * @example _converse.api.listen.on('messageNotification', stanza => { ... }); */ _converse.api.trigger('messageNotification', message); _converse.playSoundNotification(); _converse.showMessageNotification(message); }; _converse.handleContactRequestNotification = function (contact) { if (_converse.areDesktopNotificationsEnabled(true)) { _converse.showContactRequestNotification(contact); } }; _converse.handleFeedback = function (data) { if (_converse.areDesktopNotificationsEnabled(true)) { _converse.showFeedbackNotification(data); } }; _converse.requestPermission = function () { if (_converse.supports_html5_notification && !['denied', 'granted'].includes(Notification.permission)) { // Ask user to enable HTML5 notifications Notification.requestPermission(); } }; _converse.api.listen.on('pluginsInitialized', function () { // We only register event handlers after all plugins are // registered, because other plugins might override some of our // handlers. _converse.api.listen.on('contactRequest', _converse.handleContactRequestNotification); _converse.api.listen.on('contactPresenceChanged', _converse.handleChatStateNotification); _converse.api.listen.on('message', _converse.handleMessageNotification); _converse.api.listen.on('feedback', _converse.handleFeedback); _converse.api.listen.on('connected', _converse.requestPermission); }); } });