import BottomPanel from 'plugins/chatview/bottom_panel.js'; import debounce from 'lodash/debounce'; import tpl_muc_bottom_panel from './templates/muc-bottom-panel.js'; import { __ } from 'i18n'; import { _converse, api, converse } from "@converse/headless/core"; import { getAutoCompleteListItem } from './utils.js'; import { render } from 'lit-html'; const { Strophe, $pres } = converse.env; const COMMAND_TO_AFFILIATION = { 'admin': 'admin', 'ban': 'outcast', 'member': 'member', 'owner': 'owner', 'revoke': 'none' }; const COMMAND_TO_ROLE = { 'deop': 'participant', 'kick': 'none', 'mute': 'visitor', 'op': 'moderator', 'voice': 'participant' }; const u = converse.env.utils; export default class MUCBottomPanel extends BottomPanel { events = { 'click .hide-occupants': 'hideOccupants', 'click .send-button': 'onFormSubmitted', } async connectedCallback () { super.connectedCallback(); this.debouncedRender = debounce(this.render, 100); this.model = _converse.chatboxes.get(this.getAttribute('jid')); this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:composing_spoiler', this.renderMessageForm); await this.model.initialized; this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:hidden_occupants', this.debouncedRender); this.listenTo(this.model.features, 'change:moderated', this.debouncedRender); this.listenTo(this.model.occupants, 'add', this.renderIfOwnOccupant) this.listenTo(this.model.occupants, 'change:role', this.renderIfOwnOccupant); this.listenTo(this.model.session, 'change:connection_status', this.debouncedRender); this.render(); } render () { const entered = this.model.session.get('connection_status') === converse.ROOMSTATUS.ENTERED; const can_edit = entered && !(this.model.features.get('moderated') && this.model.getOwnRole() === 'visitor'); render(tpl_muc_bottom_panel({ can_edit, entered, 'model': this.model }), this); if (entered && can_edit) { this.renderMessageForm(); this.initMentionAutoComplete(); } } renderIfOwnOccupant (o) { (o.get('jid') === _converse.bare_jid) && this.debouncedRender(); } getToolbarOptions () { return Object.assign(super.getToolbarOptions(), { 'is_groupchat': true, 'label_hide_occupants': __('Hide the list of participants'), 'show_occupants_toggle': _converse.visible_toolbar_buttons.toggle_occupants }); } getAutoCompleteList () { return this.model.getAllKnownNicknames().map(nick => ({ 'label': nick, 'value': `@${nick}` })); } initMentionAutoComplete () { this.mention_auto_complete = new _converse.AutoComplete(this, { 'auto_first': true, 'auto_evaluate': false, 'min_chars': api.settings.get('muc_mention_autocomplete_min_chars'), 'match_current_word': true, 'list': () => this.getAutoCompleteList(), 'filter': api.settings.get('muc_mention_autocomplete_filter') == 'contains' ? _converse.FILTER_CONTAINS : _converse.FILTER_STARTSWITH, 'ac_triggers': ['Tab', '@'], 'include_triggers': [], 'item': getAutoCompleteListItem }); this.mention_auto_complete.on('suggestion-box-selectcomplete', () => (this.auto_completing = false)); } /** * Hide the right sidebar containing the chat occupants. * @private * @method _converse.ChatRoomView#hideOccupants */ hideOccupants (ev) { ev?.preventDefault?.(); ev?.stopPropagation?.();{ 'hidden_occupants': true }); _converse.chatboxviews.get(this.getAttribute('jid'))?.scrollDown(); } onKeyDown (ev) { if (this.mention_auto_complete.onKeyDown(ev)) { return; } super.onKeyDown(ev); } onKeyUp (ev) { this.mention_auto_complete.evaluate(ev); super.onKeyUp(ev); } setRole (command, args, required_affiliations = [], required_roles = []) { /* Check that a command to change a groupchat user's role or * affiliation has anough arguments. */ const role = COMMAND_TO_ROLE[command]; if (!role) { throw Error(`ChatRoomView#setRole called with invalid command: ${command}`); } if (!this.model.verifyAffiliations(required_affiliations) || !this.model.verifyRoles(required_roles)) { return false; } if (!this.model.validateRoleOrAffiliationChangeArgs(command, args)) { return false; } const nick_or_jid = this.model.getNickOrJIDFromCommandArgs(args); if (!nick_or_jid) { return false; } const reason = args.split(nick_or_jid, 2)[1].trim(); // We're guaranteed to have an occupant due to getNickOrJIDFromCommandArgs const occupant = this.model.getOccupant(nick_or_jid); this.model.setRole(occupant, role, reason, undefined, this.model.onCommandError.bind(this)); return true; } setAffiliation (command, args, required_affiliations) { const affiliation = COMMAND_TO_AFFILIATION[command]; if (!affiliation) { throw Error(`ChatRoomView#setAffiliation called with invalid command: ${command}`); } if (!this.model.verifyAffiliations(required_affiliations)) { return false; } if (!this.model.validateRoleOrAffiliationChangeArgs(command, args)) { return false; } const nick_or_jid = this.model.getNickOrJIDFromCommandArgs(args); if (!nick_or_jid) { return false; } let jid; const reason = args.split(nick_or_jid, 2)[1].trim(); const occupant = this.model.getOccupant(nick_or_jid); if (occupant) { jid = occupant.get('jid'); } else { if (u.isValidJID(nick_or_jid)) { jid = nick_or_jid; } else { const message = __( "Couldn't find a participant with that nickname. " + 'They might have left the groupchat.' ); this.model.createMessage({ message, 'type': 'error' }); return; } } const attrs = { jid, reason }; if (occupant && api.settings.get('auto_register_muc_nickname')) { attrs['nick'] = occupant.get('nick'); } this.model .setAffiliation(affiliation, [attrs]) .then(() => this.model.occupants.fetchMembers()) .catch(err => this.model.onCommandError(err)); } parseMessageForCommands (text) { if ( api.settings.get('muc_disable_slash_commands') && !Array.isArray(api.settings.get('muc_disable_slash_commands')) ) { return super.parseMessageForCommands(text); } text = text.replace(/^\s*/, ''); const command = (text.match(/^\/([a-zA-Z]*) ?/) || ['']).pop().toLowerCase(); if (!command) { return false; } const args = text.slice(('/' + command).length + 1).trim(); if (!this.model.getAllowedCommands().includes(command)) { return false; } switch (command) { case 'admin': { this.setAffiliation(command, args, ['owner']); break; } case 'ban': { this.setAffiliation(command, args, ['admin', 'owner']); break; } case 'modtools': { const chatview = _converse.chatboxviews.get(this.getAttribute('jid')); chatview.showModeratorToolsModal(args); break; } case 'deop': { // FIXME: /deop only applies to setting a moderators // role to "participant" (which only admin/owner can // do). Moderators can however set non-moderator's role // to participant (e.g. visitor => participant). // Currently we don't distinguish between these two // cases. this.setRole(command, args, ['admin', 'owner']); break; } case 'destroy': { if (!this.model.verifyAffiliations(['owner'])) { break; } const chatview = _converse.chatboxviews.get(this.getAttribute('jid')); chatview.destroy().catch(e => this.model.onCommandError(e)); break; } case 'help': { this.model.set({ 'show_help_messages': true }); break; } case 'kick': { this.setRole(command, args, [], ['moderator']); break; } case 'mute': { this.setRole(command, args, [], ['moderator']); break; } case 'member': { this.setAffiliation(command, args, ['admin', 'owner']); break; } case 'nick': { if (!this.model.verifyRoles(['visitor', 'participant', 'moderator'])) { break; } else if (args.length === 0) { // e.g. Your nickname is "coolguy69" const message = __('Your nickname is "%1$s"', this.model.get('nick')); this.model.createMessage({ message, 'type': 'error' }); } else { const jid = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(this.model.get('jid')); api.send( $pres({ from: _converse.connection.jid, to: `${jid}/${args}`, id: u.getUniqueId() }).tree() ); } break; } case 'owner': this.setAffiliation(command, args, ['owner']); break; case 'op': { this.setRole(command, args, ['admin', 'owner']); break; } case 'register': { if (args.length > 1) { this.model.createMessage({ 'message': __('Error: invalid number of arguments'), 'type': 'error' }); } else { this.model.registerNickname().then(err_msg => { err_msg && this.model.createMessage({ 'message': err_msg, 'type': 'error' }); }); } break; } case 'revoke': { this.setAffiliation(command, args, ['admin', 'owner']); break; } case 'topic': case 'subject': this.model.setSubject(args); break; case 'voice': { this.setRole(command, args, [], ['moderator']); break; } default: return super.parseMessageForCommands(text); } return true; } } api.elements.define('converse-muc-bottom-panel', MUCBottomPanel);